Jimmy who?

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Kimmel is an odious little worm, who deserves every bad thing coming.

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Fire and brimstone

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Who watches Kimmel anyway?

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Nobody but he remains a way to gauge the CIA led US media's latest gangrenous starlings and evil intentions.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you

for the media, the media

Wouldn't know what to think

Without the media, the media.

What gets me through each day?

The media, the media.

Who should I praise? How much to pay?

Thanks, media, my media.


Ev'ry day by radio waves

The media (media) tells me

Work or war, next door or far

The media

Fashions, dancin's, mashin's, crashin's, bashin's slashin's, trashin's.....

Media, media.

Huntings, flunkings, dunkings, monkings, skunkings-drunkings, bunkings.......


Glad I'm not addicted to

The media, my media

Shut up! 'Cuz I'm list'ning to

my media, m' media.

Now I'm busy prayin' to

My media, media

Never lived as planned to do

But I Got me-e-e-diaaa,

..........MY Medya!

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But the politicians are to blame. The mismanagement of the public trust and money is beyond epic. You start looking into their water policies with dams and reservoirs and,.... I'm just a lowly plumber and have way more common sense and incite then these buffoons. If any of these 'experts' have any type of degrees they should get their money back. Check this out. Best I've read so far on what's happened/ing with water rights: https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/the-la-fires-karma-retribution-or?publication_id=30495&post_id=154552308&isFreemail=true&r=15ffq5&triedRedirect=true.

Still diving into it. So many layers anymore that I'm glad that I'm retired because you really have to research/read a lot to find the truth. Annoying. And Jimmy is no one. Just one of many of the Hollywood puppets. They'll all disappear soon enough. I do know karma is real. It was the politicians of California that caused all of this, by their actions and in-actions. For a bunch of wealthy that inhabit California, they sure aren't very bright. They've been played and screwed over so badly, but they continue?

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Kimmel is an actor. Trump is an actor. Don't be hypnotized by either of them.

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Keeping the silly ‘culture war’ going to distract the public.

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Agree 100 per cent

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Why are these useless low-rating shows/shills even still on the air? The host salaries far out weigh their audience. No one is watching anymore, certainly not all 5 nightly talk shows on a nightly basis. What will it take to cancel these people's awful programs and bankrupt these networks?

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Prohibiting pharmaceutical ads would go a long way

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Exactly. These people will have a special place in hell reserved just for them.

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I wonder that too. With such little viewing, how do they stay on? I don't know anybody that watched this show.

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Fallon and Kimmel make like 20 million a year, plus all the crew salaries and production costs. Where is the money--profit--coming from and why is it still worth it to these networks when the audience is basically gone?

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Ha ha, yes. Govt entertainment posing as Western "Culture"!

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He's like Schiff, who kept talking about EVIDENCE...and presented NONE.

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An interesting angle to me is that his buddy, team reality member Adam Carolla & a frequent performer at Kimmel's Vegas nightclub, is all over the LA's response, calling out the DEI BS in the LAFD, in this insightful & funny piece on Youtube yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNg-27lSpBw

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Greg Reese (as I understand) is not working for Infowars now, but still turning out GREAT STUFF sometimes. The Entire nation needs to see his latest videos on the fires and solid evidence of DEWS being used, both in LA and Maui. This kind of evidence should SHUT the MOUTH of asses like Kimmel!


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Correct, yes. Spoke to Greg 2 days ago. Very amicable—he has quit InfoWars. Alex left him a nice message.

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Excellent Celia. We need Greg now doing his best work. Glad to hear that. Thanks!

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yes, Amazing Polly has been way ahead of things.

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I watch zero late night TV, and God knows IDGAS, what kimmel, oliver, or that other forgettable guy say.

Once an SNL fan, haven't watched it in over 30 years.

OK, I've vented...

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Someone throw cry baby kimmel hits binky and blanky

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Hey, Kimmel! You can go pound sand, Wheezy.

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You don’t fight a fire by throwing bodies into it. You need water, hoses and trucks. LA was bereft of these resources because of criminal malfeasance of public officials … incompetent DEI hires in addition to the governor. There need to be arrests and jail time.

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These power elites are communicating back and forth to each other in code, and I don't know what they mean.

Governor Gavin's Happy Dance https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/governor-gavins-happy-dance

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Does anyone really listen to him anymore? Maybe the globalists cut Kimmy a deal to save his house? These Luciferian cult members should have some benefits after all.




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I first took note of Kimmel on whatever football broadcast Terry Bradshaw was on at the time. I can't remember how many years ago, but I'll call it well over a decade. That's when I'd still tune in. He (Kimmel) was edgy, borderline offensive, irreverent, but admittedly funny sometimes. He wore caps and T-shirts with messages skewering the cast. How did you describe Jake Sullivan yesterday? As an "enigmatic little vainglorious preening bastard?" I thought of that description as I thought of what Kimmel has become. His show is a platform for virtue-signaling, like Colbert's (who also used to be funny).

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And they’re all on CIA payroll now.

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There is something very mockingbird about them, isn't there?

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