All points well taken. The reason I am taking the bold position "It's Over" is that I am defining "it" (maybe too narrowly, or at least firstly,) by its density of abuse and callous disregards for human RIGHTS. Hence, all the talk about "it's about people," and how they need to "listen" and even Fauci saying reasonable people may make THEIR OWN DECISIONS about how afraid to be of the ghost virus...this all represents brand new language and a clear sign of defeat and fear on their part. I posit. "Covid with a human face." Something is collapsing. They're negotiating. With us. Unconsciously. This is my best guess, right now.
Celia, I would love so much for you to be right, but you know better than anyone that Fauci is the master of the head fake when the momentum is going away from him. Remember how he buddied up to Larry Kramer for 15 minutes in the late 80's before turning around and sabotaging the trials of the drug that might have pushed his beloved AZT aside. Tony Fauci is a bad person. Always. Nothing he presents publicly is as it seems. Many, many thousands of Americans have died as a direct result of his actions. I will never give him the benefit of the doubt.
I'm definitely in agreement and definitely NEVER giving Fauci the benefit of the doubt. He's never been in contact with "life" or "reality" and so how CAN he change his mind? He's operating as an algorithm. Does he love money so much? I don't understand him. He's a Mason, and a Jesuit. What can we know, of him?
It's my current opinion that all the charges of "Crimes Against Humanity" will be overwhelmed as the DAVOS Cult imposes more and more draconian dramas... The Ukraine pivot comes with personal financial threat when citizens donate to support protest causes as explained by James Corbett -
Naomi Klein began to describe the new predatory capitalism model in 2005 - two years following the 9/11 false flag that signaled fundamental changes in the global economy towards predatory capitalism when the Bush regime created the "Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization," headed by former US Ambassador to UKRAINE, Carlos Pascual.... (Yes, Ukraine). Today, Klaus Schwab has rebranded predatory capitalism or "disaster capitalism" as "Build Back Better", decoded as "666" where each "b' represents a "6" in certain lower-case fonts.
There should no longer be any doubt that Covid-19 was a predatory banking trick where an enormous transfer of middle-class wealth went to the coffers of the top one percent elite as the global fiat financial system collapses into bankruptcy and hyper-inflation. Now we continue the perpetual fake war scenario in Ukraine as predicted by Orwell.
Landmark progress of the technocratic corporocrats began before WWII when US corporations financed Hitler's rise and Third Reich. Operation paperclip brought the top doctors and NAZI scientists back the the US to quietly continue their work and to infiltrate universities and governments as "change agents".
This is why an end to Covid-19 can never be called a return to "normal".
I think of it as never ending. From one fraudulent manufactured crisis to the next. Most never go away, they just subside for a while. They might resurface of useful, like HIV recently.
It will be back... Plandemic PSYOP is planned at least till 2025 according to the World bank Meanwhile: Premeditated GENOCIDE: Pfizer mRNA Integrates into your DNA
The FDA and the SEC were aware of "Undesirable Side Effects" of experimental Gene Therapy masqueraded as "Safe and Effective" vaccines
i think it is important to look at what just happened in Canada- and what the WEF has been saying all along
they are after chipping people, getting them in the data base for IOB, - in Canada- they now have switched over to a new banking system- tracking everything- one of their big goals- it may LOOk like they backed down over the convoy. It is so important to look at country after country- the actual inroads the WEF is making- and I'm just using WEF as a placeholder for all the entities doing such nefarious things. I think they lilke to get our hopes up so they can slam down with the iron fist at any time. They got a LOT Of people vaxxed in this past year- and they are still going after people - and excluding people from venues- and no masks are coming off in Fairfax- wow- it's ALL masked up here- despite the new 'order' or should i say NWO?
folks, these people are a DISASTER. A failure without end. More despised than plague. Let's stop narrating them as omnipotent. They're failed clods. Very evil, but not very smart.
I disagree. These dangerous blood sucking treasonous greedy criminals are smart enough to have half he world get vaxxed, despite numerous experts exposing the vaxxes as extremely dangerous and deadly. And with more exposure of how deadly these xaxxes are, people are still lining up. How do you reach these uniformed lost souls??? Once the side effects arrive many of the xaxxed will see reality. Once you get vaxxed you have limited your figure to zero.
