
This from the Kennedy Beacon:

"Harris managed to smile and smirk to an audience faced with alarming and exploitative price inflation, needless and expensive wars, record mass illegal immigration, record fentanyl overdoses, escalating chronic disease, collusion between Big Tech and the federal government to censor Americans, the government’s obeisance to Big Pharma, mandatory vaccinations and their imposed damage to health, and an exhausted American electorate who have lost faith in the political and economic establishment and have suffered as victims of its war against the people."

Trump was pathetic, it's true. He did not land any blows because he was already compromised with defending Warp Speed. Only Kennedy would have had the courage and conviction to land those blows effectively. That's why the Machine had to destroy him.

"Look out kid, they keep it all hid"– Bob Dylan

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I would not choose the word Pathetic. Warp speed in my mind was caught between a rock and a hard place. Fauci and Birx suggest the vax and Trump says no? How does that play to the American people? It was a time of mass fomented fear. How could anyone really know.?

He didnt mandate it so buyer beware in my opinion. Many people did not buy it and thus avoided it.

Regardless, Ill take the 4 year track record of Trump over Biden Harris scam

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I think it would have been very easy, VEEEERY EAAAASY, for Trump to say "no, we're not doing this, the virus is bullshit" and start beheading the courtesans.

His people would have supported him right away.

Some of the people who were aware of the China psyop already in December of 19 and all through January and February were saying it was just the flu, or that it was air pollution, or that the GoF thing was a malappropriation of a different concept in microbiology, now sequestered for the psyop on Francis Boyle human rights and bioweapons act infringement.

Trump was in on it from the start. Already in July or August of 2019 he was probably explained what they had planned for this decade, part of which is the restructuring of the debt slavery of all Western nations and the elimination of small competitors in all industries and consolidation of whatever was functional, as well as a plan to allow massive price inflation to happen to release the pressure in the balance sheets.

The other part is the one so very few people have the balls to talk about: mass murder of the disabled, the elderly, and mass sterilization of defective people.

Our time is not the merger of the State and the Corporations. Our time is the merger of Communism and Fascism.

Trump, like any other head of state, is just a stooge.

Yeah, bummer.

But it's the people who have to stop complying. The intoxication of many brains with drugs and environmental toxins is only one thing that holds them back. There is also the resentment at themselves for having been wrong all their lives on vaccines, on the environment, on the FED, on socialism, on capitalism, on war, on Zionist Israel, on Hollywood, on pop culture, on Science, on the new age, on psychiatry, on medicine in general, on safetyism, on education, on terrorism. Most people have fallen for every lie, for every psyop. It's tough to rebel against the system they are part of, when only now they begin to feel the horror of it. They are just newborns, in a sense. Still adjusting to pressure difference.

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Mugs like you and I knew of and saw the Rockefeller Institutes' Prospectus, "SCENARIOS FOR THE FUTURE OF TECHNOLOGY AND INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT" circa 2010.

And all The Events 201 etc. etc.

The "prescient" Rockefeller document that described in speculative (sic.) detail, all the manifestations of COVID PANDEMIC 2020. responses.

The document that was the virtual Operators Manual for every pissant and pirate that was playing their part in the scam.

In the circles and squares that The Don shakes in.. Are we to believe he didn't know "it was on"?

And if I can simplify your description of them "the public" ..who are really the creatures of the mindset that will allow it all to happen again? .. You can't keep fools and cowards from their destiny"

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Kamala Wore Novo Audio Earrings in Debate​ https://www.winterwatch.net/2024/09/kamela-wore-novo-audio-earrings-in-debate/

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Fascinating. And here we have spent four years speculating about nanobots inside the bloodstream, reading your thoughts and reporting them to the 'cloud' using 5g.

Those earrings are definitely not in the nanoscale.

But what do I know.

I only imagine that if the person speaking on the other side was to replace Kamala, most electrolytes consumers would probably go vote and feel a great relief.

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Thumbs up. Please read my comment that I just posted today, September 15, 2024. Thank you very much.

