Robert is a Kennedy. Understands history, understands our needs, and knows how to meet them. Like no other candidate. I pray for his survival - and ours.
This election WILL be the most important in U.S. history IMO.
For 18 months, I've wanted to expound on why the Canadian Truckers Convoy Protest did not resonate or become a seminal historical event like the Boston Party did. An essay from a "gold bug" pointing out that Independence Day could be called "Insurrection Day" gave me this opportunity.
Sadly I think not. Kennedy, despite his admirable stance on vaccines, is very wrong on a great many other issues. He will happily march us into the Great Reset complete with regulatory democracy and its corporate monopolies on everything, digital surveillance and currencies, net zero emissions, lab grown food etc.
Worse (or perhaps just unsurpisingly) he appears to be a Luciferian - a member of the Academy of Divine Knowledge - steeped in the occult and its nihilist philosophy of rebellion against God.
I'm afraid he's almost certainly just a pied piper hero of the type they provide for us when we need one.
I'm giving this a "like" even though I'm not sure I agree with all of it-- Kennedy a Luciferian??? Need some proof for that.
But looking into his advisor, Charles Eisenstein, a bit, I'm getting very worried about a potential massive seduction unfolding, with the participating parties maybe not even understanding how they're being used to manufacture consent.
I've said this a million times: Kennedy's climate fanaticism is a major red flag and is exactly the agenda the Great Reset folks are promoting. The theory of catastrophic CO2 warming is completely false.
The video shows RFK Jr as a special guest and speaker at the 2:10 mark.
This particular group caught quite a bit of attention, so they made much of their web-site hidden and changed its name to unifyd (and it now appears to be off line entirely, or maybe it changed its name again and I can't find it), but back in 2020 the web-site was exactly as shown in this video. Many internet based "freedom movement" folks who were prominently promoted in 2020 were members of, or associated with, this group which is a New Age spiritual organization. It also seemd to have a connection with the Clay Clark Reawaken America tour and folks like General Flynn.
For those who are not aware, the New Age spiritual movement is strongly linked to the UN and the globalist movement, and descended directly from Theosophy which is/was a mixture of Kabbalistic, Gnostic, Luciferian and corrupted Eastern mysticism. Theosophy has strong links to Freemasonry, Illuminism, Golden Dawn (and via Crowley, Thelema and outright Satanism), the Nazi party, Scientology et al.
Is this enough to conclude he's a Luciferian beyond all doubt? Perhaps not, but any association with this type of group is very concerning to me. And when you combine this with his adherence to much of the Luciferian agenda (climate change, enlightenment, progressive liberalism, etc.), and find he is surrounded by people like Eisenstein (author of a rehashed Marxist screed entitled "Sacred Economics", and seemingly New Age adherent himself) then it's enough for me to conclude that he is more likely than not working for the bad guys.
Thank you for your thoughts! I have no way to respond, except to thank you for your information.
I certainly oppose the notion of a Great Reset, which seems to favor people looking to control me. Not my favorite folks. I have no knowledge of the Luciferians, so cannot comment about that. I am not necessarily opposed to the occult, it seems to me it can easily transform into a controlling power, which I am opposed to.
I believe that tracing the occult roots of what we are currently facing is necessary for a full understanding.
It is possible to trace the activities of the group currently operating behind the mask of public organizations like WEF, Bilderberg, Trialateral Commission, Club of Rome, Round Table etc. with a reasonable degree of confidence back at least as far as the eighteenth century. Before that the connections are more tenuous, although the group has likely been working towards its goals for thousands of years.
In the last few centuries (for certain - and very likely for millenia), they have organized themselves by means of secret, occult societies which is a time honoured way of subverting and controlling human society dating back to very ancient times. Such societies work by deception - they recruit members who, believing themselves privy to the secrets, work willingly towards an apparently noble goal, all the while unaware that the true goal to which their labors actually contribute is entirely different. In general these societies have multiple levels, each of which is influenced and led by members of a higher level who are privy to the deception being worked on the levels below them. Members are often unaware even of the existence of higher levels until such time as they are promoted and a lie is revealed.
One historical example of how such a system operates is Abdullah ibn Maymun who took control of the Ismaili sect of Islam in (from memory) the ninth century AD. He set up a secret society with tens of thousands of members, and nine different levels of deception. Recruits were initially sold on the idea that the society was devoted to Allah, but by the time they reached the ninth circle it was "reveleaed" that the idea of God was a lie, the only thing that mattered was power, and to highly enlightened initiates of this final level there were no moral constraints on their behavior - anything at all was permitted. He used it to take over a large portion of the Moslem world and his acolytes wreaked murder and mayhem on millions of people first as the Kharmathites, and then (again from memory) later as the Fatimids. FWIW the current leader of this group, which still exists today, is the Aga Khan - a great friend and collaborator of today's globalists.
Cecil Rhodes described a very similar system in his will, and worked with Milner and Rothschild to set it up under the name Round Table with the expressly stated goal of extending the British Empire to cover the entire globe. Initial recruitment to the first circle was to be through Rhodes scholarships.
