I'm not sure what the status of the matter is now, but for a time he was protected by a detail of federal marshals. I discovered a while back that these fall under the jurisdiction of the DOJ, rather than DHS. How interesting that the agency that should have prosecuted him was instead insulating him from any unpleasantness from his detractors. All on the dime of people he betrayed. He's really a model for lethal parasitism.
I'm afraid to see what the day after tomorrow (Inauguration Day and beyond) will look like. Now I can still live in the fantasy that, as Quill Cross states, the day of reckoning is coming.
The most horrifying thing is that Trump is STILL pushing that toxic slime on the public and trying to claim "credit" for the deadliest drug in human history.
Fauci lectured a group of McGill university students in Montreal, Canada in 2021 where he claimed that Americans should "give up" individual freedom for the "greater good" of society.
I live in Germany - most of the population is scared of everything! They are scared of a life when nobody tells them what to think, what to feel and what to do. Germany is a huge Kindergarten full of hysterical (and at the same time pretensious)
people who cannot think for themself. Tegnell is a typical scandinavian- highly academic but very casual and down to earth. This hides the fact that he is part of the medical system. Not eveil like Fauci but I rather know who is the bad guy. People like Tegnell are so very likeable - thats my problem
I value your feedback as a German in Germany. From afar I had the impression that the authoritarian zeitgeist was Germany's nemesis. Reiner Fuellmich expressed the same, stating that it was what made the German Court system impenetrable.
And yet the contrast between American passivity and absence of protests on the scale of what Germany demonstrated reveals that there was still a vocal minority who were driven by conscious and civic duty.
We all have our thresholds of acceptability. Celia says Tegnell's good, advocating against lockdowns, outweighed the bad. Maybe his legacy is already written.
Many here in the U.S. believe Trump "knew" yet went along, even profited by investing in pharma stock. Suppose, however unlikely, he does everything right this time around, I think some detractors will change their negative opinion of him.
I would love to be proven wrong, but it sure looks like Trump is still neck deep in pharma evil and has no desire to stop them from committing yet more mass murder by mandated mRNA for profit.
H.L. Mencken, American journalist had it right, "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed and hence clamorous to be led to safety and menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
Great quote. H.L.M. has always been a personal favorite. We Americans fancy ourselves as free range animals. And then most of us meet up at the same watering hole.
I love Mencken. Great satirist. I hate that he tends to be too pessimistic. That's no fun. And he was too naïve about medicine and scientific corruption. Not all quacks are at large. Even on his time, charlatans were already running the public health show.
....and it was the ladies (if you want to call them that) on the View that mocked Dr. Atlas as a quack then they all started to quack like a duck. Still I blame Pence for all of this. He was the head of the Covid Task Force and all he did was go along with all of it. Pence should never be allowed again near any political office. He betrayed the US Constitution and the American people.
yes...a bunch of barnyard fowls....clucking around. Did you ever read the children's story -- HENNY PENNY? Henny Penny felt a drop of something fall on her and raised quite a ruckus in the barnyard. THE SKY IS FALLING-- THE SKY IS FALLING she repeatedly screamed.
Well as we all now know--it was a false alarm.
Prize winning scientist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi wrote a short book entitled CORONA FALSE ALARM in 2O21.... trying to calm the over concerned unfortunate 'marks' as they are called in the trade.
It was a valiant effort and he had to self-publish because the big companies weren't interested. They had probably already invested in 'the plan' which was apparently well known among the well-heeled classes. It is said this "plan" has been in existence ever since the Rockefeller made his first haul of money selling "cures" for every ailment under the sun as a traveling salesman.
But all that is probably just urban legend....
I hope that "THE GREAT DIE-OFF" as predicted by the likes of Geert van den Bosch is equally fictitious....His predecessor Christian Drosten....(another veterinarian} has been very pessimistic...
