Honest (stable) money would be a good thing for us all. The theft of inflation is a much higher tax than anything else. The feds give out $ to their friends, and this reduces the value of the $$ the rest of us worked for. WAY bigger tax than what we see coming out of paychecks.
Precisely. I wish I could be that articulate about this stuff. I have only a very tortured understanding of it, from listening to my friend Richard Kotlarz for so many years. But it does not come naturally to me.
I would recommend the late libertarian economist Murray Rothbard's book, What Has Government Done to Our Money? Short and very readable to the general public. Also a more difficult book just published free as a pdf, The Great Taking, by David Rogers Webb. A good synopsis of it is available in condensed form on billholter.com if one scrolls way down on the site. Webb, a retired hugely successful hedge fund manager, has researched how the Parasite Class has changed the laws not only in the USA but around the world which essentially has legalized fraud by the "protected class." In the USA it has altered the Uniform Commercial Code over the last 4 decades state by state to avoid public notice. Webb has been avoiding interviews but he recently did a one hour one with Mary Holland on the CDH site (Children's Health Defense) which is worth the watch. It explains how the WEF makes the pronouncement that in the near future "You will own nothing and be happy." I doubt "the happy part" unless one is mainlining mRNA boosters.
I have been looking for a reference such as this. In the 80's while working on a degree in business I came across an accounting system that put the cost of pollution into the product...
Are you aware that he has done a docu video by the same name "The Great Taking"?
It's for free on Children's Health Defense. Very interesting. Lots of financial terms I am still trying to wrap my head around, but he tells it like it is.
Yes, I am aware of it but have not watched it. I have watched the hour long CHD one with Mary Holland and a shorter and older one from Sweden. Of course I initially read the book carefully, though I must admit I skipped some of the quoted shyster double speak laws as I don’t speak shyster fluently. DRW added them to document his meticulous research. I found his prologue to be particularly interesting and even moving, and not to be skipped. It is a short autobiography.
Of course the current fiscal system is bound to collapse and soon. It is a mathematical certainty and was designed that way. They are running out of rabbits to pull out of the hat to prolong its demise. The only real question other than its exact timing is will it be a hyperinflationary or hyperdeflationary collapse. This will be determined by the handlers controlling the BIS (like Valdemort, those who may not be named) through the national central banks and the Fed especially. I think it will be the latter. And the reason is that the Parasite Class charts its course decades if not centuries in advance, and they would not put such stupendous effort in prepping their legal, unlawful doings if they did not intend to use them. Not for plan B or C.
Current events effect their timing, but rarely if ever their agenda. Of course the vast majority of the alternative financial thinkers are quite sure it will be hyperinflation. Our tormenters derive much pleasure from head faking humanity. It makes them feel like Übermensch, even the ones who are not human.
I agree with DRW that the people and lawyers should attempt to reverse the fraudulent laws now in place, but I see little chance of that happening in the time allotted. The Lehman collapse where the equities were confiscated by JP Morgan, the custodian of said equities, was decided by the courts as legal in order to protect the "protected class" of which JPM is a member, though 50 years ago it would constitute felony fraud, and Jaime Demon would be thrown in the clink for life and 999 years under the old normal. I suspect he will be the Secretary of the Treasury under the incoming administration whether Repug of Demonrat.
I only disagree with DRW on one, very important point. He really can’t wrap his head around the nature of absolute psychopathy and how it relates to the Parasite Class' bloodlines. Their current generation is not trapped by their antecedents and will do everything in their power to enslave the 99.99% of humanity. It is the Luciferian way.
Dear el Gallinazo, please come back to TAE comments. TAE summary is kicking ass, and the atmosphere suits all aspects of this statement you just typed.
Hi, I left any connection in disgust with TAE maybe 12 years ago because I was taking a lot of heat from Ilargi for writing the obvious, that 9/11 was a false flag, inside job run by the the USA deep state neocons including the Air Force and the Israelis. Nice that you remembered after all this time.
Sadly Celia, Nixon was the last nail in the coffin as it had been in the works even before the inception of the Federal Reserve. I suggest listening to this interview with Norman Dodd by G. Edward Griffin
This one has been deleted but I still have the transcript saved from many years before, and they even altered the link to it on the YT channel. with "6 unavailable videos are hidden", but here's the transcript. When he's talking about sound banking it's the Gold Standard. This is in the introduction leading to his findings on the Tax Exempt Foundations that was subverted from within the investigation by Lawyers supposedly behind it.