Instead of writing my own, I am replying here, as I am in Canada, in BC, which acts like maybe cvid 1984 WILL BE HERE FOREVER. I live in a building also occupied by some of the family who own it, and was told I would be kicked out (after being here for 23 years, and never missed rent on time once)if I did not wear a mask by the one of the family I have had the most friendly relationship with. This whole thing seems to have sent her over the edge...anyway, I say I have medical exemption most places that ask if I have a mask, our transit rules have a listing for medical exemption posted on each bus, and considering how I react to the mask, it is just not a lie. Oh yes, Fudeau is Klausie's puppet, showing how true that is more than ever with the convoy , and we need the non-confidence more desperately than ever before. CatherineA Fitts says we have a year or two at the most to stop the madness-will we be able to? I want to hang on to the possibility, as improbable as it can appear right now.
Bhavana, it sounds like the contemporary Western version of the stuff Svetlana Alexievich documented in Secondhand Time. The most painful thing is the discovery of the blackness in human hearts, that our friends and neighbors, leave aside family, were neither. That's by far the hardest part. Harder even than losing someone to death, is discovering that you've both become ghosts even before death. Love makes people NOT be ghosts. We lost love! Did they "make" us do that?
Having to contemplate the truth of "the blackness in human hearts" is striking me so deeply that tears are springing up. Yes, Celia, It would seem the truth of that is the very essence of the plan: no more love. The choice is hungry ghost, or human bot. If we insist on love, can we stop the madness? We are at the breaking point, as C A Fitts just said on Dark Journalist the other day. It is now, and I refuse to give up on love. It is the most painful thing to discover those who have not made that choice. The sense of betrayal to the human family is immense, overwhelming.
i completely agree with Fitts- it feels desperate at this point- and yet so many cower in their homes instead of joining the desperadoes~ here is a post I just received-
A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Getting On Board
Suzanne Rowan Kelleher
Feb 24, 2022
A national standard for vaccine verifications has been quietly rolling out across the country. (Photo Illustration by Pavlo Gonchar)
SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images
Even as the omicron variant loosens its grip on the world, destinations continue to require travelers to show proof of vaccination. And, increasingly, a paper CDC vaccination card is not cutting it.
While the United States government has not issued a federal digital vaccine pass, a national standard has nevertheless emerged. To date, 21 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico offer accessibility to the SMART Health Card, a verifiable digital proof of vaccination developed through the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), a global coalition of public and private stakeholders including Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, the Mayo Clinic and other health and tech heavyweights.
And very soon, at least four more states will be rolling out access to SMART Health Cards. “We've seen a notable uptick in states that have officially launched public portals where individuals can get verifiable vaccination credentials in the form of SMART Health Cards with a QR code,” says Dr. Brian Anderson, co-founder of the VCI and chief digital health physician at MITRE.
national vaccine pass red states
Half of US states either already offer accessibility to SMART Health Cards or have it in the works.
There is already an impressively widespread availability of SMART Health Cards in the .....
don't want to be a wet blanketbut IMO the "sacred Covid ethic of relentless battery and demonization at all times" is merely on pause. Remember June-July 2021 in NYC? Concerts, happy hour, meeting friends for brunch! All a mirage that disappeared a month later. Let's remember that all this is monitored in real time by the WEF Facebook spy contingent or their digital analogue. and they know they need to back off now. This won't be over til there are no more children being tortured underneath muzzles. I think what brings this down is Moderna bankruptcy and all the hedge funds unloading Pfizer stock, and then ramifications thereof. Financial analyst Edward Dowd on the Highwire:
Ed Dowd's work, and what he reveals about Wall St. and tanking Moderna and Pfizer stocks due to the fraud, is a big part of why I think they decided to back down. My father had a quip that may be the right one here. Imagine them saying this:
Over schmover. As far as I'm concerned this isn't even in the early stages of "over" until Fauci has been put into a chair, had a bullseye painted on his chest, and been shot to death. The man is a mass murderer, the likes of which this country has never seen.
When the heck was it ever a crisis? Were people dying in the streets? The fake PCR tests were used to push people's fear and panic buttons. The TV media pushed the fake pandemic agenda. The real crisis is now here...tens of millions injected with extremely harmful and deadly mRNA spike proteins. The fun is just beginning...the perps are gonna be running from the pitchfork crowd.
Big question is what happens to the vaxx. This was not only a kill shot but also the gadget to download the digital currency and personal info operating system into the populace; plus installation of graphene zombie mind and body control technology triggered with 5G. These really can't be going away or they've wasted their time and destroyed their own end game. Gates was just in Munich blathering about the "next" pandemic and the "next" vaccine. La Quinta Columna has just found graphene in the FLU shot, so they could pivot to other jab modalities, but then risk not getting enough customers. Lots of corporations are still requiring the jabs. We'll have to wait to how the details play out, but I don't see the vaxx playbook being retired--UNLESS they think they see pitchforks and torches, which is not apparent when you read about students at Univ of Nevada protesting the LIFTING of the mask mandates and nearly every fool out and about wearing one.
