How They Will Pull It Off, And Make It Seem Like It Is What Actually "Happened:" Kamala Suddenly Became A Genius Of Political Oratory, And Deserves To Be President
But As With A Magic Trick, Or NLP, You Have To Replay The Assaults On Perception, Study The Familiar Pattern, The Predetermined, Nauseating Popular Culture Waves Of Induced Reality
I see the play, suddenly, in full clarity: The 2024 “election,” and how the perception machine will execute the magic trick.
Forget the cherished bedrock we rubes call reality.
We rubes, and I use the word affectionately, thought like this:
”Kamala Harris has no popular support, and was installed in a coup, whereas Donald Trump has enormous support from the working and middle classes. They won’t be able to rig this one. It would be too absurd. Americans would take to the streets…” and so on.
But the Dem Machine always has a…
How they will rig it this time:
Taylor Swift, “geopolitical instrument of statecraft,” (Mike Benz) who was always their Deus, waiting to be sprung at the right moment, paired in fake-craft with the media hailing Kamala’s imaginary “debate” performance (“She Killed It!”) while pushing Trump’s head underwater with the other hand, claiming he utterly tanked and now has no chance to win the election. And THIS lie/op, in turn, sprang from the seed pod of the Biden/Trump “debate” which implanted the idea of a very bad debate performance wiping a candidate off the map of possibility, and essentially deciding the election within an hour, via network propagandists’ hammers.
A President no longer needs a brain, a track record, popular support—nothing at all. They only need the “endorsement” of a huge manufactured pop star. Because: It is through the pop star they (the military deep state manipulators) have generated the “popular support,” because with mass pop music they get to use their favorite mind control toy: Frequencies. Those frequencies override the minds of the young, transforming them into a gigantic hive, which only needs to be turned and aimed toward the selected candidate at the right moment. In this case, when it is claimed that said pop star watched the “debate” and, gosh golly, that did it— she supports Kamala!
Now the cake is baked.
It was planned since at least 2019.
This from the Kennedy Beacon:
"Harris managed to smile and smirk to an audience faced with alarming and exploitative price inflation, needless and expensive wars, record mass illegal immigration, record fentanyl overdoses, escalating chronic disease, collusion between Big Tech and the federal government to censor Americans, the government’s obeisance to Big Pharma, mandatory vaccinations and their imposed damage to health, and an exhausted American electorate who have lost faith in the political and economic establishment and have suffered as victims of its war against the people."
Trump was pathetic, it's true. He did not land any blows because he was already compromised with defending Warp Speed. Only Kennedy would have had the courage and conviction to land those blows effectively. That's why the Machine had to destroy him.
"Look out kid, they keep it all hid"– Bob Dylan
Whatever happens, we need to remember that God can turn things around in a day and that prayers and the words we speak are more powerful than we know. We also need to remember not to view any political candidate as some kind of savior figure. We need to place our hope in our Creator.