"I was fortunate enough, to secure a position in one of the important banks in New York. I lived there. I lived through the conditions which led up to what is known as the crash of 1929. I witnessed what is tantamount to a collapse of the structure of the United States as a whole.
Much to my surprise, my superiors, in the middle of the panic in which they were immersed, confronted me. I was confronted with the question, "Norm, what do we do now?"
I was thirty at the time, and I had no more right to have an answer to that question than the man in the moon. However, I did manage to say to my superiors, "Gentlemen, you take this experience as proof of something that you do not know about banking." And you better go find out what that something is, and act accordingly.
Four days later, I was confronted by these same superiors, with a statement to the effect that, “Norm, you go find out.” And I really was fool enough to accept that assignment, because it meant that you were going out to search for something, and nobody could tell you what you were looking for. I felt so strongly on the subject that I consented to it.
I was relieved of all normal duties inside the bank and, two and a half years later, I felt that it was possible to report back to those who had given me this assignment. So, I rendered such a report and, as a result of the report I rendered, I was told the following: "Norm, what you are saying is, we should return to sound banking." And I said, “Yes, in essence, that's exactly what it is that I am saying.”
Whereupon, I got my first shock, which was a statement from them to this effect: "We will never see sound banking in the United States again." And they cited chapter and verse, to support that statement.
What they cited was as follows: since the end of WWI, we have been responsible for what they call the institutionalizing of conflicting interests. And they are so prevalent inside this country, that they can never be resolved.
So since the end of WWI, meaning it'd been in the works before the war, as is disclosed in the findings from the books of the foundations themselves.
by RJ Kapchinsky · 2010 — Norman Dodd was allowed. Page 13. 6 access to the historical records, internal memos, and notes of the private trustee meetings of the. Carnegie Endowment, the ...
by Ryan James Kapchinsky
The College of Graduate Studies
(Interdisciplinary Studies)
August 2010
Chapter 5: Further investigation of the tax-exempt foundations .........................................78
5.1 Ivestigation of the foundations by the Reece Committee ................................................................78
5.2 The attempts to rewrite history, modify education, and the funding of Eugenics .................................86
5.3 The control over the media ......................................................................................................90
5.4 Foundations and the funding of research for intelligence programs ................................................101
Probably because, if there is actually any gold left at FRBNY and Fort Knox, it has been re-hypothecated to infinity, with each ounce having innumerable ownership claims on it. Some say that all that's left in Fort Knox is some cobwebs and an echo :)
Yep. In direct violation of the Constitution, Congress abdicated it's duty to issue and set the value thereof. They turned the entire thing over to a private corporation with ZERO transparency or accountability to ANYONE.
The Republic was sidelined in 1871 and dissolved by The Emergency Banking Act 1932; so the Constitution you are thinking of is probably completely irrelevant and no longer applies to anything:
It's too challenging to credibility when the late Representative James Traficant is cited as "Senator" as a source. I couldn't read past that glaring correctable error.
You only need one chart, and everything makes sense: The wage vs. productivity numbers for the last 50 years. In 1971, the connection between real money (gold and silver) and the monopoly funny money were fully separated, and we the people --- the 99% --- have all just gotten poorer and poorer and more indebted since then.
After studying these charts, the conclusion is obvious: Fighting for a Dollar-based minimum wage of $15 is frankly stupid. The $15 in 2020 is NOT the same $15 in 2023 due to inflation.
Instead the Minimum Wage should be based on real money such as silver, and the demand should be:
1 oz American Eagle Silver Coin for 1 hour of work.
One must give 32 degree Free Mason FDR even more credit for destroying the US dollar than Nixon. Prior to 1934, all Federal Reserve Notes were redeemable for gold coins at all nationally chartered banks, no questions asked. FDR confiscated gold bullion under threat of severe criminal sanction in 1934 paying the victims $20.67 per troy ounce. When the operation was complete months later, he raised the price of gold to $35 a troy ounce, totally screwing over the people who turned in their gold. In 1944, FDR set up the Bretton Woods plan where foreign governments could redeem dollars they were holding for gold. With Johnson's War on Poverty and War on Vietnam, the US government negative balance of payments were bleeding gold to other countries at a rate that would have eliminated it from the .gov vaults shortly. So Nixon was pretty much forced to slam shut the gold window. Then Kissinger came up with his petrodollar plan by giving Saudi an offer they couldn't refuse, namely, only sell oil in dollars or be invaded by the US military. The rest of OPEC soon followed suit. This propped up the dollar's "value" to the present day until very recent events with many oil exporting countries selling their oil in other currencies, the yuan in particular. Saddam, previously an ally of the USA against Iran, was killed for selling Iraqi oil in euros and Kaddafi for proposing to use Libya's 165 mTons of gold reserves (which have mysteriously disappeared after his murder) to institute the Pan African Dinar, and we saw how that turned out. But at this point, with the rise of Chinese and especially Russian military power, the smaller oil rich countries are no longer fearful of the declining US Empire.
