I do not trust 99% of US Doctors. For ANYTHING. They are being paid $$$ to kill people and simply do not care.

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I went to my doctor this week for a blood pressure Test and told the nurse that I'd lost trust in the medical industry since Doctors had failed to meet the promises made in their Hippocratic Oath = First DO NO HARM! I told her I'd declined a Blood Test because it required a medic to insert a needle into my body. I was OK with this procedure until I found out how desperate the profession is to GENETICALLY MODIFY every last one of us with DEADLY INJECTIONS they call VACCINES!

My reason being - NO INFORMED CONSENT of potential injuries and DEATHS occurring POST VAX!

Leave our kids alone, or you'll find trouble you never dreamed of!

Fool them once = Shame on you!

Fool them twice Shame on them!

Not a chance in hell of getting away with it twice!

Big Pharma's Slogan; There's no PROFIT in HEALTHY HUMANS - So let's make them sick to create a market for our expensive useless but potentially deadly medicines"!

Several graphs are available comparing the staggering (Peer-reviewed) damage ratios of those injected children & babies compared to those left UNJABBED with Natural Immunity still intact!! But still Big Pharma make obscene profits from deadly or debilitating regressive 'medicines' that are simply created for PROFIT! All without LIABILITY or any form of responsibility borne by the SUPER WEALTHY MURDERING MANUFACTURERS like Pfizer, et al,.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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YES! 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 Plymouth Hooe!

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I know for a fact that the doctor I used to go to before I fired him - He got a performance bonus for exceeding quota by 25% from his employer. His hospital gives out incentivized bonuses around Christmas like many companies do for their executives. And he got drug company bonuses too.

He didn't know that I was waiting in an adjacent exam room. He took the call by speaker and I heard the conversation.

His jab execution bonuses alone are more than anyone I know makes all year.

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Yep -- murder for hire. That about sums it up.

Makes a mockery of our LEO/detectives, scurrying around investigating local/neighborhood crimes.

The little guy (bad guy) gets hounded and badgered for his crime, while the crime kings, aka the uppity class of cocktail criminals aka murderers, hop on their jets to Davos.

Or drown their consciences on the beaches of Cancun, the Seychelles, and the like.

Not a recipe for long-term peace, much less prosperity -- for anyone.

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I have to say that regardless of whether I feel I have good reason or not to trust anyone, I tend to prioritise my own instincts, especially in a situation like this one - high risk and no compelling reason to proceed as advised. I was brought up to treat authority with the circumspection it deserves and I wish more parents brought their children up the same way.

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Utterly sickening. These murders by vaccine MUST END NOW

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Its only going to get worse! No one knows what they are putting in these damn things anymore.

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Do we really need anything from the medical model?

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NO! I wish I had never vaccinated my sons in the early 90’s now that I know what they are doing to kill the children. They only thing was at least there wasn’t 72 vaccines in the childhood schedule which is insane. I probably would have challenged this schedule of injections had it been in place. God gave us perfect immunity. There are so many natural alternatives when there are problems. Plus the drugs out there for many conditions are getting more and more toxic and deadly. They cause more harm then good, but most people don’t look into the side effects. I learned very young about toxic medications that doctors prescribe yet never question when someone has adverse effects. This happened to me in the early 70’s. Now I question everything because all they did was prescribe a sleeping pill.

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she may not have really trusted her doctor, but was bullied by her doctor. it's hard to go up against authority. the doctor should be in prison.

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My partner was an RN and they are taught to drink all the kool-aid. A very few RNs refuse and interest themselves in health rather than drugs, but obviously this mother -- with whom I have endless sympathy -- did not follow her gut instinct. Holistic veterinarians have a name for this: vaccinosis. My retired veterinarian only gave one vaccine at a time then waited several weeks before another vaccine was administered (and that was based on NO vaccinosis).

One eight-week-old kitten showed up at our door and only got treated by this wonderful man. The second kitten -- adopted from the Bangor Humane Society -- had had every vaccine, antiparasitical, toxic flea/tick treatment, and spaying (which includes anesthetic of course). My veterinarian thought it would be "interesting" to see their health results. Kitten #1 is now 13 and very healthy; kitten #2 had to be euthanized at age 3 due to paralysis.

