Dr. Harvey Risch of Yale was one of those who stood up early as a COVID jab dissident. I remember him saying in an interview, with whom I can't recall with any certainty, that "We do not have the right to forgive on behalf of the dead."
And had also been involved in taken sides, the victim`s of course, in some abuse case...which probably did not help either. He had a whole Nurnberg 2. ready to go some years ago!
The no-visiting was possibly the most draconian policy because it ruined people's lives forever and gave carte blanche to the facilities to kill in private. It could happen again tomorrow. Unless people riot in the streets and go after those who made these decisions in the first place--government, hospital administrators, nurses and doctors who went along-- it will.
Sadly - it's been happening forever. The covid hoax just gave them an easier, faster way to do it. I was reading horror stories about elder"care" for a long time before covid.
But you know what pisses me off most of all? It's this: Look at how everything is the same now, in 2024, literally the same as it was through all of the height of the madness of 2020 and 2021 and 2022. Look at how basically no one around us is getting any special type of sickness, or any symptoms particularly different from the "flu" (whatever the "flu" is really) today, right now in 2024, just as few around me/us had symptoms any different from the flu, in 2020 and 2021 and 2022. And yet, look at how very few question what happened in 2020, 2021, and 2022, and act like something different was occurring during that period. My god. The television and its aura of authority is so powerful, still! I am around so many people who constantly still blather about "the pandemic" or how Biden saved them, or how wearing masks in various places is still a good idea today because "variants" and "flu" and "RSV", and who still believe the reason Trump is to be criticized is because "he didn't do enough to stop the pandemic" (not because Trump assisted in closing down/ruining the economy and unleashing a bio-weapon on us). No. Trump is bad because he didn't mandate enough jabs, or close down the economy harder. This bullshit, which apparently a good part of the population still believes, this is what pisses me off. I am deeply disheartened that so many people still believe in this fiction, but I simply do not see it ending, ever. It is a narrative hypnosis so powerful that only belief in something higher than the political can shake it.
I wish to share a horrible reality that unfortunately hasn't even been mentioned anywhere that I have found. The reason I'm sharing it is because it needs to get out. I've been in construction ever since I could walk, both commercial and residential. Construction sites were my playground from 4 years old and on(thank God my mom never knew or she would have freaked). And now I'm a code official for my township in my retirement. When covid first hit, I was a plumber(my trade.) We had some of the wealthiest clients in our whole metropolitan area. We had a lot of state owned assisted living businesses as clients. When a building is constructed, it is built according to the local and national codes required for its use. Hospitals are set up with infectious wards as per code. That means different air handlers and filters for specific areas. BUT, assisted living facilities are not. NEVER set up with infectious wards. So here I am at a service call at an assisted living facility, standing on one side of a curtain. So as we're putting on the 'garb', I asked the maintenance guy if there is a different air handler from one side of the curtain to the other, already knowing the answer. He told me it was none of his business. The facility was set up to code for efficient use of the air handlers, NOT for infectious wards. So Gretchen Whitmer sends covid patients to all the state facilities and the air handlers are freely circulating the covid infected air in ALL the wards. So they are going to say that ALL these specialists didn't know? BULL. How is that not intentional murder? It makes me sick. And they got away with it.
They came with their Doctors and their lockdowns. Torched our economies, suffocated our lungs with masks, destroyed the minds of our children, killed and maimed us for life with poison filled needles…
And now they want us to be thankful to the WHO & CDC for being saved…
from a cold.
Once the psychopaths responsible for this are swinging from lampposts, we must never forget this tyranny, and never allow it occur again.
So they ghosted her for providing a bunch of crucial information to editors? That's brutal and just what happened when this ultra critical story was sent to over 20 substackers large and small to sound the alarm:
Yes my mother died in the care home after the second one .we were not allowed to see her. Un she was alone and in the middle of the night. I will not forget nor forgive the treatment myself and my sisters and brother went through. My sister now had Parkinson’s never in our family before my brother lung cancer .my other sister now has a skin problem mostly on her scalp. My husband now has to have bypass surgery. Myself would not get the jab and was treated badly by my family and others. Lost a few friends .my life has. Been so changed the sadness I feel at times just overwhelming .