The current crop of globalists
1. May well have been behind Oliver Cromwell's revolution in England. Certainly they founded the Hellfire club which eventually gained control of many key political roles including the prime ministership.
2. Financed Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati. Weishaupt first codified communism under the name "Illuminism", and specified a method for controlling society through a secret society and the liberal use of bribery and blackmail. He infiltrated the freemasonic lodges of Europe and used them to foment uprisings throughout Europe, including the French revolution.
3. Had at least a hand in the American revolution, where a great many of the founding fathers were freemasons and in some cases, were alleged to be fully fledged members of the Illuminati, and (again allegedly) worshipped Baphomet. Echoes of this perhaps evident in Bohemian Grove today.
4. Financed the promotion of philosophy in place of religion, the idea of enlightenment and the "Age of Reason". All of which, as Milton so accurately diagnosed in paradise lost, are nothing more than Satan's rebellion against God - and must eventually lead to hell as we see today.
5. Paid Karl Marx to codify communism which he essentially copied from Adam Weishaupt to whom he was directly linked through (from memory) Moses Hess - and of course Rothschild who financed both Weishaupt and Marx.
6. Set up the theosophical society, which was openly Luciferian and was connected to freemasonry, and many other occult organizations including, through Golden Dawn and Ordo Templo Orientalis, Crowley's openly Satanic Thelema religion. Theosophists played a key role in the Fabian society, the Nazi party, and also in the creation of the UN. The Lucifer publishing company, later Lucis trust, was the UN's publishing house and maintained an office in the UN building for most of the UN's existence.
You can see the ideas playing out in the whole of society today. Circles of lies
- covid is an outer circle lie; likely some of the people who implemented covid were convinced to do so because it was a necessary part of controlling society in order to prevent climate change
- climate change is another lie; some people know this but are convinced to help push the lie because we are running out of resources without which civilization will collapse so we must push the climate change lie.
- Inside that there are financial lies - the necessity of pereventing the collapse of our financial system
- and on and on and on, until you reach the final lie whatever that is.
7. Funded the Bolshevik revolution in, and subsequently looting of, Russia as well as the rise of Nazis in German. Engineered both world wars.
8. Have infiltrated religions - Judaism, Catholic Church (see the permanent instruction of the Alta Vendita), and much of the protestant church.
9. Have created entire religions out of whole cloth - e.g. Scientology.
These secret societies always seem to feature the worship of Lucifer (or pagan Gods exemplifying the same belief system) at their core, and are always violently opposed to Christianity - and it was exactly this system against which Christ fought two thousand years ago.
So to circle back to your concern about the occult easily transforming into a controlling power - it is not that occult societies can easily transform into a controlling power, it is that that is precisely the purpose for which they are created in the first place.
I don't know about a lot of what you're saying: haven't researched it myself. But your musings point to what I think is a central deception happening today, which Mattias Desmet is definitely a part of, Malone likely, Eisenstein likely, and Kennedy, if he follows and supports Eisenstein, is also likely a part of.
This central deception is that there is/was no conspiracy. Things happen because of our defective spirituality and our broken relationship with nature-- and "capitalistic greed." I maintain that our defective spirituality and broken relationship with nature and the capture of institutions by financial interests (presented to us as garden-variety capitalistic greed) were planned that way.
Contrast with what Breggin and others are saying: there are definitely global predators out there, and we're the prey. It's a plan, a cabal, a secret society, a big club we're not part of. Eisenstein and Desmet, in contrast, say: no, it's our own lack of spiritual insight and understanding that's causing all this. There is no secret overall conspiracy.
This is the Great Deception happening now, to go along with the Great Narrative to drive the Great Reset. Why? Because they don't want us to look behind the curtain.
Too many people don't want to see that no matter how wonderful Kennedy appears to be, all that could simply be a Trojan horse to usher in the Mother of All Emergencies, the climate pseudoscience. The man has even said he has skeletons in the closest: take him at his word that he's done things that could've comprised him. Otherwise, why does he insist on pseudoscience? He needs to answer for that.
If one questions Kennedy on climate science he'll insist he knows the science inside and out. In truth, he either knows nothing or else he's carrying water for the Great Reset.
It's taken me a while to piece it all together. I guess I started searching almost twenty years ago now.
And yes - I think you are very likely correct in the purpose of the Desmet/Malone deception. These people fill the world with a swirling morass of lies, the purpose of which is to make the truth very hard to find amidst all the BS. A great many voices which at first sight appear to be saying good and noble things, are in fact agents of the enemy and their purpose is to misdirect and mislead in subtle ways.
Kennedy may well be playing a role in that deception, but my guess (obviously this is indeed just a guess) is he may have a larger purpose. He may well be destined for presidency where he will usher in the Great Reset, aka the Beast System.
This is exactly my fear-- that when push comes to shove, there will be "necessary" measures to be taken to flatten the curve for three years to save the very planet, and in accordance with all the "data" that "the science" tells us about how very dangerous a trace gas (CO2) is.
We should never forget that Kennedy is "following the science" even while he at the same time understands very clearly how the science on vaccines has been manipulated and distorted. Yet climate science hasn't been manipulated and distorted? How is he so blind to that?
