Imagine An American Family That Practices Witchcraft, And Forces It Onto The Children
A True Story, of Deliverance
Aren’t you interested in how so many (many, many) people are what we call saved from a life of darkness, addiction, hate and death from an encounter with God?
I am. And I will never apologize for my “interest,” which is a fig leaf word for the real word which is “faith.”
I’ve seen and heard a lot. An awful, awful lot.
Christianity is rarely commended for this basic fact: It works.
Addicts walk away from the needle and the pipe without needing any clinics or lengthy programs. Prostitutes leave the lifestyle and find provision. Women get custody of their kids back, and even forgiveness. And so on and so on.
The biggest PSY OP inversion of Christianity is that it feeds on condemnation. In my own experience, secular (woke) culture feeds on condemnation while Christianity gets excited about how you can turn your heart, soul, and life around. All my Christian friends tell me is that I am loved. Who told you you were cr&^p this year, and last? Christians? No? Then what “faith” were they of?
Fauci-ism? I actually think it’s a secular “humanist” faith, or maybe “cult” is the word.
If you are born into a family of multi-generational curses, deliverance is not an overnight process, not a magical single moment, but a series of stumbling and risings and relapses and returns. The enemy does not want to let you go without a fight. The enemy wants it to seem very “confusing.”
I know some people here will say they wish I would stop imposing my “superstitions” on my readers and others will say “thank you, I needed that.” Maybe you are suspicious of Christian programming, channels, mega-churches, the list is long but let me say this: If you were Satan, where would you go first, to sow ill-deeds and destruction? You would go wherever Christians gather. Don’t blame “Christianity” then. Blame its stated adversary, who shall remake nameless.
Starts with an “S.”
I hope those of you who need to hear this woman’s testimony will appreciate it and I hope anybody else will, if nothing else, think about it. I have always believed in the human voice and its true stories, more than anything.
I was raised evengelical fundamentalist and attended Christian college. I left because of my feminist leanings and left the church behind. After all the things I've learned and how my current reality was built on multiple levels of lies, I called my dad and said, "I'm sorry, you were right and I was wrong. The world is indeed ruled by Satan." And I've been studying and attending Orthodox churches since.
I think it's amazing how you attract and amplify a variety of voices, Celia, without being overtly "political" about anything. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless!