But don't you understand this is all deliberate? Pitting against each other!!! THEY KNOW there are more of us than they're of them and we also have the guns (btw specifically for this very reason). This guarantee's people don't rise up as one - it's been going on for decades and people are just to stupid (not you) to see the writing on the wall!
Obama exploited this for all it's worth pitting the blacks against the whites and setting the civil rights movement back 50 years! They deliberately incite anger and people continually fall for it!
This is what RFK Jr. is actually trying to preach but his message - like his campaign, is awful! IF he explained what they were doing and have been doing for decades - people would actually get it and support him!
They WANT and NEED to keep us divided!!! As long as people continue to play into it - they win!!
If people don't get serious and get past this idiotic nonsense that their 12 Gauge is going to win the day for them and organize study groups on Military Strategy and Battle Tactics, the people will rise as one and be mowed down as one.
Virtually everytime I have posted this unpleasant reality, Idiot Hillbillies have accused me of being a government shill.
Nothing I have ever posted vaguely suggests laying down and complying and only an idiot with extremely poor reading skills could fantasize nonsense and ignore the reality of my post.
I am not suggesting compliance, I am suggesting knowing what the P Funk you are doing before engaging professional armies, before you get us all killed.
True, and so well-put . They *want to see violence. It will serve their agendas nicely to reinforce the confirmationational bias of the brainwashed brownshirts already serving them. People keep forgetting 35% of polled democrats wanted their countrymen imprisoned for simply *asking questions*, two years ago.
Usually when there are two seemingly opposing truths on the same side, it means both parties need to look up a little for a higher truth--a governing principle. In this case, it would seem that people need to accept that The Powers That Shouldn’t Be are not going to cry out in surprise at the 2A enthusiast’s guns, or their gold. Those who’ve been planning this for over a century --through a handful of wars they funded--probably Thought of That™️.
You aren't alone. My only sibling, my brother, told my mom in March of 2023 (yes this year!!) my wife and I belong in a camp with rest of the unvaxxed so the rest of society can go back to loving.
I had a runny nose version (at 72 yo) before shots hit my area. So I’m covered. Yeah. I mentioned that pesky TRUTH. She had it also once before jabs in 2020. Her husband says if Fauci told him to cut off his finger—he would. That is the level of gaslighting they live in. CNN fantasy TV on all the time.
I shake my head a lot..I am 71, my daughter wrote me off, she attacked me verbally so many times over the masks. Social distancing on beginning. Now she is fed up with me, why can't you be like everyone else? She asks, well I am not. Sadly I can not see my grandson. I definitely feel the pain for those fathers.
The burden is on her - she'll have to live with the guilt for the rest of her life! Hopefully that should ease a tiny bit of your pain. In time your grandson will be old enough to make his own decisions and she'll have to deal with that as well - keeping you away from him! So very much of this was also about control! The entire world suffers from massive addiction as now solidified by the cell phones! Control goes hand and hand with addiction!!!
Mary, you are not alone. I am grateful to be blessed with an adoring wife and child, but the rest of my family literally abandoned us for not bowing down to the covid mania. None of them have spoken to us in a year and a half.
No masks, no "vax", no fear for us. For that we were cancelled; "deplatformed" in a sense. So be it, but it doesn't make it any less tragic.
Nothing short of mental illness, to some degree, in my book. And it's quite instructive on how swiftly the herd can be turned into a fascist mob. I've experienced similar treatment but not as extreme.
As much as the Deep State wants us to blame Biden for racism, it's not Biden - it's the Democrat Party:
* In 1789, Congress passed, and George Washington signs, a law stating that no territory could become a state if it allowed slavery.
* In 1792, the Democrat Party was formed. They are, essentially, the party of slavery.
* In 1808, Congress abolishes the slave trade in America.
* In 1818, the Democrats become the majority in Congress. Using their majority, they begin to undo these anti-slavery decisions.
* In 1820, the Democrat Party passes the Missouri Compromise, institutionalizing slavery in half of the territories.
* For the next thirty years, Democrats passed multiple laws promoting and protecting slavery, culminating in 1850 with the Fugitive Slave Law. This law ended all rights to jury trials, representation, and habeas corpus from any black who was ACCUSED (proof was unnecessary) of being a slave.
* In 1854, Democrats pass the Kansas-Nebraska act, opening up those territories to slavery, thus exceeding even the limits of the Missouri Compromise.
* In 1854, the REPUBLICAN party is formed to end slavery. Six of the nine planks in their fledgling platform statement deal with civil rights issues.
* In 1857, the Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sanford that blacks are considered inferior and thus not covered by the phrase “all men” in the Declaration of Independence; that they are property covered by the 5th Amendment; and that no black—not even a free black—could ever become a citizen of the United States. The Democrats support the decision.
* In 1861, Democrat Party waged a war to protect and defend slavery, resulting in countless horrors and 650,000 deaths. White Christian men (like my great-grandfather and his brothers) were the first in human history to fight to free slaves and restore the Union. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcy7qV-BGF4
* In 1865, REPUBLICANS pass the 13th Amendment, ending slavery. 100% of Republicans vote for it. Even among northern Democrats, it only received the support of 23%. In spite of the 13th Amendment, Southern Democrats continued to deny blacks their citizenship rights. Democrats responded by forming the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to enforce the Democrat Party platform, control elections, impose segregation and suppress the black vote.