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If you come from an authoritarian culture it's so hard to follow your gut instinct, the still quiet voice, that tells you to run or scream No! (I know!) I have been lucky to come across a few renegade nurses - a couple of them - am forever grateful to the one who told me that you heal faster when there's less pain, and she increased pain meds for my son after one of his surgeries - he was in such pain and she understood.

I know what you mean about animal vax's, I think they cut short the life of my best cat. I stopped getting them vaxd. Once I took a cat to this vet who does everything by the book and runs his practice like a military operation. he refused to treat the cat unless I allowed a rabies shot right then and there. On the basis a tech might get bit. It was illogical because it was an indoor cat, and the shot wouldn't even take immediately. I had to walk out never to return, their techs actually bark commands at cats and clients, authoritarian goons.

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Good for you for walking out. We must all trust our instinct. Now more than ever. Instincts are your personal power, which have been sidelined and ridiculed for decades, centuries even.

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It's hard to listen to your gut when your parents and other adults told you 1) you are not seeing what you're seeing, 2) you're not hearing what you're hearing, and 3) you are not experiencing what you're experiencing. Standard parental abuse, unfortunately.

I have two veterinarians, one holistic, one conventional, and even the latter is realizing there's something to good diet and less toxic treatments. But get this, in New England -- undoubtedly due to the toxic influence of Tufts, Cornell, etc -- they're still giving ARSENIC to dogs with heartworm disease. In the South, where they have so much experience with heartworm, they give doxycycline, which is far less toxic and does not kill the dog, which frequently happens when they're given arsenic. I adopted a dog from Memphis still undergoing heartworm treatment and I had to search for my current holistic vet because every one of these damn grifters wanted to give her arsenic.

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Homeopathic veterinarians have been telling us about what "vaccines" do for years:

Radical Honesty

Hpathy, June 15, 2018


"We know that the vaccine causes kennel cough in dogs, and that recently-vaccinated dogs can cause outbreaks in kennels. We know that this vaccine prevents long-term immunity, whereas natural infection confers natural immunity. And we know that the up-the-nose kennel cough vaccine can cause a whooping-cough-like illness in humans, as well as other serious health conditions. We also know that there is a steady and growing stream of research to show that vaccines cause brain damage, autoimmune diseases, cancer and allergies – which I consider to be the REAL epidemic in the modern dog."

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Not just dogs. Horses, too. Not just homeopathic doctors, "evidence-based" medical scientists, too:

Multifocal outbreak of equine influenza in vaccinated horses in Argentina in 2018: Epidemiological aspects and molecular characterisation of the involved virus strains

Equine Veterinary Journal, May, 2020


Potential of vaccination to confound interpretation of real-time PCR results for equine influenza

The Veterinary Record, September 3, 2014


Diagnostic methods applied to analysis of an outbreak of equine influenza in a riding school in which vaccine failure occurred

Veterinary Microbiology, June 10, 2003


Detection of modified-live equine intranasal vaccine pathogens in adult horses using quantitative PCR

The Veterinary Record, November 22, 2014


Diagnosis of equine influenza by the polymerase chain reaction

Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, January 6, 1994


All animals. Veterinarians have known this for decades. Until they were put into trances and Forgot Suddenly. And oh yeah, about that "Seriously, you're not a horse" CDC smackdown of Ivermectin, horse paste - horses get the flu just like we do, and Ivermectin helps them just like it helps us.

Note - If any of the research publications I link to don't let you open up and read the full studies I suggest using the wonderful resource to get behind the blocks to public knowledge that we, the public pays for. If one doesn't work then try the others:




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I spent a lot of time around horses (and would have an equine friend still if the butchers hadn't disabled me) and never heard of equine flu! One of the problems with horses is that people are constantly hauling them around to shows and exposing them to animals who may be sick. I never did this and I even stopped the ivermectin, instead just taking a fecal ball to a local veterinarian and having them check it for worms.

My first holistic small animal vet did do vaccinations (but would not if requested), and my second holistic vet wrote up a sheet with cost / benefit analyses for all vaccines, very helpful.