I've been disillusioned since 2006, and I know RFK has a few more red pills he needs to take. But this is an opportunity for actual improvement. The only other hope I have for lessening the in-progress rise of fascism is hyperinflation and complete financial collapse. I hope RFK gets to right a few small ships before that happens (though happen it will). I do not look through rosy-colored glasses. But I am capable of other takes than sheer cynicism. Try it sometime.
Regardless of how you feel about RFK Jr, and his future in the Presidential race, he is extremely REFRESHING in the way he confronts the real problems none of the other candidates will touch. Let me list a few: Fauci, Gates, HIV, COVID, toxic Jabs, forced coercion, Big Pharma in general, 5G, dangerous radiation, polluted water, The Fed theft, Ukraine, Russia, China, government spying, massive decline in American's health, for just a few. How about political assassinations (personal experience here)? I am very glad he is out there for us now. He may change our entire future regardless of whether he wins or not.
Let’s face it, none of the other candidates will touch the real problems that RFK Jr. is willing to confront because most, if not all, are either directly or indirectly responsible for said problems. RFK Jr. is the only candidate who isn’t “tainted.”
Well, that all depends on what purpose he will serve. He might not win of course, but I think, if allowed to run, he will win, and all will seem great on the vaccine front, at least for a short while and then the switch to climate nut job will take place. He will not be your friend.
Well the "climate change" issue is not clearly defined, at least as implied. Is Co2 the problem? NO. not at all. But what about Chemtrails, the Gates plan to block out the sun? How about GMO crops and destruction via the fires being set all over? Is the implication of what the "language" means part of the problem, that hijacks the real solutions?
I do not. He’s an environmental lawyer, and did a great deal of work to enable (via lawsuits) the clean up of the Hudson river. Have you read about that? That was a true environmental catastrophe. I do not buy into the climate change agenda, but we have done/allowed great harm to our environment by big corporations. That’s undeniable.
Myriam, I could not agree more that he did great work combating corporate environmental devastation. However, he is clearly a climate nut and will be right in line with all the great reset climate push. This will leave you starving and financially ruined. But hey, I'm in the UK with my own problems, its your vote. But ask yourself, if every vote over the last 100 years had gone the other way, would we be in a different position today? The answer is no, we'd be exactly where we are. So here we are, you still think it makes a difference?
Rob, from what I’ve read, he has changed his stance on climate change. I don’t know what your news sources are.
I’m sure you know that the goal is to financially devastate and starve us, completely enslave and control us, if they were not able to kill us with the vaccines.
I now believe all elections are rigged and that “nothing happens in politics that is not planned.” I am registered as independent, align with Libertarians most.
That being said, I love what RFK Jr. stands for, have followed his CHD organization for years. I started learning about the harms of childhood vaccines and the medical mafia more than 30 years ago. And that’s just one of the depopulation strategies.
Perhaps it can be thrown into the bag of semantics, but the term democracy is categorically incorrect. Our founders loathed a pure or direct democracy...which is essentially 2 wolves and 1 sheep voting on what's for dinner. A pure or direct democracy ignores the individual's rights... majority rule or tyranny of the minority. Words do manifest...oh well.
A representative republic might actually be worse.
It's like 535 wolves voting on what's for dinner on behalf of 350 million sheep.
A representative republic is no more or less able to guard peoples' rights than a democracy, but it is much cheaper to corrupt and prone to enslave its citizens.
Sadly, you're correct. Theoretically, there would be no written rule of law restricting government under a pure or direct democracy....however, to your point, all 3 branches of our republic are indeed corrupt. We the Enslaved are not represented. So who is? The trillionaire puppetmasters via corporations, NGOs, et al.🤔
I highly recommend taking a look at Emmanuel Pastreich's recently published booklet, "How to Ruin the Billionaire Elite." It's definitely worth your attention.
He's the best candidate I've seen in a long time. Mayber ever. I'm 80. Voted for Goldwater in 1964. Anarcho/capitalist or libertarian you might say. Robert F Kennedy Jr. is resonating across the board. A neighbor, who is a Republican, didn't seem to know much about Kennedy. She will likely support and vote for DT. She wondered if Kennedy might be "bought". I said not likely, he's already ditched the military industrial complex and big pharma which together have likely bought almost all politicians.
Mr. Close, I am wondering if you understand the term, 'anarchocapitalist'. I am not picking at you, it just does not seem to agree with the rest of your comment, which was well taken.
This guy vs Trump would be interesting. I can't see them putting senile Biden out there again. But, we need to start placing bets on which one of the three the CIA will try to off first.
