This is indeed great news!

I am Italian but resident in UK with a Canadian husband.

We have been following the plandemic from many sources and certainly Speranza was as vicious as Jacinda in NZ and Trudeau in Canada (and the horrible Teresa Tam).

In Italy a brave doctor that was successfully curing C19 hospitalised patients with “plasma iperimmune”, ie plasma obtained from the blood of recovered patients and then injected, into on-going infections, was strangely found “suicide”.... and his protocol was shut down

Speranza imposed a 3 mandatory injections or no trains, no bus, no supermarket etc

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Giulia, if you would tell us everything you know, hear from friends or family, about this breaking story, it would be most appreciated. Do we know the name of the tragic doctor you mentioned? These people are murderers, they really are.

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The doctor is Dr. Giuseppe De Donno. He developed a Covid protocol that utilized the blood of people with antibodies to treat others sick with Covid. They were even testing his protocol here in New York. I remember seeing posters on the subway looking for volunteers. Unfortunately he was dragged through the mud and ridiculed by the Italian press which may have been a source of anguish and depression for him. The press reported that his treatment was ineffective and that’s why he took his own life. (Which I don’t think was true at the time). He has been vindicated now though as his treatment has been confirmed as effective, but it’s a bit too late. This short talks of his vindication :


That’s Francesco Toscano of Visione TV, a good source of alternative viewpoint news in Italy, another good source is the daily YouTube news show “100 Giorni da Leone.” You can add subtitles in English I believe.

I stay abreast of the Italian situation so if I hear anything about the investigation into former health minister Speranza I’ll post it here in the comments.

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Thank you. Rest In Peace Giuseppe. God bless him.

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It's more reasonable to assume Covid never existed in the first place. By worrying about a "treatment protocol" for Covid, one is perpetuating the same Goddamned Narrative that enabled the psy-op in the first place, and thus laying the ground for future psy-ops of a similar kind.

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Yes exactly, and one should be wary of anyone condemning the jabs but proposing alternative convid treatments for that reason, without naming any names...

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Yes. At best, they demonstrate they were psychologically & culturally captured by the Narrative, which is highly ironic if they otherwise spend all their time complaining about the Narrative. I can't count how many times I've been in a discussion with someone about Covid who seems awake to the scam of it all, who then suddenly blurts out "I had Covid last October!" I tell them they don't know they had Covid, they just believe the Mainstream when it tells them they had Covid. Your friendly country doctor with his congenial white coat (or the friendly receptionists at the clinic) is part of the Mainstream as much as CNN is.

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not knowing the details of his death, I would give at least even odds that his death was not "by suicide", but rather that he was suicided. Murdered.

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"Arkancide" is the technical term, largely in honor of Hillary Clinton.


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indeed. What's the Clinton Body Count up to these days? North of 70, I believe.

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Good morning Celia

I found a version English for you. It was Prof Giuseppe De Donno in Mantova .

Nobody who knew him believes he really hung himself.

***. *****. ******

Giuseppe de Donno, Italian doctor PUNISHED for saving COVID-19 patients, found hanged

{Mark Crispin Miller 04 Aug 2021 19:19 EDT}


From Kathie Roussel:

[video is has since been removed from YouTube]

This is a video from the funeral which took place [yesterday] morning in Mantova, Italy, of Dott. Giuseppe de Donno who conceived Hyperimmune Plasma treatment for Covid patients (even those who were critically ill and on a ventilator) using the donated plasma of someone who had recovered from Covid. He successfully cured hundreds of people using this method at a cost of €80 per patient. His moment of glory was when he cured a pregnant patient and was able to hold the healthy baby of the patient in his arms. Despite his efforts to share this cure with the Italian Ministry of Health it was continuously ignored and he is was at a loss as to why this should have been. He was fired from his role as Professor of Pneumology at the University of Pavia and went to work as a General Practitioner, and aimed to open a private clinic that was independent of the jaws of Big Pharma where he could cure patients using hyper immune plasma. He was found dead, hanged, a few days ago in Italy. The press say he committed suicide.