I now have a dog who was obviously tortured (someone cut off part of her tail and did something to one of her ears); she is terrified of me which has never happened to me before, but I am patient. She was in a shelter for four months where they filled her with every chemical known to man, and I'm trying to help her recover from that with raw food, bones instead of "toys," a doggy friend she adores, etc. And some mushroom calming chews are on the way, recommended by my current holistic vet. You seem to know a lot -- if you have any suggestions, please share them.

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Hi Susan. I do not know as much as you give me credit for. But I search these DOD webs we use for a lot I do not know. I cured my dog's pyometra, a $3,000 surgery with a less than 50% survival rate with Yunnan Baiyao (a Chinese herbal supplement), Manuka Honey, Tumeric and Vitamin C in a six week protocol, total cost under $100. I use it as maintenance now for a week a few weeks after every heat, no recurrence. Found searching holistic/homeopathic remedies on pet health sites, reading both articles and comments. If a remedy has enough people vouching for it and it seems persuasive enough to me I'll give it a try.

A relative's dog got kennel cough when they started leaving it for doggy day care. Other dogs that had gotten vaxxed gave it to their dog, just like the link I shared above says. I found that link, as well as these links to help them heal their dog with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on bread twice a day until healed:





I suggest doing similar searches for remedies for your rescue dog (bless you). Even try the sites I link to with the search criteria that matches your dog's ailments. Read, read, read them, the comments, until you find something that sounds right to you, your own gut and instincts. Lean into that. You'll do a better job of healing your dog than most veterinarians. For much, much less. And fewer bad side effects. But do the research, there is also bad info out there to steer clear of. Use and trust the discernment God gave each of us.

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I'll be acquiring a puppy soon and have concerns about the vaxx schedule. Are they really essential?

I must talk with the breeder asap -- so I know what she's thinking about shots.

Any direction you can offer?

Puppy comes home in mid-October, at 12 weeks.

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Heartless, demonic, evil. We were fortunate with our son, who had the same reaction in 2007. He is still with us with minimal injuries, a robust 16yr old young man. He never got another shot and our daughter, born a year later, hasn’t had a single shot and is healthier than the rest of us. My heart goes out to this family. 💔

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God, we know baby Sawyer is in your hands. Please come quickly. Also, if you search for this story, all but one link are not working.

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This story has been effectively deleted by our"rulers". I look at several MSM publications every day and this is THE FIRST TIME I've seen it.

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Every one of these deaths requires an autopsy.

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We must share these stories no matter how difficult. I am still shocked at how many people want to keep their blinders on. They are so fearful they won’t listen or read and I’m talking about people I love. I’m working on understanding this as they aren’t cowardly people. I have lived a long time and do understand how we think and behave but this one isn’t clear to me yet. Anyone have any insight they can share? We know it’s fear but what is making strong people so cowardly?

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The inability to face the fact that they are the ones who have harmed their children. Most of my friends with young children refuse to see because they can’t face the harm they have done with rampant ADHD and autism spectrum children, and even myocarditis showing up in one teenager. And they keep doing it; to themselves (with their autoimmune diseases) and their children. My heart breaks for them. And I’m the crazy one for trying to inform them. 💔

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My heart breaks for the children. Not the parents.

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Thank you for that insight and I totally agree.

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Their beliefs are tied like a web to their identity, and if they suddenly believed the lies, it would unravel their life as they know it....people are not willing to go there. Being uncomfortable is not an option for them; comfort has been their modus operandi their whole life. Most people fit into this category now. Even children today learn very early that discomfort is to be avoided at all costs. I see it now with five year olds....and I have been working with children since I was 13. Been a teacher now for over 30 years. It is heartbreaking. This story upset me so much as I also did not know what I now know....and I would never jab my children again. My children have already stated that it is a non-event for them and their future children, God willing they are blessed with some. My only consolation is that they grew up in Germany and Switzerland and were given very little shots seeing as we all went to homeopathic doctors. What they receive in America now is tantamount to poison overdose. I am so sorry for this family...a nightmare scenario that they have to live with the rest of their lives. The medical establishment as we know it will end. It just has to.

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Thank you for offering your insight. I feel we can come to a greater understanding if we share our insights or comments. We must do this.

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I agree, and I will keep using my voice.