As an old man I advise people to stop being logically shocked. There is no rational argument to be made about evil. As my late Dad, a WWII Marine veteran used to say "Don't argue with evil. Stop them." COVID and the mRNA vaccines were planned, pure evil to make money, injure people (and make still more money) and to kill them. As an Army veteran Nurse "Erin" said covertly on her phone camera from the NYC Elmhurst hospital early in COVID (2021) where she was working as a volunteer: "This is murder." THe use of Remdesivir and forced air-ventilation "is murder." We cannot expect rational thought to be of any benefit against murderers at the level of Hitler IF not even worse at least numerically. In Hitler Germany the poison in the death-camps was fairly quick. COVID and "death by medicine and hospitals" was slow and painful.
I say: 'Death penalty to ALL involved - hunt them down, even if it takes years - like the animals they are. At the Nuremberg trials (after Hitler) people were not allowed "I was just doing my job" as a defense.
Right, this is WORSE than the Holocaust. At least 17 million dead so far.
The criminals who created the virus, murdered with Midazolam, and mandated the death jabs must be hunted, tried, and executed no matter how long it takes:
What we lived through is terrorism. Many publicists, journalists and talk show hosts are terrorists. They decisively collaborated with iatrogenocide, democide, genocide and with psychological torture. They will not be forgiven, because they are the bulk of the executioner's arm of this satanic entirprise of the covid hoax.
To forget is dangerous. People who forget will be attaked again by the same criminals, but the people who remember will be able to defend.
To forgive this is impossible for mere human beings, of limited strength. It's asking too much.
It's possible for those who dedicate everything only to God. After much work of meditation and prayer, one person may be moved to forgive, in part or totally. But that's a luxury for most of us.
It's unimportant, because the terrorists are very proud of their deeds. They don't ask forgiveness. They may find entertaining to pretend to repent and abuse people with crocodile tears. But remember they have given up their souls in exchange of the world. It's too soon for them to understand what they have done. Most will die in ignorance and in pride.
Spot on about the media's part. Somehow, I have more of a lingering hatred for Colbert, Kimmel, et al than I do for even Fauci. And really, Fauci has basically vanished; disappeared. But not the others (unfortunately).
Colbert is the worst. I watched a satanic documentary on Rumble and they showed him doing a skit about sacrificing the baby, but the thing is he really did all the masonic signs during it, including one time at his desk when he did all of them at once in a row, and the camera picked up every single one. That made me know he really did do the baby sacrifice and it wasn’t just a joke. It’s horrible.
I'm still under belief that the covud shots were highly toxic alone but the reaction caused by prescribed meds and the jab together was enough to send ill patients to their grave.
Some say the Donald, who's surrounded by Christian and Jewish Zionists, was in cahoots with the DoD on his operation Warp Speed. Others say he was superseded by the DoD in this case. I think his picks are suspect. He was so hated by realtors in NYC that he needed Gambino boys and retired NYPD for protection. He's a player. Yeah he beat genocide Harris, but could still be a Deep State pawn. Let's hope he's egotistical enough to be a Bad Boy and do something right with Ukraine and Gaza. I have less hope he'll truly tackle Big Pharma [DoD]. Also as suspect, I definitely include Bobby K who talks from both sides of his mouth re ensuring "safe and effective" jabs. I left the Bobby Club when he read from the Zionist script on Gaza on national TV. But he might be useful in the safer fields of agriculture.
Thanks for the explanation. Sounds fair enough. Me too, I miss some important attitudes with our "heroes". Joe Rogan for instance seems to avoid immigration and pharma on interviewing?
Btw in US there are heroes at all. In Sweden nobody of the kind.
As psychopaths and their co-opted or hypnotized minions gain power, we find ourselves in global cybernetic, psychological, pharmaceutical, weather and kinetic warfare. If we lose heart, they've won already. If we raise our consciousness, that becomes a beneficial contagion to others. The U.S. has the advantage of states' rights, even as they erode. And, unfortunately, some of our so-called champions belong to a shell game. But sober activism is still available. On a personal level, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. God bless you wherever you are.
Your X account is suspended. I sent you a screenshot of the New Zealand health department's eugenics kill list, and second from the top for prioritisation for the injection are Maori and Pacific people over the age of 50.