His death coincides with the authorisation and introduction of what are known as Monoclonal Antibody treatments which are produced in a Big Pharma laboratory, following the same logic of Plasma treatments and will be available at a cost of €2000 per patient. His family are working to raise funds to build and maintain the clinic to continue his work of saving fatally ill Covid patients. All his patients recovered within a few days. His Wikipedia page has been removed. Please share this and his photo below so that people know that a successful cure existed for those who were otherwise destined to die. R.I.P. Dott. Giuseppe de Donno. May you live on in the hearts of all of us.


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Speranza beat the first rap in June.

In regards to this case, "Roberto Speranza’s defense lawyer who reported that the Rome Prosecutor’s Office had already been requested the dismissal of his client....The signatories of the complaint await official communication from the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Rome."

(Clarify - it seems the Defence Lawyer asked for a dismissal - bad translation)

Hopefully this investigation will result in prosecution.

Speranza was cleared of 'alleged mismanagement of the country’s first phase of the Covid pandemic' resulting in 4.000 excess and preventable deaths in Bergamo in June:

"Italy’s former prime minister Giuseppe Conte and the former health minister Roberto Speranza were not responsible for the alleged mismanagement of the country’s first phase of the Covid pandemic, a court ruled on Wednesday.

Last March, prosecutors in Bergamo, the Lombardy province worst hit during the first wave of the virus in 2020, had placed Conte and Speranza under investigation on suspicion of “aggravated culpable epidemic” and manslaughter in connection with the government’s response at the start of the coronavirus pandemic."


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Linda, are the damning emails recent? Do Italians have access to what they said? What was the essence of the rap Speranza beat in June? The "…response at the start of the coronavirus pandemic" sounds like globalist propaganda that there should have been "stricter measures" etc.

I appreciate your input on all this.

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Make of this what you will. The msm is choosing to ignore it: AIFA (l’agenzia italiana del farmaco) leaks "revealed by "Outside the Chorus/Choir" show that there was no concern about our health, but about "not killing the vaccine."

"...Out of the Choir program has released new internal emails from AIFA that demonstrate a certain focus by its top leadership on altering perceptions about the reporting rate of serious adverse events. Specifically, after the release of the sixth report in June 2021, AIFA's pie chart relating the incidence of serious adverse events to the total number of reports is completely off.

On that date, serious reactions amounted to 11.9 percent of the total, yet in the graph the reference dot turns out to be too small and does not respect the actual proportions...However, the graph is not a simple error, but the result of conscious action."


The emails may have emerged as part of the first case. It's not clear:

“This is the reason police were told to acquire documents, including emails, digital messages and minutes of meetings and discussions at the ministry and the other public offices,” one of the sources said.


Revealed: Italian leaders tried to protect country’s image at start of pandemic - Messages accessed as part of inquiry show politicians also appeared to make light of cases


Details of the first case are in The Guardian article and here: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/italian-court-drops-covid-case-against-lombardy-president-others-2023-07-24/

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Celia, there will be more emails, WhatsApp etc in Italy, like in UK and hopefully some brave whistleblower like the NZ brave one will start spilling the bin!

What I can tell you is that following the C19 narrative at the same time on the Italian, British, French, Canadian, US outlets (press, tv, govs ) it was so obviously absurd that word by word every news-anchor was reading the same script !

Press was bought out and they traded their integrity and / or caved-in in fear of loosing their Insignificant power !

In Italy everybody knew that the PM and his cabinet were “secretly” going

For dinner at a restaurant near the Parliament in Rome open only for them late at night during one of the strictest lock-down in Europe!

But there was no “party-gate” as in The UK...

it seems now that the damages are so horrific and some brave journalist are starting to stand up: Mark Stein in UK, La Verità newspaper and the tv “Fuori dal Coro” on one of the Mediaset channels.

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"aggravated pandemic" -- yeah baby!

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Yes, it's hard to break the habit of assuming the Mainstream is some neutral warehouse within which ideological oppositions and corruption occur -- even many (if not most) fellow conspiracy theorists lapse into this habit. It's a bad habit at the opposite end from another bad habit -- the assumption (usually implied implicitly not claimed explicitly) that the Conspiracy and its managing Cabal are omnipotent.

