Dec 12, 2021Liked by Celia Farber

I may have been sucked in by Williams …I assumed that his “ darkness” was the ever increasing tyranny and social control applied globally. However , thanks to this forum I can see how there could be a completely different interpretation. Williams having spent his career in the cusp of manipulated media is more likely to still be doing the late Allen Dulles’ dirty work. “ it’s never about what they say it’s about”. I’m going to listen to some Fun Lovin Criminals now.😎

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Dec 12, 2021Liked by Celia Farber

I was just about to leave this on your first article. Hope this is on topic here:

1st attempt: 60 Minutes Mike Wallace 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic


2nd attempt: Channel 4 News Exposes Swine Flu Scandal in 2010


2019: this time lesson learned, they bought the media, all of it.

In this interview, Spiro is joined by Patrick Wood who is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy.


This is what Williams is talking about. It's not left or right, it's us against them. The corporations - tech/pharma/banks - own the governments globally. Our SMART toys are our DIY prison (ID passports) leading to Chinese social credit system/surveillance state. After 2 weeks to flatten the curve and 2 years of a virus with a 99.97% survival, how many boosters will people take before they smell a rat/trap? Follow the money. Our money's been stolen by the globalists. The coffers are empty. They're laughing at us all, globally. Eugenics/genocide/democide.

Appreciate your work. Stay free!

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Dec 13, 2021Liked by Celia Farber

He's afraid they're going to burn down his newsroom and all the people he works with. That's my conclusion.

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CAM108just now

At first I too was confused by Williams’ message. But as he continued to spout on I realized he delivered his final goodbye just like any other news story. If you REALLY listened you would quickly pick up it was read, lacked heart, emotion and any sincerity. Though I’ve never liked his vibe I felt compassion for him as it must be incredibly painful to go through life where even your most pivotal moments lack any authenticity whatsoever.

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Glad I stopped by to read this. At first I thought Williams was revealing an inner torment, but now I am not so sure it was a Peter Finch moment. Always helps to come from all angles. Nothing Is ever as it seems.

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Thanks for that information about Lincoln and the bankers.

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Williams lacks the character to have any kind of authentic self-relevatory awakening. Self serving is more like it. His conscience begins and ends with what will best serve the "Brian Williams Brand". In the three decades or so of his public life, that has always been obvious to me.

Anyway, who knows what's going on behind the scenes, maybe Globalist mouthpiece MSNBC just wanted to dump his sorry ass while still letting him save face with his equally shallow fanbase.

If it turns out he actually grew a real conscious, more power to him.

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Williams' farewell statement was sent to me by someone who had thought that he was revealing the plans of the elite for us, and I passed it on as such. It wasn't until one of the recipients spotted the flaws in that theory, I believe, having read your article, that I reexamined his words and realized that my preconception had led to a big misinterpretation of them. Who is it that inhabits the bars and bowling alleys of small town America? It's those lowbrows, the working class. Perhaps whnjhat Williams thinks of as the encroaching darkness is the working class waking up to how they have been fooled and manipulated by the owning class and their paid off representatives like the media whores who read news headlines from TV monitors. He reveals his class affiliations earlier in the speech when he claims that what gave him some of the greatest pleasure in his job was that he, a person of relatively humble origins, thereby had access to big shots and royalty. Beneath that unruffled demeanor, Williams is a slavering suck-up. He chastises those class traitors who, despite having had advantages that he could only dream of, were throwing in their lot with the unwashed masses. Does he fear pitchforks and the guillotine? He doesn't sound terrified enough for that. If I take burn up literally, then what Williams is objecting to is the politically correct rioting that took place last summer with BLM, Antifa, the Proud Boys, etc. The school boards are guilty of promoting critical race theory and the transsexual, homosexual, and gender "fluidity" agenda. If that's what concerns him then it is darkness. It's a fake revolution and some politicians are pandering to it.

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Excellently put. The monarchy of the worlds have been with the banking families all along and their greatest desire was to hold on to America. Whatever happened was by design and they still had a hold onto it. You laid it out so clearly.

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JFK, like Lincoln was also at war; with the Fed and the CIA.

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The upper classes have always and ever feared that very thing. That's why we have psyops.

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Points taken, but I wouldn't idolize Lincoln. Didn't he want to get rid of blacks in his country by sending them to Haiti?

Of course, government of and by and for the people ceased to exist some time ago, as C.J. Hopkins notes. What you have had for some time is what (faker) John Perkins calls Corporatocracy. It is in fact a UK/USA-dominated Corporatocracy directed by the transnational capitalist class, aka the global public partnership.

the GPPP:


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deletedDec 12, 2021Liked by Celia Farber
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