* In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed, establishing citizenship for all in Federal law.
100% of Republicans vote for it.
0% of Democrats vote for it.
In spite of the 14th Amendment, Southern Democrats continue to prevent blacks from enjoying the real fruits of their citizenship, especially the right to vote.
* In 1868, the 15th Amendment is passed, establishing the right to vote for all people, regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
100% of Republicans vote for it.
0% of Democrats vote for it.
* From 1866–1875, the REPUBLICAN Congress passes 19 civil rights laws. Democrats opposed them all.
* In 1876, Democrats take control of the House. No more civil rights legislation is passed until 1964.
* In 1892, Democrats take control of the White House, the Senate, and they keep control of the House. They immediately begin establishing Jim Crow laws and repealing all civil rights legislation passed by the Republicans. Any laws or amendments they cannot repeal, they skirt with poll taxes and literacy tests.
In 1912, "Progressive" Democrat President Woodrow Wilson Wilson imposed segregation in all federal offices, saying that "There are no government positions for Negroes in the South. A Negro's place is in the cornfield." To justify segregation, officials publicized complaints by Democrat women who felt threatened by black sexuality and disease.
In the 1920s, REPUBLICANS propose anti-lynching legislation. The legislation passes the house but is killed by the Democrat-controlled Senate. The legislation passed by a slim margin in 1939. The opposition speech was given by a Democrat Congressman from Texas, Lyndon B. Johnson.
* In 1956, Democrats express their opposition to the desegregation decision of Brown v. Board of Education in the “Southern Manifesto.” One hundred members of Congress, all Democrats, sign the manifesto.
* In 1957, REPUBLICAN President Eisenhower authors a Civil Rights Bill, hoping to repair the damage done to blacks and their civil rights by Democrats since 1892. Passage of the bill is blocked by Senate Democrats.
* In 1959, REPUBLICAN President Eisenhower authors a Voting Rights Bill, again, in an effort to undo the disenfranchisement of blacks by Democrats through poll taxes, literacy tests, and threats of violence by the KKK. And once again, passage of the bill was blocked by Senate Democrats.
* In 1964, Congress passed, and President Lyndon Johnson signs into law, the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This is the law originally authored by Eisenhower in 1957. Democrats, including still-serving Senator Robert Byrd (a former KKK leader) filibustered the bill. Once the filibuster ended, a larger percentage of Republicans vote for passage than did Democrats.
* In 1965, Congress passed (Johnson signed) the Voting Rights Act of 1964. This is the law originally authored by Eisenhower in 1959. A filibuster is prevented, and passage of this bill also enjoyed support from a greater percentage of Republicans than Democrats.
Through the next 50 years of institutionalized welfare, everything that might've resulted in personal, social, or economic advancement has been discouraged, and everything that keeps the cycle of dependency going has been encouraged.
The so-called Democrat Party ”shift" never happened either. Democrats who hated slavery, segregation, lynching, abortion and other "progressive" ideas joined the Republican Party, while poor Republicans switched for Democrat Party handouts. https://youtu.be/UiprVX4os2Y
You left out the War Criminal Lincoln's expressed willingness to permanently enshrine slavery in Federal Law if only the South would accept the draconian tariffs that actually sparked cessation.
The War of Northern Aggression had nothing to do with slavery, and Lincoln's Perfidy laid the groundwork for the NWO.
Um. No. EVERY Confederate state constitution cited slavery as the reason for war.
“The fight over slavery wasn’t between North and South. It was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and the anti-slavery Republicans. This entire controversy - and the larger effort to remove Confederate memorials all over the South - is an attempt to cunningly conceal the Democrats’ historic role in protecting slavery as an institution.” http://www.dineshdsouza.com/news/charlottesville-a-monumental-lie/
You might look at the Corwin Amendment, as it gives lie to the whole fabrication.
Also Lew Rockwell dot com has an archive for Thomas DiLorenzo, who has thoroughly investigated and written several hard covers on this issue,with searchable citations also in his articles on Rockwell.
The contemporaneous quoted figures are amazing, especially Charles Dickens blatant mockery of Lincoln's subterfuge.
I have to quit posting,every character I type now causestge window to dropout of sigh tand it's too hard to keep it readable
But while you might not know those details you listed, if you grew up around white dumbocraps, you know dumbocraps are racist. No one ever needed to tell you.
The new [Confederate] constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution — African slavery as it exists amongst us — the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution . . . The prevailing ideas entertained by . . . most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old constitution, were that the enslavement of the African was violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically. . . Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of . . . the equality of races. This was an error . . .
Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner–stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery — subordination to the superior race — is his natural and normal condition.
The Georgia Constitution reflected the same arguments as the other twelve confederate states. Democrats waged war to defend slavery. Period.
Confederate States of America - Georgia Secession
The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us of an equal enjoyment of the common Territories of the Republic...
