
by Matthew Ehret

Like Father, Like Son: How the Trudeaus Manufacture Crises to Justify “Emergency Measures”



Ottawa Freedom Convoy Tears Down Illusion of Democracy in North America


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It's become clear to me that Justin Trudeau thinks that he owns Canada and owns Canadians.

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Trudeau is brainwashed by the WEF Young Global Leaders program. He has been damaged.

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He needs to be damaged 🤔

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I cannot agree with violence. I believe all Young Global Leaders require help.

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that was amazing!

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I like it too. It's very haunting. or something.

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the illustrations were amazing...the lyrics and music...a little gem from such an unexpected place!

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Just listened to earlier on Yourube ala system recommendation - surprisingly decent - the guitar playing also.. had me wondering what? it may not be him but were it, when I think about it - he riffs - his flow and access to his repository of information is fluid - he'd be a natural on any instrument if he took it beyond the math .

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He's played in his own band before - not sure what instrument. He's got the lyrics, like Leonard Cohen.

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Haunting. If only Trudeau had a conscience.

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Just happened to read your bio for some reason - I would be keen to know when or if, you do decide to publish something on substack as I'm willing to bet you've developed an appreciable understanding of how far down, does go the bottom.

Links to elsewhere, please reply here..

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Thanks Lumpy...much appreciated and stay tuned. God Bless!

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How far? This is one of many cul-de-sacs down the rabbit hole. Sorry about the closed links - I'll reconnect them one day. https://www.omsj.org/corruption/hiv-africa-connecting-the-dots

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i've had a cursory peek - mining - false virtue , ore or diamonds.. Soros ? These he calls 'friends.'

thx 😎🍺

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either its not yet developed or utterly evil - both are unacceptable.

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I recommend using headphones.

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If "Ukraine" should launch a massive attack against the breakaway eastern republics, Putin need not be drawn into an occupation of the entire "country" which is the last thing he wishes to do. He could simply use his advanced military technology to knock out any Ukrainian air power assisting the invasion as well as knock out any artillery or missile strikes originating on either side of the current cease fire line. He could also knock out any armor invading the republics. All done from Russian territory with no Russian boots on the ground. Without these advantages, the republics' militias should be adequate to handily repel any invasion.

I see the primary motivations for this tempest in a teapot as follows:

Kill the Nordstream 2 gas line from going on-line with a probability of cutting off all Russian gas supplies to Europe. With the fighting going active, Russia would probably shut down all gas transit still going through Ukraine.

Prohibit Russian use of the SWIFT banking transactions.

Break the growing economic ties between Russia and Europe with Germany particularly in mind.

Double the current absurd price of oil and natural gas in the West. In order to "build back better" the Davos crowd must first destroy western economies and finish off destroying the middle classes which the flagging scandemic has already done to a considerable degree. One should also realize that the major Wall Street banks have huge investments in shale oil and gas which had been losing value up until the recent giant price increases. (Another primary purpose of the "shale revolution" is to poison the aquifers in the USA and thus aid depopulation and illness.)

Western economies are in the final stages of collapse in their debt based financial system. While the 2008 GFC operation announced the actual demise of the system, it has been propped up by huge debt creation of the central banks with the Fed as the leader, which is still pumping in well over a hundred billion dollars a month (on their public books). This does not include their private, off-balance sheet books and their trillion dollar reverse repo operation. When our Overlords feel that this operation is complete, they will discontinue this pump operation which will result in a flash crash of the debt (bond) market, marked by very large and continuous daily increase in the US Treasury's 10 year note yield, as well as its derivative stock market collapse. The fake wealth will not go to money heaven, but rather to the 0.001% who will have shorted everything and will buy up everything for pennies on the dollar. It will result in the deaths of tens of millions within months. We are now in a crack-up boom which requires increasing debt creation to grow exponentially. With the narrow defeat of Brandon's "build back better" bill in the Senate, a giant arms race "emergency" is a wonderful way to get the Fed to issue more funny money to the feral government and delay the collapse (for the moment).

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Pretty cool

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As Michael Malice likes to say, ' Your Welcome' - still won't quote him ;-)


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Definitely has that early Floyd sound where Syd Barrett was truly a shining crazy diamond

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Thank you and God Bless Celia! You, Jon Rappoport and Steve Kirsch - to name a few I follow - are doing incredible work!

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We have the Shrub's infamous quote, "The hate us for our freedom." Now the "they" has switched from al Qaeda (al CIAda) to Fidelito and Christia Slaveland.

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Amazing composition! I had to pick up my guitar and look for David Gilmours licks to sweeten the darkness this track creates.

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Do you know anything about the imagery? Did Peterson do all of it?

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