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You've said chapters, nay books in just a few paragraphs. I'm glad that your remarks didn't slip through the cracks of my too busy life.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

Trump deserves no excuses.

Traditionally, people in positions of power and influence (teachers, clergymen) are held to a higher standard of behavior and discernment.

For egregious offenses such as stealing or sexual abuse, excuses are unacceptable.

The most powerful office held in the land and arguably, the world, is no different.

Trump hasn't shown a shred of remorse or regret for the carnage this country suffered because of OWS and his continued "advice" to take "his beautiful vaccine." To the contrary, he's still patting himself on the back for the swift manufacture of the poison jabs.

Nothing, including his "track record", which was dismal, can mitigate the damage he's done.

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Sue, i understand , however it was not the only issue. and he did not mandate it. he was caught between a rock and a hard place. what would you do? But I will not overlook energy independence , a controlled border, no war, no inflation and low gas prices among other things . I think the c 19 was an operation placed on him.

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He didn't have to mandate it. People were so terrified of this "virus" that they were lining up for the test and the shot. The elite, which includes Trump, know that when people fear, they can't think and are easily controlled. Trump is a 33rd degree Freemason. See https://stateofthenation.co/?p=242532 He's also a member of the Colonna Crime Corporation. See


Please vote for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. He's the only one who will save us. The proof of what John F. Kennedy did is in my work, top secret history that the powers-that-be do not want you to know. I had to travel to Argentina to get the truth about why President Kennedy was assassinated.


Arlene Johnson



To access my work, click on the icon that says Magazine.

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hi Arlene. I understand your points and view. I do disagree, I didnt take the shot, my family didn't, and many others did not. I resent Bidens mandating it on the military, pushing good people out, ruining careers etc yet border comers not? . Not mandating it made a huge difference. To say Trump knew the jab would kill people off and purposefully wanted that is unfounded. And Freemason and other shadowy organizations? Who in high political places isn't involved in some elite club or cult, skull and bones, WEF and so on. Mom and Pop farm tractor don't get to step up and into this political forum.

Tulsi is a graduate of Schwabs WEF. It is a matter of what she/he intends to do with it . Id rather a leader who knows the inside workings of this club than some wet behind the ears un aware. And what will be said about RFK and the Kennedys if you go digging?

Hey, its not going to be perfect, it cant be. Trump had 4 years. Ill take another 4 over the insanity i am seeing now. not even a question. TY

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Are you on Trump's side regarding Gaza? I don't want to write anymore than that as I might be wasting my time. So just answer that question please.

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Thumbs up Sue. Please check out my comment that I just posted today, September 15, 2024. Thank you very much.

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What most people don't understand about Trump (and which doesn't help him) is that he's a walking Q post: everything he says is coded message to those who understand it (don't ask me!); that is why he can say really strange things ("there was so much blood!" when there was almost none, drinking bleach for Covid, etc.). I recall at first in his initial campaign and then early presidency when he would call everything "fake news"; people attributed that to his ego and narcissism, but it turned out it was a wake up call, and today we get that everything "they" say IS fake news. And it's gone from there. He's not perfect; he's not Jesus; he's not always likeable, but he's got the best plan for now, especially w/ RFK and Tulsi and probably Elon added to the mix. I guess we'll see one of these days.

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I have met him at his golf course, I can honestly say there is no one I know of who works harder than him. Hes brilliant and the crap that hes not was spread by a corrupt media and a petrified corrupt political system that fears him cleaning house. Remember, his uncle was John Trump a brilliant MIT scientist. People have no idea what DJT knows. What a stupid country should they allow the camel in.

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IMO Trump did a Pontius Pilot on the vaccines. He washed his hands of the decision and deferred to the vaXX "experts". A vaXXine developed in 3 months instead of several years? His kid, Barron, presents as though he might be on the autism spectrum. Seem to me he should have been leery about what's in those shots. And all those lockdowns? Where was the leadership. He may be good at real estate but he was woefully inept at managing the plandemic. And still no remorse. He's probably been advised to steer clear of the topic.

