All the filthy money funneled through Hunter to his vile old man was even worse than his drug addiction and corrupt associations. These connections endangered the entire world and are documented evidence of funding for bioweapon labs and corrupt energy deals.

No wonder Creeper and Senile Joe, freaked out when Trump brought up Hunter's hidden crimes during the debates. But for 4 years, and through two AGs (Sessions and Barr) nothing was ever done about it.

Trump just lacked the skill-set to enforce the laws. He was more of a corporate cheerleader than the "Chief Executive" of law enforcement.

A Republic has to function under the authority of its laws. But the US is not a Republic anymore. It is a autocratic parasitic corporation that just sweeps blood and corruption under the rug and goes on until it destroys itself. That is what we are seeing now.

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Agreed, according to the legitimate laws. Unfortunately, what is legitimate increasingly becomes questionable by the legalism artists themselves. There is no longer any prudence related to law-making, to judging the laws, or to rulings on those judgments. IOW, law has been reduced to just another global self-mockery by all immediately concerned with it.

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Yes. This is increasing now but actually a very old process of corruption called "Jesuitisms" a term still a part of our English language, but rarely used or described these days.

Dictionaries refer to this as a noun:

the system, principles, or practices of the Jesuits.

(often lowercase) a principle or practice, as casuistry, equivocation, or craft, ascribed to the Jesuits by their opponents. Situational "ethics" as applied.

Jesuitism is a label given to particular casuistic approach to moral questions and problems often described by the adjective jesuitical, so called because it was promoted by some Jesuits of the 17th century rather than being the beliefs of the Society of Jesus as a religious order.

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It is a long read and worth every word of it: Out of Revolution, by Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy; it is a history of Vatican Jurisprudence, and all the major Western revolutions that history has evoked/provoked/instigated. It is the very best history of Western Jurisprudence I have come across to date; yet, I admit, I am not a historian of Jurisprudence.

I study political/economic/social/religious consciousnesses; there are several of these already global scaled. Yet, as the Zen artists & poets continue teaching since Gautama introduced the study, Zen is the collection of the arts of all art - the study begins, alas, as the Delphic Oracle taught Socrates: religion is the death of all gods; knowing ourselves enables us to distinguish between truth and nonsense, between science and scientism, between history and fable, etc.

Today's celebrities show us the crudest forms of fable creation: it is always a way achieving self-promotion. I was horrified to learn of myself that when I wrote out my war stories, alas, upon review: guess who was the hero of every mutiny, every successful exploit, etc. Thus, my refusal to publish any of them. Self-promo is among the very most vulgar of sports, as the BHO, the donald and the joe have taught us of late.

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Thanks. Some good points and references, and I have heard of "Out of Revolution" but never studied it enough, though I have heard it quoted frequently.

I do hope that your war stories are not held back by being too critical of yourself though. because that might deny us some great things in your stories of value.

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Thank you; am working on removing that; it is a lesson in self-study, editing for clarity, simplicity, and simple truths. We all need this type of study if we want to write for any audience. Thus, my study of the Zen teachers. Anyone who calls zen a religion knows nothing about zen. Remember the Tao te Ching: The Tao that can be named is not the real tao. The Chinese imported the latter text into the already existing teaching traditions of Zen. Not one of the great teachers ever mentions zen as any religion. In fact, religion is seen, among other inheritances, (economics, politics, technologies, etc.) as a bundle of obstacles to achieving a zen grasp of reality.

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I think getting back to what we both observed initially with the FALL of the US government, is the dilemma we face here---and around the world. People are shell-shocked between fear of an imaginary viral plague. economic collapse and a coup, created by election fraud. The sources they trusted, being the media have failed them and led them into this peril.

I suppose that I am asking for answers and considering options here that involve realizations, that we see, but the public seems dazed about like deer in the headlights.

How can we help them?

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So frustrating that nothing will come from this. High level politicians and their families always walk.

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The plot thickens. Yet a great number of people still walk around with eyes wide shut. And some still believe that the Hunter laptop fiasco is Russian misinformation. After all they never heard it reported on TV.

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It remains unclear to me why the GOPers stretch, bend, dilute, lie about, whatever they choose, with facts. This article here is another one, demonstrating that crap festival is unnecessary for telling some of the truth.

How can it not go viral? Where's the GOP when we need them to be responsible? For God's sake, Biden gives them plenty of reminders of Watergate: it is not the crime that is so obnoxious; it is the cover-ups. Perhaps the GOPers know their own cover-ups come next?

Meanwhile, Ds continue reducing the January 6, 2021, rioting to 'prime time' propaganda rioting. The good news here is that so few are watching.

So Ds count upon rotten GOP juris-absent-prudence to bail the Ds from their own ethical, political, moral, economistic, environmental and spiritual squalor!

What is really sad is that neither of the two factions of the bipartisan-consensus-global-regime-change-forever-4-everyone-festivals continue getting re-elected for more of the same crapola festivals as if we can never have enough of them.

Meanwhile, the billionaires/wannabes continue killing us not-so-softly with their loving worship of wealth grubbing, corruption-distributing, -- whatever hedonism they can concoct.

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The awareness of this criminality has been there for some time via George Webb, so the shock value is not as high with me on this. What makes me feel insane is how many people can turn away from the truth of it, and keep pretending. Is this what a media culture does to us? We really cannot tell what is real or not?

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Do you think anything will come of it?

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I do too.

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