Love Derek Prince. Celia - how do you manage to post SO many seemingly disparate writings, interviews and videos that are exactly what I hope to stumble upon? Please know how many of us are truly grateful for all your posts. God bless you.

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I love Derek Prince! As a new believer, I find myself blessed to go to a Holy Spirit filled church that teaches these biblical principles.

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Watching. I'll pair this with James Delingpole's interview with exorcist Father Vincent Lampert. https://rumble.com/v1lgi5j-father-vincent-lampert.html

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Also, check out Delingpole's interviews with James Marzinsky, a retired psychiatrist who talks about his encounters with demons in those with schizophrenia.

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Very interesting interviews.

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I've listened to that. That was very important and astounding. Thank you Anna! (Liberated)

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My post is scripturally accurate.

I have been on both sides of the fence.

Devilish spirits have no limitations on their ability to deceive. Duping people about past life experiences and contact with the dead are child's play to them.

Satanic spirits have been deceiving people for 6,000 years. They have no mortal limitations as we have.

Lucifer's finest have no problem fooling today's biblically and historically ignorant experts

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I'm always open to exploring this area. I also believe the Gnostic gospel contains clues re Archons. J.Brashears has also contributed to the understanding of the realm with his focus on the Simulacrum. It may be safe to say that the locale we call DC is haunted by demons. It's a multiverse jungle we're dealing with IMHO. [Kalika Warrior in training]

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Sure is! Bartended there for 12 years.

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Just last night while visiting my in laws, a supposed Lakota spirit was beboppin' around their home, evidently a common occurrence.

The word devils is more appropriate. A demon historically could be either benevolent or malevolent.

Satanic spirits can mimic anyone and everything perfectly. When we pass away, our spirits return to God. We never contact actual human spirits whenever we play medium games.

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There was a Great book put out years ago by Raphael Gasson, called "The Challenging Counterfeit" that exposes mediums and necromancers and tools of demonic spirits. Gasson was heavily involved in this occult practice, but was miraculously delivered out of it. He is for real. These demonic spirits have hung around for centuries and know facts and personalities that they use to deceive humans into thinking they are deceased loved ones or people from the past.

Gasson says all this is VERY REAL. even with physical phenomena. But it is completely orchestrated to deceive the unsuspecting. You will be SHOCKED at how deviant an real these enemies are.


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Thank you Steve. Wow.

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Truth. The depravity of these devilish entities has no limit.

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Yes. Gasson could manifest ectoplasm from his mouth, and tell people facts about lost loved ones, even in cases where they disappeared, and then returned alive. All of this was part of the "ploy" to deceive the unsuspecting. When Gasson started to realize this was all evil, the demon spirits he allowed to use him tried to kill him.

Ectoplasm is a term used in spiritualism to denote a substance or spiritual energy "exteriorized" by physical mediums. It was coined in 1894 by psychical researcher Charles Richet.

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That's not quite accurate. The spirit realm, and what happens upon death is not as simple as you portray it.

You might first read Ian Stevenson, M.D..'s, "Children Who Remember Previous Lives...." so you at least break the Roman Empire brainwashing in the guise of its strict control of the Christian Canon under religious garb of the "Holy" Roman Catholic Church. As a former Catholic I can assure you it's a very evil institution.

The University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies, started by the late Stevenson, a meticulous researcher decade's ago, has collected thousands of well-documented cases of children who recall, often in great detail they could not possibly know, previous lives. Their database includes medical records, testimony from family, former family members who are sometimes still alive whom the children recognize upon seeing, and whose name they recall, among numerous other variables all of the cases of which are scored for quality, and availability of evidence. There are a large number of cases of children with scars, or physical deformities matching fatal bullet wounds, and other trauma of death they recall. Stevenson collected medical records. The Center never claims reincarnation is the cause, although it's clearly the most parsimonious explanation of thousands of similar cases.

Dean Radin, Ph.D.'s book, "Supernormal: Yoga, Science, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities" is worth a read, especially for brainwashed scientists, or brainwashed Christians.

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Not buying one bit of the doctor's hypothesis. The so-called physical evidence of past life experiences are a satanic ploy. The mistress of witchcraft Roman Catholic church is full of these stigmata hoaxes. Seems you have not moved far from the Roman Catholic church.

I was born and raised Catholic. Went to St Cecilia's for 6 years. My father was a high ranking Freemason.

I'm now a born again Christian and free from Lucifer and the powers of darkness fighting the good fight in these last days.

