Robert Kagan, editor at large at the Wapo, is married to Victoria Nuland, the architect of the Ukraine War. This is all very incestuous.

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She's a nasty pig woman.

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You're wayyyyy too kind.

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He was also head honcho for the neo-con think tank Commission for the New American Century. Their whole purpose was to fan the flames of war in the Middle East. They went on record to say that there plan needed another Pearl Harbor like event to be happen to achieve their goals. A year later 9/11 came right in the nick of time. Kagan and his despicable wife Nuland are about as swampy as it gets.

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How interesting that the communists are teamed up/ aligned with the neocons now. I'm sure to those who understand better than me, it makes perfect sense.

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I tend to agree with Naomi Wolfe when she refers to the marriage as "technocratic feudalism". Wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few who believe that by their wealth they have a mandate to govern humanity.

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Really make little difference how you wish to classify this criminal cabal. They are all in one big club……Socialists, Fascists, Globalists, even satanists because they hate God more than anything. They think they are entitled to everything including your destiny. They must and will fail miserably. I hope to live to see it happen.

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Well said. I like to call them the PTB (powers that be) but really, they are not powerful in comparison to God. They just play like they are. They are laughable. All they can do is create havoc. I hope I live to see that, too.

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Whos' who formula: Neocons = Zionists; Zionists =+- bankers.; Communists (aka = Bolsheviks = Bankers) = Globalists; Globalists = Zionists

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Also interesting is they have a daughter named "Elena", same name as the Supreme Court Justice. That is what got me investigating. And yes Cheney and the gang did 9/11. So many are still fooled.

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If the MSM were ever to show the glaring evidence that 9/11 was an inside job, created and carried out by intelligence agencies foreign and domestic, in collaboration with military forces with a multitude of aims (never ending wars, surveillance state of terror, billions maybe trillions of dollars stashed for greedy savages to pocket), the American people will surely revolt. One can only hope that it would be done peacefully.

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I'm not so sure they would revolt. Half of America doesn't buy the official 9/11 story. How many more do we need?

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Thanks, didn't know that that was the same Kagan as the one married to Nuland, instigator of the war in Ukraine.

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Oh wow. He's married to Cookies Nuland? I did NOT know that. What a tidbit.


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That might be why he's "furious" to begin with... who'd want to be stuck with her? Then again, he's probably just as bad if not worse...

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That's "Cookies Nudelman" to you, Mary Rose. ;)

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Makes sense then

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You should hear what Tucker Carlson has to say about Robert Kagen. That he’s not the ‘sharpest knife in the drawer’ or something to that affect. Victoria Nuland is the ‘evil brain’ of that marriage’!

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Wish that I'd heard his words. Sure Nuland is evil enough for two. But mr. semi-sharp is credited for having authored half of the PNAC manifesto, a driving force behind Gulf War 2. Not that long ago, before Nuland destroyed Ukraine, that would have passed for ample evil.

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Pertinent reminder--thank you!

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I smell a PysOp. Not sure what the objective is but, the WAPO and LA Times are out of character.

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Me too.

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Yes, does make me wonder.

Did Trump sell out in some big way?

So far my only complaints about Trump are his refusal to acknowledge the massive number of deaths caused by the mRNA jabs, and his ridiculously unconditional support for Israel and Saudi Arabia. Aside from that though, best president in our lifetimes because he really did reduce outsourcing, illegal immigration, and war.

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Best president? I'm sure the families of the millions dead and injured from Trump's "beautiful vaccines" think that the reduction in outsourcing, and illegal immigration far outweigh the deaths of their loved ones.

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What?! Trump didn't make the jab and he surely didn't mandate it.

This is all on Fauci and The Biden Apparatus - or whatever BS is running this country.

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Remember Op Warp Speed? Of course you do because Trump won't let anyone forget it. He's still congratulating himself, as recently as March of this year when he replied to a Biden X post, bragging about how quickly he got those jabs done. OWS was BS because the jabs were waiting and ready to go long before Trump took credit for them. It was a PLANdemic, after all.

Trump, the consummate businessman, appoints Fauci and watches from the sidelines while that evil little bastard decimated the economy.

And to this day, Trump makes no apology for his part in the vax debacle. It's impossible that he doesn't know that the jabs are poison and how many lives have been lost and ruined.

All this debate is a waste of time, unfortunately. No matter who "wins" this pre-determined "election", the American people lose. The globalists are running the show and that's what this is. The deception runs very deep and people either can't or don't want to see it. The next "president" will serve the globalist masters. There are no heroes coming to our rescue.

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I agree that hangings are necessary for everyone who mandated the poison, and certainly for Fauci, Collins, Bourla, and Bancel:


But Trump is more ambiguous. He didn't mandate it, and it's possible he didn't really know how dangerous it is. But he should know now, so not speaking up is a serious crime.

Yet it's still no contest. The Biden-Harris administration _did_ mandate it.

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Oct 26Edited

Trump and Biden play good-cop/ bad-cop. One makes egregious "mistakes", but the other one f*cks-up even worse, making the other guy look not quite as bad. And people are so desperate now they'll compromise with the seemingly not-as-bad guy.

