Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I think we need to keep making these videos, similar to the "Brought to You by Pfizer" and the "Bombshell, Trump's Done!" videos. Everyone should know it's all fake and handed down. Their numbers pale in comparison to the top independents online. Keep telling and sharing the truth, and never stop. The flywheel is barely moving now, but if we keep pushing, momentum will build, and before we know it things will change.

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May it be so. 🙏🏻 And yes, those videos have been very effective over time to shake people out of their slumber or apathy.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I don't know how anyone can't see these psyops. Same patterns over and over.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

4am talking points from certain 3 letter institutions. It would be laughable if it didn’t portend an amping up of the false and reworked definition of words for people who are very unhappy with what we see happening to our country.

They really, really want a physical fight to break out, and I think they will continue to try to goad us into action, or maybe run a kind of whitmire op and try to cook up evidence of some kind of plot to discredit the large amount of people from all walks and political stances who are sick of the lies and corruption.

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Goldfish Memory Syndrome. Too many 24 / 7 news feeds destroy attention spans and retention of memories.

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Love that!

So many Dories swimming in the streams of information.

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This isn't the first time we've had scripted news. In the above link you'll find the whole documentary of 'Out of the Shadows,' and at about the 19-minute mark you'll see how this scripting continues.

A revelation came to me about a year ago: the news is here to tell us what to think. This may seem simple and prosaic, but when you think about it, it's actually profound. Our thinking is being controlled. I never realized how much our thinking is shaped and controlled by the media.

I listen to NPR quite a bit. What they do is essentially 'coo' at us as they talk to the 'right thinkers' (wink wink, we're in the know) and whenever they bring up a view that strays from the mainstream, they state that view and then tell us how this view is wrong so that we, too, can be educated on how wrong these wrong views are. They're literally telling us what to think and how to think.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

They don’t call it programming for nothing (ie tv programs).

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

"What can we do?"

Compassionate dispassion. Take no sides, always find your way back to love. 'Left' and 'Right' are two necessary sides of a whole. Choosing one over the other makes no sense.

Love is not a side, it is a quality of being, and is unconditional. But, while there is nothing to forgive from the point of view of love, being in that state is mighty challenging for us mere mortals. So we stumble our way towards it, stumble to find our way back onto the path when we fall while navigating rage, ire, despair, jealousy, envy, apathy, etc. And we help each other in that constant endeavour.

Always find your way back to love. Always help others find their way back to love.

That this is necessary should be clear to anyone who is human. That it is the cure for what ails us can only be learned by doing. The more often we do it, the clearer its beauty becomes. For example, how could there be civil war if we were all committed heartily to the journey to become love? How could we be lastingly fooled if we were all engaged heartily in that difficult but joyous struggle?

Question everything, expose all lies / propaganda / half truths / deceptions, but always as part of finding your way back to love, with compassionate dispassion, by being human as God intended.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you Toby, for this profound reminder about compassion and finding our way back on the right road when we stray. We are all human, one, no more perfect than another. Compassionate dispassion. Everyone is on their own journey; some are willing and some are not to being human as God intended.

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Nothing important was ever accomplished with "compassionate dispassion", which sounds like a euphemism for surrender. Communism killed 100+ million dispassionately. Evil HATES a vacuum. Evil will always fill that vacuum with malevolence and horrors that cannot be imagined by populations softened by the affluence and freedoms enforced by bold courageous God-fearing men.

Karl Marx: "My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism."

Proverbs 9:10 - “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom."

Psalm 97:10 - "Those who love the LORD, hate evil!"

Women and men (like Celia, me and many of our friends and associates) have fought and bled. Some died. We were courageous and suffered for it. Most importantly, we've always known who our enemy is. We are called to love and pray for our enemies (Matthew 5:43), but David confronted Goliath with something more than "compassionate dispassion" and eventually became the first King of Israel and the foundation of Western Civilization.