...The party of Lincoln, called the Republican party, under its present name and organization, is of recent origin. It is admitted to be an anti-slavery party. While it attracts to itself by its creed the scattered advocates of exploded political heresies, of condemned theories in political economy, the advocates of commercial restrictions, of protection, of special privileges, of waste and corruption in the administration of Government, anti-slavery is its mission and its purpose. By anti-slavery it is made a power in the state. The question of slavery was the great difficulty in the way of the formation of the Constitution. While the subordination and the political and social inequality of the African race was fully conceded by all, it was plainly apparent that slavery would soon disappear from what are now the non-slave-holding States of the original thirteen. The opposition to slavery was then, as now, general in those States and the Constitution was made with direct reference to that fact... https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_geosec.asp
(3) No slave or other person held to service or labor in any State or Territory of the Confederate States, under the laws thereof, escaping or lawfully carried into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor; but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such slave belongs,. or to whom such service or labor may be due.
(3) The Confederate States may acquire new territory; and Congress shall have power to legislate and provide governments for the inhabitants of all territory belonging to the Confederate States, lying without the limits of the several States; and may permit them, at such times, and in such manner as it may by law provide, to form States to be admitted into the Confederacy. In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected be Congress and by the Territorial government; and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories shall have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States... https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_csa.asp
I'm imagine anyone running for President should point all of this out. It's so important and most progressives are unaware and ill informed. Thank for posting this.
Conservatives are still bragging that Republicans votes for an unconstitutional law that ended free association.
"* In 1964, Congress passed, and President Lyndon Johnson signs into law, the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This is the law originally authored by Eisenhower in 1957. Democrats, including still-serving Senator Robert Byrd (a former KKK leader) filibustered the bill. Once the filibuster ended, a larger percentage of Republicans vote for passage than did Democrats."
The United States should have outlawed the Democrat Party after the Civil War (1865) for the same reasons that Germany outlawed the NAZIs after WWII (1945). Sedition has no place in a republic.
What's crazy is the level of cognitive dissonance. I know of a wedding where only "vaccine up to date" people were allowed. Although I wasn't involved, before the wedding I asked the bride's mother why? She replied because it was "a pandemic of the unvaccinated". I asked her to explain that as it made no sense to me. I explained if the vaccines worked, and you were vaccinated, why would you care? If they don't work, how are you any different than the unvaccinated? She could only answer it was "a pandemic of the unvaccinated". Even after vaccinated members caught Covid at the wedding, she didn't change her mind. Similar to how some people are very easy to hypnotize, I suspect there is something deeply psychological or physiological about liberal's brains that make the particularly susceptible to propaganda. Of course, divide and conquer is the plan.
I recall the same from the wedding my wife and I attended two years ago in New York. The bride demanded that everyone either get tested or vaxxed. We went through the fake testing and she got vaxxed. Several weeks later, the bride suffered numerous mini strokes and was hospitalized. About 10 months later, her daughter was born premature with respiratory problems related to the vaccine.
truly sorry to hear about her stoke and her daughters respiratory problems. I have hated Fauxi since 1986 when a gay friend of mine with AIDS killed himself because Fauxi sat on treatments to get AZT, the most expensive drug in the world to that time, approved and I started looking into that scumbag. When he was forcing AZT into orphans and into women while giving birth I truly realized how rotten the whole corrupt system. Has the Bride considered the Spike product from the Wellness Company? Not medical advise but some good information there.
That's me. Haven't spoken to me for 13 years, the whole kit and kaboodle. But living well is the best revenge. They are leading sterile, joyless lives. Thanks, Celia, for that perfect word. I have a new family. Their forcing the issue did me a favor.
Same here – I left my sterile family in Los Angeles and moved to Florida to escape the Branch Covidians. I feel very sad for the family I left behind, but I’m grateful for the new friends that I’ve made and the freedom I found.
We have known this for at least the past 50 years. That's not even considering that he used to shower with his daughter when she was an early teen and what he and Hunter did to this country and are still doing. This is all before C19 is ever mentioned.
Hunter comes across like a badly sexually abused person. If I had to bet I would bet and give odds Joe sexually abused his kids. This will come out. Hunter is half a victim. I feel sorry for him.
We personally can forgive but unless they admit and repent and ask the FATHER for forgiveness, their sin stays. Not only fathers but mothers, sisters and brothers have been treated this way. Then the fake 19 comes along and all of us who refuse to mask, refuse to be jabbed, refuse to believe their lies are punished and banned. This is the period when the wheat and tares, sheep and goats are separated. Decide on who you will follow. The LORD GOD or HIS and our enemy, the destroyer.
They have made obedient people and workers. All these years when watching the US attack Iran and Kuwait, no one ever thought they would do worse to us at home. The warnings were there but having heads up asses was always the objective.
Your daughter’s plea “why can’t you be like everyone else” is typical of the people of her generation, and her obvious social and political leanings. She may need a bit of a ‘history lesson’ from you...that people of ‘our generation’ (I am approaching 71) grew up at a time when “do not comply” was shouted far and wide. And that you come quite naturally to this attitude; this idea of “question authority”! What happened to them?
I don’t have kids, but if I did and they were acting this way with me, I might want to throw this ‘crap’ back in their face.
If they had or have a good loving and nurturing relationship with their grandparents, ask them how they would feel if you would have kept them from having that ‘relationship’ with them, because YOU did not agree with your mother or father’s ideas of how they should take care of themselves, medically, their health or otherwise? Just a thought.