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I think the defence brief requested a dismissal...which is common.

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There's a lot of it about!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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He needs to be severely punished though I doubt there are any judges brave enough

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While immediately excited by this news, I then thought "Why now?"

Why did it take so long to find these emails?

Why did they even need these emails?

I think maybe the rats are jumping ship.

Time for some not very important heads to roll to make it look like the government really cares.

And if there was not all the push back now concerning the shots would the secret emails have been discovered?

I wonder what email treasures the US is about to discover. Get those Congressional Halls ready!

Yes, I am way down here in the basement of the rabbit hole. Woman thy name is Cynical.

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I tweeted this article to @albertbourla on twitter and asked him whether he's starting to sweat a little, whether he might be having nightmares of torches and pitchforks.

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He received the "Jewish Nobel Prize" last year, held in Jerusalem with all the Israeli elites in attendance (including the Prime Minister), and received 1 million dollars (shekels?). In his acceptance speech, he thanked his wife, G-d, and his Jewish agent -- just kidding. Actually, in his acceptance speech he explicitly invoked the Jewish principle of the "tikkun olam".


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And it's actually called "The Genesis Prize." A "conspiracy theorist" couldn't make this stuff up.

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Did you even click on the motherfucking link? The mainstream Israeli paper "Israel Today" HEADLINES it as:

"Pfizer CEO Wins 2022 “Jewish Nobel” Prize"




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Yes, I did. And read the article, too.

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Even worse then. Why are you mocking the phrase "the Jewish Nobel" as a conspiracy theory when that is the motherfucking nickname given by the moitherfucking Mainstream?

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yep. But I do hope that at the very least he's having nightmares of torches and pitchforks, and being drawn and quartered.


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"I think maybe the rats are jumping ship"

Someone should make a song and dance out of this, sort of the opposite of the dancing doctors.

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Hilarious! I love it.

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And so the chess pieces are moved. Queen in check?

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Heh, heh... The players no longer move the pieces around. They just relocate the lines and squares...

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Time for a re-write of A.A. Milne's poem Lines and Squares. Christopher Robin makes sure to never walk on the lines and thereby avoids capture by the bears.

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Wish Fauci's emails would be leaked...

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They already were at the beginning of 2020. And not a goddamn thing happened to him or anyone else involved. There will be no accountability for any of what went down.

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Especially when, according to Latypova and Watt, culpability rolls all the way to the Department of Defense.

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I once spent many hour reading them. They were very focused on his media appearances. media people wrote so cloyingly to him, I recall being disgusted.

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Well some previous ones are more serious. Listen to lawyer Dr David Martin’s presentation in Geneva https://www.bitchute.com/video/MMXfRHgFybqK/

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Better yet, he should experience what his organization did to experimental dogs.

(though this linked article is headlined as a "fact check", once you read it, it's more damning than not)


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This will be a case to follow. Still, conviction and prison time for the offender/s doesn't solve the ongoing issues of injuries and deaths.

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Yes exactly. If the people responsible get punished, it's just going to put others off doing the same thing in the future. Pfizer et al just need to be allowed to get on with the important business of dramatically reducing the world's population.

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Point taken. I'm not saying the bad guys shouldn't be punished; that goes without questioning. The real harm done to the population ALSO must be addressed, and as soon as possible. There's a lot of talk about reparations. What about reparations for the injured and families of the dead ?

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The name Speranza means hope.

I hope my housemate is able to avoid the further consequence of his at least three moderna poisonings, although he has paid dearly and suffered much from them...

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Seems this "action" is a bit slow on the draw, but hey, another few million murders is OK - depending on which State or Nation continues to sanctify the "experiment" >>>

Video: “It is not a Case of Pandemic, This is a Case of Murder”: Dr. David E. Martin >>> By Dr. David Martin and Alexandra Bruce >>> Global Research, May 29, 2022 >>> https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-dr-david-e-martin-gives-explosive-jaw-dropping-information-canadian-zoom-meeting/5781748

Notice the date. Then realize there were many more such posted notice in years prior...