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Trump should be a fucking leader for anyone to support him.

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yes but -- the Dept of Defense runs vaccines & slaps on brand names. it's our own tax dollars at work -- we're skinned before we're fleeced before we're sacrificed.

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Trump played the mainchance on the Scamdemic and he is playing the mainchance on the presidency.

Trouble is the mainchance is playing in Harris' ear via Jamie Ratskin.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

The "smiling and smirking" inappropriately is seen in Psychopaths. Not saying that Kamala is absolutely a Psychopath (though Obama is)....but she is a Communist at the least. So was her father. Same goes for a number of high-ranking Democrats.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14

I think her Attorney General days satisfactorily demonstrated Commula's psychopath pedigree. And here I thought meritocracy had eluded her. Not so. She's earned her positions on the strength of her (psychopathic) character :- )

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Kennedy is no better than Trump or Kamala.

JFKJR: "I have always been fiercely pro-vaccine".

And this (caps mine): " I don't think that we ought to be mandating medical interventions for UNWILLING Americans UNLESS we know precisely that that VACCINE is going to end up helping people rather than hurting them".

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Have been is a tricky phrase. Does it mean was or still is/am?

Like a clever politician he is deftly playing both sides of the fence.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

But isn't that the new normal?

Robert Malone tells a young audience that he believes many of them are waking up to the evils of Surveillance Capitalism. Good overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-cV5WUuyB4

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It's a pity that the Limited Hangout Malone, won't wake up his demographic to the reality of the nonexistence of viruses.

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Right. Malone is Comfortably, not uncomfortable Honest. Peter McCullough is a member of the CH Clun too.

Pierre Kory poopoos the Bryan Ardis' and the AGES gang's mention of reptilian neurotoxins.

Ryan Cole denied the presence of graphene oxide in the vaXXXes.

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Whatever happens, we need to remember that God can turn things around in a day and that prayers and the words we speak are more powerful than we know. We also need to remember not to view any political candidate as some kind of savior figure. We need to place our hope in our Creator.

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And our creator expects us as individuals to stand up for the truth. He expects some personal backbone.

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Not that I disagree with you however I believe the only way there will be true Devine intervention of the horrible things happening here on earth will the coming of Christ. Prayer does work but only so much and the rest is up to the free will of people. I’m no longer very hopeful of the majority of people these days. I just hold on to faith and know this won’t last forever.

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Still believing in Bobby KennedyJr 🇺🇸 and Divine Intervention 🙏🇺🇸

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If we think that one debate and a POP-TART is going to put a WITCH in the White House, then we have lost before this thing BACKFIRES. Don't allow yourself to be double minded and swayed by every scheme of the enemy. There will be many unexpected plot twists in the months ahead and God sits in the heavens and LAUGHS!

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

Right! "Double-minded and swayed by every scheme of the enemy" is so very much on display in too many comments across the substack sphere. I am especially struck by the quickness of some to critique DJT's debate performance, the comments are really obtuse and hopeless. And watching Megyn Kelly with an EVargas discussion of Trump, EV incorrectly states that DJT didn't mention until the end about how Biden/Harris had 3+yrs to fix the border - hello? The man stated very clearly, one of the viral video moments, "wake Joe out of bed at 4 p.m." and sign a bill/EO, to close the border. Gen Z and others needed him to "Take the Bait" re: Charlottesville, bloodbath, abortion, and even the rallies and answer, yes, in defense. And oh oh, he "was angry", really? Did you watch the debate? He started out quite retiring for about 15-20 minutes, and even to the end, he kept his cool while being hit with relentless lies. My very liberal Gen Z people were actually quite impressed by Trump in the debate. He reached many. A vicious relentless hyena doesn't land except with those who vibe with it....if America chooses this, then so be it. Armchair critiquing by 99% who couldn't hope to stand up in a national presidential debate for 90 minutes in such conditions is really quite pathetic. Get a spine and brain, and heart people.