I have neighbors/friends who was aware of what was going on in 2020 and was against Biden and against the jab. They were absolutely not going to get it for all the same reasons that I wouldn't. Until their daughter became militant and declared that they would never be allowed to their house or allowed anywhere near their young grandchildren unless they had proof of the jab. So they caved, and 6 months later the neighbor/father was diagnosed with sudden, aggressive cancer and started chemo. A former marine, he was very, very fit and healthy before.
Apologies for not editing the bad grammar above ... I also want to add that at the time, before the grandparents caved, I told them to tell their daughter that if she was going to give ultimatums then tell her "two can play that game" and cut them out of the will. I don't have children so I honestly don't understand why people let their children call the shots (no pun intended.)
Don't forget mothers...an equally dismal dismissal full of rage with relevance and intelligence cancelled, considered possibly demented, seduced, racist, Republican (the worst), a fool and a pariah, and all this when one is relentlessly waking up to the realities and truths about life in what has become a most extraordinary time personally and later in life, when supposedly change is hardly possible.
The whole family is totally white trash and always has been. Look at his son - the poster boy for trailer trash - how many times do you think JB wished it was him and not his other son Beau who died?
Then again look at Joe himself and his penchant for molesting woman! Look up his brother and sister to see how they too are even lower than Joe! And lets not even talk about his "doting" wife Jilly! Who in their right mind would allow their husband to be paraded around like this? She's gotta be related to the Feinstein kids!
Her ex husband spoke up. The story about Joe and Jill meeting was a big lie. The 2 couples had been friends. Ex husband found out about the affair when Joe was driving Jill’s car and had a fender bender.
I saw and read - this Country is beyond a laughing stock!!! LOOK AT IT! The worlds super power? Are you kidding me? It's like the Adam's family on steroids! Proud to be an American? Seriously? What a shit hole!
He isn't really Irish, either. His Biden ancestor's arrival in Ireland is documented, and the families listed as his " Irish" pedigree are among Thousands of invaders who came to exploit stolen Irish wealth, mainly French Norman families.
China Joe has one legitimate Irish ancestor, a maternal great grandmother.
Thank God my daughter is a critical thinker and is the furthest thing from "woke." I also thank God that despite being a combat trained medic in the Army, she was never required to get any of the Covid vaccines. She's looking forward to spending Thanksgiving visiting me and her two dogs that I'm caring for.
Top priority must be given to getting this " reauthentication for your security' BS off your page.
It does zero for anyone's security.
It's about tracking and documenting posters.
Transparently so. I came here via an email from my inbox. The only thing this scam prevents is allowing a friend or family member from commenting from my inbox, it is Grade A nonsense to pretend it enhances my security in any way at all.
Second, it is critical that Google be dismantled. Gmail needs to be separate and discrete from YouTube and so on throughout their obscene monopoly.
I downloaded a fix for my providers Censorship URL.
With it turned on to block snooping, nothing will open, with a long list of nonsense as to why, which often completely changes from one attempt to the next.
Turning off my URL alternative makes it go back to as normal as it ever is, clearly Google is fighting against any attempt at subverting their tracking and censorship.
Now it looks more and more like Substack is a co conspirator.
You are a very compassionate person as well as one of the best writers I know. Plus I happen to know for a fact that you would never shoo off a yard rooster!
My “vote blue no matter who” Aunt wasn’t amused at my “unvaccinated legend” certificate.
She said hopefully I won’t also get the Herman Cain award.
Imagine wishing death on your nephew over politics?
This is how divided we are as a country.
I don’t think my situation is unique either.
But don't you understand this is all deliberate? Pitting against each other!!! THEY KNOW there are more of us than they're of them and we also have the guns (btw specifically for this very reason). This guarantee's people don't rise up as one - it's been going on for decades and people are just to stupid (not you) to see the writing on the wall!
Obama exploited this for all it's worth pitting the blacks against the whites and setting the civil rights movement back 50 years! They deliberately incite anger and people continually fall for it!
This is what RFK Jr. is actually trying to preach but his message - like his campaign, is awful! IF he explained what they were doing and have been doing for decades - people would actually get it and support him!
They WANT and NEED to keep us divided!!! As long as people continue to play into it - they win!!
Of course I do.
I was actually referring to the comment above my reply - I certainly know you are aware of it!
If people don't get serious and get past this idiotic nonsense that their 12 Gauge is going to win the day for them and organize study groups on Military Strategy and Battle Tactics, the people will rise as one and be mowed down as one.
Virtually everytime I have posted this unpleasant reality, Idiot Hillbillies have accused me of being a government shill.
Nothing I have ever posted vaguely suggests laying down and complying and only an idiot with extremely poor reading skills could fantasize nonsense and ignore the reality of my post.
I am not suggesting compliance, I am suggesting knowing what the P Funk you are doing before engaging professional armies, before you get us all killed.
True, and so well-put . They *want to see violence. It will serve their agendas nicely to reinforce the confirmationational bias of the brainwashed brownshirts already serving them. People keep forgetting 35% of polled democrats wanted their countrymen imprisoned for simply *asking questions*, two years ago.
