In Conversation Between Anders Tegnell and Scott Atlas, Atlas Reveals Fauci Lamented That The American People Were Not Scared Enough Of Covid
Tegnell Says His Success Was Partly From The Decision To Speak To The Swedish People As Though They Were Adults, Who Could Be Trusted
Link here.
Though he betrayed his people with vaccine doctrine, I still can’t help but love Tegnell for what he spared them, and how he swam against the hysteria of the entire world.
Swedish friends, (I only have two left) say “no.”
‘One must not harbor love for Anders Tegnell; He is a globalist and he pushed deadly vaccines.’
I tell them: You did not live through lockdowns.
The matter is unresolved.
We seek perfect heroes, fathers—perfect everything.
I’ll always be moved by what he did and if I had a production company, as I do in my imagination, I’d buy the rights to his life story.
I lament that Fauci is not scared enough of the American people.
H.L. Mencken, American journalist had it right, "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed and hence clamorous to be led to safety and menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."