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Neither the late Dr. Stevenson, nor his colleagues formulate a hypothesis. They just collect data using rigorous standards. They simply suggest possibke explanations for these extraordinary cases of little children, many of whom know things about families they'd have no possibility of knowing, yet having detailed facts about them. I don't ignore evidence of thousands of well-documented cases from around the world collected with very rigorous standards over many decades of children who recall previous lives. To ignore evidence is a sign of ignorance and/or brainwashing as we've seen in a large scale with the eugenics bioweapon. I also don't ignore evidence of my family members, and friends who have seen into the spirit realm. Your understanding seems rigid, and dogmatic. You'd make a great Catholic if you ever return to the Roman Empire control grid.

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My position is diametrically opposed to the Catholic Church position. You, however, are probably a Jesuit or a Jesuit coadjutor because Jesuits have always been on the cutting edge of the powers of darkness and would agree with you and everything you post including your childish insults. Ad hominem doesn't impress me, just ask the Jesuits.

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No, I refused as a child to he confirmed in the Catholic Church, and asked my parents, devout Catholics if we could leave it. They said yes. You're amusing though. You should rejoin since you were confirmed.

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Chew on this. Not Oxford or Webster's. But it will work.

"What is hypothesis? - Definition from WhatIs.com" https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/hypothesis?amp=1

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I know what a hypothesis is. I took a great deal of coursework in probability & stats, regression and time series analysis, and other advanced electrical engineering coursework for my undergraduate in bioelectrical engineering.

The UVA neither formulates a hypothesis nor tests for a formulated one nor a null hypothesis in their massive collection of rigorously documented cases of children who recall, often in great detail, a previous life, and produce names, addresses, recognition of friends, relatives, etc. upon seeing them, knowledge of habits, or other behaviors of adults they claim to be their parents from a past life, or of someone who they claimed murdered them.

Maybe they do not formulate hypotheses so to avoid alienating closed-minded, ignorant Christians who ignore evidence that contradicts the Bible the pagan Roman Empire took control of so it could brainwash followers of Christ Jesus. I'm a follower of Christ but I don't ignore evidence. I think the data the UVA has collected is most parsimoniously explained by a past life. You can attribute it to some weird plot by Lucifer trick children into being born with odd birthmarks where a fatal gunshot wound was observed on autopsy of a dead victim a child had no way of knowing, and recalling why the gun was shot if that's your thing.

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Agreed! In the Vatican library there is proof that reincarnation was taught in the early Christian Church, as it is acknowledged in all ancient traditions. Pope Leo in the 5th Century made the decision to take re-incarnation out of the teaching of the Christian church because he decided that people were postponing living righteously for "a next life". Pope Leo thought that if people believed they only had one life, then they would be more motivated to live properly. The huge problem is that re-incarnation until a soul is fully enlightened is a reality and without the knowledge of this reality nothing makes sense (eg. why was I born in this family, why did this happen to me, etc. we live in a world of cause and effect.) Pope Leo's decision and it's record in the Vatican is discussed in the book "Autobiography of a Yogi"

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Yes, reincarnation was understood by early Christians, and there are many hints of it in the New Testament such as when Christ Jesus asks his Apostles, " who do people say I am?" Or when John The Baptist is asked if he's Elijah. It's thought that reincarnation was removed by the Roman Empire more as a means of controlling Christians who were already willing to be martyrs for Christ Jesus because if people understood they’re destined to return, and that bodily death is not the end, then the Romans would have less control. Given the level of depravity of so many churches today which are largely just lavish for-profit scams using not-for-profit status so that the staff can live large, it's important that the preachers pimping Christ Jesus fir profit keep up appearances of the pagan Roman Empire's mind control.

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Thank you Dennis! I didn't know about the Roman Empire also using it to control the Christians!

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Reincarnation was never taught by Jesus or his apostles or by the Jews. It is a doctrine of the Babylonian Mystery religions. Second chances and the coffer dances.

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Early in His ministry, Jesus addressed a crowd and confronted them on their common belief that John the Baptist was Elijah, reincarnated. The "triune god" is also a pagan belief, one that makes the Jewish and Muslim monotheistic gods jealous.

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That teaching is a huge money-maker for the Pope. Their pagan inspired purgatory has duped millions.

Their priests hover around the dying hoping to extract whatever wealth they may have by pressing on them the horrors of purgatory and that only by giving away all their belongings to the church for masses to be said, will shorten their stay.

Like they say:

Low money, low mass, high money, high mass, no money, no mass.

"For they devour widows houses and for a pretense make long prayers" Matthew 23:14 King James Bible.

The above verse has been coveniently deleted from Catholic and modern evangelical bibles.

