We know that when Hillary gets involved, there is usually a fight inside the party. The truth is that she is on the wacky train track just a 1/2 term shorter than Joe. Why Democrats have so many insane leaders has to be attributed to a long-term mental deviance disorder. They lie and lie so much, that it dismantles their cognitive order and reasoning.

One of the reasons why I think Hillary's political dreams are over, is that she can no longer be the "Voice of the Regime," as even someone like Michele or Newsome can. Hillary has too much witch personality and her crimes are too obvious now.

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Great insight!

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Yes, insightful and hilarious both.

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When Hilary Tries

People Dies

We Saw! He Died! I Came!

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“Her crimes are too obvious now”-well said. I really prefer not to be governed by psychopaths, thanks.

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Also ... We now have visual proof that the children are leading the asylum known as the White House.


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Seems like Everyday is a FUN HOUSE there.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Short hours, short temper, regularly confused... shit, isn't that all of us?

Joe Biden is "all of us."

Sorry, I just can't take all this seriously anymore. They have punked us to the nth degree and there's no more air in the balloons, the clowns' makeup is running down their costumes. We are all alone in a field and the crowd has slipped away. I hope there's at least a quarter tank in the ol' Nissan.

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Haven’t you been around old, senile men? His behavior is so typical.

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Is that even Joe Biden?

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We’ve all seen those incredible masks. Those could also be fake. It’s a big game & we are simply spectators.

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His behavior is theatrical IMHO.

This is a rather good actor playing a senile Biden, but because it's a performance, and not spontaneous natural behavior, it comes off as over-the-top for people who don't realize it's an act, IMHO.

A truly old and truly senile man would not be able to perform this well in public, IMHO. he would have burst into uncontrollable anger more than once on camera by this stage. I am quite open to the idea that the Biden we've seen throughout his presidency has been a stage act all along and that even the gaffs have been scripted and choreographed.

After all, Biden's loudest backers are the Hollywood set. I think of this as a contemporary production of King Lear, although it is playing out as farce more than tragedy.

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Hell. Maybe you’re right.

However, Biden is a dummy, or does a great job of acting like one. Mostly, he behaves (always has) like a cardboard character.

We’ve all been fooled by these demons. I used to think Geo W Bush was a good guy. Then again, I used to watch Fox News.

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I don’t think it’s an act. Not all senile old men have access to Wehrmacht-grade amphetamines.

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So Biden is a euphemism for what ails us all.

Funny comment Mick.

Keep it up.

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Excellent comment, "regularly confused" puts me in mind of the 'long covid' symptom list:

"Regularly confused, shortness of breath, etc.,etc.

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One of the most remarkable traits of the language of journalism is the mastery of euphemisms. For example, "child trafficking" means many horrible things that is impossible to mention in public without being hated for saying them.

It seems that what makes an euphemistic word acceptable is how easy it is to ignore its referent.

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<i>For example, "child trafficking" means many horrible things that is impossible to mention in public without being hated for saying them.</i>

And there I was thinking it was a synonym for "school bussing."

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RemovedJul 7
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that's a high quality exaggeration.

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RemovedJul 7
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Well you succeeded!!

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I noticed

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RemovedJul 7
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You sound like a new convert to Nestorianism

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Shocking Video with Mike McCormick here who explains how HHS grants are funding deep state pedophiles and drug cartels trafficking undocumented minors: (starts about 17:45 in). Also archbishop Vigano reveals "the deep state colluding with the deep Vatican." Vigano has now been "excommunicated" by the Vatican's Jesuit pope Francis who is "a corrupt pope." (like that is news, but now confirmed beyond belief). Massive crime ring from the Vatican through DC of minors, drugs, war funding and extremely demonic criminals.

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That was a stunner. However, we pretty much knew that kinda crap was happening. Right?

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Yes. Most of us did. But this huge rift in the RCC is really out in the open now, and no longer a rumor. Former Jesuit priest, Malachi Martin, exposed this horror story in his book "The Windswept House" as a novel years ago when he commented that his story was "more truth than fiction." The reality is even worse now and can't be ignored as it is deeply entangled at the highest levels of the US Government.

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I gave “The Windswept House” to my husband after Quite Frankly recommended it. Even though he reads a lot on the Catholic Church (he’s Catholic) he was pretty stunned.

When you’re the devil the first place you’ll hit will be the churches.

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So true. As the apostle Paul warned: II Corinthians 11:14-15 "And no marvel: for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness: whose end shall be according to their works.

My former wife was Catholic, and though I attended church with her and her family, knowing the errors from scripture even then, I was even reluctantly giving the RCC a pass during the JP II era. But that all changed after JP II died, and the Jesuits took over. Looking back, and knowing the many errors or the RCC, (exalting a "Church" and its leaders above the true Gospel) I have reccovered from it all. I am even shocked at how I fell away into this with my "eyes wide shut."

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'like sand through the hourglass...'

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heh. "So are the dying of Hillary's brain cells."

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as if any of it mattered-except to drive your grey-matter...

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Her real name is HELLery.

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This is the Days of our Lives.

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More likely the Stunned and the Useless.

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Kudos to the Marco Polo guys for doing this report.

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Time for a shot a true change. RFK Jr for president! Truly intelligent, someone with well thought out ideas of how to change and unite our country. www.kennedy24.com.

Trump was a joke in the debate too. He had his chance, he hadn’t learned anything, he’s still behaving like a school yard bully.