Dr. Bhakdi--a highly credentialed epidemiologist is very worried now about the sharply climbing mortality rates and the strange condition of the bodies of the newly dead with their "giant white clots" etc as is a Pathologist name of Ryan Cole....in some awful place like Montana.... Dr. Mark Trozzi and Dr. William Makis....another cancer specialist also claim the bodies of the recently deceased have weird clots as does heart specialist Dr. Peter McCullough.
I am just a retired teacher with little or no science background. But I know when writers fail to document their sources....and I am pretty good at spotting shysters.
I knew Dr. Atlas was a good guy, but frustrated that he was sidelined and ignored. Trump should have paid more attention to what he had to say, but wondering how much got filtered out by Pence.
My hens are also ladies and there is a bit of a resemblance. Like the quackers they talk over one another although unlike the View their heads are still attached. More entertaining too.
yes...it is an actual fact. Poultry will run frantically around the yard AFTER their heads are severed. It is a highly disturbing spectacle and children should be blocked from seeing this. This awful sight which they saw on visiting a neighbors farm-- so affected my two daughters they instantly became vegetarians
I read Atlas' book, "A Plague Upon Our House," three years ago. My recollection is that Birx featured more prominently in his account than did Fauci. So much of the non-scientific garbage became policy because the surrounding team members feared running afoul of her non-scientific assertions.
I haven't read the book. You've piqued my interest. In comparison to Tony her obscurity is noteworthy in the wake of the vaXX reign of terror considering both her influence and her confession that they, the covid experts, were making things up without any evidence to support policy.
They most certainly were. This can now be validated by visiting the substack of Denis Rancourt. This very well known and trusted scientist of statistical analysis has put into book form all the evidence PROVING BEYOND ANY DOUBT that our government and many other governments as well--lied to the people about the existence of any "pandemic"...there was nothing to this lie of horrifying death occurring around the world. There was no increase in ALL CAUSE MORTALITY in any of the "highly vaccinated" countries until AFTER the vaccines were deployed against the populations. "Criminal Fraud" is the correct diagnosis in my opinion.
There is no "Public Health". There is only the health of an individual, for which the individual is responsible using truthful and useful information. The job of government is to keep poisons from compromising the health of individuals and the government does a terrible job. Peggy Hall, "The Healthy American" describes the fallacy of the idea of public health. It was always a pretext for public control.
Mostly right--"Public Health" has always, from the get-go, been a pretext for controlling (the poorer segment of) the public--and paying bureaucrats cushy jobs to do it. The job of gov't (the US gov't, that is) has always been to keep life very comfy for the top 1%.
Ever occurred to anyone that swedes never needed any heavy handed treatment due to a ridiculous trust in government? Ordinarie people policed each other very soon, no need for authorities to do it. As for Tegnell, he just followed his orders.
Celia...I just read the interview you did with Dr. Kary Mullis back in the 90's. I tried to find the ABC Nightline documentary they did with Dr. Mullis but it seems to have been taken down. I did find a blogger that posted part of the documentary but the link no longer works. I also tried to find it on the wayback but do not have the original URL from the Nightline show. Any chance you have access to this documentary??
Karen, thank you, first of all. That ABC Nightline piece has not resurfaced but I might be able to track it down via colleagues. Meanwhile, perhaps I could send you a note about Kary, to attend your post..? Maybe if you want to pose a question? or I can just write something very short. omg I remember vividly how we all believed for SURE the war would be done and dusted after that ABC Nightline piece aired! We were insanely naïve.
I agree, Tegnell’s Covid response for Sweden was fascinating, especially given that his next door neighbors Finland and Norway were in complete lockstep with the rest of the Western response. Finland is, I believe, the Western country with the highest trust in their government and media. They are currently testing the Bird Flu vaccine on their citizens. I used to think they were potentially correct in this trust. The childhood vaccination schedule there, for example, is much more reasonable than the US. When Finnish citizens were harmed by the H1N1 vaccine (narcolepsy) they were compensated. So, when Covid began, they were wholeheartedly compliant with the jabs. I imagine the Swedes also have a higher trust in media and government than the US, so probably did not resist the jabs in high numbers. But, fear is also a killer and Tegnell helped his citizens resist this very destructive aspect of the Covid response. I would love to understand what gave him the strength to at least do that.