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These sorts of stresses bring out the inner person. How many people do you know who would stand up to someone taking their neighbors -- who have committed no crimes -- away in a paddy wagon for being 1) Jewish, 2) communists, 3) feminists, 4) on and on and on? I have met very few strong people in my entire life of 70 years but I have met endless conformists.

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I doubt Jews, Communists & Feminists will be the ones hauled away.

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No, feminists are just constantly being threatened with rape (with a chainsaw is a popular threat), death, and harm to their children. They are the ones fighting back against the indoctrination and exploitation of children. (If you don't know this, you must be living under a rock.) I fear for Jews because so many of the people up to no good have Jewish names and most people are not very bright and will associate Jewishness with the medical-industrial complex (Pfizer, Moderna, etc) and other exploitative ventures. And communists are always prey in this country to be targeted, especially since the radical ones are also speaking out against vaccines, transgenderism, Nazism, etc.

Why don't you people look around and learn something about people who are fighting the same nonsense that you are?

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Most feminists support the Trans Agenda. It's only a small minority that are waking up to the cognitive dissonance that their own diseased Leftism could be turning on them like this, but the rest, being Leftists, are idiots and sheep to the Leftist Mainstream that uses their cause to weaponize it against the West.

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You are so wrong, dude. I've been reading about trans for years on FEMINIST websites. See, e.g., Feminist Current. Feminists were opposing transgenderism in the 1970s. See history. You are talking about what were called equal rights feminists in the 1970s and what are now called liberal (or neoliberal) feminists. There are a lot of us radical feminists out here despite being utterly ignored by the so-called media.

There are also a number of male leftists online who are opposed to transgenderism. You are mistaking "progressives" and "liberals" for leftists; they are not left and never were left, as they are the same people supporting Nazism, censorship, mandates, etc.


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Leftists in general in the 70s were anti-Establishment and pro-Freedom. Now they love the State and hate freedom. I'm talking about now, not the past.

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I think the vaxes have something like toxoplasmosis in them; they seem to change behavior. Reading this … https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.0608310104 interesting how fear and sense of smell are so closely related. The amygdala affects pleasure and fear. 🤔 And connecting that dot to how meds for parasites help with Covid / spike symptoms. Hmmm.

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How can they keep getting away with this? The poor, heartbroken parents. 😭

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I don't know. It's entirely beyond comprehension.

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Actually, I don't think it is.

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Terrible heartbreaking story. Trusting nurse and mother. Thickheaded scoundrel doctor. More Kool-Aid will muffle the alarm.

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All I can say is, "THOSE BASTARDS."

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The innocent baby's face needs to be imprinted in Gates brain. He and his cult need a wake up call

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No, they don't need a wake-up call because you cannot wake up sociopaths. He needs investigation, indictment, a trial, and a prison term at the least.

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He has committed treason.....off with his head, and all the others too. I would not pay a cent for them to rot in jail.

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Thank you for reporting.


Former police officer reveals that 50% of SIDS cases happen within 1 week of a vaccine

stkirsch, posted August 16, 2023


[See also related post:

"New police testimony + peer-reviewed literature both show vaccines ARE causing SIDS: No doubt about it!" by Steve Kirsch, August 17, 2023

https://kirschsubstack.com/p/new-police-testimony-peer-reviewed ]


JENNIFER: Hi. My name is Jennifer and I was asked by Dr. Ben Tapper, a dear friend of mine, to share briefly my story. And so I'm going to try to do that in about 2 minutes. We'll see what happens here.

I was a police officer in a medium-sized urban area, so was my husband, he's a retired sergeant, I was an officer, we were both assigned to the Child Victim Sexual Assault Unit. And what, what really sparked some surprise and shock in us was the amount of children that actually do died of, die of quote unquote SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome.

We, in our unit were in charge of investigating all child deaths whether they were suspicious or not, so any time a baby died of SIDS in the home, officers were called out to investigate, to rule out foul play. And I will tell you this, SIDS deaths occurred at about a rate of 3 to 4 a month in a city of about 350,000. So probably an alarming number when we're led to believe it's super, super rare.

