This is indeed great news!

I am Italian but resident in UK with a Canadian husband.

We have been following the plandemic from many sources and certainly Speranza was as vicious as Jacinda in NZ and Trudeau in Canada (and the horrible Teresa Tam).

In Italy a brave doctor that was successfully curing C19 hospitalised patients with “plasma iperimmune”, ie plasma obtained from the blood of recovered patients and then injected, into on-going infections, was strangely found “suicide”.... and his protocol was shut down

Speranza imposed a 3 mandatory injections or no trains, no bus, no supermarket etc

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

While immediately excited by this news, I then thought "Why now?"

Why did it take so long to find these emails?

Why did they even need these emails?

I think maybe the rats are jumping ship.

Time for some not very important heads to roll to make it look like the government really cares.

And if there was not all the push back now concerning the shots would the secret emails have been discovered?

I wonder what email treasures the US is about to discover. Get those Congressional Halls ready!

Yes, I am way down here in the basement of the rabbit hole. Woman thy name is Cynical.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

And so the chess pieces are moved. Queen in check?

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Wish Fauci's emails would be leaked...

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

This will be a case to follow. Still, conviction and prison time for the offender/s doesn't solve the ongoing issues of injuries and deaths.

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The name Speranza means hope.

I hope my housemate is able to avoid the further consequence of his at least three moderna poisonings, although he has paid dearly and suffered much from them...

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Seems this "action" is a bit slow on the draw, but hey, another few million murders is OK - depending on which State or Nation continues to sanctify the "experiment" >>>

Video: “It is not a Case of Pandemic, This is a Case of Murder”: Dr. David E. Martin >>> By Dr. David Martin and Alexandra Bruce >>> Global Research, May 29, 2022 >>> https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-dr-david-e-martin-gives-explosive-jaw-dropping-information-canadian-zoom-meeting/5781748

Notice the date. Then realize there were many more such posted notice in years prior...

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I still can't imagine what motivated Politicians to promote the false Covid Scamdemic? Nor the DEADLY EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS and the hype that destroyed most Nation's financial stability.

These murderers must be terminated!

Being a members of the World Economic Forum must have been a deciding factor.

Sorry, but not speaking out, questioning, investigating or discussing such important issues as the PRETEND Covid Scamdemic, - the mysterious disappearance of Influenza on January 1st 2020 - until December 31st 2020 (according to the CORRUPT WHO stats) - the coincidental creation of a simultaneous, creation of a (deadly) 'SAFE and EFFECTIVE' EXPERIMENTAL injection - and the ridiculous 'ZERO LIABILITY' for the makers of the Depopulating vax is 'capitulating to your Masters'.

Does anybody still believe that Covid wasn't created using Fauci's GoF 'Bio-Weapon' techniques, for maximum impact upon humanity, which, in turn, would supposedly justify a simultaneously prepared a 'miracle cure', made, seemingly OVERNIGHT! A 'Cure' that does nothing to slow down Fauci's 'designer VIRUS', but which can Kill, maim or just shorten your Life Expectancy?

It's too late now! You've all been GENETICALLY MODIFIED! No going back and No CURE!

What an amazing job of brainwashing and falsifying of Vax Safety and efficacy the elite's achieved. This was probably so successful because humanity is generally stupid, and far more gullible than we ever imagined!

And after we've told them many times that the 'EXPERIMENTAL' Jab Kills. And that and the makers (Pfizer, Moderna, etc,) deny ALL LIABILITY for INJURIES and DEATHS these depopulating poisons cause.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Obviously 'they' could have created something far more DEADLY but that could have back-fired against ALL of humanity 'Them' included.

Gates has already bragged "The next one will really get their attention". This seems to be the prediction of an insane cretin!

The more we discuss and spread what we know or suspect the more sheep might open their eyes.

We must expect to win the WAR!


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Can we hope for accountability?

When will this be recognized as homicidal? https://www.whitehouse.gov/covidcollegechallenge/

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Let's Hope Matt Hancock, Fauci & all the others are next on the list....

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I think (?) Dr Fuelmichs wife has taken over his substack ... perhaps there (?) u can reach him sort of (?)

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Please sign this and chip in if possible he shouldn’t be in jail. He is being politically persecuted because he supports Nuremberg 2 for those purposefully pushing deadly vaxxes even after they know they’re sadly as they did w covid. The man is a hero! Someone said he was doing something that would puss off bill gates just before he was arrested.

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Hi Hespreado!

After studying this contrived Depopulation Plan for nearly 4 years, I've still got a totally open and flexible mind regarding most things Covid, Experimental injections, originations, etc,. But since the deliberate planned creation and release of this monstrous Plan, formulated by those who mean us harm, (The WEF, New World Order), I am totally convinced that the well-planned 'take-over of our FREEDOMS' by evil persons, must be stopped!

We must destroy those who intend to enslave us (non-Elites).

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight DIRTY!

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Yes, I did. And read the article, too.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

It is all coming apart at the seams, and it is gathering steam like a snow ball rolling down a mountain.

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