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And then , when actually confronted by political danger , cancel and go home again : The thwarted terrorist attack on a Taylor Swift Eras Tour concert in Vienna was intended “to kill a huge number, tens of thousands of people,” including Americans, according to the deputy director of the CIA.

At the annual Intelligence Summit just outside Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, David S. Cohen shared an update on the investigation into the planned terrorist plot earlier this month, which resulted in the pop star canceling all her shows in Austria’s capital.

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What would this op have achieved, I wonder.

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More Stockholm Syndrome I should imagine.

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Thanks .. I knew god was a facetious bastard

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If the American electorate falls for this ruse, we deserve the hideous consequences of totalitarianism.

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The rest of us will have to take off for Mars.

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Space is another hoax. Sorry to break it to you - it ain't real.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

Hah! I commented on another Substack yesterday that Taylor Swift is now playing her main role....part of the long-term Psychological Operation to undermine American society.

You just know that any mass-influencer, who grabs minds -- from the Beatles to Princess Diana to Pierre Troodo -- is working the same way. They may or may not start out doing this, but they can certainly be used along the way by the powers behind the curtain. Several of them have quite enjoyed it, I imagine. There are indeed rewards to the takers. There are also downfalls.

Taylor Swift is the star of what could have been volume two of David McGowan's Laurel Canyon book. The shady movers and shakers haven't finished with that trick yet. All they need to do to determine their next human tool is to follow the ticket sales.

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Exactly, A.

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I saw the same trick being used in Canada by the Kielburger brothers (Craig had been the first "child saint" against poverty, manufactured by WEF in the 90s prior to Greta). They had a non-profit organization established, after they paid a minor fortune for elite educations for themselves.

This non-profit had as an activity the staging of pop music shows for schoolchildren, across the country. Don't ask me what the relationship with poverty was meant to have been. Tens of thousands of children were bussed to local auditoriums to watch these shows as supposed treats for good behaviour (teachers were paid to ensure full buses).

Who were the performers? Justin Troodo's mother Margaret, his wife Sophie, his brother, and the Kielburgers. With piped-in music and political slogans everywhere about the wonders of Troodo's political party. In other words, the whole show was about subliminal messages to vote Liberal. To children would then be indoctrinated with this idea, subconsciously.

The Kielburgers were amassing a Toronto property fortune in the meantime. Their organization fell when too many members of the public vehemently questioned the enormous grant they received from the Troodo government.

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“If no one has dirt on you, you don’t get ahead….”

Kirby Sommers

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taylor swift is an entertainment-industrial complex creation. signed at age 19 so that the record label lawyer could be her proxy. a tool of the machine since day one

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"Taylor Swift is an entertainment-industrial complex creation. "

Yes, she is. There have been several out there capturing minds since the 60s.

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"She's" also a he:).

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I am losing track of what gender anyone is supposed to be on any given day!

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What do you think made me identify as a paper bag?

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Really.. Does he have a girlfriend ..or is he queer?

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Some males go trans so they can hook up with lesbians, or so I've heard.

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Stone me! I thought they did it for the shoes and handbags. ;-)

Either way .. "Sexual-identity" is a type of mental illness.

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But is there really 'support' for Taylor Swift I wonder. Seems to me that's also manufactured.

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It's mostly manufactured. Almost everything in our current culture is.

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Im at the stage where, and sorry to say, if this is allowed to happen again, this country deserves to fall to marxism, communism , totalitarianism, stupidity'ism and all of the above. When the President doesn't matter? , as what we are living right now, then its full tilt Pro Wrestling all the way.

It just all fake and the lib fools who will be promised free goodies will be happy enough.

If the voter has no power, no say, no sway , then this country is 100% over. If the traitorous mockingbird media has perfected its message and method, this country is over 100%

Klaus the louse Schwab has promised this. He said it will happen, like it or not

To tell people to see, The Killing fields movie , Pol Pots execution of Communism to the tune of 2 million killed, is just advice from a rube. Evidently thats me

Is this Country really this stupid, or brainwashed or mesmerized by celebrity ?

Im not giving up.