I don't understand, if the Swedes were not afraid of "Covid" and went about their business, mainly as before, why were they so compliant when it came to an experimental injection? Also, since the Scandinavian experience with the dangerous H1N1 vaccines, why would compliance have been so high in the Scandinavian countries, even with their trust in their governments?
Politics is never about what we desire, but about what we get.
People are not realistic about politics. The lockdowns were similar to arson, perhaps even worse. Lots of people lost everything with that. Unmourned to this day. The Swedes were very fortunate to have missed that part of the Virus Communism period.
Yeah, in Sweden we did not have much of lockdowns. Nor was the pressure to take the jab very strong, so I g uess we got away fairly unscathed. On the other hand Anders Tegnell was first promised a good job at the UN, which was later denied him...One could almost say we lived through a covid light, in comparison to most other countries. God bless!
I too have wondered then and still about the schism between Sweden's relaxed approach to covid and the then intermittent rumors of dereliction of care for seniors in supervised living settings.
Why did people comply to such an overwhelming degree with the experimental injections, when there were no lockdowns and there was no pressure to comply?
Dr. John Campbell on YouTube interviewed a Swedish doctor named Tallinger who left Sweden because he did not want to follow the government's instructions to not give people over 60 oxygen if they were having breathing problems and to supply them with morphine instead, which can be deadly.
We are an obedient people, few also, so if a word gets out we follow directions pretty well otherwise running the risk of getting cancelled. There were about 500 morphined elderlies in Sweden and 800 in the UK if I am not mistaken. Dr John Campbell got that all right.
IN fact about 500 elderlies were left locked in their rooms to just die, without any possibility for their relatives to see or contact t hem at all. This happened in the beginning of the so called pandemic, when things were very unclear. The decision to give them a calming injection and lock them up was taken by a doctor but only the phone not by personal visit. So basically the decision was made by the then nurse at hand.
This has been really ugly and being Sweden not much discussed in media of course. Doctor John has, however, observed this, and expressed "Shame on you Sweden!".
Of course Tegnell knew well that letting the virus loose, so to say, there is an e-mail on this, would knock out some but realizing this at the same time he expressed this being the way to go.
My own house doctor, being all for the jabs, was sitting outside her father´s senior room at the time trying by all means to get in, but there was just a big no. She said to go forward with an appeal, but I do not think she ever did. We do have a strong censorship you know, and being a small country, if the wrong word gets loose, you might get very cancelled. Thank you very much for your interest.
Myself, I never took the jab, nor did much of a lock down, just put some shawls around my head when out, did not take cabs or go places. . . . .
Thank you for your comprehensive response. I was born in Ukraine and have lived in the US since I was a child. I was aware of the anti-human repressive protocols of communism but thought that "democratic socialism" is supposed to incorporate the best of all systems of government, without the obvious abuses of capitalism. I know that some of the cancelling may have to do with issues of Scandinavian culture and conformity, not just the socialism aspect.
I wonder if something has been learned from the shameful way that some elderly were treated. Have there been governmental investigations to try to prevent such ill-conceived abuses from happening again?
It seems that it's time to re-examine much of what "modern medicine" has resulted in, even in a more egalitarian and "humanitarian" system. The book "Can You Catch A Cold?" makes a persuasive science-based case against the theory of contagion whose implications can obviously be deadly.
Well that was the plan from an informercial I saw made in 1970 that said a worldwide coronavirus pandemic would start in Asia in 50 years! Then I remember a book published in 1981 that said "we will have a pandemic that targets certain people. The FEARFUL and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment. A treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by itself." So I guess in that sense he was right. The mass poisoning of the population is still not completed. Stay tuned, these Luciferians are planning another SCARIENT real soon!