Not over by a royal mile, as there's no doubt plenty more where that came from. The elites just had a teeny-weeny set back, but hey wait till ye see their next trick. Well lets start with a big push to save Mother Gaia from the evil western humans and a digital currency / social credit systen - Jasu but I need a beer.
The madness ended just in time for the chaos to begin. I am paranoid, don't let your guard down. Same people and same faces still in power - nothing changes. Keep critically thinking. Thank you Celia!
I say again: we keep blaming the corporate media; yet they don't exist if there are no consumers. Why did TV shows and movies flop? Because they didn't have enough viewers!
Mmm. La Definitely-not-Free-land and her pal stepped in it big time up there in Ontario, not just with the overt threats to the citizens (who pay her salary right?) but by making good on it and thereby demonstrating for all the world to see that La True North already can seize, stop, start, or wipe out any funds any Canadian has anywhere, anytime---these capabilities are Not some future idea they are you know, still designing & putting together---they already have it. And no reason to think other ones are also fait accompli just subject to pushing go. Major backlash. The Weffer was not amused.
Actualy this Doctor is the one who admitted two years ago that if you were asymptomatic you could not spread Covid but they shut her up and that was the last we saw her! So now I guess they’ve released her from lock up so she could be the happy face of the CDC informing the hoi polloi that they could come out of hiding And hip hip hooray we conquered Covid so let’s MoveOn!!!
All points well taken. The reason I am taking the bold position "It's Over" is that I am defining "it" (maybe too narrowly, or at least firstly,) by its density of abuse and callous disregards for human RIGHTS. Hence, all the talk about "it's about people," and how they need to "listen" and even Fauci saying reasonable people may make THEIR OWN DECISIONS about how afraid to be of the ghost virus...this all represents brand new language and a clear sign of defeat and fear on their part. I posit. "Covid with a human face." Something is collapsing. They're negotiating. With us. Unconsciously. This is my best guess, right now.
Celia, I would love so much for you to be right, but you know better than anyone that Fauci is the master of the head fake when the momentum is going away from him. Remember how he buddied up to Larry Kramer for 15 minutes in the late 80's before turning around and sabotaging the trials of the drug that might have pushed his beloved AZT aside. Tony Fauci is a bad person. Always. Nothing he presents publicly is as it seems. Many, many thousands of Americans have died as a direct result of his actions. I will never give him the benefit of the doubt.
I'm definitely in agreement and definitely NEVER giving Fauci the benefit of the doubt. He's never been in contact with "life" or "reality" and so how CAN he change his mind? He's operating as an algorithm. Does he love money so much? I don't understand him. He's a Mason, and a Jesuit. What can we know, of him?
It's my current opinion that all the charges of "Crimes Against Humanity" will be overwhelmed as the DAVOS Cult imposes more and more draconian dramas... The Ukraine pivot comes with personal financial threat when citizens donate to support protest causes as explained by James Corbett -
Thank you Harold. I shall listen to this Corbett Report.
Pivot is the key word - it is just that. The agenda is continuous.
Indeed. We still have to have a "cyber pandemic" and a "climate crisis"...or so they tell us.
THE RISE OF DISASTER CAPITALISM - Naomi Klein, April 15th, 2005
Naomi Klein began to describe the new predatory capitalism model in 2005 - two years following the 9/11 false flag that signaled fundamental changes in the global economy towards predatory capitalism when the Bush regime created the "Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization," headed by former US Ambassador to UKRAINE, Carlos Pascual.... (Yes, Ukraine). Today, Klaus Schwab has rebranded predatory capitalism or "disaster capitalism" as "Build Back Better", decoded as "666" where each "b' represents a "6" in certain lower-case fonts.
There should no longer be any doubt that Covid-19 was a predatory banking trick where an enormous transfer of middle-class wealth went to the coffers of the top one percent elite as the global fiat financial system collapses into bankruptcy and hyper-inflation. Now we continue the perpetual fake war scenario in Ukraine as predicted by Orwell.
Landmark progress of the technocratic corporocrats began before WWII when US corporations financed Hitler's rise and Third Reich. Operation paperclip brought the top doctors and NAZI scientists back the the US to quietly continue their work and to infiltrate universities and governments as "change agents".
This is why an end to Covid-19 can never be called a return to "normal".
They're moving on to something else.