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The version of Matthew 23:14 you cute is noted as an alternate in my Catholic bible

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Yes. The traditional texts include it as original.

Modern scholars base their bibles on two of the most mutilated texts extant, Vaticanus and Sinaiticus. Which, in fact, disagree with each other 3,046 times in the Gospels alone. Sinaiticus was evidently a text written by Constantine Simonides around 1840 and meant to be a gift to a friend. It was hijacked, brought to Saint Catherine monastery in Sinai, chemically altered to appear ancient, and pawned off on the world as the oldest and best Greek Bible.

Whenever the Bible scholar intelligentsia wish to tweak the true traditional majority Bible texts they rely on Vaticanus and Sinaiticus

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No, reincarnation was removed by the Roman Empire so Christians could be more easily controlled by the pagans. The Romans had big problems with martyrs and they didn't want Christians to continue to know that bodily death is not the end. Your theology is so poor you should consider returning to the Luciferian Roman Empire's "Holy" Roman Catholic Church.

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You are way off. The Christian looks forward to life in heaven after death not reincarnation.

Would you be so kind as to show me Scripture, or anything that backs up your statements? Thanks.

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Sure, if you explain the thousands of rigorously documented cases of children collected from around the world, and read Ian Stevenson, M.D.'s exceptional book, "Children Who Remember Previous Lives." I'm just kidding as you seem like someone who knows Scripture inside, and out, but ignores evidence he can't explan away.

I'm a Christian who only looks forward to doing God's will to the best of my ability without seeking any reward for so doing so speak for yourself, not other Christians.

There are Biblical passages that imply reincarnation, and others that make clear someone dies once.

The issues get more way complex when the history of the control of the Christian Canon is reviewed since politics were involved in what made it into the Bible, and what was buried to be found many centuries later that indicate a variety of things about Christ Jesus that were expunged.

Reincarnation is believed by many cultures so the passages in Scripture that imply it may just indicate the Ancient Greeks belief in it. Of course Plato, a mystery school initiate, who wrote about Atlantis as fact, not myth, and seemed to indicate or foreshadow the coming of a Christ figure was also in line with other Ancient Greeks who seemed to forsee a major change, one that essentially divided the human time line, despite the attempts by idiots to change B.C., and A.D. to BCE.

When Jesus and his disciples encounter a man born blind, the disciples ask Jesus "who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"

When Jesus asks his disciples "who do men say that I am?", they answer "some say you are John the Baptist, others that you are Elijah or one of the prophets."

The many passages regarding the second coming of Elijah (Mal. 4:5, Matt. 16:13-14 and 17:10-13, Mark 9:11-13, Mark 6:14-16, John 1:19-21) may infer that reincarnation was a common belief at the time the Bible was written from all of these comments about someone being born again and the longing for a Prophet to come again.

There are others. You can explain them away with other explanations of alleged implications, and I've read all manner of idiocy as people interpret, and misinterpret the Bible.

I tend to believe in reincarnation but it's almost in the category in which I put viruses exist or don't exist, the earth is flat because the Bible says so, or it's round because the NASA (Nazis Assholes Stealing Alot of money) says so, and we did or did not land a man on the moon. Learning the real disposition of all 4 doesn't change my life one bit. I've thought since I was in about 5th or 6th grade that I was being lied to about all manner of things, including when I went to Mass with my folks.

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Just to clarify my above post. There is a real war going on in the spiritual realm and it's priority is to instill doubt in the Scriptures.

This phenomenon externalized during the 1800s with the publishing of the Revised Bible by Westcott and Hort. Westcott and Hort were up to their eyeballs in the occult. Their Revision committee was a Who's Who of apostates.

They built their bible version on the occult Gnostic Alexandrian texts.

Their comrades produced corrupted Greek and Hebrew lexicons to skew the definitions of the words of Scripture toward the pagan worldview.

This has resulted in mass confusion among Bible students and scholars

For example, current biblical Greek study tools are considered by world class Greek scholars as untrustworthy, misleading, obsolete, a slum, and in need of a complete overhaul.

See: Biblical Greek Language and Lexicography, Taylor, 2006, Eerdman's

And especially;

Hazardous Matrials, Greek and Hebrew Study Dangers, the Voice of Strangers, Riplinger, 2009, AV Publications.

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I am not Pentecostal, but i know that demons are very real...

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Thank you, Celia! You never cease to amaze me! 👍😊

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There is some very good teaching here, even though Derek Prince had to learn most of this by using his faith in a new experience. The ministry of casting out devils has been neglected in a lot of churches these days, but is very real and successful in getting people delivered from very real spiritual entities.