George Orwell's warning of Pacifism is as timely today as it was eighty years ago:

"Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one. In practice, ‘he that is not with me is against me’. The idea that you can somehow remain aloof from and superior to the struggle, while living on food which British sailors have to risk their lives to bring you, is a bourgeois illusion bred of money and security.

"Mr Savage remarks that ‘according to this type of reasoning, a German or Japanese pacifist would be “objectively pro-British”.’ But of course he would be! That is why pacifist activities are not permitted in those countries (in both of them the penalty is, or can be, beheading) while both the Germans and the Japanese do all they can to encourage the spread of pacifism in British and American territories. The Germans even run a spurious ‘freedom’ station which serves out pacifist propaganda indistinguishable from that of the P.P.U. They would stimulate pacifism in Russia as well if they could, but in that case they have tougher babies to deal with. In so far as it takes effect at all, pacifist propaganda can only be effective against those countries where a certain amount of freedom of speech is still permitted; in other words it is helpful to totalitarianism."

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

You misunderstand me, RK. By "dispassionate compassion" I do not mean pacifism. Sometimes it comes to actual war, but hate is not the way to wage it. "Love the sinner, hate the sin", said MLK (I think?). But I don't find "hate" to be the right word somehow, and wonder at what the original Aramaic word for "hate" was in your quote from Psalm 97. I heard somewhere the "meek" in "The meek shall inherit the earth" is a poor translation. If I remember correctly, the original referred to a warrior class that was in humble service to God. So humble service fighting for what is right is the path.

There is, I believe, righteous ire as a healthy response to evil, but to stop that becoming hatred we have to keep on returning to love. Love is not weak and evasive, it most assuredly stands its ground. Hatred is weak. At least, that's my feeling of it. And righteous ire is mighty.

I am prepared to die for what is right, I have no fear of death whatsoever, but do not seek to throw my life away cheaply or in hatred.

These are very complicated issues, and we need all our wisdom to have even a tiny chance of getting it right when things get very turbulent. That said, I can easily imagine confronting and killing Goliath with compassionate dispassion. I heard a story recently from some Christian scholar (whose name escapes me) about a mighty Islamic warrior who was about to behead his enemy king on a battlefield when his enemy spat in his face. The mighty Islamic warrior (whose name also escapes me) dropped his sword and walked from the battlefield. The idea is that the noble warrior never kills in anger, which I guess is synonymous with "never kill in hatred".

Anyway, I'm not a pacifist, but do see war as a last resort. Things get messy, times get hard. The healthiest way through is always, in my view, by finding our way back to love. I stand by what I said.

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Krishna also advised Arjuna that even killing should be done without anger or hatred. Better of course is non violence. What works for me is focus on what I am for, rather than who or what I am against. That way you can live with intensity but also without an enemy.

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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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"That way you can live with intensity but also without an enemy."

I really like that!

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I have many enemies amongst the evil that thrives in society. I will take them down. The pedophiles and murderers who have killed millions while they pretend to be so good and holy. I have no partnership nor peace with them. Cops work for politicians, and pretend that they serve dutifully and are order-followers of evil, and pretend to love goodness. THey love money and authority and dignity and respect. I give them none of that.

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Buddhists and Falun Gong live peaceful lives with intensity, but the CCP has other ideas.

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TR: You're right about the word MEEK. "The meek" are known as peacemakers for a reason. Real warriors prefer peace but are not afraid to use necessary force when called to preserve the peace.

I still don't get "compassionate dispassion". How does a mother protect her children from predators and vaccine mandates dispassionately? When your life and those you love are threatened, I'm not sure how one acts dispassionately - except maybe the bureaucratic functionaries whose dispassion was described by Arendt's "banality of evil". We've seen what the CCP does to compassionate and dispassionate Buddhists - and even they developed martial arts for a reason.

I also agree that whether you're commanding regiments or in hand-to-hand combat, Buddhists and war veterans understand that emotions often lead to reckless tactical errors.

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"How does a mother protect her children from predators and vaccine mandates dispassionately?"