I spoke once a week, to my long time friend in Gothenburg, a botanist later a yoga teacher — she was not sick, still, she didn’t leave her house, got groceries delivered by a neighbor, didn’t see her grandchildren except through a window on Xmas … etc … I was out and about in Berlin, even went to hear Kennedy ticking off all the points in my notebook. In contrast with my NY friends, we still are.
Bravo to anyone who resisted the destructive lockdowns or forced vaccination, no matter their position. I still believe they should not be holding office, but unlike what should happen to Fauci, if there is any justice, which is at least remove the guy from any power. I don't know if even that will happen. If there is no justice for Fauci in his lifetime, too many others will follow suit.
I lament that Fauci is not scared enough of the American people.
I'm not sure what the status of the matter is now, but for a time he was protected by a detail of federal marshals. I discovered a while back that these fall under the jurisdiction of the DOJ, rather than DHS. How interesting that the agency that should have prosecuted him was instead insulating him from any unpleasantness from his detractors. All on the dime of people he betrayed. He's really a model for lethal parasitism.
I'm afraid to see what the day after tomorrow (Inauguration Day and beyond) will look like. Now I can still live in the fantasy that, as Quill Cross states, the day of reckoning is coming.
The most horrifying thing is that Trump is STILL pushing that toxic slime on the public and trying to claim "credit" for the deadliest drug in human history.
NO-oooo...tell me it's not true.
the world looks bleak....and I am stunned.
It is true:
But I'm enjoying Trump's inauguration anyway. Maybe he will come around at last.
Fauci lectured a group of McGill university students in Montreal, Canada in 2021 where he claimed that Americans should "give up" individual freedom for the "greater good" of society.
Oh yeah . . . . . Tony. What a shining example of the "greater good".
Did they clap?
He is. He’s got 24/7 security. His RECKONING is coming.
Let's hope so.
I like your crystal ball. I just can't gaze into it until it's proven accurate.
Spot on!
I live in Germany - most of the population is scared of everything! They are scared of a life when nobody tells them what to think, what to feel and what to do. Germany is a huge Kindergarten full of hysterical (and at the same time pretensious)
people who cannot think for themself. Tegnell is a typical scandinavian- highly academic but very casual and down to earth. This hides the fact that he is part of the medical system. Not eveil like Fauci but I rather know who is the bad guy. People like Tegnell are so very likeable - thats my problem
I value your feedback as a German in Germany. From afar I had the impression that the authoritarian zeitgeist was Germany's nemesis. Reiner Fuellmich expressed the same, stating that it was what made the German Court system impenetrable.
And yet the contrast between American passivity and absence of protests on the scale of what Germany demonstrated reveals that there was still a vocal minority who were driven by conscious and civic duty.
We all have our thresholds of acceptability. Celia says Tegnell's good, advocating against lockdowns, outweighed the bad. Maybe his legacy is already written.
Many here in the U.S. believe Trump "knew" yet went along, even profited by investing in pharma stock. Suppose, however unlikely, he does everything right this time around, I think some detractors will change their negative opinion of him.
I would love to be proven wrong, but it sure looks like Trump is still neck deep in pharma evil and has no desire to stop them from committing yet more mass murder by mandated mRNA for profit.
i wish this were not true...but alas....it does seem so.
H.L. Mencken, American journalist had it right, "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed and hence clamorous to be led to safety and menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
I consider it a virtual certainty that at some point in his career, a colleague would've turned to him and said, "That's good thinkin', Mencken."
Great quote. H.L.M. has always been a personal favorite. We Americans fancy ourselves as free range animals. And then most of us meet up at the same watering hole.
