One word: Brilliant. Connecting the dots. Okay four words. Still brilliant.

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You are definitely on to something. I always felt that there were two separate factions in Israel. The faithful/religious people and the globalist/Zionist sort who care nothing for God. I have heard that Bibi is a Talmudic/Kabbalah believer which places him in the latter group. Was WWII used to remove the faithful/religious people so that the latter group could replace them? This would explain the video you have with the Orthodox gentleman.

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Or more likely he is just another bought and owned toadie of the Bankster club. Don't forget he was the #1 promoter of the Covidian Cult Policies of any World Leader. Remember this:

All Wars Are Bankers Wars – by Michael Rivero:


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Sephardic judah and hebrews vs rev 2 9 ashk

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It is not quiet as simple as the "racial issue" of Sephardic vs. Ashkenazi Jews, because people are good and bad from ALL ethnic backgrounds. But you are right about the synagogue of Satan, which is a satanic cult that disguises itself as Jews. (and are not either by religious practice or genetic linage) You will know them by their fruits.

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Exactly, wasn't dear Dr. Zelenko an Ashkenazi? I heard that somewhere.

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Yes. I think he was, as Dr. Zelenko was Hasidic and had relatives that died in Europe during WW II. I first learned about him when he stood before the Rabbinic Council in Israel, pleading with then to NOT use or recommend the toxic "Jab." even referring the to Mengle experiments of the Nazis. He had already treated Trump, Giuliani, and Bolsonaro successfully. The council IGNORED him.

Most people don't know that many of the people targeted by the Nazis and traitors like Soros in Europe were Ashkenazi Jews, who were rather conservative and had good honest businesses and professions. The plan was to get rid of as many intelligent Jews, so that they could manipulate the poor, and even export them to the "holy land" as poor farmers and such. This information was given me by Barry Chamish, who revealed that Rabin was murdered by the Sabbatean Frankinst Labor Party henchmen working for the traitor Peres.


BTW. I should add that Netanyahu would have never been "elected" to PM the first time. if he had not gotten the VERIFIED autopsy report from Barry Chamish that proved Rabin was not shot by this radical kid Amir, but by Peres's men in the limo, as the gunshots that killed Rabin where fired from IN FRONT of Rabin as he sat in the limo. Not from the back before he got in during a "drill" as Amir fired blanks. "Bibi" used this to blackmail the Labor party and throw the election to Bibi who had no chance of winning it and was way behind in the evening polls. Bibi has been elected three times now...He is the contact to the CFR and CIA for AIPAC and an insider.

Barry Chamish also wrote a book on the "Giants" returning to Israel to abduct women as we see in Genesis 6. This was not a book he really wanted to write, but was compelled to do it after seeing a massive UFO over Israel, that was tracked by over 400 people, including the police and IDF. The events were real and Barry interviewed several of these women.

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Very interesting, thanks for the info.

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I have read that bibi is KM which would make sense. So are Globalist radical Zionists. The Talmud was written by KM who are not Jews. Roger Waters is a rabbid antisemite and frankly should mind his own business.

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I choose to call these "people" (and I use that term loosely), the hijackers.

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They pretty much are.

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What is KM?

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Khazarian Mafia

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Speaking of the Talmud, have you read this by Israel Shahak, one of those "self-hating Jewish anti-Semites" who lived in the Warsaw Ghetto, survived Bergen-Belsen, arrived in Palestine in 1945 and lived there until his death: "Jewish History, Jewish Religion; the Weight of Three Thousand Years?"

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No, I have not. Wasn't he friends with Chomsky?

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Re WWII, have a look at Henry Makow's work, eg:

"Were the NAZIs The Greatest Hoax In History?"


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BOMBSHELL: Netenyahu Confesses to Strategy of Paying HAMAS for Dirty Tricks to Undermine Palestinian Statehood

This makes Israel and the US complicit in Crimes Against Humanity (AGAIN!) - https://tinyurl.com/3pavbehr

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Contrary to public "belief", Israel, Great Britain, France, Brussels, Germany, and the former United States are all the same players in the same sandbox... Let's create more idiot solders and more idiot weaponry. Everyone is complicit in acts war...

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Good to know many Jews are not Zionists. Netanyahu is a disgusting person. IMHO. A terrible leader. Horrible for Israel.