That's a good question. My answer is: The better able she is to defend her young with skill, the more effective her defence will be. I see "skill" as "dispassion". By comparison, in the animal kingdom, there are no grudges, no hatred. So it's dispassionate in a way, though the words do start breaking down here somewhat. And yet I think you might get what I'm aiming for. A wolf will defend its pack members with total commitment, total aggression, but once the fighting is done, there's no seething emotions. They shake it off (the victors, anyway) and get back to life as it was. So again, their fighting skills – more biological wiring than martial-arts learning etc. – are similar to dispassion (the fighting's not hateful, just functional); their skills represent their effectiveness. And yes there's less compassion in wolves than humans are capable of ( though more than many imagine); empathy is thinner in animals than in humans, their capacities are less than ours, so some different rules apply. But a human mother defending her children against vaccine mandates will need compassionate dispassion to increase her chances of success, in my view.

So I guess another point to make is that a phrase like "compassionate dispassion" is meant poetically, evocatively, not scientifically. It cannot be mapped neatly to all circumstances.

Regarding martial arts generally, they are about controlling the passions and becoming a skilful fighter. That's the dispassion. The compassion is the wisdom you develop in knowing when and how to use your fighting skills and to what end. I've learned, as a father for example, how to turn my anger and aggression on and off. So aggression is a tool if you have the dispassion to use it that way, but it can dominate you if you don't. And it then becomes a tool you can use WISELY when you have the mature compassion to see things from a calm remove and feel what your opponent is feeling, etc.

Bureaucracy is robotic dispassion utterly incapably of compassion, at least structurally. Individuals within a bureaucracy may well be capable of compassion, but the system as a whole can be truly horrific. Where there is no compassion and only dispassion, you get the banality of evil. But here, in my view, the dispassion is a veil for seething emotions not far beneath the surface. The state is a jealous god.

But I do not mean "compassionate dispassion" as a miracle solution that ensures victory in every battle. We all die, and if there's war, even the calmest warriors can lose on the battlefield. So yes, the CCP can kill even their calmest, wisest enemies, but that war is far from over. One thing is certain, if those battling the evils of the CCP lose their self-control to raging hatred, they will lose the war.

"You didn’t know it, you didn’t think it could be done

In the final end he won the war

After losing every battle"

Bob Dylan, Idiot Wind.

I suspect he's referencing Christ, but I'm no expert on Dylan, just always loved that song!

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Thanks for your thoughtful reply. We're mostly in agreement. I just didn't understand your "compassionate dispassion". I feel better when words mean something.

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Evil isn't complicated for me.

That said, we all live with evil. It's all around us. I made a career fighting it the best way I could. I've been rewarded for my good works and forgiven for my failures. When evil people commit evil against others, I'm offended and, if close enough to interrupt that evil, I act. When one compromises with evil, evil wins.

I have no euphemisms for evil. I H A T E evil.

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You allowed evil to win. You were a cop and defend what you did. Any idiot except those who are total idiots, can see that those put in position of authority are evil, that the Vatican and rich have placed those in power who will do their agenda. I hate evil more than you supposedly do. THe devil is a liar. I have nothing but contempt for lying cops.

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Good luck with that.

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Thanks for pointing that out. Mass evil would be impossible without the enforcers and all the little Eichmanns, i.e, the order followers. I tried to point that out to Cindy Sheehan herself and she responded by saying that I was delusional (or some word to that effect). So we can safely assume that if her son had come back alive she would not have become the dissenter du jour that she became. She still believes to this day that the so-called leaders, Clinton, the Bushes, Obama and all the rest, are culpable and the cops, soldiers, doctors, lawyers et al are not.

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A true man of righteousness is led by the spirit. The Holy Spirit is not one of the trinity, is not a person. The Hebrew words translated to “Holy Spirit” are “rouach hakodesh” Kodesh is defined as “outside of worldliness,” and can mean being unselfish, not chasing sensual desires, not involved in worldly or materialistic desires. It is called in English- “holy.”