The end of the dollar might end the American Empire but we should remember the globalists don't care about any particular nation- and they will simply move their base of operations elsewhere. The US was always expendable to them.
In a few words: Owning a Central Bank; USURY; "Money as Debt"; Rockefeller influenced University economics courses; programming; hypocrisy; deceits; Class/Caste/Elite hierarchy--all of the above, have brought us to a point of awakening and re-evaluation of how money works, and especially why there's never enough (or so it seems.) One part of a solution could be to create 'non-profit endowment banks' that support local economies of scale. Here's one essay on Bank I published in May: https://rikitikitavi.substack.com/p/global-rule-by-bank-money-is-god
The dollar has been "demising" for the last 100 years, since the Fed was created and then went off the rails. It could hang in there for another 100 years. As of yet, there is nothing to replace it with. No, gold, digital currencies and bitcoin are not replacements.
"But it's unpegged from oil now. Big difference, no?"
I expect an accelerated decline in the value of the US dollar as it is unpegged from oil sales.
Bretton Woods artificially boosted our standard of living here in the USA for decades. I think that other countries were afraid to defy Bretton Woods back then in the 1950s and 1960s because our military might was so much stronger after WW2. Now other countries have become strong both militarily and economically. As they see the USA self-destructing from forces within, these other countries are emboldened to settle oil trades in their foreign currencies instead of the dollar. And these countries are succeeding because we cannot afford to wage war against so many countries all at once, like we did did one country at a time against Saddam Hussein in oil-rich Irag and Qaddafi in oil-rich Libya, when they dared to sell their oil using other currencies. Western bankers found this sort of behavior intolerable IMHO.
It does feel like the empire is ending.
The rotten bankers however will never give up without a fight, even if it destroys everything.
Hence the horror of the Great Reset looms ahead of us?
This may be the only honest statement which JP Morgan ever made - "Gold is money, everything else is credit." Well, partially honest as he didn't mention silver. That was because from 1880 through 1900 the Wall Street banks were fighting a war against the American farmers to avoid a bimetallc currency, crucifying the farmers on a "cross of gold" and optimizing deflation. If one studies the enormous trade between the Spanish empire and China, it was totally based on silver, China's preferred currency. The dollar was originally a weight in grains of silver until it became a piece of cotton with no intrinsic value in 1934. I remember reading Huck Finn's and Jim's trip down the Mississippi financed on Huck's 20 dollar gold piece.
The last 500 years dominant currency.
Portugal (1450–1530)
Spain (1530–1640)
Netherlands (1640–1720)
France (1720–1815)
Great Britain (1815–1920)
United States (1921 to today)
Notice the average "life span." But the US is the essential nations so its dollar currency is immortal and not subject to a loss of status.
The fraud in the banking system is based on the ability of central banks and commercial banks to print money out of thin air. This used to be called counterfeiting until the Parasite Class legalized it. Commercial banks lend money they don't have. Used to be that they could lend 90% counterfeit but the Fed recently legalized it to 100%.
The replacement of the all the fiat currencies are physical gold and silver with reserve banking a criminal offense and central banks expunged with extreme prejudice from the planet.
As to bitcoin, why is it always represented as a physical, gold coin when there is nothing physical about it? It is a mathematical construct. What would happen to cryptos if a clandestine super duper computer could break the encryption and all of it connected in any fashion whatsoever to the internet fled to parts unknown?
I’m thinking now’s a good time to trade in all my “red seal” two-dollar Legal Tender Notes just for some precious metals of course while waiting on all my BTC moonbags to reach 100k.
I thought the French sent a ship to trade their dollars for gold. The U.S.didnt have enough gold so Nixon closed the window.