Here's the thing: Trump, the leader of the once-upon-a-time free world doesn't get a pass for "mistakes" and neither does Biden. The buck stops with the president. Period. All decisions, appointments, and whether those things turn out to be good or bad, it's on him. He must assume the ultimate responsibility.

Yes, Fauci, Collins, Bourla, Bancel,, Becerra, Mayorkas, and the thousands of others who aided and abetted the Plandemic scheme should all hang, though that's too humane. But don't forget they're all just lackeys, following orders. They have strings that are being pulled. That goes for our unrecognizable government as well. Left and right is just theater. They are all on the same page.

The globalists have patiently and steadily infiltrated all major world governments and every aspect of our lives - healthcare, education, culture, military. They've come quite far with their plan for a One World Government, and most of us can see how that plan has accelerated over the last 4 years. The changes in this country are astounding. The globalist monsters, the Rockefellers, JP Morgans, Rothschilds, the Bushes, the Clintons, Windsors of GB and others are familiar names but there are more whom we will probably never know. They are not about to let the success of their plans for the world be compromised now. We shouldn't have any illusions that Trump or any other politician can stop the insanity. The monsters won't allow it. Trump will likely be installed and he will play his part as he did the first time around.

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the actual flu, hydrocarbon poisoning , neighbors from hell working chemical sprays, or allowing a line thru their yards for house payments and new cars, to poison the neighbors baby thru door and window crevices, neuro toxin and cancerous invisible fogs, the cartel reaping the israeli run counter intelligence liars, bent on covert murders, yah see the vaxxine is made to muddy the waters of toxic hydrocarbonic, organic by the way, a half alive carbon compound, volatile or ionic ready to bond and mate with the nervers and blood, oh they are so sneaky,, too bad surveillane cams by night cycle show who is who in the hood, the hood they've winked to destroy america and the world for a land grab.

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And in the recent 3 hour Trump and Joe Rogan interview…the subject of OWS and the EUA mRNA ‘vaccines’ glaringly were not on the table nor up for discussion.

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True, and that's Trump's fault.

But it's still important to vote for Trump. He's the best we've got at the moment.

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Yes, and I feel like no one has explained why yet to my satisfaction.

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I suspect it was always meant to go like this.

They're just playing out the final theatre act for the plebs.

Trump's far from perfect (tho way better than the alternative) but a massive Israel supporter.

He's either being installed to kick off war with Iran and therefore its business as usual OR is being brought back to restore the Republic after 8 years of Show & Tell to the American people of just how severely your country can go off the rails when you don't take an interest in it.

I can't forget the highly unusual Military presence behind him at his first inauguration (Judge Advocate and Military Intelligence among them).

Hard to tell, but a pretty interesting backdrop of political manoeuvres, Executive Orders, Military Doctrine, and military anomalies these last 8 years.

The video below laid out all of it (long, but worthwhile enough for me to have watched twice).


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Or he is campaigning to win and will reverse course when the time comes. Dishonest? How about compared to the threat of the continued domination by by the Neocon Anglo-Zionist actors? Easy choice, tell them what they want to hear.

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My thoughts exactly!

This is just more distraction.

Injections are still killing and injuring people.

Politics is a clown show.

And all these millionaires asking for money for campaigns, and that sadly includes Kennedy, is laughable at best and thoroughly shameful at worst.

My money is better well spent on organizations that are aiding injection injured victims who have been deserted by the corrupt entities that harmed them in the first place.

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still the flu is real as hydrocarbonic poisoning, a cartel like structure with its own survival built in as equipment rentals, moving trucks and of course a resupply chain of VOC industrial grade solvents they run thru softwater like tanks of chlorophenyl powder, creating pressure for invisible fogs of carcinogenic floating particles, land god knows where infiltrating homes, gardens, hvac sabotage most anywhere they can insert a contractor.

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The first rule of practical politics is to switch sides rapidly to support the winner. The second rule is to lie about having ever opposed the new regime. The third rule is to pillage the losers, your former allies.

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That was funny, but on a serious note for the last 30 years, the Democrat newspapers stuck with the Democrats no matter who was losing badly.

This is an entirely new thing and it’s very suspicious.

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A generational change.

Old journos should learn to code, and fast.

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it's just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right-

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There was an actor who looked like Bezos in "Rocky Horror picture show." Or, maybe I got the chronology backwards.

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Nice "Time Warp" reference...

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Put your hands on your hips and pull your knees in tight. Hahaha 😂 😆 😂 Love lefties and normies losing it. Great entertainment. ❤️

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Lol, perfect!

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Bonfire of Janitors... I mean journalists...

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Even the most rank, pestilent, clueless, and hard-core leftist Marxist are recognizing the coming apocalypse for the Democratic Party in the presidential race.

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But will Gretchen Witless and the other cheaters back down too?

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Absolutely not . The DNA of these leftist-marxist totalitarians means they will individually do ANYTHING to win their own races , and corruptly. feather their stench ridden nests ….

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There it's Uncle Klaus against the Michigan legislature (when they grow a spine).

