I was very disappointed when the Christian community, its leaders in particular, with a dearth of exceptions, allowed the doors to be closed on American churches during our greatest hour of need. Churches, in the sense of congregation not buildings, sadly have lost their way, having been corrupted by political ideology - and money from the controlling hand of government, as Celia’s scroll shows. Show me a church that hangs a political flag or banner outside its building rather than orofess Jesus’ love and I’ll show you a church serving a master and message different from their reason for being.

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If nothing else the closing of churches should have been a HUGE red flag

The original godless superstar commies left us with lots of sad documentary footage of Russian Orthodox and presumably other churches being demolished

Physical signs of the crushing of religion

Kill the peeps and that other enemy

Kill their souls

But as we know in the 100+ years hence they've gotten MUCH better with the optics. JUST CLOSE THE DOORS. Perhaps repurpose the buildings for trans story hour to destroy the symbolism of the church. It's just an activity center. No need to alarm the peeps with sad scenes of their churches being crushed! Leave the edifice standing but corrupted and crumbled in place.

The COVID operation is THE text book example of mastering the optics. Murder the millions mostly anonymously with people hardly making the connection. And besides, it was voluntary and in pursuit of a righteous cause. No need for the nasty smells of horror show death camps or the spectacle of the starving masses having each other for diner. Just send them home to wake up dead some day soon. Cause unknown. SO much more civilized. And the optics? Hardly anything to see if your not paying attention.

Nope it's all nice, clean, civil and orderly. And if you have pharma stock in your 401 k its a festival

The optics of mass murder has gotten so good we have to pay attention to be viscerally aware it's happening.

The science of mass murder has been made to be less horrifying. And have no doubt. It is a science. In fact some times they even taunt us with "follow the science". Cheeky guys are they not? What would we do without the marketing types to convince us that the cancer sticks are actually sexy? We'd suffer with the knowledge they're trying to murder us. You see, it's all COMPASSIONATE lies. For your own good. Do you want to be told "we're trying to kill you" or would you prefer to just be happy till the end? Like the bovines up the circular slaughterhouse chute. Protected from the sounds and smells of impending fate. Only the tail of your buddy in front to ponder. Nary a worry or a clue till that bolt whacks them in the head. It's merciful.

That's one of the things we get for the billions spent in DARPA and elsewhere putting pins in the brains of rats to see how they respond psychologically

We get much better optics with equal or superior body counts

It's the neutron bomb paradigm. Kill the peeps. Preserve the stuff.

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Spot on .

"Libertine Paternalism" is described in


Fig 1 mid page from the UK Labor party , is the most virulent form of it,at least that I've come across . Not human

From the UK Labour Party’s paper 'Personal Responsibility and Changing Behaviour'

But its worse than that , by far .

Because absolute public acceptability of benevolent despotism has been achieved .

Richard Thaler's porous definitions of 'nudge' are beyond vaxinal .

But Epstein's Edge education makes Anton Levey look kindergarten .

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"Murder the millions mostly anonymously with people hardly making the connection." - Until they do make the connection....

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Hopefully if and when they make the connection they still have enough strength individually or in the aggregate to punch back. A resigned and defeated "you got me" is not a satisfying ending

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Didn’t casinos stay open while churches were closed? That should have told everyone how silly the whole scam was.

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Big box stores could be open but not small mom 'n' pops. That should have proved what was going on also.

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The Christian Reformed Church was a willing propagandist here in Ontario. Ministers told congregations, from the pulpit, the Pope's message that "Covid mRNA vaccines are a gift from God". They enforced the ridiculously useless and unscientific mask and distancing rules. Churches held vaccine clinics indoors for the general public (masked and social-distanced of course) but obeyed the government and cancelled in-person Sunday services, study groups and meetings of its members. I did indeed see a church serving the wrong master. A seriously evil one.

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Imagine how many may have lost their faith because of this!

This is why as a newly-returning Christian, I have not chosen a church community, which is sad. The people in power are hitting us where it really hurts.

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I miss the wonderful church community enjoyed in Denver. Moved back to east coast and just didn’t have the energy to find another then covid.

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I did not lose my faith. Covid showed me that, by God's grace, I had the character to resist, to the uttermost, the most pernicious deception ever foistered on the human race to date.

I lost my family. I lost my PhD. I lost my church. I kept my bus driver job by a miracle I still cannot fathom, and I kept my darling wife who believed me and stood by me (and managed to persuade her Korean family not to take the vax, another miracle; my family is stupid).

It's the fact that the government worshippers are so unrepentant about what they did, who they followed, who they discriminated, that I still cannot get over. I'm ready to forgive them, but they don't know or care what they did.

One day I will preach my feelings on this out of Psalm 74, one of the key texts that got me through this insanity.