Usually when there are two seemingly opposing truths on the same side, it means both parties need to look up a little for a higher truth--a governing principle. In this case, it would seem that people need to accept that The Powers That Shouldn’t Be are not going to cry out in surprise at the 2A enthusiast’s guns, or their gold. Those who’ve been planning this for over a century --through a handful of wars they funded--probably Thought of That™️.
I can sincerely extend the same compliment to you as well. You covered ground I did not and expressed it very clearly.
Where do I get one of those certificates?
Etsy. Some guy in the UK
Thanks. I'm on it!
You aren't alone. My only sibling, my brother, told my mom in March of 2023 (yes this year!!) my wife and I belong in a camp with rest of the unvaxxed so the rest of society can go back to loving.
Sis said the same thing. She warned karmas a bitch. She’s had bad covid 2times since vaxxed fully.
I'd be the wiseass to point out that if she were truly vaxxed, she wouldn't have caught it but once.
I'm covered, I have natural immunity due to catching the damned bug.
I had a runny nose version (at 72 yo) before shots hit my area. So I’m covered. Yeah. I mentioned that pesky TRUTH. She had it also once before jabs in 2020. Her husband says if Fauci told him to cut off his finger—he would. That is the level of gaslighting they live in. CNN fantasy TV on all the time.
I shake my head a lot..I am 71, my daughter wrote me off, she attacked me verbally so many times over the masks. Social distancing on beginning. Now she is fed up with me, why can't you be like everyone else? She asks, well I am not. Sadly I can not see my grandson. I definitely feel the pain for those fathers.
The burden is on her - she'll have to live with the guilt for the rest of her life! Hopefully that should ease a tiny bit of your pain. In time your grandson will be old enough to make his own decisions and she'll have to deal with that as well - keeping you away from him! So very much of this was also about control! The entire world suffers from massive addiction as now solidified by the cell phones! Control goes hand and hand with addiction!!!
Thank you BJ, kindness now is so needed, just that you care to write. Thank you ❤️
Mary, you are not alone. I am grateful to be blessed with an adoring wife and child, but the rest of my family literally abandoned us for not bowing down to the covid mania. None of them have spoken to us in a year and a half.
No masks, no "vax", no fear for us. For that we were cancelled; "deplatformed" in a sense. So be it, but it doesn't make it any less tragic.
Nothing short of mental illness, to some degree, in my book. And it's quite instructive on how swiftly the herd can be turned into a fascist mob. I've experienced similar treatment but not as extreme.
You might consider a lawsuit.
I have read of several GPs winning visitation with their grandbabies against the will of their disrespectful children.
And I am really not very surprised that judges are disinclined to enable such disgraceful conduct.
Sadly, Soros judges well might...
As much as the Deep State wants us to blame Biden for racism, it's not Biden - it's the Democrat Party:
* In 1789, Congress passed, and George Washington signs, a law stating that no territory could become a state if it allowed slavery.
* In 1792, the Democrat Party was formed. They are, essentially, the party of slavery.
* In 1808, Congress abolishes the slave trade in America.
* In 1818, the Democrats become the majority in Congress. Using their majority, they begin to undo these anti-slavery decisions.
* In 1820, the Democrat Party passes the Missouri Compromise, institutionalizing slavery in half of the territories.
* For the next thirty years, Democrats passed multiple laws promoting and protecting slavery, culminating in 1850 with the Fugitive Slave Law. This law ended all rights to jury trials, representation, and habeas corpus from any black who was ACCUSED (proof was unnecessary) of being a slave.
* In 1854, Democrats pass the Kansas-Nebraska act, opening up those territories to slavery, thus exceeding even the limits of the Missouri Compromise.
* In 1854, the REPUBLICAN party is formed to end slavery. Six of the nine planks in their fledgling platform statement deal with civil rights issues.
* In 1857, the Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sanford that blacks are considered inferior and thus not covered by the phrase “all men” in the Declaration of Independence; that they are property covered by the 5th Amendment; and that no black—not even a free black—could ever become a citizen of the United States. The Democrats support the decision.
* In 1861, Democrat Party waged a war to protect and defend slavery, resulting in countless horrors and 650,000 deaths. White Christian men (like my great-grandfather and his brothers) were the first in human history to fight to free slaves and restore the Union. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcy7qV-BGF4
* In 1865, REPUBLICANS pass the 13th Amendment, ending slavery. 100% of Republicans vote for it. Even among northern Democrats, it only received the support of 23%. In spite of the 13th Amendment, Southern Democrats continued to deny blacks their citizenship rights. Democrats responded by forming the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to enforce the Democrat Party platform, control elections, impose segregation and suppress the black vote.
* In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed, establishing citizenship for all in Federal law.
100% of Republicans vote for it.
0% of Democrats vote for it.
In spite of the 14th Amendment, Southern Democrats continue to prevent blacks from enjoying the real fruits of their citizenship, especially the right to vote.
* In 1868, the 15th Amendment is passed, establishing the right to vote for all people, regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
100% of Republicans vote for it.
0% of Democrats vote for it.
* From 1866–1875, the REPUBLICAN Congress passes 19 civil rights laws. Democrats opposed them all.
* In 1876, Democrats take control of the House. No more civil rights legislation is passed until 1964.