“Rouach” is defined as “breath” or “wind.” In other words, Holy Spirit is that enthusiastic force within some people that drives them to strive against worldly materialistic sensual temptations and selfish motivations.

In the Old Testament, Moses fought against oppressive slave masters, Sampson slew a thousand oppressive Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey, when the spirit came upon him. David killed Goliath. In 1 Kings chapter 18, Elijah called fire down from heaven and slaughtered 450 prophets of Baal. In 2Kings chapters nine and ten, the prophet Elisha anointed Jehu with oil, who killed all the Baal worshippers in Israel.

In the OT, the spirit was responsible for enabling prophets, kings, and warriors to have the incentive, drive, courage, and strength to successfully oppose the powerful evil entities against all odds. Baal was the god of prosperity and virility- money and sex.

But in the New Testament, while the spirit did oppose the flesh, it was tamed and disarmed. The fruits of the spirit are described in Galatians chapter five as love, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. That scripture is followed by the statement: against those there is no law. So be overcome by evil powers, because you don’t want to break any laws those powers made.

Funny (not really, a better  word is “suspicious”) how the same book that tells you to be a good slave, to obey your government, to be a sheep, to turn the other cheek, to love your enemies, and bless those who curse you, to rejoice when being persecuted, that weakness is strength, to not trust your own wisdom, to pay taxes and tithes, and to return goodness to evil, has now declared that the spirit of the righteous warrior should be replaced with gentleness, restraint, and patience. It excludes from the list of positive qualities such characteristics as integrity, courage, and wisdom. Does that not raise some red flags??? Is this realization not alarming?? What have we been taught? Why?? What is their motivation?!!

Seems to me that they want to strip us of what a man really is, to make sure that nobody attempts to break free of slavery. The bible was used on innocent people, and used language to make them feel knowledgable, it was a trap to capture naïve victims and put them in spiritual bondage in hell.


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May The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you peace.

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no justice no peace. YOU have filled this page with lies. Confess and repent, and maybe I will forgive.

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"What can we do?"

Understanding WHAT IT IS is the first step. https://www.amazon.com/Psychology-Totalitarianism-Mattias-Desmet/dp/1645021726

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"Ghost in the Machine" Arthur Koestler 1967

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try my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH. IN the conclusion is solutions out of the box, would end every world problem. $3 on Amazon kindle or attached to my free newsletter


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Does God inspire your solution?

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I see that you insist that we fear god. I fully acknowledge his existence, as well as his evil, but do not fear. My arm is not too short to box with god. I bend my knee to no entity or man. I am not easily deceived and am no sheep. I do not follow. I fight evil, in the character of authority. Every position of authority has been usurped by evil people. The Vatican and globalists rule, and have put those people in positions of power that prove loyalty to their agenda. Trump was another puppet. Biden is another piece of obedient garbage. Are you ready to take down the evil? Or do you obey your master in fear?

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I don't insist that you do anything. God breathed life into you - you are free to do with your life what you will. If you seek Him, you will find Him.

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They hate Trump because he threatens the Ruling Class that threatens us. I hope that you find what you're looking for. I don't fear God either - I try to be a faithful servant to Him and hope that he's pleased with my efforts. Wisdom begins with God. Those who serve something lesser are lost. May God help you find peace.

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No, I hate trump because he is a liar like you are. HE was indeed part of the evil establishment, and gave us operation warp speed, and still brags about it, telling us to vaccinate. Read all my submissions, including the multitude of evidence against him. He raped a child, he was money laundering, he frauded over six thousand people with TRUMP UNIVERSITY ,and did much worse. But the law turned the other way, and have put me in prison for exposing the government and those above it.