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It is very tempting to walk away. We were let down by our spiritual leaders. It was a gut punch for many. A betrayal of sorts. Communities were divided - and still the divisions remain, though we try hard to ignore it. Tiny remnants of duct tape still cling to parish rugs, and the pungent odor of hand sanitizer lingers in the air. We can glance over and view in adjoining pews the righteous parish karens who once officiously herded us in our church building.

But that gut punch also included the call to re-examine why we were there on Sunday. It was to gather and worship the Lord. We claim to love him. For the Christian, we believe where two or three gather in his name he is with us. We understand when we pray together the prayer the Lord left us that we truly must beg the Lord to forgive us our sins as we are to forgive the sins of others. He even went on to say that if we do not forgive the sins of others, we will not be forgiven by our heavenly Father (the scariest words in the bible?).

The spiritual leaders, our local pastors, our karens are mere humans, humans who are fallible and who fall daily - just as each of us do. We must call on the grace of God to lift us up when we prefer sin. And while we imperfect, fallible creatures come together on Sundays, we are not to put our trust in each other, or the pastor in front of us, but in the God who calls us together to worship him. After all, that is what heaven is - all Jesus, all the time - and we gathered together with him who have sought to know him during our lives. This communal worship must begin here.

Worship is vertical, not horizontal - fully focused on God and not one eye glancing at the Lord, the other fixed on the pew or pastor neighbour.

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To date…

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I think that the government officials who signed any authorization to entice/coerce/bribe or, in any other manner, to influence religious officials into encouraging their "flock" to get vaccinated, should be charged with crimes against civil rights.

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The Incorporated Preachers/ Pastors are all 501c3=666 CORPORATE Prostitutes (They are in fact Antichrist's) Any true man of God in Christ, would never and could never be bought.

And there are no heroes or Savior's in the Incorporated church or government.

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Incorporated- formed or united into a whole.

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Back then I thought it was the churches that would put a stop to the madness. I was wrong, for the first time in history, Easter was cancelled. Having an online “service” or at a parking lot with people in cars is not a church service. Yes, mainstream Christianity has been completely undermined by the evil forces. Another example is how the dem party forced the first primary to be South Carolina; they have bought off the black churches there to go preach “vote for Hillary, vote for joe”.

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I found a church (a year after the fact) that stayed open and held Easter service in 2020. They were, of course, the object of hit pieces in the media about *how they didn't care about people*. Unfortunately, the few churches that stayed open were too far away for me to attend regularly.

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Soon as you take money from the monster you are compromised whether you think so or not

If the Mafia comes to you with "let me help you out money" followed by "don't worry you don't have too pay us back right away, ... but if you want you can pay us back later" you should know to say no thank you and run

Same deal with the government. If they come to you with money they want something. Usually your soul for starters

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Not surprising the government paid churches to push the Covid shot. Both the Gov and big churches are corrupt.

The NYC Government was paying people $100 to get the shot and the boosters.

It was easy for poor people, homeless people and drug addicts to finagle their wat to get dozens

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Biblically if I recall the price of betrayal was 30 silver coins

Heard during COVID it got as low as a donut.

I guess the vast reduction in the price of betrayal reflects the economy of scale principle

The covid betrayal was global. Hard to get a bigger scale than that

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501c3 Churches are incorporated, formed and united as a whole, as one with the Head of the Beast system, the UNITED STATES CORPORATE Government.

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And what's worse, people used their children in this way, too. And there were no precautions taken against people abusing this incentive (and actuslly physically abusing themselves and their children in the process).

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The Vatican (literally means Divining Serpent) minted a coin: the formulation 'the young person ready to receiving the vaccine' on the coin is identical to the formulation of the communicant "who is ready to receive the host". In Italian "Pronto a ricevere l'Eucaristia".

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Wow! That reminds me of how the satanic abortion industry has hijacked the phrase Jesus used during the Last Supper – "This is MY body."

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Great post! Thank you for all this.

I have two comments here, and I'll be brief for once:

1) Christians are often manipulated with New Testament quotes referring to a mandate to the first Christians to submit themselves to earthly authorities because God instituted them. So, by extension, Christians should say yes to anything the Politicians say, right? NOT AT ALL! Because many Christian writers, such as Saint Augustine, have explained that when people are good, God gives them a good government, and when people are wicked (and we are wicked) God sends very bad rulers, as punishment. The purpose of punishment is not destruction, but correction. Resisting abuse and evil dictates by corrupt people is actually obeying God. It means we stand corrected. Christians need to oppose evil when it's convenient to do so. Meekness in the face of mass murderers is not a virtue, but meekness in the presence of God is a virtue.

2) It's crazy those random chaos agents keep attacking you, Celia. But that means you are doing right. Don't stop doing what you do now. Don't get distracted. Nothing to win by letting them get to you. Scott, please tell me the board or the forum where this happened, I'm curious about this.