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Well Israelis right now are furious with him. They want to hang him. And he deserves it.

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The same can be said for literally every government leader on Earth in 2023.

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The Ultra-Orthodox Neterei Karta Jewish Sect Quote the Torah to say ZIONISM is NOT JUDAISM and promote the return of Palestine statehood.


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Oct 13, 2023
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Hamas is a tiny fringe group compared to the average Palestinian person, created by Mossad/CIA crowd. The vast majority in Palestine would just rather have their own state and call it a day.

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Problem is they're TERRORISTS.

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And who created HAMAS?

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Did you see that Celia posted a video of a Neterei Karta member? HAMAS was a creature of Israel. Netenyahu Confesses to a strategy of FUNDING HAMAS for Dirty Tricks to Undermine Palestinian Statehood - https://tinyurl.com/3pavbehr

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Of course Netanyahu is a mason, at the top they're all masons, every single last one of them and when you get that it makes everything much easier to understand.

Coincidentally, just yesterday I was reading Scipio Eruditus's substack, A Case Study in Controlled Opposition, on Ron DeSantis in which are a number of photos of DeSantis engaged in the masonic handshake including one with Netanyahu - scroll down to see images.


I just read ET's Cinema Psychomasonica article on the current situation, CNN and Israel Invoke the 1260 Days of Revelations and the 9/23/17 Virgo Sign, which goes into great detail on the masonic and other symbology, the various alleged Jewish groups, the astounding serpent's head papal Audience Hall, a video on how Iran is really very masonic, and much more. As someone who is boringly prosaic and has a hard time relating to symbols in general it just makes my head spin.


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That's right, the Israeli govt is Khazarian Mafia as is our ILLEGALLY occupied govt.

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Israel/Hamas War: Problem–Reaction–Solution

The Hegelian Dialectic Process: The Devil's Most Powerful Tool


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Some of the most silenced voices in the world right now is that of the Israeli citizens who completely hate Netanyahu.

That happens during wars too: people lose their voice.

It's good to have big souls out there giving voice to the voiceless.

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Oct 13, 2023
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Who knows how many of the officially jabbed are really jabbed.

I remember a rumor from 2021 that went like this: the Ashkenazi Jews don't have an ACE2 receptor and the vaccine was meant to genetically program everyone except them to produce the killer protein from hell. The Passover story corrupted and turned inside out. Probably false. Pure mockery and trolling of everyone.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if no human has an ACE2 receptor anywhere, and the whole business of the angiotensin converting enzyme is better explained with a different model. Many myths and cons of medicine have been exposed these years. That's a huge silver lining. All of the sciences are as dirty as the Augean stables.

What if there was never a spike, on anyone? Or that what they find is a different thing, and they simply told us a different name and a set of false properties it had. This swindle runs too deep. Nothing adds up.

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"All of the sciences are as dirty as the Augean stables." 100%.

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Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea, right here on Substack

Has video showing nano structure formation in human blood, including unjabbed folks.

Food, Chemtrails and pretty much all injectable medications have this now, as shown on video.

All manner of poisonous garbage in the Death Jab itself.

Just check the site you will be amazed and she has a whole crew of MDs around the world working on this.

Dr Ana is both an MD and a PhD pathologist.

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perhaps there are others like us who sense the deprivations, the turmoil and terror, and recognize the treacheries, and suspect the sadistically planned scenarios being imposed and enacted: all causing intense anxiety within us, as we identify with so many who are involved: we deeply thank you Celia for your inclusion of Gabor Mate''s authentically human witness . . . does someone recall the name ( was it Vittorio Arrighoni ? ) of the young Italian who dwelt in Gaza with the ( mostly refugee ) people there, reminding them to -- in Italian ? -- in Arabic ? - "Stay Human" ? As with Rachel Corrie,, one might plead, in the face of his fate; to Israel, to US: Stop Killing Peace.

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Beautiful, Barbara.

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How about this: don't call them Jews, Zionists. Palestinians and look at LIFE:

GROUP A lives in territory A, GROUP B in territory B.

For up to 75 years they don't like each other and fight hard against each other. I mean HARD. often killing each other in sneak attacks and staged attacks.