* In 1892, Democrats take control of the White House, the Senate, and they keep control of the House. They immediately begin establishing Jim Crow laws and repealing all civil rights legislation passed by the Republicans. Any laws or amendments they cannot repeal, they skirt with poll taxes and literacy tests.
In 1912, "Progressive" Democrat President Woodrow Wilson Wilson imposed segregation in all federal offices, saying that "There are no government positions for Negroes in the South. A Negro's place is in the cornfield." To justify segregation, officials publicized complaints by Democrat women who felt threatened by black sexuality and disease.
In the 1920s, REPUBLICANS propose anti-lynching legislation. The legislation passes the house but is killed by the Democrat-controlled Senate. The legislation passed by a slim margin in 1939. The opposition speech was given by a Democrat Congressman from Texas, Lyndon B. Johnson.
* In 1956, Democrats express their opposition to the desegregation decision of Brown v. Board of Education in the “Southern Manifesto.” One hundred members of Congress, all Democrats, sign the manifesto.
* In 1957, REPUBLICAN President Eisenhower authors a Civil Rights Bill, hoping to repair the damage done to blacks and their civil rights by Democrats since 1892. Passage of the bill is blocked by Senate Democrats.
* In 1959, REPUBLICAN President Eisenhower authors a Voting Rights Bill, again, in an effort to undo the disenfranchisement of blacks by Democrats through poll taxes, literacy tests, and threats of violence by the KKK. And once again, passage of the bill was blocked by Senate Democrats.
* In 1964, Congress passed, and President Lyndon Johnson signs into law, the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This is the law originally authored by Eisenhower in 1957. Democrats, including still-serving Senator Robert Byrd (a former KKK leader) filibustered the bill. Once the filibuster ended, a larger percentage of Republicans vote for passage than did Democrats.
* In 1965, Congress passed (Johnson signed) the Voting Rights Act of 1964. This is the law originally authored by Eisenhower in 1959. A filibuster is prevented, and passage of this bill also enjoyed support from a greater percentage of Republicans than Democrats.
Through the next 50 years of institutionalized welfare, everything that might've resulted in personal, social, or economic advancement has been discouraged, and everything that keeps the cycle of dependency going has been encouraged.
The so-called Democrat Party ”shift" never happened either. Democrats who hated slavery, segregation, lynching, abortion and other "progressive" ideas joined the Republican Party, while poor Republicans switched for Democrat Party handouts. https://youtu.be/UiprVX4os2Y
Racism is just an unclean spirit. Same as woke. If it feels UGLY, it is.
Yeah,but that doesn't make deifying one party any less sophomoric.
And citing LBJ as some sort of hero is well beyond absurd.
You left out the War Criminal Lincoln's expressed willingness to permanently enshrine slavery in Federal Law if only the South would accept the draconian tariffs that actually sparked cessation.
The War of Northern Aggression had nothing to do with slavery, and Lincoln's Perfidy laid the groundwork for the NWO.
Um. No. EVERY Confederate state constitution cited slavery as the reason for war.
“The fight over slavery wasn’t between North and South. It was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and the anti-slavery Republicans. This entire controversy - and the larger effort to remove Confederate memorials all over the South - is an attempt to cunningly conceal the Democrats’ historic role in protecting slavery as an institution.” http://www.dineshdsouza.com/news/charlottesville-a-monumental-lie/
I don't know what happened to my reply, but I sure hope it didn't get deleted for mentioning the fruitiness of your silly snark.
As I stated in that response, I did do the research and do suggest you do the same.
Posting an obvious opinion piece as fact is never okay, especially fiction like this.
Democrats want us to believe that. I'm not keen on revisionists.
You might look at the Corwin Amendment, as it gives lie to the whole fabrication.
Also Lew Rockwell dot com has an archive for Thomas DiLorenzo, who has thoroughly investigated and written several hard covers on this issue,with searchable citations also in his articles on Rockwell.
The contemporaneous quoted figures are amazing, especially Charles Dickens blatant mockery of Lincoln's subterfuge.
I have to quit posting,every character I type now causestge window to dropout of sigh tand it's too hard to keep it readable
You might post a link.
This is the best, most educational, comment I have ever read. Thank-you for educating people!
Thank you - history that K-12-universities once taught.
Indoctrination they still teach and you propagate.
But while you might not know those details you listed, if you grew up around white dumbocraps, you know dumbocraps are racist. No one ever needed to tell you.
It's not even true.
Does no one do Their own research anymore?
Show me the actusl Constitutions.
You can't,because it is not true.
It's very discouraging that you mistake a opinion piece for fact.
The new [Confederate] constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution — African slavery as it exists amongst us — the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution . . . The prevailing ideas entertained by . . . most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old constitution, were that the enslavement of the African was violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically. . . Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of . . . the equality of races. This was an error . . .
Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner–stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery — subordination to the superior race — is his natural and normal condition.
— Alexander H. Stephens, March 21, 1861, reported in the Savannah Republican, emphasis in the original https://www.nps.gov/liho/learn/historyculture/slavery-cause-civil-war.htm
The Georgia Constitution reflected the same arguments as the other twelve confederate states. Democrats waged war to defend slavery. Period.
Confederate States of America - Georgia Secession
The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us of an equal enjoyment of the common Territories of the Republic...