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I was CHristian for ten years, studied the bible independently 10,000 hours, was a devout true believer. Saw the truth, and it set me free, I debunked the bible soundly. I fully acknowledge that Horus/ Jehovah/Jesus/ Allah/Satan all one and the same, exists. I have no part with him. I was indeed set on a mission by Christians, which I have endeavored to accomplish with all my strength. I am an anti-Vatican revolutionist. Have been incarcerated, imprisoned, beaten up, lost all my possessions more than once, lost my family and friends, but it all only makes me more resolved and angry at the establishment. Christians showed me the lies, and gave me a start. I will finish it, and welcome Christians, not Christianity, to join with me. Leave God out of it please. IF you sign up for the free newsletter, my three books and other documents come attached.

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There are many false churches, prophets, and preachers. I found a good sanctuary - I hope that you will find peace as well.

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In case you cant read, I debunked the bible. It was not bad pastoring that turned me away. IF you only learned to start opening your mind and open your eyes and ears, you might learn something. Read below, I copied and pasted a page from my book debunking the faith. CHristianity is a fabrication of the Roman empire to make their citizens easier to rule over, it promotes submissiveness and slave mentality. You embody that well. The new testament was composed by pharisee Josephus and he continued the book of occult and lies as a foundation (parables) and made a book of spells that I have removed myself from. IN seminary they teach that the bible is lies, and it certainly is, but every pastor teaches it as truth. EVERY pastor is a liar. I have been to a number of churches, in leadership roles (not high up, but a pillar and had ministries) and have heard and watched dozens of preachers- I am fully aware. I had thousands of Christian friends, and none measure up. except maybe one. My book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY is free attached to my newsletter or $3 on Amazon. I am no pastor selling lmy books for profit. I work to benefit mankind, not to preach from high up on a pulpit looking down on sheep to obey what I tell them is what GOD has to say to them. And you can keep your damn PRAISE JESUS. to yourself = there is absolutely nothing you can teach me, I am fully aware of the faith. I know that there are false churches - EVERY ONE OF THEM.

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I see that you are a freemason fukn cop. Good for you. I will have no part with you unless you left the force in disgust at what they ordered you to do. Few cops, very few, have any true courage or righteousness. 1/6. They cage people for the rich and powerful, they know how they destroy lives unjustly and continue, even as perceiving the rate of recidivism. There is unmistakable systemic racism in the (in)justice system. Cops have no real agenda to protect the people, their true purpose is to protect the interests of the powerful and wealthy. their bosses are corrupt evil politicians, who they obey without thinking twice. Order-followers, no courage, they wear bulletproof vests, have guns, clubs, the world's most powerful and oppressive law system behind them, and call the streets "a war zone" while we in the city call it the "neighborhood"

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What? Who's a Freemason cop? Please everybody, settle down.

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"Blessed are the peacemakers,

for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9.

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From a recent newsletter.

This is not to complain, I am fully content regarding my financial and social position, but while Trump lives in his privileged home after all his crimes, crying over the FBI searching his home, I have done much more to expose the evil powers, have been incarcerated for it, a portion of several months in solitary confinement, live in a one-room apartment, cannot afford a vehicle, have no friends, family or coworkers, and do not complain, especially over a lousy search.

I lost all my belongings at least twice due to the police harassments. ( I did not have much, I lost my trailer home and the four vehicles [one at a time] when repeatedly incarcerated) Trump is a privileged deceitful crybaby, and has no business in politics, he belongs in prison with Maxwell, or where Epstein is.

The devil is a liar. Much of what these men say is false, and much is true. What I took from the first guy, a cop, was how many cops are freemasons. 95%. THe second guy, the Catholic, pointed fingers at the freemasons, but claimed they want to take over the church- that is the Jesuits goal, and it was accomplished.


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Never a Freemason and retired 22 years.

When I joined the LAPD in 1980, I hoped to "measure up" to the LAPD's high standards. I retired in 2000 because the agency no longer measured up to mine.

No one loathes bad caps more than me - especially the banana republic functionaries at our feral federal agencies.

My early retirement didn't implicate the thousands of good officers I served with - I pointed to corrupt politicians who hire bad people and create bad policies to hurt good people, with the intent to alienate citizens from their local agencies in favor of unaccountable federal forces like the ATF/FBI etc.