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You have TDS

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This seems to be the plan: get Biden/Harris elected with the 1 billion dollars "invested" to rig the elections again (600 millions more than 2020), dump Biden (either declaring him incapable or murdering/maiming him), then Kamala Harris assumes as President.

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the mail and machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was planned by masons, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Dominion over US

You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?


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If you were him, you would never want to pronounce Afghanistan either.

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Very nice, Dale.

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Put him out of 'our' misery!

Since 2020, the English dictionary has been destroyed with new meanings for many words and expressions, like 'rare' , which now means frequent. as in Myocarditis is a 'rare' (side effect).

'Vaccine' used to mean an injected substance that included a part of a disease that would encourage the human body to build a natural resistance to that disease. The new mRNA injections do not warrant the term 'VACCINE'. Perhaps mRNA injections ('Vaccines') should now be described as 'a deadly injection to depopulate the planet'?

'Safe & Effective' now means 'Dangerous and ineffective'

'Safety Trials' means 'Pay the FDA sufficient to avoid such inconvenience'.

There are many new expressions that have become everyday expressions, such as 'Myocarditis', which seems to impact young boys and young men. This new dangerous post mRNA injection phenomena is played down as 'rare' and a non-deadly occurrence. The reality is that those youngsters have to "avoid strenuous physical exercise for at least 28 days". The DEADLY mRNA jabs cause Heart attacks, strokes, palpitations, chest pains in youngsters who gain zero benefit from being injected with poison for a man-modified disease that has zero health consequences to them.

Any heart damage, even if not 'terminal', is serious and is likely to compromise humans at some point in the future. The best a Covid or Bird Flu recipient can expect is a SHORTENED LIFE EXPECTANCY!

And still Pfizer, et al, continue to enjoy massive profits from their depopulating injections which carry NO LIABILITY for side effects, health injuries, or even directly related vax induced DEATHS. Insane?

Unjabbed Mick. (UK) I'll live longer to get 'Full LIABILITY' re-introduced for all Big Pharma products!

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In 2020, "myocarditis" wasn't even a word! At least, not to me.

It was just "the old ticker playing up again."

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This fucking bitch is determined, she’s been at this for so long that if determination were the only factor that made a true leader she might actually deserve to lead. I mean the the root of the idea for a board of directors is actually Her buddy Satans design right? Or this is what I’ve been digging up when I look into why politics is rooted in evil. It’s really to bad that she’s a piece of shit, but so are the rest for the most part!!! I think it’s a loose /loose no matter how we look at it.

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Ugly on the inside that permeates to the outside. Multiple screws loose in her addled head and rhoids on the other end. A real mess but she will not confess.

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No on Harris, No on Clinton, No on Obama, in fact, no on any dem they "offer up".

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This is a particularly disturbing post, even tho I was aware of most of it. Just the re-iteration and the proof that keeps coming…thank you, Celia!!!

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The interview with McCormick was really interesting! It’s dripping out every day. Like Trump said, We have it all.

Everyone is adding their own details. What a time to be alive!

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Oh dear God, it's like a recurring infection!

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after World War I many soldiers came back shell-shocked. What the psychiatrists discovered is that the soldiers were then very impressionable. They explored ways to exploit that state of shock, not just in individuals, but in entire societies. In the 1960s they came up with the idea of ​​'social turbulence', which keeps the population on edge through a series of shocks and crises, making them more receptive to propaganda. Consider, for example, the oil price shock in the 1970s and various false-flag terrorist attacks, such as Gladio (operations in Europe in which secret services led by NATO carried out false-flag attacks on the civilian population – ed.). In her book The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein elaborates further on the (ab)use of shock. She is mainly talking about neoliberalist policies and disaster capitalism, but also acknowledges that the techniques used can be traced back to the CIA's MKUltra experiments in the 1950s (the CIA's psychological research into brainwashing – ed.). These methods have now been applied again. At the moment of shock you can implant all kinds of trigger words and images. In the case of Covid, the lockdowns were the moment of shock, alongside other techniques dating back almost a hundred years, such as isolation and defamiliarization. Defamiliarization makes a world that was familiar and comfortable suddenly strange and uncanny. Suddenly everyone is walking around in masks and acting absurdly. What used to be normal is suddenly surreal and grotesque. That puts people out of balance mentally.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Interesting that Klein drank the CovidKoolAid all the way down. She's like Chomsky, a dinosaur pretending to still be alive. These people will never escape their narrow cupboards of "knowledge."

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No kidding? I had no idea Klein followed the covid religion. Chomsky? Dinosaur is a great description. Thoughtful comment.. thanks..

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And thank you, Rebecca. She even wrote a book about Naomi Wolf (whom she was being confused for onlline) a year or so ago. Basically knocking Naomi K's work on the covid psyop. Here's an article: https://www.americamagazine.org/arts-culture/2023/12/01/review-naomi-klein-doppelganger-246614

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Wow! Thanks.I read about Wolf's doppelganger issue. She was not happy about it.. its amazing how crazed self righteous behavior can take over and makes people do a 180 on their previous beliefs. I'm speaking of Stein. WOLF is still going strong with her addl article this week in a followup to what originally brought her above the radar to start being censored. https://rumble.com/v567jbv-outspoken-sonia-elijah-study-shows-how-mrna-shots-ruin-womens-menstrual-cyc.html

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