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Dr Dave's MCAM International's logo is Freemasonic. His Press News and Events link utilises the Eye of Horus.

Many alt media are F&F and also claim that questioning the existence of virus is 'divisive'. These people, regardless of what rung they occupy, are all suspect.


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I still can't imagine what motivated Politicians to promote the false Covid Scamdemic? Nor the DEADLY EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS and the hype that destroyed most Nation's financial stability.

These murderers must be terminated!

Being a members of the World Economic Forum must have been a deciding factor.

Sorry, but not speaking out, questioning, investigating or discussing such important issues as the PRETEND Covid Scamdemic, - the mysterious disappearance of Influenza on January 1st 2020 - until December 31st 2020 (according to the CORRUPT WHO stats) - the coincidental creation of a simultaneous, creation of a (deadly) 'SAFE and EFFECTIVE' EXPERIMENTAL injection - and the ridiculous 'ZERO LIABILITY' for the makers of the Depopulating vax is 'capitulating to your Masters'.

Does anybody still believe that Covid wasn't created using Fauci's GoF 'Bio-Weapon' techniques, for maximum impact upon humanity, which, in turn, would supposedly justify a simultaneously prepared a 'miracle cure', made, seemingly OVERNIGHT! A 'Cure' that does nothing to slow down Fauci's 'designer VIRUS', but which can Kill, maim or just shorten your Life Expectancy?

It's too late now! You've all been GENETICALLY MODIFIED! No going back and No CURE!

What an amazing job of brainwashing and falsifying of Vax Safety and efficacy the elite's achieved. This was probably so successful because humanity is generally stupid, and far more gullible than we ever imagined!

And after we've told them many times that the 'EXPERIMENTAL' Jab Kills. And that and the makers (Pfizer, Moderna, etc,) deny ALL LIABILITY for INJURIES and DEATHS these depopulating poisons cause.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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"Does anybody still believe that Covid wasn't created using Fauci's GoF 'Bio-Weapon' techniques, for maximum impact upon humanity,"

Mike Yeadon's theory is more reasonable: there was (and is) no virus at all, engineered or natural.


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There's one point of relevance that is potentially drastic: believing a virus was manufactured logically paves the way for other manufactured viruses in the future. For example, Senator Rand Paul, who is supposed to be on our side against Fauci, said in an interview with One America News, 3 Nov. 2021:

"As we speak, our money is still going to those labs in China, and there’s a danger of a much bigger and worse pandemic coming out. This one killed 1% of the people – 5 million people. What if the next one has 15% mortality, or 50% mortality? God forbid a virus that kills 90% of the world. That could happen …"

Senator Paul is there effectively panic-mongering speculatively to the 10th power of what the Covid Narrative did.

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You mean the kind they could aim at us through their newly installed (without public permission) 5G towers ?

Just asking as it occurred to me.

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Sure, deference to authority, or as I term it "trusting the Mainstream" -- but our original subtopic was people on our side reinforcing the virus narrative.

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there are a couple of rays of hope in all this:

1) just this article, that maybe the criminals will start to fear for their lives, and

2) that after years of trying to create a murderous virus in a lab, all they got was covid which has an IFR lower than that of the flu! hahahahaha. Human physiology and human immune system is more powerful than these devil worshippers thought. They worked hard to create a global pandemic and all they got was a bad cold.

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#2 indicates Mike Yeadon's theory is the more plausible one -- there never was a virus, whether engineered or natural.


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You are smart enough to avoid the real b'weapon - the jab - so you are smart enough to understand this: The Lab Leak Theory is a red herring and China were quite rightly 'infuriated' by the implication. In this instance GoF is promoted to ensure that people fear a nonexistent 'virus' even if it is not the one they originally thought it was.

The FBI endorses the theory - and that's all you really need to know.

In fact there is no 'virus' and no 'modified virus'.

Yes 'Seasonal Flu' deaths were substituted for deaths from the 'novel' bug. Influenza is identified by common symptoms - and nothing more. Most people survive. It is not contagious and certainly not by "asymptomatic carriers'.