It is difficult not to notice that Mr. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. does not mention his Uncle, the late Senator Edward ("Ted") Kennedy. Senator Ted Kennedy was a significant agent in the social and cultural transformation of America via -- among other things -- the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization (Hart-Celler) Act. This has been recognized by proponents and opponents alike as having brought about the replacement of the heritage European, Christian character of America, contrary to the claims by those advancing that cause at the time. An interesting proposition, of an academic nature, is that Ted Kennedy took a resentful turn following his brother John's assassination and that the 1965 Immigration Act was an act of retribution covertly directed at Americans, in general and Protestant Southerners, in particular. Ted Kennedy was embraced by feminist groups and the women's rights movement despite not-so-whispered accusations and evidence of his troubled behavior toward women, and perhaps murder. Ted was a strident champion of abortion, and possibly made his political person more appealing to like-minded individuals since it carried with it the message of defiance of the Catholic Church from which his family originated. Senator Kennedy's peace treaty with the feminists might have been suspected in purely objective terms to have been based completely upon this legislative commitment to abortion. Of course, once dead, this power is no more and has no utility, thus the memories of his indiscretions (or worse) come to the fore and could even serve as a liability for RFK, Jr. The latter also has committed himself to the contentious issue of abortion as a political plank. Back to the question of immigration, along with the demographic, racial and cultural issues encompassing immigration, it will be interesting to see how RFK,Jr. continues to manage, navigate or develop his stances. He seems to be choosing his immediate forebears' outlook on racial matters, that is, choosing a strong theme of victimization power. It is not clear if this will strike the correct chords for either white Americans or black Americans, especially with the additional mix of a substantial Latin American as well as African, Asian and Middle Eastern political factors non-existent in the 1950s and 1960s. White Americans, post-Geo Floyd (aptly named given the global impact that that event and the attendant theater that the Media fabricated), are now in a much different place than 50 and 70 years earlier. The ability of Democrats, or Republicans for that matter, to shame white Americans for race is diminishing. Accusations of racism, Nazism or Fascism have worn thin as white Americans, in particular, are becoming cognizant of having sacrificed much blood and treasure in the Civil War as well as in World War II, not to mention subsequent wars up to the present times NeoCon/PNAC ventures to "build democracy everywhere as its technicians tighten draconian screws to the very people called to offer up sons and daughters and posterity. "Wait a sec," they say, "we -- the people that you keep insinuating are so inherently evil, are the very offspring of those whom you told to sacrifice to correct those very same evils 'du jour' for our recent ancestors' time. "And further, we bought those supposed ideals that our parents Inculcated us with --- don't we and they get any credit for our sacrifices?" Apparently not. Democrat idol Michele Obama told the voters that hither to her husband's election to the highest office in the land, she had never been proud of America. In fact, now after a long tutelage, white males are developing a very clear and sober, intellectually sophisticated and deep understanding of the abuse that they have suffered. Mr. Kennedy might consider recognizing that it is a very much different world, now. What is, in discursive terms, "shouting down" and cancelling white Europeans with street chants, legal bullying and ruthless bureaucratic autocracy, have been exposed. Perhaps more than a few revisions are needed to the Kennedy men's playbook. Should these revisions occur, they will be appreciated by many who resonate with RFK, Jr.'s developing position on the COVIDian event that the United States, and the world, has experienced, in addition to his generally well-received denouncing of environmental destruction and corporate domination via public private partnerships. These positions seem rational and balanced to many contemplating Mr. Kennedy's run for President. RFK,Jr."s rejection of the late-stage claims of a rationale for the war promulgated by the Obama-Biden regime (crafted by Victoria Nuland-Kagan) in the Ukraine, against a Russia that we thought we were warming up to, seems annoyingly incomplete and incoherent. Mr. Kennedy cannot seem to go back to the root folly and ill-advised nature of that military catastrophe. Perhaps he will begin to clarify himself with more vibrant colors of political paint. Perhaps, too, he may be inverting the old saw that one runs to the edges in the primary, and to the center during the final contest for the presidency. Instead, as a course of his own development he may possibly, if nominated for the Democratic ticket, grow into a candidate that more of the American electorate will accept --- necessarily far from the "center" defined by the current Washington class. And perhaps further still, the American public will grow into a newfound responsibility as a critical electorate who can judiciously and intelligently, unencumbered by the senility of the dying Democrat-Republican fusion, weigh the issues at hand.
Robert is a Kennedy. Understands history, understands our needs, and knows how to meet them. Like no other candidate. I pray for his survival - and ours.
This election WILL be the most important in U.S. history IMO.
For 18 months, I've wanted to expound on why the Canadian Truckers Convoy Protest did not resonate or become a seminal historical event like the Boston Party did. An essay from a "gold bug" pointing out that Independence Day could be called "Insurrection Day" gave me this opportunity.
Sadly I think not. Kennedy, despite his admirable stance on vaccines, is very wrong on a great many other issues. He will happily march us into the Great Reset complete with regulatory democracy and its corporate monopolies on everything, digital surveillance and currencies, net zero emissions, lab grown food etc.
Worse (or perhaps just unsurpisingly) he appears to be a Luciferian - a member of the Academy of Divine Knowledge - steeped in the occult and its nihilist philosophy of rebellion against God.
I'm afraid he's almost certainly just a pied piper hero of the type they provide for us when we need one.
I'm giving this a "like" even though I'm not sure I agree with all of it-- Kennedy a Luciferian??? Need some proof for that.
But looking into his advisor, Charles Eisenstein, a bit, I'm getting very worried about a potential massive seduction unfolding, with the participating parties maybe not even understanding how they're being used to manufacture consent.
I've said this a million times: Kennedy's climate fanaticism is a major red flag and is exactly the agenda the Great Reset folks are promoting. The theory of catastrophic CO2 warming is completely false.