Spending on the Vietnam War caused that threat to U.S
gold. Who "caused" the war, that caused the French threat to the gold supply?. And who was the Sect.of Treasury? Speaker of the House?
...I read somewhere Watergate was a sham and in fact a punishment for Nixon doing the anti-drug "The French Connection" criminal sting without permission from the real empire. But you would have to read fiction like James Clavel's books to know that. (All the way back to the Portugese (?) black ships to Asia that looked like "Pirates of the Caribbean" ships.)
The whole artificial derivative World is collapsing and we cannot live in this artificial World any longer and those who live by the (dollar) will vanish with the dollar
The Federal Reserve is about as Federal as Federal Express. Devaluation or inflation of currencies has *never* been at the sole discretion of Federal Reserve operatives, or any one agency of any one government. All currency valuations (historically) have been manipulated via Bond and investment Trusts. This has been ongoing for hundreds upon hundreds of years. The linked article below defines essential features of the Cestui qui vie trust, including date lines of interest. >>>
Paul, I inserted your comment and el Gallinazo's into the text, and I answered your objection. But now I am confused. Why did you think I thought the Federal Reserve was Federal? Where is my error in my actual words, either what I wrote or what I did not. I just need to understand so I can improve/correct. It's a collage, this post. A beginning.
Hello Celia: Sorry you misunderstood my comment. My Federal Reserve statement was rhetorical - not aimed at your article title or specific to content. Things like this happen... Please don't take my comments personally. I generally avoid getting into pissing contests... Peace...
Tricky Dicky is the gift that keeps on giving. This article is just in time for XMas. Thank you, Celia.
In 1975 Nixon also signed the Self Determination Act enabling Indian tribes to become their own nations within the nation of America. This is what opened the door to long term goals between Nixon and China to legalize gambling across the US. No longer to be limited and controlled by a bunch of goombas from Jersey in Las Vegas. Now China could stick a finger in the pot.
China put up the much needed monies, as the newly formed Native Nations were relatively cash poor and lacked the expertise to build and run these complex money-making enterprises called Indian Casinos. China owns the casinos through the backdoor.
Fast forward to today. In a recent though quickly buried article from Canada, a huge cargo of counterfeit small denomination US Dollars was confiscated at the US/Canadian border. Coming from China and headed to a Native Casino in the US.
Apparently China is not only reaping billions and quite possibly trillions from the Native Casinos, but is also laundering untold amounts of counterfeit paper dollars through the casinos which causes inflation leading to hyperinflation, thus destroying the US economy from within.
Factor in the human toll. The casinos have become hubs for the multi-billion dollar "industries" of human trafficking with special emphasis on child sex trafficking, drug running, etc., and another piece of the puzzle of "who was Richard Nixon" emerges.
What will CBDC be pegged to when it becomes Global?
And along those lines - I can see where CBDC will be a huge control grid for we peasants, but are millionaires and billionaires really going to allow their money to be controlled like that?
What happens to Switzerland?? With all those private bank accounts. And all of the offshore banking? That will now be controlled? I find that rather astonishing.
Hi all. There won’t be an Advent post today. I have what seems to be food poisoning.
I hope you are much better.
Godspeed to health.
Honest (stable) money would be a good thing for us all. The theft of inflation is a much higher tax than anything else. The feds give out $ to their friends, and this reduces the value of the $$ the rest of us worked for. WAY bigger tax than what we see coming out of paychecks.
Precisely. I wish I could be that articulate about this stuff. I have only a very tortured understanding of it, from listening to my friend Richard Kotlarz for so many years. But it does not come naturally to me.
I would recommend the late libertarian economist Murray Rothbard's book, What Has Government Done to Our Money? Short and very readable to the general public. Also a more difficult book just published free as a pdf, The Great Taking, by David Rogers Webb. A good synopsis of it is available in condensed form on billholter.com if one scrolls way down on the site. Webb, a retired hugely successful hedge fund manager, has researched how the Parasite Class has changed the laws not only in the USA but around the world which essentially has legalized fraud by the "protected class." In the USA it has altered the Uniform Commercial Code over the last 4 decades state by state to avoid public notice. Webb has been avoiding interviews but he recently did a one hour one with Mary Holland on the CDH site (Children's Health Defense) which is worth the watch. It explains how the WEF makes the pronouncement that in the near future "You will own nothing and be happy." I doubt "the happy part" unless one is mainlining mRNA boosters.