I think of it as never ending. From one fraudulent manufactured crisis to the next. Most never go away, they just subside for a while. They might resurface of useful, like HIV recently.
"Something is collapsing."
All done. Already happened...
Basic rule of thumb: everything that happens in an election year is about the election.
It will be back... Plandemic PSYOP is planned at least till 2025 according to the World bank Meanwhile: Premeditated GENOCIDE: Pfizer mRNA Integrates into your DNA
The FDA and the SEC were aware of "Undesirable Side Effects" of experimental Gene Therapy masqueraded as "Safe and Effective" vaccines
i think it is important to look at what just happened in Canada- and what the WEF has been saying all along
they are after chipping people, getting them in the data base for IOB, - in Canada- they now have switched over to a new banking system- tracking everything- one of their big goals- it may LOOk like they backed down over the convoy. It is so important to look at country after country- the actual inroads the WEF is making- and I'm just using WEF as a placeholder for all the entities doing such nefarious things. I think they lilke to get our hopes up so they can slam down with the iron fist at any time. They got a LOT Of people vaxxed in this past year- and they are still going after people - and excluding people from venues- and no masks are coming off in Fairfax- wow- it's ALL masked up here- despite the new 'order' or should i say NWO?
folks, these people are a DISASTER. A failure without end. More despised than plague. Let's stop narrating them as omnipotent. They're failed clods. Very evil, but not very smart.
I disagree. These dangerous blood sucking treasonous greedy criminals are smart enough to have half he world get vaxxed, despite numerous experts exposing the vaxxes as extremely dangerous and deadly. And with more exposure of how deadly these xaxxes are, people are still lining up. How do you reach these uniformed lost souls??? Once the side effects arrive many of the xaxxed will see reality. Once you get vaxxed you have limited your figure to zero.
Instead of writing my own, I am replying here, as I am in Canada, in BC, which acts like maybe cvid 1984 WILL BE HERE FOREVER. I live in a building also occupied by some of the family who own it, and was told I would be kicked out (after being here for 23 years, and never missed rent on time once)if I did not wear a mask by the one of the family I have had the most friendly relationship with. This whole thing seems to have sent her over the edge...anyway, I say I have medical exemption most places that ask if I have a mask, our transit rules have a listing for medical exemption posted on each bus, and considering how I react to the mask, it is just not a lie. Oh yes, Fudeau is Klausie's puppet, showing how true that is more than ever with the convoy , and we need the non-confidence more desperately than ever before. CatherineA Fitts says we have a year or two at the most to stop the madness-will we be able to? I want to hang on to the possibility, as improbable as it can appear right now.
Bhavana, it sounds like the contemporary Western version of the stuff Svetlana Alexievich documented in Secondhand Time. The most painful thing is the discovery of the blackness in human hearts, that our friends and neighbors, leave aside family, were neither. That's by far the hardest part. Harder even than losing someone to death, is discovering that you've both become ghosts even before death. Love makes people NOT be ghosts. We lost love! Did they "make" us do that?
Having to contemplate the truth of "the blackness in human hearts" is striking me so deeply that tears are springing up. Yes, Celia, It would seem the truth of that is the very essence of the plan: no more love. The choice is hungry ghost, or human bot. If we insist on love, can we stop the madness? We are at the breaking point, as C A Fitts just said on Dark Journalist the other day. It is now, and I refuse to give up on love. It is the most painful thing to discover those who have not made that choice. The sense of betrayal to the human family is immense, overwhelming.
i completely agree with Fitts- it feels desperate at this point- and yet so many cower in their homes instead of joining the desperadoes~ here is a post I just received- i've just printed out a small piece of it
A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Getting On Board
Suzanne Rowan Kelleher
Feb 24, 2022
A national standard for vaccine verifications has been quietly rolling out across the country. (Photo Illustration by Pavlo Gonchar)
SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images
Even as the omicron variant loosens its grip on the world, destinations continue to require travelers to show proof of vaccination. And, increasingly, a paper CDC vaccination card is not cutting it.
While the United States government has not issued a federal digital vaccine pass, a national standard has nevertheless emerged. To date, 21 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico offer accessibility to the SMART Health Card, a verifiable digital proof of vaccination developed through the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), a global coalition of public and private stakeholders including Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, the Mayo Clinic and other health and tech heavyweights.
And very soon, at least four more states will be rolling out access to SMART Health Cards. “We've seen a notable uptick in states that have officially launched public portals where individuals can get verifiable vaccination credentials in the form of SMART Health Cards with a QR code,” says Dr. Brian Anderson, co-founder of the VCI and chief digital health physician at MITRE.
national vaccine pass red states
Half of US states either already offer accessibility to SMART Health Cards or have it in the works.