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Roger, you're a blessing to this Substack, and your comments always enrich us. I will ask Scott to send this to the attacker who doesn't know me. This accusation has dogged me ever since we (2022 I think) had a truly psychedelic rumble after one reader accused RFK Jr. of thinking Covid was a botch job as opposed to planned. I made a polite correction, and it resulted in Alison...(what is her last name?) making at least 4 attack videos about me, though I never mentioned her. You want to talk about thin-skinned. I didn't watch them and please don't send them to me, but I understand she said I am a "shitty researcher."

I thought about that.

Big subject: What is "research?" What is investigative "journalism?" What is "writing?"

I think I absorb information through my feet like the elephants. Through the ether. But it requires long train rides and I'm overdue for one.

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Ah... she made videos. Wow! I never knew that. What a dumb day that was. I remember she came into your board, started attacking everyone, and never answered questions. Then she disappeared. What an odd personage!

Probably the first documented case of Kennedy Derrangement Syndrome.

I was told that person is always getting into absurd fights with people better than herself. Like, she was criticizing a victim of the LA fires for something, I don't know what, and the target defended himself quite well.

The universe definitely owes her something, according to her. SAD!

I guess in her worldview a shitty researcher is anyone who doesn't acknowledge her and her superiority about everything, all the time. These people are so self-centered they could never get an infection by any type of germ, a paramecium would only see smoke and mirrors inside, and would die of confusion right away. The progressed Narcissist types are just invincible and boring as a democratic senator.

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No, no, no, Roger, please don't ever be brief!! God has blessed you with wisdom. Don't deprive us of it or feel shy for being a profound messenger.

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HAHA! Thank you, you're too kind.

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On Easter Sunday of 2020, I walked to my parish alongside my adult children who were home due to their respective universities they attended having been closed for a Pan demic. It was a beautiful sunny day, and the spring blossoms were heavy and bright on the trees we walked under.

Everything had been declared closed, including churches, but as we arrived at the church about a mile away from home, it was still shocking to me to find it empty, no one else there and the doors locked.

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Cultural marxism has and will always be the enemy of Christianity, and all that is good. Like sewage it permeated education by misrepresenting itself as dialectic secular humanism, political correctness, and wokism. It was and is in all its fake forms a real religion, originating in the bowels of hell.

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Vaccination is a religion, so it's not farfetched to believe they used a little money to get vaccination to invade places of worship.

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Love your writing and your curious, wandering mind. Thank you, Celia. I learn from everything you write.

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Much to think about, thank you.

Interesting that the Mass readings for today, February 20, are from Mark 8:27-33. It is the passage where Jesus asks his disciples who the people think he is. They reply that the people think he is John the Baptist, Elijah, or a prophet. When Jesus asks them who they (the disciples) think he is, Peter replies, “You are the Christ.” Jesus then tells them that he must suffer, be rejected, and killed - and would rise after three days. Peter, distressed, remonstrates with Jesus who rebukes him saying, “Get behind me Satan. You are thinking not as God does, but as man does.”

The Church, all the followers of Christ, must do the same; that is not to think as man does, but as God does. The Christian faith must be otherworldly, its liturgical worship other worldly. It is a daily struggle to be in the world, but not of the world as we seek to serve God and our fellow man.

Indeed, the faith has been seriously and visibly attacked from within and without. The church response to Covid was a deep wound to the hearts of many, possibly the deepest wound of all - as the church leaders were thinking “as man does.”

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religious institutions are first and foremost SECULAR organizations which rely upon psychological manipulation (e.g., the confessional) to sabotage self-sufficiency and thereby maintain allegiance and extort "contributions". churches are founded on the false premise that accredited intermediaries are necessary to access the divine. the medical "profession" is just another form of religion couched in the intimidating language of an acclaimed pseudoscience. the AMA relies upon the false premise that health cannot exist without access to -- and periodic interventions by (e.g., vaccinations) -- accredited intermediaries. there was a sociopathic professor who held court at the college I attended who used psychological manipulation to instill his warped dogma ("literary artistry is a kind of sophisticated parlor trick that only suckers fall for") in compliant students. the feckless poseurs who adopted and touted his strictures were rewarded with promotions. religious institutions behave in exactly the same manner. it shouldn't come as a surprise that religious intermediaries jumped at the chance to inflict their congregations with another form of psychological manipulation, reinforced by physical constraints, nor, for that matter, that administrators at schools and universities did the same. power corrupts.

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I don't understand why so many people don't get the obvious symbolism of the veil in the temple being torn - now we can all have direct access to God through Christ. A church should be an assemblage of Christ followers, not a corporation.

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I saw a banner outside a church recently reading CLIMATE JUSTICE! Underneath was something about doing your share.

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Thanks for formalizing the notion that I’ve always had in my gut-that covid was anti Christ and one of satan’s most successful attacks on the Church.

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