...The party of Lincoln, called the Republican party, under its present name and organization, is of recent origin. It is admitted to be an anti-slavery party. While it attracts to itself by its creed the scattered advocates of exploded political heresies, of condemned theories in political economy, the advocates of commercial restrictions, of protection, of special privileges, of waste and corruption in the administration of Government, anti-slavery is its mission and its purpose. By anti-slavery it is made a power in the state. The question of slavery was the great difficulty in the way of the formation of the Constitution. While the subordination and the political and social inequality of the African race was fully conceded by all, it was plainly apparent that slavery would soon disappear from what are now the non-slave-holding States of the original thirteen. The opposition to slavery was then, as now, general in those States and the Constitution was made with direct reference to that fact... https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_geosec.asp
(3) No slave or other person held to service or labor in any State or Territory of the Confederate States, under the laws thereof, escaping or lawfully carried into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor; but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such slave belongs,. or to whom such service or labor may be due.
(3) The Confederate States may acquire new territory; and Congress shall have power to legislate and provide governments for the inhabitants of all territory belonging to the Confederate States, lying without the limits of the several States; and may permit them, at such times, and in such manner as it may by law provide, to form States to be admitted into the Confederacy. In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected be Congress and by the Territorial government; and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories shall have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States... https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_csa.asp
I'm imagine anyone running for President should point all of this out. It's so important and most progressives are unaware and ill informed. Thank for posting this.
Conservatives are still bragging that Republicans votes for an unconstitutional law that ended free association.
"* In 1964, Congress passed, and President Lyndon Johnson signs into law, the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This is the law originally authored by Eisenhower in 1957. Democrats, including still-serving Senator Robert Byrd (a former KKK leader) filibustered the bill. Once the filibuster ended, a larger percentage of Republicans vote for passage than did Democrats."
The United States should have outlawed the Democrat Party after the Civil War (1865) for the same reasons that Germany outlawed the NAZIs after WWII (1945). Sedition has no place in a republic.
What's crazy is the level of cognitive dissonance. I know of a wedding where only "vaccine up to date" people were allowed. Although I wasn't involved, before the wedding I asked the bride's mother why? She replied because it was "a pandemic of the unvaccinated". I asked her to explain that as it made no sense to me. I explained if the vaccines worked, and you were vaccinated, why would you care? If they don't work, how are you any different than the unvaccinated? She could only answer it was "a pandemic of the unvaccinated". Even after vaccinated members caught Covid at the wedding, she didn't change her mind. Similar to how some people are very easy to hypnotize, I suspect there is something deeply psychological or physiological about liberal's brains that make the particularly susceptible to propaganda. Of course, divide and conquer is the plan.
I recall the same from the wedding my wife and I attended two years ago in New York. The bride demanded that everyone either get tested or vaxxed. We went through the fake testing and she got vaxxed. Several weeks later, the bride suffered numerous mini strokes and was hospitalized. About 10 months later, her daughter was born premature with respiratory problems related to the vaccine.
truly sorry to hear about her stoke and her daughters respiratory problems. I have hated Fauxi since 1986 when a gay friend of mine with AIDS killed himself because Fauxi sat on treatments to get AZT, the most expensive drug in the world to that time, approved and I started looking into that scumbag. When he was forcing AZT into orphans and into women while giving birth I truly realized how rotten the whole corrupt system. Has the Bride considered the Spike product from the Wellness Company? Not medical advise but some good information there.
That's me. Haven't spoken to me for 13 years, the whole kit and kaboodle. But living well is the best revenge. They are leading sterile, joyless lives. Thanks, Celia, for that perfect word. I have a new family. Their forcing the issue did me a favor.
Same here – I left my sterile family in Los Angeles and moved to Florida to escape the Branch Covidians. I feel very sad for the family I left behind, but I’m grateful for the new friends that I’ve made and the freedom I found.
The BDS ...Biden Denial Syndrome is strong in the TDS mindset.
We have known this for at least the past 50 years. That's not even considering that he used to shower with his daughter when she was an early teen and what he and Hunter did to this country and are still doing. This is all before C19 is ever mentioned.
Hunter comes across like a badly sexually abused person. If I had to bet I would bet and give odds Joe sexually abused his kids. This will come out. Hunter is half a victim. I feel sorry for him.
I often thought that about Hunter too as well as Ashley. I also blame Jill, the babysitter at first then the wife.
Jill would have known about it. She didn't have kids with him, probably for a reason. But, she hitched herself to a 'superstar'.
Sorry, I don't think of him as a superstar at all. He does though!
Hey, Jill is a First Lady. She sold her soul to get it. No kids. Looking after a nasty demented criminal. But SHE’S FAMOUS!!
Maybe it's me but I love my anonymity. I would never want to be a famous person.
Terrific on fathers, Celia. Right on and sorely needed...
forgive them ... for they know not what they do.
We personally can forgive but unless they admit and repent and ask the FATHER for forgiveness, their sin stays. Not only fathers but mothers, sisters and brothers have been treated this way. Then the fake 19 comes along and all of us who refuse to mask, refuse to be jabbed, refuse to believe their lies are punished and banned. This is the period when the wheat and tares, sheep and goats are separated. Decide on who you will follow. The LORD GOD or HIS and our enemy, the destroyer.