One thing that we started to noice was a pattern of when these children would die. It would usually be within hours to a week of their immunizations. And, I would say, most commonly this would happen after the 6 month immunizations. They get a lot at 2 months and they get a lot at 4 months and we did see SIDS deaths at those periods, too, but primarily 6 months was kind of, that was kind of the threshold where we would see a lot of the SIDS deaths happening.

So one thing that I started to really notice was that the medical examiners would detail a lot of things on the death reports, like, you know, if the baby was eating solids or if it had had a bath, and had lotion on and what kind what was it, and was there smoking in the home, who was on the house. They left no stone unturned. They literally would mark everything down. And then they would stamp SIDS on it.

The one thing that they wouldn't ever put down was that the child had been recently vaccinated. And that really, I found that odd because if there was any other pharmaceuticals involved, like a round of antibiotics or Tylenol or whatever, that was certainly on the report. But not vaccines.

And so I started doing my own digging and I found out that because vaccines do not have liability, that the manufacturers do not carry liability, then the medical examiners are not obligated to put vaccines on the medical report.

And this is what really started my journey in investigating vaccines. Because I was expecting my child, my first child, when I was working in that unit and, you know, we were deciding who our doctor was going to be, and things like that, and this really opened my eyes to whether this was something I wanted to do for my kids, but it just seemed like, this was what you do, right? But I was raised to question everything, so when I saw these red flags I really started to go down this rabbit hole.

And I will tell you that I did not see a SIDS report that didn't have some sort of symptom on it. And, you know, people are led to believe that SIDS, there's no symptoms, the baby's just dead. But there was always symptoms. And those symptoms were pulmonary petechiae, meaning there was like broken blood vessels in the lungs, and petechiae in the brain. And those were also common with shaken baby, but for whatever reason the doctors could tell the difference between traumatic petechiae and nontraumatic and that would get marked on there, too. So I'm thinking, well, if it's just a sudden death and it's a mystery, why do we see these, these symptoms listed on the report?

So that also was just another way that I started down the rabbit hole. And you know, my husband and I were both led to the decision to not vaccinate our children.

But that's pretty much my short abbreviated version of my story. There's more to it but Ben told me 2 to 3 minutes and I've already gone over, so going to wrap this up.

I haven't told you my agency or my full name because, as you probably know, there's repercussions with speaking the truth and so because I have a family that I care about I'm going to refrain from that information for now, but thank you for listening.



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A good percentage (of the other 50%) of SIDS deaths happen within 30 days of vaccines.

And a huge number of "shaken baby syndrome" parents are innocent, have been wrongly convicted and put in prison. The whole premise behind "shaken baby syndrome" started with one man. Actually, one man's report that was twisted into knots.

Because they are being called out on their lies to take children from their parents and pocket a huge amount of money "for education", they've renamed it to Abusive Head Trauma.🤬 I watched a documentary several months ago that detailed who runs these "educational organizations" and the millions of dollars they get from grants and donations. I'll look for that documentary again. But it's a whole other rabbit hole to go down.


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Just heartbreaking ~ Ginger

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Hi Ginger! Thank you for having such an endlessly strong and compassionate heart, both of you. You're very loved. You and Peter come up all the time whenever I talk to, always singing your praises.

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Tragedy. SMH.

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Does that "Doctor" still have a license? Or is he behind bars?

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The doctor likely has had zero discomfort. The system is carefully designed.

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Yeah - look how the parents were blamed. The original doc was not even mentioned!

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He would just handily compartmentalize it far away from his everyday and night thinking.

Some kind of deviant robotic behaviour they must all employ.

Until the title ‘Doctor’ no longer carries such awe and honour, we will be witness to their reckless, selfish and indeed murderous actions.

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Did you know that by 2016 only 14% of physicians began the career taking the Hippocratic Oath? Fewer today?

Culture of death : the assault on medical ethics in America

Wesley A Smith, 2000


Smith's Follow up book:

Culture of Death, The Age of "Do Harm" Medicine

Discovery Institute, 2016


"Smith warns that future troubles could be tied to the fact that only 14% of doctors today report having taken the Hippocratic oath to “do no harm.” Smith even recounts episodes of doctors recommending that the old or sick be denied basic treatments which might potentially save life. This enlightening book unmasks unexpected occurrences in the present practice of medicine, and shines light into a future that many of us might not like."

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