There is already an impressively widespread availability of SMART Health Cards in the .....
It’s over in the US because Brandon needs something to reverse his disastrous poll numbers.
So they’re going to claim they “cured Covid” as per the leaked strategy memo.
Just wait for the SOTU.
It will be tough with the state of emergency rolling on - spin doctors must be at the ready.
don't want to be a wet blanketbut IMO the "sacred Covid ethic of relentless battery and demonization at all times" is merely on pause. Remember June-July 2021 in NYC? Concerts, happy hour, meeting friends for brunch! All a mirage that disappeared a month later. Let's remember that all this is monitored in real time by the WEF Facebook spy contingent or their digital analogue. and they know they need to back off now. This won't be over til there are no more children being tortured underneath muzzles. I think what brings this down is Moderna bankruptcy and all the hedge funds unloading Pfizer stock, and then ramifications thereof. Financial analyst Edward Dowd on the Highwire:
Ed Dowd's work, and what he reveals about Wall St. and tanking Moderna and Pfizer stocks due to the fraud, is a big part of why I think they decided to back down. My father had a quip that may be the right one here. Imagine them saying this:
"Great idea, let's forget it."
Over schmover. As far as I'm concerned this isn't even in the early stages of "over" until Fauci has been put into a chair, had a bullseye painted on his chest, and been shot to death. The man is a mass murderer, the likes of which this country has never seen.
Moving on to the global climate change scam disaster.
The only thing left is mean alien contact.
When the heck was it ever a crisis? Were people dying in the streets? The fake PCR tests were used to push people's fear and panic buttons. The TV media pushed the fake pandemic agenda. The real crisis is now here...tens of millions injected with extremely harmful and deadly mRNA spike proteins. The fun is just beginning...the perps are gonna be running from the pitchfork crowd.
Big question is what happens to the vaxx. This was not only a kill shot but also the gadget to download the digital currency and personal info operating system into the populace; plus installation of graphene zombie mind and body control technology triggered with 5G. These really can't be going away or they've wasted their time and destroyed their own end game. Gates was just in Munich blathering about the "next" pandemic and the "next" vaccine. La Quinta Columna has just found graphene in the FLU shot, so they could pivot to other jab modalities, but then risk not getting enough customers. Lots of corporations are still requiring the jabs. We'll have to wait to how the details play out, but I don't see the vaxx playbook being retired--UNLESS they think they see pitchforks and torches, which is not apparent when you read about students at Univ of Nevada protesting the LIFTING of the mask mandates and nearly every fool out and about wearing one.
As the songs goes: we've only just begun.... Sue the pants of these bastard criminals. This is not the time to get complacent.... t
Not over by a royal mile, as there's no doubt plenty more where that came from. The elites just had a teeny-weeny set back, but hey wait till ye see their next trick. Well lets start with a big push to save Mother Gaia from the evil western humans and a digital currency / social credit systen - Jasu but I need a beer.
The madness ended just in time for the chaos to begin. I am paranoid, don't let your guard down. Same people and same faces still in power - nothing changes. Keep critically thinking. Thank you Celia!
I say again: we keep blaming the corporate media; yet they don't exist if there are no consumers. Why did TV shows and movies flop? Because they didn't have enough viewers!
That's not their financial model anymore. Bill Gates is.
Bill G does not and won't finance all of them.
If people don't read/watch their stuff, they will have to change. There is no law forcing them to read/watch the corporate media.
The rule is "It is your life; your responsibility; your choice" whether people recognise or accept it or not.
The political science changed apparently.
Mmm. La Definitely-not-Free-land and her pal stepped in it big time up there in Ontario, not just with the overt threats to the citizens (who pay her salary right?) but by making good on it and thereby demonstrating for all the world to see that La True North already can seize, stop, start, or wipe out any funds any Canadian has anywhere, anytime---these capabilities are Not some future idea they are you know, still designing & putting together---they already have it. And no reason to think other ones are also fait accompli just subject to pushing go. Major backlash. The Weffer was not amused.
Actualy this Doctor is the one who admitted two years ago that if you were asymptomatic you could not spread Covid but they shut her up and that was the last we saw her! So now I guess they’ve released her from lock up so she could be the happy face of the CDC informing the hoi polloi that they could come out of hiding And hip hip hooray we conquered Covid so let’s MoveOn!!!
I thought she looked familiar. And she speaks with the "ring of truth." Not that totally dead globalist-speak. She's between life forms.