I was raised evengelical fundamentalist and attended Christian college. I left because of my feminist leanings and left the church behind. After all the things I've learned and how my current reality was built on multiple levels of lies, I called my dad and said, "I'm sorry, you were right and I was wrong. The world is indeed ruled by Satan." And I've been studying and attending Orthodox churches since.

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That's amazing.

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I think it's amazing how you attract and amplify a variety of voices, Celia, without being overtly "political" about anything. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless!

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Thank you!

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I was raised catholic and dropped out of church ag 14, because we were not allowed to ask any questions. We were obligated to believe what the church told us. Well no I don't. I investigated and read up on lots of things. When I came to the states, the first question I got asked, have you been saved? what church do you go to? I am in the bible belt... so I said God, if you want me to go to a church send me there. Then I met knitters from an episcopal church LOL ! I am no longer going now, because they totally fell for the narrative. Feeling better in the woods, with my animals, I lift my arms to the sun and the sky and the clouds and the rain. That is what god really is for me.

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The creation is indeed a wonderful miraculous manifestation of God. Beware the trap of worshipping the creation instead of the creator and you can still fully appreciate animals and the beauty of God’s earth.

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God the Creator and Sustainer is to be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth. He is ever so infinitely more than the work of His Hands.

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I feel similarly. Nature is my true "church". I am so grateful for it and it's flaura and fauna. Always welcoming, beconing and healing. Such richness and depth. It has helped me countless times...physically and when grief stricken. I'm awestruck and grateful to it and its Creator. 🙏😌

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Amen Celia,

Christ set me free from the powers of darkness over 40 years ago.

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I’ve seen people supernaturally transformed overnight.

They say religion is man’s search for God. But what makes Christianity different, is that it’s Gods search for men.

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The majority of Americans are involved in their own special brand of witchcraft. It's defined as Pharma. Yes, yes indeed, the majority worship at the altar of Pharma as they line up for their Covid death shot. They believe it will keep them safe as well as give them freedom but don't realize the trap they are so willingly leaping into.

I am witness to this in my immediate family having seen first my brother and most recently my sister, in March, being murdered by these satanic enterprises. It started with aspartame and the diagnoses of Fibromyalgia where she was told it was all in her head. Upwards of 70 different prescription drugs later and she is now buried before her time.

Similar to Brianne Dressen who was vax injured 2 years ago.

The following is from Steve Kirsch's substack that he posted earlier today..

"Bree saw 60 doctors in the past 2 years. Of the 60, 57 told her that she was imagining everything; that there is nothing wrong with her and it is all “in her head.”

She appeared on a panel hosted by Ron Johnson a year ago. Has anything changed since then? Not really."

So they use the same playbook over and over until they label it for their own benefit and as always invent a new drug to take care of the problems that drugs caused in the first place. Kinda like a hamster in a cage with millions of people goin' round n' round.

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Excellent and right to the point. There is no condemnation in Christ, and yet it is right where the left goes, demonstrating only ignorance. Many won’t ever allow themselves to know the relief and freedom, sadly. I love how you put it so simply: it works. It’s true. And I mean a daily walk with Christ, religion or not.

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You aren’t part of “the truth barrier” for no reason. YOU speak and write truth; therefore, as you aptly noted, you will always be a target for the enemy. Whatever attacks come your way, you have a large following of people who love you and appreciate you for your sentiments and truths. You have our support and I’m adding you to my prayer list as well—That Jesus protect you from harm, and that you continue to have inspiration from The Holy Spirit. I hope other readers who aren’t already doing so begin praying for you as well. We need to be praying fervently for each other and the “leaders” of our nation.

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Sorry, but I am sure many Christian (and other) congregations pray that everyone take the needle. Religious faith sustains many people in their daily lives and it’s great that they have that. What has sustained me through the COVID crisis is not any religion, but many working people who saw through the bullshit and God never came into it.

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In my 57 years of existence, all the societal conflict have been battles over right and wrong, good and evil. And in my heart of hearts, I have known all of my life the "good, beautiful, the healthy and true" in my conscience without having to resort to religious belief. On the flip side, I have easily recognized in my conscience what is "profane, ugly, perverse, sick, counterfeit and fraudulent". And in all of these years, evident in the culture, relationships, and life experience, it has become increasingly clear the "good, the beautiful, and what is true" resides in the Kingdom of God. These include "ultimate self-sacrifice for others, love, walking the narrow path of morality, honesty, fidelity, peace", as examples. And that which is false, "scientism, occultism, narcissism, greed, pride, and all kinds of perverse morality, lust, lies, indoctrination, and war" lie in the realm of the kingdom of man/satan, the kingdom of darkness.

There is a constant "battle", and tension at the heart of our decaying society between these two Kingdoms. I do NOT hold to some sort of Manicheaistic view of the world, or give credit to Satan. Nor do I think Satan is without influence. He is finite and created. God is infinite and uncreated. I hold that God is the Creator and Ultimate Giver of life, and in His promise, the soul that sins will die, and in Christ, through His sacrifice you will live, be delivered into light and be set free. Outside of Christ, you are enslaved to that which the city of man and Satan has to offer: the "profane, ugly, perverse, sick, counterfeit and fraudulent" ....darkness.