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I vacillate between believing people are stupid and that they are just duped. Very smart people can be duped. We do live in the Truman show. You can see as some things get revealed, the majority of the population is unequipped to handle it.

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Thanks real Mary/ there is a difference between being educated, and being smart. I know many very educated people who are not smart, they are trained. They believe they read smart news for smart people, yet never heard of building 7 when speaking of 9/11

What I am most alarmed about is I cannot see a result in this presidential "placement " come November that will be accepted by either side. How does that scenario play?

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Yeah I agree with you. Lots of trained folks. As far as pres. placement, people will accept it after a few temper tantrums, just as they did in 2020 and 2016.

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I believe most everything in places of high power are run by blackmail, coercion and pedo

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Pedophilia is a type of Psychopathy.

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Pedophilia is a career move for these parasites.

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Absolutely. The most psychopathic rise to the top.

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Very few people know about Psychopathy and the Cluster-B disorders inherent in the puppetmasters behind the scenes.

Very few people understand that brainwashing is real. Or how it takes place. Not at all what they think. Schools do not cover this, and the media purposely mis-represents it.

So the average person has to do the work of finding-out themselves. A small percentage of the population will do this readily. The remainder will not.

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I come from a Cluster B family (not unusual) & started exploring and studying it 20 years ago, so that might be why I recognize the overall tactics. Some of my fam is finally starting to see it (well, the codependents - lol). The narcs never will, of course...

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

The celebrity game has been one important facet of the brainwashing program. In America, it focuses on the entertainers. In Britain, it focuses on Royalty.

It's easy to move minds, when you know how. And they do. But you can put up defences.

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Yes, thankfully, I've not often been taken in by worshipping idols, which it basically is. The thing God told us not to do... so even when I was an atheist, I adhered to that bit of wisdom. It's based in reason.

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I think that the admonition not to worship idols, and to forgive those who do you wrong, is more about God warning us how reality operates, as opposed to being told about virtues for the sake of being good.

These are not so much "goodness rules" as they are Psychological rules.

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Absolutely... it's just the way things should be. After studying psychology for years, I do find that God was probably the ultimate psychologist. He makes the ones practicing now look like garbage.

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The red / blue construct is a mind virus. Don’t waste your energy on it other than to point out it’s ALL fake & to laugh.

Here’s a quote that I hadn’t heard before regarding the 2 party political system that Crrow777 cited in a recent podcast

The Ultimate Bankster Quote – from a former Governor of the Bank of England (1920 – 1944)

“Capital must protect itself in every possible way, both by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.

“When, through process of law, the common people lose their homes, they will become more docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of the government applied by a central power of wealth under leading financiers.

“These truths are well known among our principal men, who are now engaged in forming an imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voter through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance.

“It is thus, by discrete action, we can secure for ourselves that which has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished.”

Montagu Norman, Governor of The Bank Of England, addressing the United States Bankers’ Association, NYC 1924

NB: This quotation was reprinted in the Idaho Leader, USA, on 26th August 1924, and has been read into the Australian Federal Hansard twice: by John Evans MP, in 1926, and by MD Cowan MP, in the session of 1930-31.

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Hard to put a ‘like’ on that quote !

But thanks, I certainly like having it on hand for those who have no idea what we are up against.

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American presidential politics are pretty easy to understand. The establishment (i.e. the main-stream media, the politicos, the capitalists wealth extracting class, etc.) have to make it look like the corporate run "duopoly" party actually has differences. On a deep level, despite the superficial squabbles, they don't. The "two sides of the same corporate capitalist coin" party all agree that the richest (the 1%) must get richer off the backs of the working class and that working class must get poorer. (How long has the federal minimum wage been stuck at $7.25 an hour? Something like 15 years now.)