Sorry - somehow lost much of that comment.
Here's a link to a page which contains a video describing the Academy of Divine Knowledge:
The video shows RFK Jr as a special guest and speaker at the 2:10 mark.
This particular group caught quite a bit of attention, so they made much of their web-site hidden and changed its name to unifyd (and it now appears to be off line entirely, or maybe it changed its name again and I can't find it), but back in 2020 the web-site was exactly as shown in this video. Many internet based "freedom movement" folks who were prominently promoted in 2020 were members of, or associated with, this group which is a New Age spiritual organization. It also seemd to have a connection with the Clay Clark Reawaken America tour and folks like General Flynn.
For those who are not aware, the New Age spiritual movement is strongly linked to the UN and the globalist movement, and descended directly from Theosophy which is/was a mixture of Kabbalistic, Gnostic, Luciferian and corrupted Eastern mysticism. Theosophy has strong links to Freemasonry, Illuminism, Golden Dawn (and via Crowley, Thelema and outright Satanism), the Nazi party, Scientology et al.
Is this enough to conclude he's a Luciferian beyond all doubt? Perhaps not, but any association with this type of group is very concerning to me. And when you combine this with his adherence to much of the Luciferian agenda (climate change, enlightenment, progressive liberalism, etc.), and find he is surrounded by people like Eisenstein (author of a rehashed Marxist screed entitled "Sacred Economics", and seemingly New Age adherent himself) then it's enough for me to conclude that he is more likely than not working for the bad guys.
Spot on with climate. I took a very quick look at Eisenstein too - he appears to be an out and out Marxist.
Marx, of course, as well as being a Rothschild cousin, was a freemason himself and a Satanist as he openly acknowledged in his poetry.
Controlling both sides has long been a tactic employed by these people. And yes - I firmly believe they are at it again here.
Thank you for your thoughts! I have no way to respond, except to thank you for your information.
I certainly oppose the notion of a Great Reset, which seems to favor people looking to control me. Not my favorite folks. I have no knowledge of the Luciferians, so cannot comment about that. I am not necessarily opposed to the occult, it seems to me it can easily transform into a controlling power, which I am opposed to.
I believe that tracing the occult roots of what we are currently facing is necessary for a full understanding.
It is possible to trace the activities of the group currently operating behind the mask of public organizations like WEF, Bilderberg, Trialateral Commission, Club of Rome, Round Table etc. with a reasonable degree of confidence back at least as far as the eighteenth century. Before that the connections are more tenuous, although the group has likely been working towards its goals for thousands of years.
In the last few centuries (for certain - and very likely for millenia), they have organized themselves by means of secret, occult societies which is a time honoured way of subverting and controlling human society dating back to very ancient times. Such societies work by deception - they recruit members who, believing themselves privy to the secrets, work willingly towards an apparently noble goal, all the while unaware that the true goal to which their labors actually contribute is entirely different. In general these societies have multiple levels, each of which is influenced and led by members of a higher level who are privy to the deception being worked on the levels below them. Members are often unaware even of the existence of higher levels until such time as they are promoted and a lie is revealed.
One historical example of how such a system operates is Abdullah ibn Maymun who took control of the Ismaili sect of Islam in (from memory) the ninth century AD. He set up a secret society with tens of thousands of members, and nine different levels of deception. Recruits were initially sold on the idea that the society was devoted to Allah, but by the time they reached the ninth circle it was "reveleaed" that the idea of God was a lie, the only thing that mattered was power, and to highly enlightened initiates of this final level there were no moral constraints on their behavior - anything at all was permitted. He used it to take over a large portion of the Moslem world and his acolytes wreaked murder and mayhem on millions of people first as the Kharmathites, and then (again from memory) later as the Fatimids. FWIW the current leader of this group, which still exists today, is the Aga Khan - a great friend and collaborator of today's globalists.
Cecil Rhodes described a very similar system in his will, and worked with Milner and Rothschild to set it up under the name Round Table with the expressly stated goal of extending the British Empire to cover the entire globe. Initial recruitment to the first circle was to be through Rhodes scholarships.
The current crop of globalists
1. May well have been behind Oliver Cromwell's revolution in England. Certainly they founded the Hellfire club which eventually gained control of many key political roles including the prime ministership.
2. Financed Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati. Weishaupt first codified communism under the name "Illuminism", and specified a method for controlling society through a secret society and the liberal use of bribery and blackmail. He infiltrated the freemasonic lodges of Europe and used them to foment uprisings throughout Europe, including the French revolution.
3. Had at least a hand in the American revolution, where a great many of the founding fathers were freemasons and in some cases, were alleged to be fully fledged members of the Illuminati, and (again allegedly) worshipped Baphomet. Echoes of this perhaps evident in Bohemian Grove today.
4. Financed the promotion of philosophy in place of religion, the idea of enlightenment and the "Age of Reason". All of which, as Milton so accurately diagnosed in paradise lost, are nothing more than Satan's rebellion against God - and must eventually lead to hell as we see today.
5. Paid Karl Marx to codify communism which he essentially copied from Adam Weishaupt to whom he was directly linked through (from memory) Moses Hess - and of course Rothschild who financed both Weishaupt and Marx.