I have been looking for a reference such as this. In the 80's while working on a degree in business I came across an accounting system that put the cost of pollution into the product...
Thank you so much!!!
Barry Commoner ran for President in 1980. I got to vote for him.
Are you aware that he has done a docu video by the same name "The Great Taking"?
It's for free on Children's Health Defense. Very interesting. Lots of financial terms I am still trying to wrap my head around, but he tells it like it is.
Yes, I am aware of it but have not watched it. I have watched the hour long CHD one with Mary Holland and a shorter and older one from Sweden. Of course I initially read the book carefully, though I must admit I skipped some of the quoted shyster double speak laws as I don’t speak shyster fluently. DRW added them to document his meticulous research. I found his prologue to be particularly interesting and even moving, and not to be skipped. It is a short autobiography.
Of course the current fiscal system is bound to collapse and soon. It is a mathematical certainty and was designed that way. They are running out of rabbits to pull out of the hat to prolong its demise. The only real question other than its exact timing is will it be a hyperinflationary or hyperdeflationary collapse. This will be determined by the handlers controlling the BIS (like Valdemort, those who may not be named) through the national central banks and the Fed especially. I think it will be the latter. And the reason is that the Parasite Class charts its course decades if not centuries in advance, and they would not put such stupendous effort in prepping their legal, unlawful doings if they did not intend to use them. Not for plan B or C.
Current events effect their timing, but rarely if ever their agenda. Of course the vast majority of the alternative financial thinkers are quite sure it will be hyperinflation. Our tormenters derive much pleasure from head faking humanity. It makes them feel like Übermensch, even the ones who are not human.
I agree with DRW that the people and lawyers should attempt to reverse the fraudulent laws now in place, but I see little chance of that happening in the time allotted. The Lehman collapse where the equities were confiscated by JP Morgan, the custodian of said equities, was decided by the courts as legal in order to protect the "protected class" of which JPM is a member, though 50 years ago it would constitute felony fraud, and Jaime Demon would be thrown in the clink for life and 999 years under the old normal. I suspect he will be the Secretary of the Treasury under the incoming administration whether Repug of Demonrat.
I only disagree with DRW on one, very important point. He really can’t wrap his head around the nature of absolute psychopathy and how it relates to the Parasite Class' bloodlines. Their current generation is not trapped by their antecedents and will do everything in their power to enslave the 99.99% of humanity. It is the Luciferian way.
Doug Casey has the Great Taking video and an explanation:
Dear el Gallinazo, please come back to TAE comments. TAE summary is kicking ass, and the atmosphere suits all aspects of this statement you just typed.
"The Great Taking" book review by Ellen Brown gets to the heart of the matter promptly: https://ellenbrown.com/2023/10/03/the-great-taking-how-they-plan-to-own-it-all/
Hi, I left any connection in disgust with TAE maybe 12 years ago because I was taking a lot of heat from Ilargi for writing the obvious, that 9/11 was a false flag, inside job run by the the USA deep state neocons including the Air Force and the Israelis. Nice that you remembered after all this time.
Ilargi has been forced to face a lot of how the world really works since then.
He's more like us now. :-)
Sadly Celia, Nixon was the last nail in the coffin as it had been in the works even before the inception of the Federal Reserve. I suggest listening to this interview with Norman Dodd by G. Edward Griffin
This one has been deleted but I still have the transcript saved from many years before, and they even altered the link to it on the YT channel. with "6 unavailable videos are hidden", but here's the transcript. When he's talking about sound banking it's the Gold Standard. This is in the introduction leading to his findings on the Tax Exempt Foundations that was subverted from within the investigation by Lawyers supposedly behind it.
"I was fortunate enough, to secure a position in one of the important banks in New York. I lived there. I lived through the conditions which led up to what is known as the crash of 1929. I witnessed what is tantamount to a collapse of the structure of the United States as a whole.
Much to my surprise, my superiors, in the middle of the panic in which they were immersed, confronted me. I was confronted with the question, "Norm, what do we do now?"
I was thirty at the time, and I had no more right to have an answer to that question than the man in the moon. However, I did manage to say to my superiors, "Gentlemen, you take this experience as proof of something that you do not know about banking." And you better go find out what that something is, and act accordingly.
Four days later, I was confronted by these same superiors, with a statement to the effect that, “Norm, you go find out.” And I really was fool enough to accept that assignment, because it meant that you were going out to search for something, and nobody could tell you what you were looking for. I felt so strongly on the subject that I consented to it.
