
I discovered about this half brother Kyle, son of Margaret Trudeau from second marriage, about a week ago. He's real. I sometimes have to put things own comments that deserve to be a post. This is such a wild card, this amazingly sound brother, calling to his lost brother, not to SINK THEIR WHOLE COUNTRY. Wow.


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A lot of positive developments. Great way to start my day, thank you Celia! Here in Israel preparations are in full swing for our Israel Freedom Convoy 2022, to begin next week on Monday. Excited!

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I could feel your anguish as I read your post. Please hold on to hope. If you are a believer, then trust in God.

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

We are going to have to forgive most of them, there are too many and families and friends have been split. There should be confession, repentance, reduction in access to authority and some jail time. 10 should hang publicly, like Nuremberg (and Haman's sons), no more. Some doctors and journalists should face trial. The middle class was impoverished before this happened, people were desperate to survive. The best compensated jobs have been compromised for a long time before COVID. Many politicians and CEOs had been sociopathic for a long time.

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We moved to Lund, Sweden, just over a year ago, leaving the mass delusional psychosis known as Cambridge, Maskachusetts. The damage had become too much to our daughters' (and our) mental health from the MKULTRA mask mandates, social isolation (esp. of the unjabbed), and the further crime of Zoom "school."

Our youngest daughter, who is in a Swedish school, has learnt the most Swedish of all of us, but we're all trying!

Tegnell is a hero. He protected the children of Sweden as best he could. I still remember the announcement last March from the Swedish Public Health Agency that the recommendation to stop in-person teaching at middle and high schools would end in April *and would not be renewed*. It went on to apologize for the harm done to children's learning and mental health and for not realizing it in advance.

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Celebrate the victories, yes, but don't trust the lulls. In each of these rollbacks, AFAIK, TPTB have made restriction reductions contingent on changed circumstances, not on any repentance for having stepped far beyond the bounds of their limited God-granted civil authority. The grand scale pattern--including Trudeau's tears--remains classic abuser-manipulator behavior.

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Oh I’m not done yet, he’s also a limp dicked shallow spoiled shit disturbing bully asswipe….feel free to add.

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The twerp is done

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Until America hosts a "Nuremberg Trial" for the CDC and NIH, these psychopaths will continue to target, threaten, and destroy millions of Americans - and billions around the world.

Once this is over we must NEVER forget. Never!

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Trudeau is a puppet, just like the rest of sold out politicians. This is just the tip of the iceberg:

A Cesspool Of Corruption In Ottawa: AstraZeneca Maker, Emergent BioSolutions, Lobbying All Federal Parties


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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

"It is starting to look to me like the largest experiment on human beings in recorded history has failed. And, if this rather dry report from a senior Indiana life insurance executive holds true, then Reiner Fuellmich’s “Crimes against Humanity” push for convening new Nuremberg trials starts to look a lot less quixotic and a lot more prophetic." https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/columnists/life-insurance-deaths-up-40---dr-robert-malone-s-chilling-analysis/article_d24bccac-6f38-11ec-912f-1f6d8fc5fac4.html

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Thank you for that. You made some very key statements. Canada is truly one to follow. We keep seeing “pockets of hope” and at times thinking this nightmare will end. Then the Department of Homeland Security posts their latest bulletin on Terrorism on (February 7,2022). All bets are off.

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That is unbelievable propaganda on the metro. Shameful. I'm surprised, but thankful, nobody has been seriously hurt as people turn on the unmasked.

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

We can and must with unanimity welcome the truckers and what they are doing. But, to be sure, this is not the end, even if their demands are met. The globalists are "all in" on this. This has less to do with lockdowns, masks, even passports (which are just choreography and social conditioning which could never be permanent--worked really well, no?) than with the Vaxx, which is linchpin of the Great Reset. Are They going to give in on that? Not unless the Vaxx is failing in its job, because the end game is graphene zombies, tracked and controlled externally from inserted micro circuitry and nanotechnology, tied into the climate agenda and the digital currency. Sweden is 3/4 double-jabbed; so much for loose restrictions. The vaxxed dead and deformed are all over the place. Some are noticing. Is this a rethink due to a failed Vaxx rollout or just a fake concession to move forward? So give a little and take control of the opposition from here? Trudeau is just ornamentation, as are all politicians. Olaf Palme in Sweden before he was assassinated by his benefactors was a Bilderberger. Schwab recently publicly said that They have "penetrated zee cabinets" of most countries. So all countries that matter are basically owned already. No surprise. Politics is all theater. Urgent vigilance is required, now more than ever, especially if the truckers win. "Man is a giddy thing; and this is my conclusion."

P.S. As a 30 year former NYC dweller in my youth who loved every minute of it, seeing that nasty subway mask, I am glad I no longer live there. Not that central NJ is recommendable in any way. Masks and vaxxes are all the rage. My only excuse is that was not a decision I wanted to make.

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

"I am certain this is the most evil, destructive thing that has ever happened in the entire history of people. I can not forgive anybody who was in any way part of it." Even though you put it into words, it's exactly the way I feel and, I am sure, most of the world feels. If no one hangs for this, the same tyranny will happen over and over, because We The People don't understand we should have NEVER allowed one moment of lockdown, masks, anti-social distancing, shutting down small businesses while allowing big box corporations to flourish, forced injections and holding hostage our loved ones in hospitals so they could slowly, painfully kill them. I trust no one now. I will never forget nor forgive.

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