Having said that, Trump is a loose cannon unhinged and rolling around on the ship of state. The U.S. establishment won't allow him to be elected (remember that botched assassination attempt in Pennsylvania?) because he is indifferent to America's foreign wars and has said he would end the Ukraine-Russia war. The establishment won't allow that. Russia is an economic ally of China supplying China with much of China's greatly needed natural resources. Russia and China are the main economic engine of the BRIC economic alliance which is severally threatening the hegemony of the United States and her G-8 allies. The main foreign policy, geo-political imperative of the U.S. establishment in the 21st century is to undermine the BRIC trade bloc. The ultimate goal of the U.S. establishment regarding Russia is to break it up as a coherent nation and thereby undermine the BRIC trade bloc. Trump's indifference to the Ukraine war (really a proxy war of the U.S. against Russia directly and China indirectly) will keep him out of a second term.

So meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. We won't get fooled again. (But we always do, don't we.)

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Unless he has an arsenal of the goods on others and is waiting to unload it.

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I used to care more but it feels too late now. Maybe not.

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Hope is the last thing to go. ☺️

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This is why she had twinkling eyes and a perennial smirk as she gaslit us with word salads. She was having too much fun while we were being deliberately schmoozed by her act. This gal knew the patience of waiting for the longterm prize.

And I still believe that Joe has been compos mentis; he could be the ultimate gaslighter. His exchange with the man a few days ago about the Trump hat was revealing. If he has had dementia or Alzheimer’s for the last four years it is likely it would have progressed much more rapidly. He would not have been able to banter with the man as he did.

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So do not worry about the American "DEEP STATE" in fully fledged BRAINWASHING-MODE - JESUS taught us all: "BY THEIR FRUITS YOU SHALL KNOW THEM" - and the Democrats & Lady KAMALA HARRIS have had three & a half year inside the White House to produce that total CHAOS, crumbling AMERICA & the failing west has descended into TODAY, with CRIMINALITY, LIES, DRUGS & WARS ALL OVER . . . !

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None of this matters, Celia.

We've been psyop'd six ways to Sunday and it continues.

At this point, most of us should realize that the "election" is completely theater. The "winner" has been pre-determined.

If anyone believes that the American people can get some relief from the insanity imposed on us for the last 4 years through the "election", they're in for a nasty shock.

The globalists are distracting us from the very real upcoming vote (9/22) at the UN. Briefly, the world's nations are going to vote on giving the UN supreme power by ceding all national sovereignty to it.

This includes the US, of course. Feel free to express your outrage to our Congress and UN officials.

As with the "election", the fix is in. This is the beginning of the installation of the one world government. Up next, CBDC, digital IDs, more pandemics & jabs will solidify the "New World Order."

It's not over, though. If most Americans and the rest of the world clearly see the reality of what's going on, we still have a chance to stop our fast track into a dystopian future. The reality is We The People are responsible for saving ourselves.

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i’m not a fan of meryl but this is a step in the right direction (if the house also passes it): https://merylnass.substack.com/p/us-house-passes-bill-to-require-senate

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What is "Frequencies"? (Intentional plurality mismatch.) Do you mean HDTV brain wave control?

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The way they get millions of people to go mad from pop, rock, hip hop. Mass trance frequencies.

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Celia you observe and write with a clearer lens than virtually anyone else, thank you.

That said, everything, including us, is frequencies and vibrations.

Not atoms, actually, which is an (inadequate) Einsteinian attempt to explain life, death, time and space, etc.

And so, it is not possible to predict the future.

It is easier to manifest it, although we should be careful what we wish for.

Understandably we are all brainwashed and traumatised, addicted and conditioned to imagine that our existence is limited to the physical realm.

The physical realm is not a reliable lens.

The most reliable lens is the soul. The vibrations of the soul.

All is well; even when we are convinced to the contrary.

Love and gratitude,

Alan x

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Thank you Alan. I slipped up, I know. I didn't mean the headline literally but should have been more careful. I don't like predicting tone but sometimes I do it because I lack the discipline not to. Kamala propaganda is new levels of depressing. Most of the time, I look away.

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Anthropologists have been recording this kind of result for ages, in more primitive cultures where chronic rituals with drumming/swaying/wild dancing/chanting/mindless singing/flashing lights are used. Interrupts the brain rhythms, just as epilepsy does.