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Interesting how and why the Washington Compost would take such a position.

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Just a wild guess.

The writing is on the wall...

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I find I’m not believing that. in the past, it didn’t matter how badly their candidate looked like they were losing the Democrat newspaper always went with their own. Other Democrats were doing badly before the election and the newspapers stuck with them.

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Please, compost is a beautiful, rich, alive, seemingly alchemical substance I've been making from raw materials for decades!

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...and the connect twixt the Washington Compost and compost you make is both involve decay. hmmm

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You're absolutely right, yet the result of that organic process is akin to gold in the soil world, decay re: WAPO another story entirely, not to belabor the point, your point being taken.

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A beautiful thing isn’t it?!

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If you like Modern Art.

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greg mannarrino says that wall street wants trump - no surprise, everybody wants to keep kicking the can down the road and postpone the inevitable

the bitcoin crowd supposedly wants him too

follow the money


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Dubious. Unless there has been a schism in the ruling club of financial parasites. Which is a possibility.

Historically that club has been Malthusian & MIsanthropic. As well as having a juvenile Greenie Dogma about the modern Industrial Civilization. These idiots think you can tear that down, reduce World population by >80% and everything will keep running tickety-boo.

I could see that could drive a wedge in that group, with one part going with the modern philosophy of Elon Musk & Peter Thiel.

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Oct 25
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It's the Washington Post... does anyone even care?

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The point is that the top tycoons know something and are acting in unison.

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Yes, first the LA Times, and now WaPo.

Did Trump promise them something?

Still voting for Trump because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate.

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Oct 26
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Right, could be that.

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so what's next? a write-in ?

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missing the point.

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Endorsement or not - that public ritual doesn't seem to matter in the back rooms... all such ritual is meant to "educate" we, the plebs. So I'm left scratching my head: what do they want from us? Or is it simply one more phase of the abuse meant only to destabilize and confuse? If this election is anything, it's a game of monty; keeping our eye off the target is the main goal, no?

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If you recall, in 2020 all these lefty papers reported that 51 intelligence big shots concurred that Hunter’s laptop was Russian Disinformation. Two years later they admitted that it was all made up. Perhaps their plans to rig this election are failing and they know Trump and Co are going to fry their sorry asses.

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Soon-Shiong and Bezos putting distance between their media assets and the Harris campaign. Simple distaste for an egregiously poor candidate or a move based on foreknowledge of political chaos to come? The pace of events is quickening . No way to slow down.

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The vacuous whore, Harris, who slept her way into the San Francisco DA's office then promptly shut down her predecessor's investigation, and prosecution of pedophile priests who had abused hundreds of victims, doesn't deserve to be endorsed, she should he imprisoned because she is verifiably an evil socio-psychopathic criminal.

These two reports tell so much about how truly evil she is. The first is The Intercept report on her refusal to prosecute an ongoing case against such Catholic priest pedophiles, and the second is an interview by Candace Owens of Judge Joe Brown who has known the creepy Marxist parents of Harris, and her as well. His insights are deeply disturbing, often first-hand accounts of her evil, and the network of evil in America.



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It doesn't matter who they were going to endorse or whether you agree with them or not. The real issue is that they were afraid of Donald Trump's possible retribution. He is an openly vengeful man who threatens retribution for the smallest slights. Politicians on the world stage cannot afford the luxury of being so thin skinned. The candidates of both major parties are deeply flawed.

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So far in the past 2 administrations the only revenge we have seen is from the Biden regime. And there was lots. Trump did zip. In fact the Repug establisment like scumbag Mitch McConnell were the ones laying retribution on Trump supporters.

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Except there are no cases of revenge by Trump. Your brainwashing is impressively impenetrable. Where do you have your mind laundered in idiocy?

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“Get even with people. If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard. I really believe it.” - Donald Trump

The same man who recently said that if California did not change their ways to please him he would not said funds if they had wild fires. He did this to a couple states during his first term. Read his books . This is one of the things that Roy Cohn taught him. You can look up the references. Your problems are not mine.

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California sets itself on fire every year. He just saw through their grift.

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Lifelong Californian here… what he said in so many words was if California didn’t stop doing stupid sh*t , which is what the powers that be do pretty much constantly, he would withhold funds, AS HE SHOULD.

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So perhaps a little justice? Trump is a hard man to embrace, but if he’s going after the mafia that has been killing us slowly for years, I’m ok with retribution. We’ve had ZERO justice. This could work.

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For decades, the silent majority has preached that hitting the pocketbook was the only route to real change. Money is the ruling god of american politics. Why would the federal government continue to provide funds to a failing state working to undermine the very fabric our society was woven from. This is not revenge or retaliation, it is consequence. There is a HUGE difference.

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Methinks you are afflicted with that most awful of maladies, TDS. There is no cure.

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Maybe you forgot how Trump let Hillary off the hook when he could have prosecuted her.

Trump is a lot of things, but definitely not vengeful in the least.

Sadly. He should be, given all they've done to him, including attempted murder.

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Oct 25
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Me too.

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Bezos knows what dumb cluck she is.

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