Also consider that, when I applied for 42 years ago, the MMPI test was used to deselect immoral candidates. Today, the MMPI is used to deselect candidates whose conscience might challenge their allegiance to the regime. (min 17:00) https://rumble.com/vvk04d-alex-thompson-former-gchq-officer-talks-about-a-dark-history-and-dark-reali.html

Today's cops are no more than pawns in the political game of policing, while the real criminals float above the policemen like helium balloons, daring us to perform as directed.

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Thanks for sharing. I value your testimony and resolve in dealing with it.

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I am not a young stupid kid. I was born in 1957. I am aware of JIm Crow, my family had a young man from Tanzania stay with us when I was five or six years old, he was arrested for sitting in a reclining chair in our back yard reading a book. Cops held him even after I and my mom told them he was a guest. I am aware of blacks being put on death row for decades when they did no crime but protest, as was MLK dozens of times. Cops were strike breakers at the turn of the 20th century, taking the side of the rich every time. Cops have been beating on blacks for many decades, their beginnings were in slave patrols for plantation owners. There is no such thing as a good cop, as NOT ONE will report the bad ones- the fraternal brotherhood cover for each other. IT has always been that way. I don't fall for your lying cop bullshit. Trying to look all holy and like you don't know the truth, or think that I don't. I am a scientist, and do my research. I spend four chapters on policing in ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH

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I just watched this video on ForbiddenknowledgeTV, yup the script's in place. I have a bad feeling this OP will be far worse than even Covid. Final desperate moves.

If you'r not familiar with Dark Journalist, he did special coverage of the raid, worth listening to.



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My books give a clear explanation of what is happening. Using names dates documents quotes sources, I show that the Vatican, in alignment with the rich globalists (whom I name and give the history of their work) Rothschild, Rockefeller, British royalty, and ten more families, have planned since at least 1871 to bring in the new world order under Lucifer. They plan to reduce the world population from the current 7.8 billioin to 500 million by 2025. Arm and brace yourselves. Famine, war, martial law, grid failures, no communications, and more is coming. I prove it in my books.

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I remain realistically hopeful that the age of the Red pill will yield greater awareness re the obvious playbook of a controlling elite group. Truly, I feel we are at the precipice of a sea change that will alter collective perception from henceforth. It's important for all of us who are aware of the playbook to speak out and challenge ignorance. Celia--thanks for this article, and I do agree with other readers that we need more of this. It's time to call out the macro-Psyop that began three years ago!

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it has been planned since at least as far back as 1871- and 9-11 demolition job with every politician in DC complicit was the first major act.

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I can agree with your context. History is important. And understanding context is essential.

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AWESOME COLLAGE OF IDENTICAL MISINFORMATION. The antagonism is off the charts. The only attention any of us can pay this is to share it. Most still don't see it. Most still believe in viruses. Most believe the tele-screen. Most believe authority is necessary. Phoooph!!! 👊

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

As opposed to ultra peaceful leftist backed blm and atifarts? If there is a civil war, it will be the doing of the WEF and democrat leftists who have pushed too far.

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Looks like the bible bangers and hateful deceivers found another gullible warrior sheep to fan the flames of anger at the ones lambasted by the news media. Funny how conservatives all fall for the conservative news points, just as democrats fall for the MSM NBC news. I was incarcerated after a kangaroo court as a political prisoner for writing EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE. After living with blacks for the first time (in prison) I moved to an urban ghetto, their culture was superior. I have experienced the (in)justice system also./ Think 1/6 =cops are evil. Blacks are represented falsely on the tv, Hollywood, etc.. by orders of the globalist and CIA -run media. You hate leftists due to misinformation, and vice versa. trump was another puppet- he raped a 13 year old on Epstein's Island, and gave 6 trillion dollars taxpayer money to bankers after borrowing a few billion from Rothschild and Deutsche banks. He SAID he was against the establishment, but as soon as he was inaugurated, he chummed up with Hillary. Trump was promoted by the news media, and was not impeached when they had real reason to- and it is not Russia or the like. In addition he was found guilty of felony fraud for TRUmp university- while campaigning in 2016- did you hear about that when the media was so much against him? The raid was executed to give him more popularity again, to advance the deception that he is against the establishment and that they oppose him. HE is another puppet like all the rest. Is just a better liar.