The accounts of these demons being cast out frightened these villages, and it can really SCARE church people too, which is why this ministry is not practiced as much. (Matt. 8 :28-34)

These things are very territorial, which is why they haunt houses and locations, (as they begged Jesus not to send them out of the country, or "the deep" Luke 8: 26-30) Being without bodies they crave to suck life out of the living, which is why they "thirst in dry places."

It is important to notice that the Lord had power to expel them to the "deep" or the abyss. It is very possible that these were originally angelic beings, that were expelled before the flood, many of which are already incarcerated in the bottomless pit or hell. If they resist coming out, and give you problems, you can pray and command that they been confined in "the deep." In the name of the Lord Jesus, we have that power.

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Do demons die?

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Thank you for this Celia! Thanks for your integrity to speak what you know is right for you to speak and for some to hear.

I’ve not before heard of Derek Prince. I find his description of helping to rid this woman of demons resonates for me. These aspects in our self are not necessarily of our self. I see and experience practical results of this process personally and professionally in energy work of people like Damien Wynne, Tim Whild, with mind body medicine doctors like Dr Kim D’Eramo, and some open minded, talented psychotherapy practitioners through mindful witnessing, acceptance, gratitude and expansion process, various therapies especially parts work, trauma, hypnosis, womb and preverbal work.

I’ve been in awe of how much we absorb and internalize that is not ours (not just cognitive beliefs or object relations dynamics, but frequencies that shape organs ((yell and feel your inners react- think of a fetus or baby subject to that repeatedly)), actual consciousnesses taking up literal space and energy and impacting our mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, sexual and energetic fields) As we become aware of and cast out or create paths to release old programming, energies, internalized consciousnesses that are not ours we create space and energy with which to call in fragments of our Self that we unconsciously sent off, so that we embody more and more of our our beautiful, whole and highest, spark of GOD selves. We’re maturing, individuating, more able to discern. And to beautifully, as the scriptures Derek Prince cites indicate, receive GOD’s love and deliverance.

I’ve only recently returned to the Bible since childhood. In my experience from a mostly “spiritual but not religious” adult life, and as a previously mostly aspiritual psychotherapist, these approaches differ but can yield similar results and be uniquely relevant on our individual paths.

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Many brainwashed materialists, and scientists don't believe spirit realms exist.

My nephew was visited a few years ago on his birthday by his maternal grandmother who had passed away although he did not know she had died. He had a brief conversation with her wherein she told him his purpose in life. I know a woman who with her husband rented a house on a lake for a month as a get away. She kept seeing a ghost of a young women in her 30's with blondish, long hair. Her husband, a retired physician, was dismissive until he went to the local library, and found a group photo of young women, one of whom lived in the lake house, and had been murdered. His wife picked her out immediately in a copy of the photo he brought back with him. As a young girl she saw a little girl in a green dress drown in a precognitive vision. That day she returned home from school only to have her mother try to keep her away from EMS removing a young girl in a green dress who had drowned. She has other psychic abilities. A maternal great uncle of mine was stationed in the Aleutian Islands on his way to the front in WWII. He went outside late one night to smoke. A lone wolf walked up to him and howled at him. He knew his father died at thst moment. A phone call the next day confirmed the same time of death. Elizabeth Kubler Ross, M.D. wrote an account of her assistant at the University of Chicago, who had died, being seen by multiple people on her floor post mortem by about a week as I recall.

Dean Radin, Ph.D.'s book, "Supernormal: Yoga, Science, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities" is worth a read, especially for brainwashed scientists.

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While there are many nasty multidimensional entities from primitive parasites to massive clouds of negativity, there are far more beneficent beings in our universe. Dogma would have us believe any consciousness outside of our 3-D 5 senses are negative and obviously that is not true. Angels operate outside of our dimension and don't deserved to be lumped with their negative counterparts. I think humans have been unfairly handicapped by not being able to appreciate the extent unseen being influence our world. I will put that in the cosmic suggestion box but the system here on Earth seems to have already been set up (for failure?).

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Celia: Only GOD knows what we are thinking, feeling etc.

Satan does not have access, using his minions...is this proof?

This 40 minute little Doc. well, it answers as lot...


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Satan and his spirits have recorded everything. They can plant thoughts and feelings to effect their purposes.

Satan's army is not hindered by dementia, Alzheimer's, memory loss, etc as us mortals. They can mimic anyone or anything perfectly at any time for any purpose IF God allows it. Satan loves the Angel of Light costume the best. Billions have been deceived by that.

True Oscar material in a diabolical way.

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Very interesting. The Catholic Church has teams set up to respond to increasing cases of possessions.

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