I was relieved of all normal duties inside the bank and, two and a half years later, I felt that it was possible to report back to those who had given me this assignment. So, I rendered such a report and, as a result of the report I rendered, I was told the following: "Norm, what you are saying is, we should return to sound banking." And I said, “Yes, in essence, that's exactly what it is that I am saying.”
Whereupon, I got my first shock, which was a statement from them to this effect: "We will never see sound banking in the United States again." And they cited chapter and verse, to support that statement.
What they cited was as follows: since the end of WWI, we have been responsible for what they call the institutionalizing of conflicting interests. And they are so prevalent inside this country, that they can never be resolved.
So since the end of WWI, meaning it'd been in the works before the war, as is disclosed in the findings from the books of the foundations themselves.
Here's a PDF from the University of British Columbia, unfortunately it can only be downloaded to open.
by RJ Kapchinsky · 2010 — Norman Dodd was allowed. Page 13. 6 access to the historical records, internal memos, and notes of the private trustee meetings of the. Carnegie Endowment, the ...
by Ryan James Kapchinsky
The College of Graduate Studies
(Interdisciplinary Studies)
August 2010
Chapter 5: Further investigation of the tax-exempt foundations .........................................78
5.1 Ivestigation of the foundations by the Reece Committee ................................................................78
5.2 The attempts to rewrite history, modify education, and the funding of Eugenics .................................86
5.3 The control over the media ......................................................................................................90
5.4 Foundations and the funding of research for intelligence programs ................................................101
This is a great interview about CBDC’s and inflation with Professor Richard Werner: https://odysee.com/@IvorCummins:f/crucial-cbdc%E2%80%99s-with-professor-richard:8
The Great Taking book review by Ellen Brown: https://ellenbrown.com/2023/10/03/the-great-taking-how-they-plan-to-own-it-all/
Anything on Michael Hudson's blog, or his recent books. https://michael-hudson.com/
Hudson's book "Super Imperialism" was what Nixon/Kissinger used to do the petrobuck deal with King Faisal.
You are doing an EXCELLENT job of articulating this! THANK YOU for covering it!
The USSA is terrified of anything approching physical Gold Standard ...That it doesnt (CONTROL)
Probably because, if there is actually any gold left at FRBNY and Fort Knox, it has been re-hypothecated to infinity, with each ounce having innumerable ownership claims on it. Some say that all that's left in Fort Knox is some cobwebs and an echo :)
Yep. In direct violation of the Constitution, Congress abdicated it's duty to issue and set the value thereof. They turned the entire thing over to a private corporation with ZERO transparency or accountability to ANYONE.
The Republic was sidelined in 1871 and dissolved by The Emergency Banking Act 1932; so the Constitution you are thinking of is probably completely irrelevant and no longer applies to anything:
It's too challenging to credibility when the late Representative James Traficant is cited as "Senator" as a source. I couldn't read past that glaring correctable error.
Maybe just try reading The Emergency Banking Act 1932 then instead?
Can't believe I'm the first to post this: https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/
Impressive and depressive. Thank you for posting.
I particularly enjoy the lawyers per capita chart
You only need one chart, and everything makes sense: The wage vs. productivity numbers for the last 50 years. In 1971, the connection between real money (gold and silver) and the monopoly funny money were fully separated, and we the people --- the 99% --- have all just gotten poorer and poorer and more indebted since then.
The Real Reason Wages Haven’t Risen
After studying these charts, the conclusion is obvious: Fighting for a Dollar-based minimum wage of $15 is frankly stupid. The $15 in 2020 is NOT the same $15 in 2023 due to inflation.
Instead the Minimum Wage should be based on real money such as silver, and the demand should be:
1 oz American Eagle Silver Coin for 1 hour of work.