Melinda Gates declared that black men should be the first to get The Shot, then for a while there was the usual denials, she was a victim of people taking her out of context you see. Ha ha. Then I saw and heard her say just that in a video, and there was no mistaking and no other way to interpret what she was saying. I wish I kept it, it is probably somewhere in Substack, I think to do with Fauci. Then Melinda Gates gave Jacinda Ardern $30mil. *My nose twitches.
I will never forget. As with many many many people, the story is a personal one for me. Every story has its own personal element of tragedy. My husband's grandmother had short term memory loss, so she had NO idea why everyone stopped visiting. It crushed her will to live and it must have been a terribly lonely end.
My profound gratitude to Jacqui for being such an ally of humanity. I cannot believe so much time has passed without any accountability for the various crimes committed against we the people. We can never move on until the whole episode is addressed. I think it was the surface manifestation of a behind the scenes war between dark and light. And many innocent, unwitting souls were the fodder. This piece also shows how difficult it is to get any of these crucial truths into the mainstream media - businesses that should have been taken down long ago already for their outright treason in so many ways against we the people.
Dr. Harvey Risch of Yale was one of those who stood up early as a COVID jab dissident. I remember him saying in an interview, with whom I can't recall with any certainty, that "We do not have the right to forgive on behalf of the dead."
I remember Him!
One of the first ones.
Lets not forget Reiner Fullmich , don’t know the exact spelling of his name…also one of the first ones to speak up.
And now in jail in Germany because of it.
He was framed on some financial thing.
And had also been involved in taken sides, the victim`s of course, in some abuse case...which probably did not help either. He had a whole Nurnberg 2. ready to go some years ago!
Yes, I think putting him in jail on bogus charges is a warning to the world not to publicly question the mass murder by injection.
Brilliant statement. Thank you James.
Dr David Martin and investigative journalist Jon Rappoport were two other early pioneers uncovering the Covid hoax.
I've still got Harvey's email
There was a listserv from Dr. McCullough that a bunch of us were on from new year 2021...
The no-visiting was possibly the most draconian policy because it ruined people's lives forever and gave carte blanche to the facilities to kill in private. It could happen again tomorrow. Unless people riot in the streets and go after those who made these decisions in the first place--government, hospital administrators, nurses and doctors who went along-- it will.
Sadly - it's been happening forever. The covid hoax just gave them an easier, faster way to do it. I was reading horror stories about elder"care" for a long time before covid.
Well said AL.
We also lost a loved one during the madness.
Her only wish was to die at home.
She died alone in a hospital where no visitors were allowed.
I can only imagine what she went through not being able to understand WHY she is being abandoned…
Fauci, Burla, Tam, Daszak, Tedros , Gates and rest of the gang needs to be held accountable. Otherwise it will happen again.
But you know what pisses me off most of all? It's this: Look at how everything is the same now, in 2024, literally the same as it was through all of the height of the madness of 2020 and 2021 and 2022. Look at how basically no one around us is getting any special type of sickness, or any symptoms particularly different from the "flu" (whatever the "flu" is really) today, right now in 2024, just as few around me/us had symptoms any different from the flu, in 2020 and 2021 and 2022. And yet, look at how very few question what happened in 2020, 2021, and 2022, and act like something different was occurring during that period. My god. The television and its aura of authority is so powerful, still! I am around so many people who constantly still blather about "the pandemic" or how Biden saved them, or how wearing masks in various places is still a good idea today because "variants" and "flu" and "RSV", and who still believe the reason Trump is to be criticized is because "he didn't do enough to stop the pandemic" (not because Trump assisted in closing down/ruining the economy and unleashing a bio-weapon on us). No. Trump is bad because he didn't mandate enough jabs, or close down the economy harder. This bullshit, which apparently a good part of the population still believes, this is what pisses me off. I am deeply disheartened that so many people still believe in this fiction, but I simply do not see it ending, ever. It is a narrative hypnosis so powerful that only belief in something higher than the political can shake it.
No forgiveness, never forget. We want JUSTICE AND ACCOUNTABILITY. The VA killed my father too.