6. Set up the theosophical society, which was openly Luciferian and was connected to freemasonry, and many other occult organizations including, through Golden Dawn and Ordo Templo Orientalis, Crowley's openly Satanic Thelema religion. Theosophists played a key role in the Fabian society, the Nazi party, and also in the creation of the UN. The Lucifer publishing company, later Lucis trust, was the UN's publishing house and maintained an office in the UN building for most of the UN's existence.
You can see the ideas playing out in the whole of society today. Circles of lies
- covid is an outer circle lie; likely some of the people who implemented covid were convinced to do so because it was a necessary part of controlling society in order to prevent climate change
- climate change is another lie; some people know this but are convinced to help push the lie because we are running out of resources without which civilization will collapse so we must push the climate change lie.
- Inside that there are financial lies - the necessity of pereventing the collapse of our financial system
- and on and on and on, until you reach the final lie whatever that is.
7. Funded the Bolshevik revolution in, and subsequently looting of, Russia as well as the rise of Nazis in German. Engineered both world wars.
8. Have infiltrated religions - Judaism, Catholic Church (see the permanent instruction of the Alta Vendita), and much of the protestant church.
9. Have created entire religions out of whole cloth - e.g. Scientology.
These secret societies always seem to feature the worship of Lucifer (or pagan Gods exemplifying the same belief system) at their core, and are always violently opposed to Christianity - and it was exactly this system against which Christ fought two thousand years ago.
So to circle back to your concern about the occult easily transforming into a controlling power - it is not that occult societies can easily transform into a controlling power, it is that that is precisely the purpose for which they are created in the first place.
PS Sorry this is a bit rambling.
I don't know about a lot of what you're saying: haven't researched it myself. But your musings point to what I think is a central deception happening today, which Mattias Desmet is definitely a part of, Malone likely, Eisenstein likely, and Kennedy, if he follows and supports Eisenstein, is also likely a part of.
This central deception is that there is/was no conspiracy. Things happen because of our defective spirituality and our broken relationship with nature-- and "capitalistic greed." I maintain that our defective spirituality and broken relationship with nature and the capture of institutions by financial interests (presented to us as garden-variety capitalistic greed) were planned that way.
Contrast with what Breggin and others are saying: there are definitely global predators out there, and we're the prey. It's a plan, a cabal, a secret society, a big club we're not part of. Eisenstein and Desmet, in contrast, say: no, it's our own lack of spiritual insight and understanding that's causing all this. There is no secret overall conspiracy.
This is the Great Deception happening now, to go along with the Great Narrative to drive the Great Reset. Why? Because they don't want us to look behind the curtain.
Too many people don't want to see that no matter how wonderful Kennedy appears to be, all that could simply be a Trojan horse to usher in the Mother of All Emergencies, the climate pseudoscience. The man has even said he has skeletons in the closest: take him at his word that he's done things that could've comprised him. Otherwise, why does he insist on pseudoscience? He needs to answer for that.
If one questions Kennedy on climate science he'll insist he knows the science inside and out. In truth, he either knows nothing or else he's carrying water for the Great Reset.
It's taken me a while to piece it all together. I guess I started searching almost twenty years ago now.
And yes - I think you are very likely correct in the purpose of the Desmet/Malone deception. These people fill the world with a swirling morass of lies, the purpose of which is to make the truth very hard to find amidst all the BS. A great many voices which at first sight appear to be saying good and noble things, are in fact agents of the enemy and their purpose is to misdirect and mislead in subtle ways.
Kennedy may well be playing a role in that deception, but my guess (obviously this is indeed just a guess) is he may have a larger purpose. He may well be destined for presidency where he will usher in the Great Reset, aka the Beast System.
This is exactly my fear-- that when push comes to shove, there will be "necessary" measures to be taken to flatten the curve for three years to save the very planet, and in accordance with all the "data" that "the science" tells us about how very dangerous a trace gas (CO2) is.
We should never forget that Kennedy is "following the science" even while he at the same time understands very clearly how the science on vaccines has been manipulated and distorted. Yet climate science hasn't been manipulated and distorted? How is he so blind to that?
It simply makes no sense.
It's been a long time since any political figure has inspired me to hope: to believe that things might get better.
For that alone, I thank RFK Jr.
For me too. I listened to his speech announcing his candidacy and by the end I found cynicism to be rather silly, and chose hope.
Put your hope in yourself, not in those of which you know absolutely nothing.
"Hope springs eternal in the human breast:
Man never is, but always to be blest."
You and Alexander Pope are both probably correct, Rob.
I've been disillusioned since 2006, and I know RFK has a few more red pills he needs to take. But this is an opportunity for actual improvement. The only other hope I have for lessening the in-progress rise of fascism is hyperinflation and complete financial collapse. I hope RFK gets to right a few small ships before that happens (though happen it will). I do not look through rosy-colored glasses. But I am capable of other takes than sheer cynicism. Try it sometime.
Love it, thank you for expressing my thoughts exactly.