One must give 32 degree Free Mason FDR even more credit for destroying the US dollar than Nixon. Prior to 1934, all Federal Reserve Notes were redeemable for gold coins at all nationally chartered banks, no questions asked. FDR confiscated gold bullion under threat of severe criminal sanction in 1934 paying the victims $20.67 per troy ounce. When the operation was complete months later, he raised the price of gold to $35 a troy ounce, totally screwing over the people who turned in their gold. In 1944, FDR set up the Bretton Woods plan where foreign governments could redeem dollars they were holding for gold. With Johnson's War on Poverty and War on Vietnam, the US government negative balance of payments were bleeding gold to other countries at a rate that would have eliminated it from the .gov vaults shortly. So Nixon was pretty much forced to slam shut the gold window. Then Kissinger came up with his petrodollar plan by giving Saudi an offer they couldn't refuse, namely, only sell oil in dollars or be invaded by the US military. The rest of OPEC soon followed suit. This propped up the dollar's "value" to the present day until very recent events with many oil exporting countries selling their oil in other currencies, the yuan in particular. Saddam, previously an ally of the USA against Iran, was killed for selling Iraqi oil in euros and Kaddafi for proposing to use Libya's 165 mTons of gold reserves (which have mysteriously disappeared after his murder) to institute the Pan African Dinar, and we saw how that turned out. But at this point, with the rise of Chinese and especially Russian military power, the smaller oil rich countries are no longer fearful of the declining US Empire.
After BRICS+ becomes BRICS-11+ first of next year, its members will control 50% of the world's oil, and refuse to sell it for the petrodollar.
The end of the dollar might end the American Empire but we should remember the globalists don't care about any particular nation- and they will simply move their base of operations elsewhere. The US was always expendable to them.
Please see this: https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/1871-part-v
Excellent share!
In a few words: Owning a Central Bank; USURY; "Money as Debt"; Rockefeller influenced University economics courses; programming; hypocrisy; deceits; Class/Caste/Elite hierarchy--all of the above, have brought us to a point of awakening and re-evaluation of how money works, and especially why there's never enough (or so it seems.) One part of a solution could be to create 'non-profit endowment banks' that support local economies of scale. Here's one essay on Bank I published in May: https://rikitikitavi.substack.com/p/global-rule-by-bank-money-is-god
I’m no expert but I feel like I learned a lot by reading The Bitcoin Standard.
The dollar has been "demising" for the last 100 years, since the Fed was created and then went off the rails. It could hang in there for another 100 years. As of yet, there is nothing to replace it with. No, gold, digital currencies and bitcoin are not replacements.
But it has been "controlling" and colonizing, more than merely demising.
Sorry to double-post, but this link on the Federal Reserve Bank in to 20th century is excellent: https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/1871-part-v
(Nixon and the petrobuck are included.)
But it's unpegged from oil now. Big difference, no?
"But it's unpegged from oil now. Big difference, no?"
I expect an accelerated decline in the value of the US dollar as it is unpegged from oil sales.
Bretton Woods artificially boosted our standard of living here in the USA for decades. I think that other countries were afraid to defy Bretton Woods back then in the 1950s and 1960s because our military might was so much stronger after WW2. Now other countries have become strong both militarily and economically. As they see the USA self-destructing from forces within, these other countries are emboldened to settle oil trades in their foreign currencies instead of the dollar. And these countries are succeeding because we cannot afford to wage war against so many countries all at once, like we did did one country at a time against Saddam Hussein in oil-rich Irag and Qaddafi in oil-rich Libya, when they dared to sell their oil using other currencies. Western bankers found this sort of behavior intolerable IMHO.
It does feel like the empire is ending.
The rotten bankers however will never give up without a fight, even if it destroys everything.
Hence the horror of the Great Reset looms ahead of us?
This may be the only honest statement which JP Morgan ever made - "Gold is money, everything else is credit." Well, partially honest as he didn't mention silver. That was because from 1880 through 1900 the Wall Street banks were fighting a war against the American farmers to avoid a bimetallc currency, crucifying the farmers on a "cross of gold" and optimizing deflation. If one studies the enormous trade between the Spanish empire and China, it was totally based on silver, China's preferred currency. The dollar was originally a weight in grains of silver until it became a piece of cotton with no intrinsic value in 1934. I remember reading Huck Finn's and Jim's trip down the Mississippi financed on Huck's 20 dollar gold piece.
The last 500 years dominant currency.
Portugal (1450–1530)
Spain (1530–1640)
Netherlands (1640–1720)
France (1720–1815)
Great Britain (1815–1920)
United States (1921 to today)
Notice the average "life span." But the US is the essential nations so its dollar currency is immortal and not subject to a loss of status.
The fraud in the banking system is based on the ability of central banks and commercial banks to print money out of thin air. This used to be called counterfeiting until the Parasite Class legalized it. Commercial banks lend money they don't have. Used to be that they could lend 90% counterfeit but the Fed recently legalized it to 100%.