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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

U sound like you have been brainwashed. Maybe it’s time to do something other than hate Trump. Try love. Maybe love will work.

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How do you regain support for the puppet you want in power? Have the FBI raid his home for some stupid contrived reason that will raise suspicions on the FBI, not on Trump. This will fan the flames of hate at democrats, and lift Trump up in the right wing eyes. The phony piece of shit complains of third world treatment.

He should be hung for rape and for being willing to murder millions with a vaccine, after handing the nation over to FEMA by declaring a state of emergency which was followed by lockdown. And the Christian alternative news media who exposed the vaccines (I did before confirmed by their doctors) all agree that Trump is a hero. A billionaire hero.

HE never worked a hard day's labor in his life, making his fortune by wheeling and dealing, but mostly by borrowing billions of dollars from the very rich. He lied about being self-made, daddy gave him half a billion dollars, and he squandered that, and borrowed billions from Deutsche bank and Rothschild owned banks, and repaid with over six trillion tax-payer dollars. But the Christian media says he does no wrong.

While I work over 80 hours a week unpaid for the people, bringing real information to you, and expose all kinds of real criminal activity, Trump says he is anti-establishment while he deals with bankers, politicians, CIA director, military brass that survived a purge of the brass that had backbone, and who is the biggest fraud. If he was truly anti-establishment and a real peace-maker (he was a puppet who allowed 21 new foreign military bases be created and bombing and drone strikes escalated under him)I would support him. But he is a lying phony fraud who was always friends with those he publicly appeared to hate (Hillary). As soon as he was in office, Trump took off the gloves and praises Hillary, his best friend. "Don't worry folks, all those words about cleaning the swamp? They were just to get me elected, I am one of you."



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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I never want to see Trump in office again. He had his chance and he blew it. You are right. He pushed for the vaccines. I’ll never forgive him for that. He needs to go away!! With that said. Our DOJ is completely corrupted. Our whole government has been compromised. I am not a Trump supporter. Thank you for explaining your thoughts on all this. It’s time for people to stop trusting anyone in government. Left and right are both totally corrupt. We need someone who is not bought and paid for to run in this next election but it seems the powers that be are too powerful for us to do anything. Any suggestions???

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we don't seem to have time, but one way to overcome would be trial by jury suing reporters, doctors, pharms, etc... Alex Jones trial set a precedent that journalists can be sued for misleading the public and causing harm. we can also sue politicians and such, even Gates, and all. Probably too late, and revolution may be the only answer. Arm yourselves.

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the ballot machines are owned by the Bush family, and the CIA operates them. Every politician is a puppet. No democrat or republican politician gets any significant position without proving loyalty to the globalists. the US was founded by freemasons, and the constitution in giving free speech and freedom of religion allows for deception and worship of satan. It is faulty governance. No nation can survive under democracy. It is only good for a small parish (town). those we elect do not follow our wishes. I am certainly no communist. My idea presented in the conclusion of ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH is outside the box. YOu can buy it on Amazon for $3 or get it free from signing up for the free newsletter. IT is a blueprint for a new civilization- rids us of all problems, wholesome healthy living. No central government. I also give some suggestions for getting us there. Sign up for resistance and revolution.