I love Mencken. Great satirist. I hate that he tends to be too pessimistic. That's no fun. And he was too naïve about medicine and scientific corruption. Not all quacks are at large. Even on his time, charlatans were already running the public health show.
And the real danger, the mRNA injection, is relentlessly protected and promoted by Trump even now.
....and it was the ladies (if you want to call them that) on the View that mocked Dr. Atlas as a quack then they all started to quack like a duck. Still I blame Pence for all of this. He was the head of the Covid Task Force and all he did was go along with all of it. Pence should never be allowed again near any political office. He betrayed the US Constitution and the American people.
I saw Dr. Atlas speak in person and have no doubt about his integrity. He's a good guy.
The View is full of quacks. More like hens, cluck clucking all the time.
yes...a bunch of barnyard fowls....clucking around. Did you ever read the children's story -- HENNY PENNY? Henny Penny felt a drop of something fall on her and raised quite a ruckus in the barnyard. THE SKY IS FALLING-- THE SKY IS FALLING she repeatedly screamed.
Well as we all now know--it was a false alarm.
Prize winning scientist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi wrote a short book entitled CORONA FALSE ALARM in 2O21.... trying to calm the over concerned unfortunate 'marks' as they are called in the trade.
It was a valiant effort and he had to self-publish because the big companies weren't interested. They had probably already invested in 'the plan' which was apparently well known among the well-heeled classes. It is said this "plan" has been in existence ever since the Rockefeller made his first haul of money selling "cures" for every ailment under the sun as a traveling salesman.
But all that is probably just urban legend....
I hope that "THE GREAT DIE-OFF" as predicted by the likes of Geert van den Bosch is equally fictitious....His predecessor Christian Drosten....(another veterinarian} has been very pessimistic...
Dr. Bhakdi--a highly credentialed epidemiologist is very worried now about the sharply climbing mortality rates and the strange condition of the bodies of the newly dead with their "giant white clots" etc as is a Pathologist name of Ryan Cole....in some awful place like Montana.... Dr. Mark Trozzi and Dr. William Makis....another cancer specialist also claim the bodies of the recently deceased have weird clots as does heart specialist Dr. Peter McCullough.
I am just a retired teacher with little or no science background. But I know when writers fail to document their sources....and I am pretty good at spotting shysters.
I like Dr. Atlas....not that that means much....
I knew Dr. Atlas was a good guy, but frustrated that he was sidelined and ignored. Trump should have paid more attention to what he had to say, but wondering how much got filtered out by Pence.
My hens are also ladies and there is a bit of a resemblance. Like the quackers they talk over one another although unlike the View their heads are still attached. More entertaining too.
yes...it is an actual fact. Poultry will run frantically around the yard AFTER their heads are severed. It is a highly disturbing spectacle and children should be blocked from seeing this. This awful sight which they saw on visiting a neighbors farm-- so affected my two daughters they instantly became vegetarians
I read Atlas' book, "A Plague Upon Our House," three years ago. My recollection is that Birx featured more prominently in his account than did Fauci. So much of the non-scientific garbage became policy because the surrounding team members feared running afoul of her non-scientific assertions.
I haven't read the book. You've piqued my interest. In comparison to Tony her obscurity is noteworthy in the wake of the vaXX reign of terror considering both her influence and her confession that they, the covid experts, were making things up without any evidence to support policy.
IMHO, the book was not as earth-shattering as "The Real Anthony Fauci," but it was worthwhile. And I think Atlas is one of the good guys.
They most certainly were. This can now be validated by visiting the substack of Denis Rancourt. This very well known and trusted scientist of statistical analysis has put into book form all the evidence PROVING BEYOND ANY DOUBT that our government and many other governments as well--lied to the people about the existence of any "pandemic"...there was nothing to this lie of horrifying death occurring around the world. There was no increase in ALL CAUSE MORTALITY in any of the "highly vaccinated" countries until AFTER the vaccines were deployed against the populations. "Criminal Fraud" is the correct diagnosis in my opinion.