Then, the 1960s came along in the West.... Where they often added illegal drugs to the mix.

North Korean Reverend Moon introduced these rhythm disturbances as the original mover and shaker of the 1970s Cult Movement in America. He learned his brainwashing trade at the POW camps in the Korean war.

Brainwashing has many possible methods, folks.

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it's the latest thing that's been around for years.

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Liszt and Wagner in the 1840s decade.

Though Liszt was in Paris, but by the time of the Revolution of 1848, he went to Weimar.


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MSNBC spent about twenty minutes hyping Swift’s endorsement of Harris, under a “Breaking News” chyron.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

And, blah, blah, blah. We've known all along they're going to cheat because they have to. They have to create the perception of Harris as viable to their cognitively dissonant voters who will accept any level of hypocrisy or lies because they will deny both -- that's how cult members behave. Those that are not cult members are the only ones that matter, so the teeny-boppers (no matter how many years they've lived) who are swayed by Taylor Swift are the most manipulable and vulnerable and primed for cult membership already. If that 400-500% is true, beyond specific counties or states, then we are a more zombified populace than I already thought, but I'm pretty sure it's an absurd headline to peddle another narrative for the cult members.

We still have nearly two months, which is an eternity, and could there be more than a tiny sliver of the undecided and unindoctrinated between these two, or between voting and not voting, based on that so-called debate? The media machinery must have the perception of at least a very close race for their crimes to be believable and that Harris will, like Biden, magically pull off all the important battleground states needed to win even if she isn't leading in most polls come election time. Remember, HIllary & Biden both were "polling" solidly ahead of Trump at election time with some phony polls giving them double digit leads in battleground states so if the best they (the lousy pollsters) can do for Harris is a very narrow lead in only some of those states then the reality is likely a very sound Trump lead which can only be overcome in certain states via fraud. If it's too obvious, as with 2020 with stopping of counts, there definitely will be greater immediate outrage this time around. However, I suspect we might be held in limbo for weeks with ridiculous extension of the vote counts in a few states, just like 2020, in order to avoid the immediacy that would rally more people.

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Spot on Bradley

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I listened to Matthew Crawford on Courtney Turner and Hvorje Moric’s podcasts this week. He posits some interesting potential connections between Harris’s mother and Tavistock, Theosophy, and even what happened with the Rajneesh cult.

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The three are great communicators.

Courtenay is a great interviewer: she lets people speak and then makes challenging questions to them.

I discovered Hrvoje only recently. None says his name because it's so difficult, LOL. I looked it up. It's supposed to mean "Croat" or "Croatian". The h and the r go together, as the "cr" in "crate" but the "c" is an "h". The "voje" part sounds probably like "vo" in "vote" and "je" is like the sh in "cashier".

About Osho. Many years ago I was interested in yoga, the mental part. A friend was trying to get me into his "soto" zen group. He mentioned Osho. I went to investigate. I couldn't believe how obviously fraudulent that guy was, and I couldn't understand why people are so desperate to follow a guru. Then I abandoned most of my curiosity about eastern stuff. The western ideas are superior. And then I started following politics, and I couldn't believe I was seeing the same pattern. A lot of people like to follow an obviously corrupt leader. I realized it enables them to abuse other people, and the people being abused kinda like it. I hate politics so much.

Gurus like Osho create a nice playground for sadists to practice what they are afraid to practice in real life. The masochists also like to be practiced on, and in real life they have to play a character they don't like to play, a person with dignity and self-respect. So they all have a good time corrupting each other, and the guru earns money and power.

Western religiosity emphasizes poverty and humility for a very good reason. Also, monotheism has the virtue of making people skeptic of godlings and aspirants to savior. Too much monotheism and people become Marxists atheists. That's because love of intellectual things tends to create loveless people. Atheism is the most obvious expression of the inability to love.

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Roger--Write about Osho for TTB! 900 words.

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Celia, I've sent you an email now.

Took me too long!

Please, let me know if you can see the document.

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