I wish to share a horrible reality that unfortunately hasn't even been mentioned anywhere that I have found. The reason I'm sharing it is because it needs to get out. I've been in construction ever since I could walk, both commercial and residential. Construction sites were my playground from 4 years old and on(thank God my mom never knew or she would have freaked). And now I'm a code official for my township in my retirement. When covid first hit, I was a plumber(my trade.) We had some of the wealthiest clients in our whole metropolitan area. We had a lot of state owned assisted living businesses as clients. When a building is constructed, it is built according to the local and national codes required for its use. Hospitals are set up with infectious wards as per code. That means different air handlers and filters for specific areas. BUT, assisted living facilities are not. NEVER set up with infectious wards. So here I am at a service call at an assisted living facility, standing on one side of a curtain. So as we're putting on the 'garb', I asked the maintenance guy if there is a different air handler from one side of the curtain to the other, already knowing the answer. He told me it was none of his business. The facility was set up to code for efficient use of the air handlers, NOT for infectious wards. So Gretchen Whitmer sends covid patients to all the state facilities and the air handlers are freely circulating the covid infected air in ALL the wards. So they are going to say that ALL these specialists didn't know? BULL. How is that not intentional murder? It makes me sick. And they got away with it.
They came with their Doctors and their lockdowns. Torched our economies, suffocated our lungs with masks, destroyed the minds of our children, killed and maimed us for life with poison filled needles…
And now they want us to be thankful to the WHO & CDC for being saved…
from a cold.
Once the psychopaths responsible for this are swinging from lampposts, we must never forget this tyranny, and never allow it occur again.
Always remember:
https://tritorch.com/safety.jpg [image]
So they ghosted her for providing a bunch of crucial information to editors? That's brutal and just what happened when this ultra critical story was sent to over 20 substackers large and small to sound the alarm:
Celia, if you want to help raise awareness to this critical problem, please be my guest.
If I were her I would take a group of men peacefully with pitchforks to the offices of those editors, who are also guilty of negligent homicide.
Yes my mother died in the care home after the second one .we were not allowed to see her. Un she was alone and in the middle of the night. I will not forget nor forgive the treatment myself and my sisters and brother went through. My sister now had Parkinson’s never in our family before my brother lung cancer .my other sister now has a skin problem mostly on her scalp. My husband now has to have bypass surgery. Myself would not get the jab and was treated badly by my family and others. Lost a few friends .my life has. Been so changed the sadness I feel at times just overwhelming .
how horrible for you. at least you've got your immune system. the entire hospital infrastructure needs demolishing.
I find it terrifying that they imposed exactly the same policies everywhere in the western countries so easily.
As an old man I advise people to stop being logically shocked. There is no rational argument to be made about evil. As my late Dad, a WWII Marine veteran used to say "Don't argue with evil. Stop them." COVID and the mRNA vaccines were planned, pure evil to make money, injure people (and make still more money) and to kill them. As an Army veteran Nurse "Erin" said covertly on her phone camera from the NYC Elmhurst hospital early in COVID (2021) where she was working as a volunteer: "This is murder." THe use of Remdesivir and forced air-ventilation "is murder." We cannot expect rational thought to be of any benefit against murderers at the level of Hitler IF not even worse at least numerically. In Hitler Germany the poison in the death-camps was fairly quick. COVID and "death by medicine and hospitals" was slow and painful.
I say: 'Death penalty to ALL involved - hunt them down, even if it takes years - like the animals they are. At the Nuremberg trials (after Hitler) people were not allowed "I was just doing my job" as a defense.
Right, this is WORSE than the Holocaust. At least 17 million dead so far.
The criminals who created the virus, murdered with Midazolam, and mandated the death jabs must be hunted, tried, and executed no matter how long it takes:
I believe world wide the number is much greater now. Dowd has good figures, as I forget.
Thanks, though that site looks bogus because it gives no evidence at all, only fantastic claims.
I'd like to believe such things are happening, but pretty sure they are not.
Thanks to Jacqui for another great article.
What we lived through is terrorism. Many publicists, journalists and talk show hosts are terrorists. They decisively collaborated with iatrogenocide, democide, genocide and with psychological torture. They will not be forgiven, because they are the bulk of the executioner's arm of this satanic entirprise of the covid hoax.
To forget is dangerous. People who forget will be attaked again by the same criminals, but the people who remember will be able to defend.