I have purposely placed "scientism" (not the same as "science") in the realm of the Kingdom of the enemy, because many Christians have not recognized what it is or how it is used. It is the faith and trust in "science" as the ultimate measure of truth claims. "Scientists" are fallible human beings affected by pride, pressure, and greed and all too often then not, apply their thumb on the scale of desireable outcomes for gain. "Scientism" is a tool used for the perversion of truth. The vaccine lies, the fraud, and coersion, the forced isolation, the masking, the closing of schools, churches and businesses the state did in cooperation with BigPharma, and big business, all based on "science" for the benefit of the state, BigPharma and big business relied on FORCE , including forcing children to take their kill product.....resembled the Spanish Inquisition. It was all another false god on which an alter is built to sacrifice children to Moloch. Fauci, that little odious diminutive gremlin, was/is a useful well-compensated idiot for Satan.

These dark forces are alive and well. They target, and indoctrinate children from an early age, is no surprise. They start early and strike directly at what is holy, pure, and how God has created us, man and woman, who together, and not apart are reflections (images) of Him....the "good, the beautiful, the healthy, the true". They indoctrinate from the earliest ages into Gaia worship, and evironmentalism. They stoke conflict and fear, divide by race, and gender. This is purely of the city of Man.

This is not to say, that these realms never overlap. Those outside of Christianity constantly borrow morality from Christianity and live better than they ought. They find Christ and Christianity unnecessary. They will reap their reward. Likewise, many Christians or those who resemble Christians....chaff as Jesus calls them, live in the same bondage and chains they had before they claimed Christ to be set free. They too, will reap their reward.

"Good deeds" is not enough, otherwise God did not need to send his Son to die on the cross for our sins. For those who think there is minor significance to this, and just a waste of a good person, keep in mind, the disciples do not take this position. Jesus recognized His ultimate destiny and achievement was His sacrifice on the cross. He gave tangible reminders which have lasted to this day in His last supper. It was His purpose in His life and his crowning ministry. Jesus is known as Lord and Savior. Good deeds is not enough. It is nowhere near enough. They may provide you a more fulfilling life to live, but to really be set free requires Christ.

As Celia writes, Christianity works. It is obvious it works. Only those blinded and in chains by the city of Man will never recognize this. Let him who has ears to hear, hear, and eyes to see, see.

Celia's attached video is a testimony.....I do not know Sandy Boyd, or her ministry but I find her credible. I do know many other "Sandy Boyds" out there who have given similar testimonies.

As Charles Wesley wrote:

Long my imprisoned spirit lay

Fast bound in sin and nature's night;

Thine eye diffused a quickening ray,

I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;

My chains fell off, my heart was free,

I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.

My chains fell off, my heart was free,

I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.

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An absence of evidence, does not mean evidence of absence... just because you did not find evidence of God, it does not mean God does not exist.

For those who believe, no proof or evidence is necessary. For those who do not believe, proof or evidence will never suffice in the search for meaning & purpose of all Life on Earth.

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The evidence is all around us.... who made what you see? By faith we believe.... but it's a journey.

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Aloha freedom loving Sadie. I love your comments & sovereign thoughts. Think sovereignly or become slovenly foolish. The conditioned Mind may "think", but the faithful Heart & Soul feels.

When tragedy strikes, the Eyes tear and the Soul sees a Rainbow and the Heart begins to Heal.

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Larry Inn: Aloha Celia, the Global War on Christianity & the First Amendment (a Secular Coup de tat), has set the World on fire. Not to mention a Global Financial Coup de tat, the Secular Globalists are "creating" Hell on Earth. For a Christian perspective please check out ADF.org (Alliance Defending Freedom). Or ADF legal.org. Phone # 800-835-5233. Kristen Waggoner, CEO, President & General Counsel. The ADF stands For Faith, For Justice, & Liberty.

"I am the Vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5.

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Thank you, Celia. And yes, I needed to hear this today.

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This rather short 4 part series documentary is brilliant. It exposes how evil can infect many generations of extended families. It's directed quite brilliantly on a low budget by a Christian. It also demonstrates the power of faith, and Christ Jesus.


In general, I find many Christians to be simpletons who ignore a great deal of evidence contrary to what preachers pimping Christ Jesus for profit, and mind control spew from the pulpit on Sundays before they pass the hat for some loot. There's a lot of brainwashing with dogma done by Christians as Christianity was almost from the outset hijacked by political forces deeply threatened by Christ Jesus. Much of the Christian Canon was literally buried because the Romans, and others who needed mind control couldn't tolerate too much truth.

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I feel the same way about being baptised into the Catholic church. It took me a while to figure out that I am a pagan and only worship nature, any tree or plant I consider to be my greatest teacher. They have been here a lot longer than us. Every religious book was written by........men.

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I'm happy for her succuss into a much better life. And her love for a God that has saved her from continuing addictions and ignorance's. That is absolutely wonderful. And yes Im agnostic or atheist or heathen or whatever you shall box me into. Great story of hope and success.

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