All the time one group chants DEATH TO THE OTHER GROUP. This makes it hard to get along - to complicate matters the other group has some technical advantages - arms. Money , technology but it doesn't make them a better neighbor.

One day one GROUP storms the other groups home(s) and brutally kills , rapes, burns and blows upany homes. All the time screaming kill the enemy. Based on up to 75 years of being 'enemies'

Obviously the other group takes offence to this and strikes back - with a vengeance. They perceive to have moral high ground - maybe they do based on the brutal unannounced attack on their group / homeland.

It's a guarantee this group doesn't think that coffee. Cookies and a campfire chat is going to resolve the differences in culture. Education or even civility between the groups. After all they have tried that route in the past.


that's going to be a tough question to answer but one thing for sure - would you willingly continue to live in this environment - from either side - constantly having to look over your shoulder?

Israel, as a country / nation is between a rock and a hard place because they are surrounded by countries who want them dead. And that's the facts of the matter.

Once they fully lash out against the atrocities committed last weekend, they WILL face the combined wrath of all the other haters.

It's no longer about religion, it's about survival.

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Maybe the Sephardic Jews are the relatively more religious people and the Ashkenazi European Jews who pressured and terrorized their way into Palestine are the power oriented, tendentially predator ones? like all the Ukro"Nazis"? Then it would make sense that a - potentially - European origin Netanjahu would not have scruples to make a contract with Pfizer to inject all the Sephardic citizens with an experimental substance? But I must admit that I probably can't visually distinguish Sephardic and Ashkenazi.

The British opposed the European Jews coming to Palestine from the start, but they insisted, and the terror factions of the European Jews killed some High Officers and bombed the offices of the British. Not such poor lambs at all. See Quigley, Tragedy and Hope.

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Learning right along with you, Celia. The lists and numbers of "anti-Semitic, self-hating Jews" is rising. (being facetious of course).

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Isn't it the same--most likely most Palestinians are not Hamas supporters, just as many Jews, including myself, are not supporters of Zionism. If politics was reverent, and sacred, why would be need religion? It isn't--state and religion were separated a long time ago. But nobody can see the difference. Very clever move by those that hate God.

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You know the 1st Century Jews were supposed to have been Hellenized but what if it was the other way around?

The State and religion are entwined. Our States are trying to rejig what the Greeks and Romans did formerly.

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Oct 13, 2023Edited
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We know nothing really of what happen there, how many palestinians are happy with Hamas as leader (a creation of CIA to control the palestinian independent movement)....years and years of suffering, murder, destruction, and for sure promises of a liberation.... "under Islam": which version of Islam? Iran? Saudi Arab? Lebanon? Egypt? there are so many versions and possibilities, and not only the fundamentalistic ones, who is what have been sold by the "mind controllers" of the now better known Kabal-in-the-shadows. I am not defending anything but free thinking and the freedom of choice and autodetermination of each land on earth.

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2.2M Palestinians.

What of the other 47%, the over 1M who do not?

Must they die, be injured, displaced?

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So the Israeli reservists are being ordered to report for duty and defend Israel against Hamas, etc. I would imagine there will be a percentage of those reservists who are anti Netan-YAHOO (nut!) and refuse to comply w netanyahoo’s wet dream to finally wipe Gaza/Palestinians off the face of earth. Any reports of that happening yet?

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Oct 13, 2023
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I agree with David. You are either a troll or very confused.

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Not much unity. Israelis are furious and want Netanyahu hanged.

FURIOUS Israelis SHOUT DOWN Bibi LIVE On TV | Breaking Points:


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Oct 13, 2023
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They're pretty good. Far, far better than your MSM liar outlets.

I've seen more of the same, even a reporter just interviewing one of the hostage parents and they launched into a tirade against Netanyahu, the reporter didn't even ask them.

What you think I have time to spend all day collecting references? Get real.

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80% of Israelis believe their government allowed this to happen, either by incompetence or by complicity.

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I'll need to review the Balfour Declaration again...what a cluster flock! Thanks for this post!

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It’s no sport finding religious people who call others of the same faith as apostates. And if you’re looking to Hasidics as something pure and peace loving you’re barking up the wrong tree. Still, I’m with you that the “surprise” aspect of this attack is wholly implausible. Until some cyber attack or something is proven the going assumption is that this is a set up.

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