To forgive this is impossible for mere human beings, of limited strength. It's asking too much.
It's possible for those who dedicate everything only to God. After much work of meditation and prayer, one person may be moved to forgive, in part or totally. But that's a luxury for most of us.
It's unimportant, because the terrorists are very proud of their deeds. They don't ask forgiveness. They may find entertaining to pretend to repent and abuse people with crocodile tears. But remember they have given up their souls in exchange of the world. It's too soon for them to understand what they have done. Most will die in ignorance and in pride.
Spot on about the media's part. Somehow, I have more of a lingering hatred for Colbert, Kimmel, et al than I do for even Fauci. And really, Fauci has basically vanished; disappeared. But not the others (unfortunately).
Colbert is the worst. I watched a satanic documentary on Rumble and they showed him doing a skit about sacrificing the baby, but the thing is he really did all the masonic signs during it, including one time at his desk when he did all of them at once in a row, and the camera picked up every single one. That made me know he really did do the baby sacrifice and it wasn’t just a joke. It’s horrible.
I'm still under belief that the covud shots were highly toxic alone but the reaction caused by prescribed meds and the jab together was enough to send ill patients to their grave.
plus the debilitating anti-nutrients we're addicted to.
Don't forget. Don't forgive. And don't let our "heroes" obfuscate.
This could include Dr Trump himself. I am a little worried about some of his picks, who do not seem quite clean in this context.
Some say the Donald, who's surrounded by Christian and Jewish Zionists, was in cahoots with the DoD on his operation Warp Speed. Others say he was superseded by the DoD in this case. I think his picks are suspect. He was so hated by realtors in NYC that he needed Gambino boys and retired NYPD for protection. He's a player. Yeah he beat genocide Harris, but could still be a Deep State pawn. Let's hope he's egotistical enough to be a Bad Boy and do something right with Ukraine and Gaza. I have less hope he'll truly tackle Big Pharma [DoD]. Also as suspect, I definitely include Bobby K who talks from both sides of his mouth re ensuring "safe and effective" jabs. I left the Bobby Club when he read from the Zionist script on Gaza on national TV. But he might be useful in the safer fields of agriculture.
Thanks for the explanation. Sounds fair enough. Me too, I miss some important attitudes with our "heroes". Joe Rogan for instance seems to avoid immigration and pharma on interviewing?
Btw in US there are heroes at all. In Sweden nobody of the kind.
As psychopaths and their co-opted or hypnotized minions gain power, we find ourselves in global cybernetic, psychological, pharmaceutical, weather and kinetic warfare. If we lose heart, they've won already. If we raise our consciousness, that becomes a beneficial contagion to others. The U.S. has the advantage of states' rights, even as they erode. And, unfortunately, some of our so-called champions belong to a shell game. But sober activism is still available. On a personal level, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. God bless you wherever you are.
Forgive and forget? Sure...if we want it to happen again.
Exactly, and you know they are going to push back hard about those prosecutions.
"The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget."
--- Thomas Szasz
Your X account is suspended. I sent you a screenshot of the New Zealand health department's eugenics kill list, and second from the top for prioritisation for the injection are Maori and Pacific people over the age of 50.
Wow!! of course!
Melinda Gates declared that black men should be the first to get The Shot, then for a while there was the usual denials, she was a victim of people taking her out of context you see. Ha ha. Then I saw and heard her say just that in a video, and there was no mistaking and no other way to interpret what she was saying. I wish I kept it, it is probably somewhere in Substack, I think to do with Fauci. Then Melinda Gates gave Jacinda Ardern $30mil. *My nose twitches.
I will never forget. As with many many many people, the story is a personal one for me. Every story has its own personal element of tragedy. My husband's grandmother had short term memory loss, so she had NO idea why everyone stopped visiting. It crushed her will to live and it must have been a terribly lonely end.
My profound gratitude to Jacqui for being such an ally of humanity. I cannot believe so much time has passed without any accountability for the various crimes committed against we the people. We can never move on until the whole episode is addressed. I think it was the surface manifestation of a behind the scenes war between dark and light. And many innocent, unwitting souls were the fodder. This piece also shows how difficult it is to get any of these crucial truths into the mainstream media - businesses that should have been taken down long ago already for their outright treason in so many ways against we the people.