There is no "Public Health". There is only the health of an individual, for which the individual is responsible using truthful and useful information. The job of government is to keep poisons from compromising the health of individuals and the government does a terrible job. Peggy Hall, "The Healthy American" describes the fallacy of the idea of public health. It was always a pretext for public control.
Mostly right--"Public Health" has always, from the get-go, been a pretext for controlling (the poorer segment of) the public--and paying bureaucrats cushy jobs to do it. The job of gov't (the US gov't, that is) has always been to keep life very comfy for the top 1%.
I love those first two sentences!
Ever occurred to anyone that swedes never needed any heavy handed treatment due to a ridiculous trust in government? Ordinarie people policed each other very soon, no need for authorities to do it. As for Tegnell, he just followed his orders.
It has occured to many of us, yes.
Celia...I just read the interview you did with Dr. Kary Mullis back in the 90's. I tried to find the ABC Nightline documentary they did with Dr. Mullis but it seems to have been taken down. I did find a blogger that posted part of the documentary but the link no longer works. I also tried to find it on the wayback but do not have the original URL from the Nightline show. Any chance you have access to this documentary??
Karen, thank you, first of all. That ABC Nightline piece has not resurfaced but I might be able to track it down via colleagues. Meanwhile, perhaps I could send you a note about Kary, to attend your post..? Maybe if you want to pose a question? or I can just write something very short. omg I remember vividly how we all believed for SURE the war would be done and dusted after that ABC Nightline piece aired! We were insanely naïve.
By the way I am sharing your interview on my Substack tomorrow.
Karen, would you mind sharing a link to that interview between Faber and Mullis?
It's a print interview. There are about three or four in total, between 1991 and 2006.
I am one quarter Swedish. Three more people like me and you could have three Swedish friends.
A quarter of something genuine is better than all of nothing.
I agree, Tegnell’s Covid response for Sweden was fascinating, especially given that his next door neighbors Finland and Norway were in complete lockstep with the rest of the Western response. Finland is, I believe, the Western country with the highest trust in their government and media. They are currently testing the Bird Flu vaccine on their citizens. I used to think they were potentially correct in this trust. The childhood vaccination schedule there, for example, is much more reasonable than the US. When Finnish citizens were harmed by the H1N1 vaccine (narcolepsy) they were compensated. So, when Covid began, they were wholeheartedly compliant with the jabs. I imagine the Swedes also have a higher trust in media and government than the US, so probably did not resist the jabs in high numbers. But, fear is also a killer and Tegnell helped his citizens resist this very destructive aspect of the Covid response. I would love to understand what gave him the strength to at least do that.
I don't understand, if the Swedes were not afraid of "Covid" and went about their business, mainly as before, why were they so compliant when it came to an experimental injection? Also, since the Scandinavian experience with the dangerous H1N1 vaccines, why would compliance have been so high in the Scandinavian countries, even with their trust in their governments?
" They are currently testing the Bird Flu vaccine on their citizens."
very sad to hear this... have the Fins lost their minds?
Politics is never about what we desire, but about what we get.
People are not realistic about politics. The lockdowns were similar to arson, perhaps even worse. Lots of people lost everything with that. Unmourned to this day. The Swedes were very fortunate to have missed that part of the Virus Communism period.
Yeah, in Sweden we did not have much of lockdowns. Nor was the pressure to take the jab very strong, so I g uess we got away fairly unscathed. On the other hand Anders Tegnell was first promised a good job at the UN, which was later denied him...One could almost say we lived through a covid light, in comparison to most other countries. God bless!
I too have wondered then and still about the schism between Sweden's relaxed approach to covid and the then intermittent rumors of dereliction of care for seniors in supervised living settings.
Why did people comply to such an overwhelming degree with the experimental injections, when there were no lockdowns and there was no pressure to comply?