I won't forgive them. But I will forgive most of my friends who didn't research enough to avoid the C19 shots.
They have made obedient people and workers. All these years when watching the US attack Iran and Kuwait, no one ever thought they would do worse to us at home. The warnings were there but having heads up asses was always the objective.
That's true. The country isn't the US we grew up in with so many changes and most are unConstitutional.
The constitution does NOT apply to commoners and citizens. Only the People. We are not The People. Big LIE. Big Deception.
Where's the evidence? You didn't send a link.
Your daughter’s plea “why can’t you be like everyone else” is typical of the people of her generation, and her obvious social and political leanings. She may need a bit of a ‘history lesson’ from you...that people of ‘our generation’ (I am approaching 71) grew up at a time when “do not comply” was shouted far and wide. And that you come quite naturally to this attitude; this idea of “question authority”! What happened to them?
I don’t have kids, but if I did and they were acting this way with me, I might want to throw this ‘crap’ back in their face.
If they had or have a good loving and nurturing relationship with their grandparents, ask them how they would feel if you would have kept them from having that ‘relationship’ with them, because YOU did not agree with your mother or father’s ideas of how they should take care of themselves, medically, their health or otherwise? Just a thought.
I have neighbors/friends who was aware of what was going on in 2020 and was against Biden and against the jab. They were absolutely not going to get it for all the same reasons that I wouldn't. Until their daughter became militant and declared that they would never be allowed to their house or allowed anywhere near their young grandchildren unless they had proof of the jab. So they caved, and 6 months later the neighbor/father was diagnosed with sudden, aggressive cancer and started chemo. A former marine, he was very, very fit and healthy before.
Apologies for not editing the bad grammar above ... I also want to add that at the time, before the grandparents caved, I told them to tell their daughter that if she was going to give ultimatums then tell her "two can play that game" and cut them out of the will. I don't have children so I honestly don't understand why people let their children call the shots (no pun intended.)
I know many people in similar situations. Heart disease, turbo cancer, neurological issues, because they caved to the adult children.
Send a message to the daughter. Tell her she should be ashamed for causing her father's cancer. Rub her nose in it. I am actually being serious.
I agree.
Don't forget mothers...an equally dismal dismissal full of rage with relevance and intelligence cancelled, considered possibly demented, seduced, racist, Republican (the worst), a fool and a pariah, and all this when one is relentlessly waking up to the realities and truths about life in what has become a most extraordinary time personally and later in life, when supposedly change is hardly possible.
I'm not forgetting, will write about mothers. Just this piece was for the fathers, as I recently sat with one.
Yes, I knew you didn't forget! Speaking to the world at large...
If only that were all JB was! We know it’s so much more and so much worse!
The whole family is totally white trash and always has been. Look at his son - the poster boy for trailer trash - how many times do you think JB wished it was him and not his other son Beau who died?
Then again look at Joe himself and his penchant for molesting woman! Look up his brother and sister to see how they too are even lower than Joe! And lets not even talk about his "doting" wife Jilly! Who in their right mind would allow their husband to be paraded around like this? She's gotta be related to the Feinstein kids!
Her ex husband spoke up. The story about Joe and Jill meeting was a big lie. The 2 couples had been friends. Ex husband found out about the affair when Joe was driving Jill’s car and had a fender bender.
I saw and read - this Country is beyond a laughing stock!!! LOOK AT IT! The worlds super power? Are you kidding me? It's like the Adam's family on steroids! Proud to be an American? Seriously? What a shit hole!
It used to be on YouTube, scrubbed long ago. Can’t remember where I recently saw it again.
He isn't really Irish, either. His Biden ancestor's arrival in Ireland is documented, and the families listed as his " Irish" pedigree are among Thousands of invaders who came to exploit stolen Irish wealth, mainly French Norman families.
China Joe has one legitimate Irish ancestor, a maternal great grandmother.
The rest were invading exploiters.
The wrong half of the family is living in the trailer park.
Totally true
Career grifters, at the very least.
Sick psychopaths, at worst.
Thank God my daughter is a critical thinker and is the furthest thing from "woke." I also thank God that despite being a combat trained medic in the Army, she was never required to get any of the Covid vaccines. She's looking forward to spending Thanksgiving visiting me and her two dogs that I'm caring for.
Top priority must be given to getting this " reauthentication for your security' BS off your page.
It does zero for anyone's security.
It's about tracking and documenting posters.
Transparently so. I came here via an email from my inbox. The only thing this scam prevents is allowing a friend or family member from commenting from my inbox, it is Grade A nonsense to pretend it enhances my security in any way at all.
Second, it is critical that Google be dismantled. Gmail needs to be separate and discrete from YouTube and so on throughout their obscene monopoly.
I downloaded a fix for my providers Censorship URL.
With it turned on to block snooping, nothing will open, with a long list of nonsense as to why, which often completely changes from one attempt to the next.
Turning off my URL alternative makes it go back to as normal as it ever is, clearly Google is fighting against any attempt at subverting their tracking and censorship.
Now it looks more and more like Substack is a co conspirator.
You are a very compassionate person as well as one of the best writers I know. Plus I happen to know for a fact that you would never shoo off a yard rooster!