The replacement of the all the fiat currencies are physical gold and silver with reserve banking a criminal offense and central banks expunged with extreme prejudice from the planet.
As to bitcoin, why is it always represented as a physical, gold coin when there is nothing physical about it? It is a mathematical construct. What would happen to cryptos if a clandestine super duper computer could break the encryption and all of it connected in any fashion whatsoever to the internet fled to parts unknown?
Good comment (as typical): Do see this by Will Zoll. You know it already, but he explains the 20th century so well. https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/1871-part-v
I’m thinking now’s a good time to trade in all my “red seal” two-dollar Legal Tender Notes just for some precious metals of course while waiting on all my BTC moonbags to reach 100k.
I thought the French sent a ship to trade their dollars for gold. The U.S.didnt have enough gold so Nixon closed the window.
Spending on the Vietnam War caused that threat to U.S
gold. Who "caused" the war, that caused the French threat to the gold supply?. And who was the Sect.of Treasury? Speaker of the House?
...I read somewhere Watergate was a sham and in fact a punishment for Nixon doing the anti-drug "The French Connection" criminal sting without permission from the real empire. But you would have to read fiction like James Clavel's books to know that. (All the way back to the Portugese (?) black ships to Asia that looked like "Pirates of the Caribbean" ships.)
DeGaulle sent the French cruiser early enough to get France's gold.
UK was the last in line and got something like 40% of theirs, and nobody after that.
The whole artificial derivative World is collapsing and we cannot live in this artificial World any longer and those who live by the (dollar) will vanish with the dollar
The Federal Reserve is about as Federal as Federal Express. Devaluation or inflation of currencies has *never* been at the sole discretion of Federal Reserve operatives, or any one agency of any one government. All currency valuations (historically) have been manipulated via Bond and investment Trusts. This has been ongoing for hundreds upon hundreds of years. The linked article below defines essential features of the Cestui qui vie trust, including date lines of interest. >>>
The Cestui qui vie trust , Canon law and the third/final position of defacto law >>> By Mary Bartholomay >>> April 16, 2015 >>> https://awarriorcalls.com/pdfs/The.Cestui.qui.vie.trust.pdf
There are multiple facets to the Bond and Trust ponzi game. None of which deserve any trust...
Paul, I inserted your comment and el Gallinazo's into the text, and I answered your objection. But now I am confused. Why did you think I thought the Federal Reserve was Federal? Where is my error in my actual words, either what I wrote or what I did not. I just need to understand so I can improve/correct. It's a collage, this post. A beginning.
Hello Celia: Sorry you misunderstood my comment. My Federal Reserve statement was rhetorical - not aimed at your article title or specific to content. Things like this happen... Please don't take my comments personally. I generally avoid getting into pissing contests... Peace...
I know that. Did it seem that I don't know that? Maybe I need to edit.
Tricky Dicky is the gift that keeps on giving. This article is just in time for XMas. Thank you, Celia.
In 1975 Nixon also signed the Self Determination Act enabling Indian tribes to become their own nations within the nation of America. This is what opened the door to long term goals between Nixon and China to legalize gambling across the US. No longer to be limited and controlled by a bunch of goombas from Jersey in Las Vegas. Now China could stick a finger in the pot.
China put up the much needed monies, as the newly formed Native Nations were relatively cash poor and lacked the expertise to build and run these complex money-making enterprises called Indian Casinos. China owns the casinos through the backdoor.
Fast forward to today. In a recent though quickly buried article from Canada, a huge cargo of counterfeit small denomination US Dollars was confiscated at the US/Canadian border. Coming from China and headed to a Native Casino in the US.
Apparently China is not only reaping billions and quite possibly trillions from the Native Casinos, but is also laundering untold amounts of counterfeit paper dollars through the casinos which causes inflation leading to hyperinflation, thus destroying the US economy from within.
Factor in the human toll. The casinos have become hubs for the multi-billion dollar "industries" of human trafficking with special emphasis on child sex trafficking, drug running, etc., and another piece of the puzzle of "who was Richard Nixon" emerges.
Will any of this matter with CBDC?
What will CBDC be pegged to when it becomes Global?
And along those lines - I can see where CBDC will be a huge control grid for we peasants, but are millionaires and billionaires really going to allow their money to be controlled like that?
What happens to Switzerland?? With all those private bank accounts. And all of the offshore banking? That will now be controlled? I find that rather astonishing.