Dr. John Campbell on YouTube interviewed a Swedish doctor named Tallinger who left Sweden because he did not want to follow the government's instructions to not give people over 60 oxygen if they were having breathing problems and to supply them with morphine instead, which can be deadly.
We are an obedient people, few also, so if a word gets out we follow directions pretty well otherwise running the risk of getting cancelled. There were about 500 morphined elderlies in Sweden and 800 in the UK if I am not mistaken. Dr John Campbell got that all right.
IN fact about 500 elderlies were left locked in their rooms to just die, without any possibility for their relatives to see or contact t hem at all. This happened in the beginning of the so called pandemic, when things were very unclear. The decision to give them a calming injection and lock them up was taken by a doctor but only the phone not by personal visit. So basically the decision was made by the then nurse at hand.
This has been really ugly and being Sweden not much discussed in media of course. Doctor John has, however, observed this, and expressed "Shame on you Sweden!".
Of course Tegnell knew well that letting the virus loose, so to say, there is an e-mail on this, would knock out some but realizing this at the same time he expressed this being the way to go.
My own house doctor, being all for the jabs, was sitting outside her father´s senior room at the time trying by all means to get in, but there was just a big no. She said to go forward with an appeal, but I do not think she ever did. We do have a strong censorship you know, and being a small country, if the wrong word gets loose, you might get very cancelled. Thank you very much for your interest.
Myself, I never took the jab, nor did much of a lock down, just put some shawls around my head when out, did not take cabs or go places. . . . .
Hi Anita,
Thank you for your comprehensive response. I was born in Ukraine and have lived in the US since I was a child. I was aware of the anti-human repressive protocols of communism but thought that "democratic socialism" is supposed to incorporate the best of all systems of government, without the obvious abuses of capitalism. I know that some of the cancelling may have to do with issues of Scandinavian culture and conformity, not just the socialism aspect.
I wonder if something has been learned from the shameful way that some elderly were treated. Have there been governmental investigations to try to prevent such ill-conceived abuses from happening again?
It seems that it's time to re-examine much of what "modern medicine" has resulted in, even in a more egalitarian and "humanitarian" system. The book "Can You Catch A Cold?" makes a persuasive science-based case against the theory of contagion whose implications can obviously be deadly.
Celia thanks.
Indeed, 'perfection'.
Perfection is not how nature and evolution operate. Instead, impermanence.
Each of us seeks to control, internally and externally; until we transcend, to whatever energy state of the soul exists beyond our recycling.
Breathe (slow and soft, through the nose) and cherish every beautiful impermanent moment.
Love, gratitude, and peace to all.
Well that was the plan from an informercial I saw made in 1970 that said a worldwide coronavirus pandemic would start in Asia in 50 years! Then I remember a book published in 1981 that said "we will have a pandemic that targets certain people. The FEARFUL and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment. A treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by itself." So I guess in that sense he was right. The mass poisoning of the population is still not completed. Stay tuned, these Luciferians are planning another SCARIENT real soon!
I spoke once a week, to my long time friend in Gothenburg, a botanist later a yoga teacher — she was not sick, still, she didn’t leave her house, got groceries delivered by a neighbor, didn’t see her grandchildren except through a window on Xmas … etc … I was out and about in Berlin, even went to hear Kennedy ticking off all the points in my notebook. In contrast with my NY friends, we still are.
How very sad, pitiful really. Her gov did not make her to be a prisoner, she willfully chose her self-imposed cell and exile from life.
The yoga teacher job explains that to me.
To me, a ‘yoga’ as I understood it, anathema
This could be my mother. Still...
The nooses will not arrive with a certain looseness.
Bravo to anyone who resisted the destructive lockdowns or forced vaccination, no matter their position. I still believe they should not be holding office, but unlike what should happen to Fauci, if there is any justice, which is at least remove the guy from any power. I don't know if even that will happen. If there is no justice for Fauci in his lifetime, too many others will follow suit.