Regardless of how you feel about RFK Jr, and his future in the Presidential race, he is extremely REFRESHING in the way he confronts the real problems none of the other candidates will touch. Let me list a few: Fauci, Gates, HIV, COVID, toxic Jabs, forced coercion, Big Pharma in general, 5G, dangerous radiation, polluted water, The Fed theft, Ukraine, Russia, China, government spying, massive decline in American's health, for just a few. How about political assassinations (personal experience here)? I am very glad he is out there for us now. He may change our entire future regardless of whether he wins or not.
Let’s face it, none of the other candidates will touch the real problems that RFK Jr. is willing to confront because most, if not all, are either directly or indirectly responsible for said problems. RFK Jr. is the only candidate who isn’t “tainted.”
Yes. or in the pockets of the establishment.
I can assureyou,if he really posed a threat to all you list above, he would not be allowed run. This they would ensure by hook, crook or heart attack.
I think the question is though, is RFK Jr. "being allowed to run?" Do we remember what happened to his father?
Well, that all depends on what purpose he will serve. He might not win of course, but I think, if allowed to run, he will win, and all will seem great on the vaccine front, at least for a short while and then the switch to climate nut job will take place. He will not be your friend.
Well the "climate change" issue is not clearly defined, at least as implied. Is Co2 the problem? NO. not at all. But what about Chemtrails, the Gates plan to block out the sun? How about GMO crops and destruction via the fires being set all over? Is the implication of what the "language" means part of the problem, that hijacks the real solutions?
Sure, all those things are a problem, and are only designed to add to the confusion of the masses
I love everything RFK Jr. stands for, and I pray for him and his family’s safety.
So you support your own impoverishment in the name a false climate agenda designed purely to ruin any life you currently enjoy.
I do not. He’s an environmental lawyer, and did a great deal of work to enable (via lawsuits) the clean up of the Hudson river. Have you read about that? That was a true environmental catastrophe. I do not buy into the climate change agenda, but we have done/allowed great harm to our environment by big corporations. That’s undeniable.
Myriam, I could not agree more that he did great work combating corporate environmental devastation. However, he is clearly a climate nut and will be right in line with all the great reset climate push. This will leave you starving and financially ruined. But hey, I'm in the UK with my own problems, its your vote. But ask yourself, if every vote over the last 100 years had gone the other way, would we be in a different position today? The answer is no, we'd be exactly where we are. So here we are, you still think it makes a difference?
Rob, from what I’ve read, he has changed his stance on climate change. I don’t know what your news sources are.
I’m sure you know that the goal is to financially devastate and starve us, completely enslave and control us, if they were not able to kill us with the vaccines.
I now believe all elections are rigged and that “nothing happens in politics that is not planned.” I am registered as independent, align with Libertarians most.
That being said, I love what RFK Jr. stands for, have followed his CHD organization for years. I started learning about the harms of childhood vaccines and the medical mafia more than 30 years ago. And that’s just one of the depopulation strategies.
Well,I wasn't aware he'd reversed his stance on GW. If he has, and he is going to go against the great reset, then fantastic, but he won't
last long.
Watch some of his CHD episodes. They put one or more out every day. He is definitely against the great reset/mass democide.
Perhaps it can be thrown into the bag of semantics, but the term democracy is categorically incorrect. Our founders loathed a pure or direct democracy...which is essentially 2 wolves and 1 sheep voting on what's for dinner. A pure or direct democracy ignores the individual's rights... majority rule or tyranny of the minority. Words do manifest...oh well.
Categorically incorrect and utterly maddening. What does RFK even mean when he says that? Drives me crazy.
A representative republic might actually be worse.
It's like 535 wolves voting on what's for dinner on behalf of 350 million sheep.
A representative republic is no more or less able to guard peoples' rights than a democracy, but it is much cheaper to corrupt and prone to enslave its citizens.
Sadly, you're correct. Theoretically, there would be no written rule of law restricting government under a pure or direct democracy....however, to your point, all 3 branches of our republic are indeed corrupt. We the Enslaved are not represented. So who is? The trillionaire puppetmasters via corporations, NGOs, et al.🤔
Bobby's dad knew the US was already stolen after Bobby's uncle was wacked. Overwhelming proofs the "deep state" assassinated JFK, RFK, and MLK:
"July 4, 2019 interview with JFK, MLK, RFK: Life or death choices FOR ALL OF US in America’s 2nd Revolution for Independence"
I highly recommend taking a look at Emmanuel Pastreich's recently published booklet, "How to Ruin the Billionaire Elite." It's definitely worth your attention.
- Luc
He's the best candidate I've seen in a long time. Mayber ever. I'm 80. Voted for Goldwater in 1964. Anarcho/capitalist or libertarian you might say. Robert F Kennedy Jr. is resonating across the board. A neighbor, who is a Republican, didn't seem to know much about Kennedy. She will likely support and vote for DT. She wondered if Kennedy might be "bought". I said not likely, he's already ditched the military industrial complex and big pharma which together have likely bought almost all politicians.
Mr. Close, I am wondering if you understand the term, 'anarchocapitalist'. I am not picking at you, it just does not seem to agree with the rest of your comment, which was well taken.