Here is the evidence to support your belief that SARS-CoV-2 never existed:

From May 2020 Christine Massey began "submitting FOI requests for any record held by the respective institution that describes the isolation/purification of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” from an unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient, by anyone, anywhere on the planet."

By October 4, 2021 she received FOI responses from 104 institutions in well over 20 countries - "Every institution without exception has failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing purification of the alleged virus from even 1 patient sample."


Jan 2021 NBC documentary Return to Wuhan 1:40 - Dr Wu Zunyou, CDC China: "They didn't isolate the virus. That's the issue."


Early on even the CDC's data revealed that the vast majority of deaths attributed to "Covid 19" were people suffering co-morbidity. People killed by ventilator and/or heavy sedation in hospitals and care homes were also counted as covid deaths. In some cases, even traffic accidents and homicide were thrown into the mix.

The stats also revealed that the average age at death was higher than life expectancy.

After vx rollout, they invented Long Covid to explain vx injury and recurrent infection... and the fear is perpetuated.

See also: Germ Theory - Rockefeller Medicine - ADE

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Cheers. Although I haven't had symptoms of 'influenza' in a few years, being blanketed in EMF is certainly not health-enhancing.

Henry Lai’s Research Summaries:

Peer-reviewed, published literature documenting biological effects of non-ionizing radiation (ELF-EMF, Static Fields and RFR).

"In the ten years since the BioInitiative 2012 Report was posted, hundreds of new peer-reviewed research papers have been published. A clear majority of studies report biological effects as opposed to ’no effect’. The trend continues to show that exposure to low-intensity ELF-EMF/Static Fields and RFR at levels allowable under current federal public safety limits pose health risks. This body of literature strongly supports new, biologically based public exposure standards that are protective against exposure levels identified in this Report to cause effects at levels thousands of times lower than current FCC limits."

See https://bioinitiative.org/research-summaries/ for all results including electrohypersensitivity and comet assay study results.


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It defo does not exist:

From May 2020 Christine Massey began "submitting FOI requests for any record held by the respective institution that describes the isolation/purification of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” from an unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient, by anyone, anywhere on the planet."

By October 4, 2021 she received FOI responses from 104 institutions in well over 20 countries - "Every institution without exception has failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing purification of the alleged virus from even 1 patient sample."


Jan 2021 NBC documentary Return to Wuhan 1:40 - Dr Wu Zunyou, CDC China: "They didn't isolate the virus. That's the issue."


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Obviously 'they' could have created something far more DEADLY but that could have back-fired against ALL of humanity 'Them' included.

Gates has already bragged "The next one will really get their attention". This seems to be the prediction of an insane cretin!

The more we discuss and spread what we know or suspect the more sheep might open their eyes.

We must expect to win the WAR!


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Can we hope for accountability?

When will this be recognized as homicidal? https://www.whitehouse.gov/covidcollegechallenge/

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Let's Hope Matt Hancock, Fauci & all the others are next on the list....

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I think (?) Dr Fuelmichs wife has taken over his substack ... perhaps there (?) u can reach him sort of (?)

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Now I’m not sure what the name of the substack I got that petition off of in my subscriptions as it doesn’t easily say dr fuelmich on it. I will take a pick if you saying that and put it out there on X

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Please sign this and chip in if possible he shouldn’t be in jail. He is being politically persecuted because he supports Nuremberg 2 for those purposefully pushing deadly vaxxes even after they know they’re sadly as they did w covid. The man is a hero! Someone said he was doing something that would puss off bill gates just before he was arrested.

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Tried to sign it. The link did not bring me to to it.

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Hi Hespreado!

After studying this contrived Depopulation Plan for nearly 4 years, I've still got a totally open and flexible mind regarding most things Covid, Experimental injections, originations, etc,. But since the deliberate planned creation and release of this monstrous Plan, formulated by those who mean us harm, (The WEF, New World Order), I am totally convinced that the well-planned 'take-over of our FREEDOMS' by evil persons, must be stopped!

We must destroy those who intend to enslave us (non-Elites).

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight DIRTY!

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Yes, I did. And read the article, too.

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It is all coming apart at the seams, and it is gathering steam like a snow ball rolling down a mountain.

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