It’s not that the writer of that script was a prophet so much as he was a student of history and the damage done by the sole propagation of germ theory. He/she also had an understanding that humans are superstitious and when frightened will commit heinous acts justified by “safety.”

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This reminded me of a talk given by Dr. Richard Day, an obvious insider, in 1969, secretly taped and later transcribed much later, around 1991-2 by a guy named Dunegan, who was there. If you want "prescient," here it is. No direct mention of vaccines, but doctors will be delivering "lethal injections" and landscape would be littered with new diseases. Much more here. Much of what we see in society right now was "predicted" in this lecture:


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A classic. Here are the audios: https://drrichardday.wordpress.com/audio/

Serendipity made me listen to part of it -- for the very first time -- in the early afternoon of July 4, 2020 -- being utterly unaware of these tapes before that day. Then, while I was about 40 minutes into it, Trump's Air Force planes -- in commemoration of Independence Day -- as seen from the view of my living room window, flew nearly directly over my apartment building in Washington Heights -- straddling the Hudson River, then flying over the George Washington Bridge (just to the south of me) -- on their way to Philly and then to DC -- having started in Boston (the triangle B1 bomber was the loudest and vibrated my building and ears). (BTW, the Hudson River, once a month, serves as a 'traffic lane' for National Guard training exercises for low-flying Army attack helicopters and the Navy's V-22 Osprey planes).

And it was the humidity of that day that made that audio recording more alluring. Sitting there in my living room. I let his words and cadence put me into a light trance. I turned away from the laptop screen, turned on the floor fan and stared at the ceiling, stared at the art on my wall, stared at the patterns the hazy sun was burning into the thin drapes on my window. Feeling the sauna-like humidity of the room. Back and forth my eyes slowly moved about, drinking in his words, hands behind my head, sitting in the arm chair, staring, feeling. The loud hum of the fan. The analog world had fully returned, I was transported there through his words. It was 1969 and I was a fly on the wall watching him record his testimony into the mic...

I then went outside and took a long walk -- over the GWB to 'Fort Lee Historic Park' in Fort Lee, NJ -- right there near the south side of the bridge. Cooler there than in the city -- almost like being in the country. A lush green canopy of leaves covering the Palisades cliffs -- and you float & hover over it -- like a red-tailed hawk -- when you're on the bridge span there -- looking down upon it all: America's rain forrest. The Jet Skiers at the dock below drinking Budweisers out of aluminum cans. Big plastic coolers, with wheels...

While on the walk back to Washington Heights over the GWB from 'Fort Lee Historic Park' -- before getting out of the park, I came upon two spotted fawns with their mother -- all three as calm in my presence as they would be with Adam & Eve in the Garden.

"The sun is setting. I feel this river flowing through me -- its past, its ancient soil, the changing climate. The hills gently girdle it about: its course is fixed." -- Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer

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"America is the very incarnation of doom. She will drag the whole world down into the bottomless pit." Tropic of Cancer - the book that even after nine decades, keeps on giving.

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All war gamed-out decades and decades ago. So-called fast-acting 'contagions' 'require' so-called fast-deployable 'countermeasures': so-called quarantining (to hopefully 'stop the spread' of the so-called 'contagion') and so-called vaccines (to hopefully 'stop the spread' of the so-called 'contagion').

Shortly after WW2, it was posited that an 'enemy' (Soviet Union) could potentially 'launch' a 'contagion' upon the peoples of America on American soil. So, in the 1950s, a rule was made to exempt 'vaccines' from the rigor of a full double-blind full placebo-controlled clinic trail that drugs are subjected to -- in order to reduce the time needed to get the 'countermeasure' into the arms of the public. The assumption was the 'contagion' would be fast-acting.

The term 'Biologic' -- separate from the term 'Drug' -- was created to denote this looser clinical trail standard -- the path for wartime 'countermeasures' development & deployment. 'Vaccines' were then classified as 'Biologics'.

Fast forward to 1979, fast forward to all the Hollywood socializing since '79, fast forward to October 2019, fast forward to December 2020...

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According to Reiner Füllmich’s opening remarks to the World Criminal Court’s Investigation into the Plandemic, Klaus Schwab created the WEF in 1971 when he was 33 years old. Is it possible that he instigated this plot as predictive programing?


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Can't you just imagine the mediocre minds of Gates and Schwab at one of their Davos weeks, watching this 1979 movie together and saying to each other, "Yeah, that's the way to do it!"

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Art as dystopia’s progenitor rather than its prophylaxis.

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Germ Theory means War Mentality means Assault on the Advocates of Terrain Theory, who are cast by the Demagogues in the role of Pacifists undermining the war effort.

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This shows these ideas are not new. The evil (stupidity?) in humanity is unconscionable.

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Written by K. Schwab?

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Holy crystal ball Batman!

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"I Have No Idea How To Explain This Clip." Neither do we.

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just like Invasion of the Body Snatchers

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That could never happen here.

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Wow. Just wow.

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Little changes with men.

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I don’t know what was more disturbing aside from the obvious, the naked vaccination or the snacking wiener scene

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That being said I did my chef apprenticeship in Germany and this movie would have been an A-lister

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