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deletedAug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber
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Listen carefully







Trump is not for freedom, he is an authoritarian, as in fascist totalitarian police state. Fascism=corporatism, rule by the rich. Totalitarian- complete control by government. Police state speaks for itself. Remember how Trump told police to get rough with criminals as they were apprehended (before conviction and proof of guilt)


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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Do a search on Doctor Andrew Wakefield. Read what Wikipedia says about him. This is what happens when an honest man tries to inform the sheeple of whats causing Autism. In the last twenty five years has anything changed on the childhood vaccine schedule? As Autism rates keep soaring, does anyone here get the impression that Pharma is losing their battle to kill and maim? They OWN every MSM outlet, University, Every 3 letter government agency, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, you name it and they bought it. THE TRUTH BARRIER and substacks like it are the only thing standing between YOU and the SHEEP.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Time for some more fake mass shootings by "white supremacists", "QAnon types", and MAGA people (aka normal Americans) followed by legislation pulled out of Nancy Pelosi's desk drawer to attempt to confiscate guns and collapse America into a full-blown, authoritarian police state.

Nothing in the media can be believed anymore. And, sadly, it appears Trump is just an actor in a soap opera they are trying to unfold before us where the drama, through false event after false event, leads to the WEF dystopia.

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Desmet Mattias' "Psychology of Totalitarianism" helped me better understand how and why Democrats and Communists deploy these tactics.

From C2C: "Desmet’s work suggests that Arendt’s insights remain acutely relevant. Arendt took pains to point out that Nazism and Stalinism held no monopoly on the evil methodology they employed to rule: totalitarianism. “All ideologies contain totalitarian elements,” was how she put it, “But these are fully developed only by totalitarian movements, and this creates the deceptive impression that only racism [sic Nazism] and communism are totalitarian in character.” This is an essential idea for understanding the times in which we live, and Desmet builds upon it.

"On issue after issue – ‘terrorists, climate changes, heterosexual men, and, later, viruses considered too dangerous to be tackled with old fashion[ed] means’ – society’s response was the same: massive government programs and/or draconian laws and regulations.

"The Psychology of Totalitarianism raises profound questions about the uses, abuses and limitations of rationality, science and technology in our fraught times and their role in creating a deeply disturbing mass psychological phenomenon. Desmet’s analysis of the response to Covid-19 seeks to fill the gap left by the exclusion of psychological factors from the existing scholarship on totalitarianism. In so doing, he shows how whole populations, atomized by but collectively caught in a technological mindset that sees science as the answer to everything, can be overtaken by totalitarianism. Desmet believes this was occurring in the pandemic’s earliest days and continues today." https://c2cjournal.ca/2022/07/when-the-whole-world-goes-mad-mattias-desmets-the-psychology-of-totalitarianism/

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I stopped watching corporate news 20 years ago and dedicated myself to reflect upon the way I want my life to be...... I no longer am obsessed by death, I live a simple life where I dedicate myself to the cultivation and affirmation of values that uplift and guide a soulful life, mine and those in my community and abroad.

We are created by Love, for Love and of Love, for the purpose and in service of Love.

So, in the name of Love made Real may the World We the People want to live in become a Reality

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How many weeks to the second Coup by Dominion?

Will some Fascist in a costume ask for Proof of vaccination and boosting and whatnot, to "allow" voting?

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Psychological warfare. Covid was only the warm up.

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Aug 11, 2022·edited Aug 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Edward Bernays, (along with Walter Whitmann), as pioneers in using propaganda, Bernays wrote regarding propaganda, "Yet whether, in any instance, propaganda is good or bad depends upon the merit of the cause urged, and the correctness of the information published." Moral relativity rules the day. Those shouting the lies and disinfo must be brought down before the morally righteous voices will be heard as the voice of truth and reason.. The weak part of the MSM matrix is its working personnel. KA ka bombing the physical apparatus may bring those working for the MSM to their moral senses as to what they have wrought on society. An eye for an eye as in shit for shits This tactic had a huge demoralizing effect on the immoral French state enforcers/police acting against the morally justified Yellow Vests. Worth the thought? Thinking that the time of moral indignation, protests and rallies have and will have no effect on outcomes whereas civil disobedience may and may be worth the try?.

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How can these people look at themselves in the mirror in the morning😱

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Long ago, they sold their souls to the devil.

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