You forgot one group, by far the most dangerous and evil of all on your list,
The Democratic Party leadership
And RFK Jr is running as a Democrat, with Dennis Kucinich as his campaign manager (birds of a feather and all that).
If he were really different he’d run as far away from that gaggle of criminals, lunatics and incompetents as possible.
Instead he embraces them.......
I don't need him to be right about everything, but able to listen and try to figure things out before acting.
That's where Trump and other so called populists have failed. They ended up following the script, told to them by experts and advisors... 😂
Trump a “progressive “?
Surely you just.....
Sorry, I meant populist.
Jest.... damned autocorrect
Autocorrect "left-justified" your comment against your will.
This guy vs Trump would be interesting. I can't see them putting senile Biden out there again. But, we need to start placing bets on which one of the three the CIA will try to off first.
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It is difficult not to notice that Mr. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. does not mention his Uncle, the late Senator Edward ("Ted") Kennedy. Senator Ted Kennedy was a significant agent in the social and cultural transformation of America via -- among other things -- the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization (Hart-Celler) Act. This has been recognized by proponents and opponents alike as having brought about the replacement of the heritage European, Christian character of America, contrary to the claims by those advancing that cause at the time. An interesting proposition, of an academic nature, is that Ted Kennedy took a resentful turn following his brother John's assassination and that the 1965 Immigration Act was an act of retribution covertly directed at Americans, in general and Protestant Southerners, in particular. Ted Kennedy was embraced by feminist groups and the women's rights movement despite not-so-whispered accusations and evidence of his troubled behavior toward women, and perhaps murder. Ted was a strident champion of abortion, and possibly made his political person more appealing to like-minded individuals since it carried with it the message of defiance of the Catholic Church from which his family originated. Senator Kennedy's peace treaty with the feminists might have been suspected in purely objective terms to have been based completely upon this legislative commitment to abortion. Of course, once dead, this power is no more and has no utility, thus the memories of his indiscretions (or worse) come to the fore and could even serve as a liability for RFK, Jr. The latter also has committed himself to the contentious issue of abortion as a political plank. Back to the question of immigration, along with the demographic, racial and cultural issues encompassing immigration, it will be interesting to see how RFK,Jr. continues to manage, navigate or develop his stances. He seems to be choosing his immediate forebears' outlook on racial matters, that is, choosing a strong theme of victimization power. It is not clear if this will strike the correct chords for either white Americans or black Americans, especially with the additional mix of a substantial Latin American as well as African, Asian and Middle Eastern political factors non-existent in the 1950s and 1960s. White Americans, post-Geo Floyd (aptly named given the global impact that that event and the attendant theater that the Media fabricated), are now in a much different place than 50 and 70 years earlier. The ability of Democrats, or Republicans for that matter, to shame white Americans for race is diminishing. Accusations of racism, Nazism or Fascism have worn thin as white Americans, in particular, are becoming cognizant of having sacrificed much blood and treasure in the Civil War as well as in World War II, not to mention subsequent wars up to the present times NeoCon/PNAC ventures to "build democracy everywhere as its technicians tighten draconian screws to the very people called to offer up sons and daughters and posterity. "Wait a sec," they say, "we -- the people that you keep insinuating are so inherently evil, are the very offspring of those whom you told to sacrifice to correct those very same evils 'du jour' for our recent ancestors' time. "And further, we bought those supposed ideals that our parents Inculcated us with --- don't we and they get any credit for our sacrifices?" Apparently not. Democrat idol Michele Obama told the voters that hither to her husband's election to the highest office in the land, she had never been proud of America. In fact, now after a long tutelage, white males are developing a very clear and sober, intellectually sophisticated and deep understanding of the abuse that they have suffered. Mr. Kennedy might consider recognizing that it is a very much different world, now. What is, in discursive terms, "shouting down" and cancelling white Europeans with street chants, legal bullying and ruthless bureaucratic autocracy, have been exposed. Perhaps more than a few revisions are needed to the Kennedy men's playbook. Should these revisions occur, they will be appreciated by many who resonate with RFK, Jr.'s developing position on the COVIDian event that the United States, and the world, has experienced, in addition to his generally well-received denouncing of environmental destruction and corporate domination via public private partnerships. These positions seem rational and balanced to many contemplating Mr. Kennedy's run for President. RFK,Jr."s rejection of the late-stage claims of a rationale for the war promulgated by the Obama-Biden regime (crafted by Victoria Nuland-Kagan) in the Ukraine, against a Russia that we thought we were warming up to, seems annoyingly incomplete and incoherent. Mr. Kennedy cannot seem to go back to the root folly and ill-advised nature of that military catastrophe. Perhaps he will begin to clarify himself with more vibrant colors of political paint. Perhaps, too, he may be inverting the old saw that one runs to the edges in the primary, and to the center during the final contest for the presidency. Instead, as a course of his own development he may possibly, if nominated for the Democratic ticket, grow into a candidate that more of the American electorate will accept --- necessarily far from the "center" defined by the current Washington class. And perhaps further still, the American public will grow into a newfound responsibility as a critical electorate who can judiciously and intelligently, unencumbered by the senility of the dying Democrat-Republican fusion, weigh the issues at hand.