Jordan Peterson Arrested in Montreal, Defects To United States To Escape Canadian Academic Fascists Sent To Destroy Him By Trudeau Himself: "For The Canadians Who Are Listening…"
"Adventure Is Divine Comedy and The Pathway To Divine Comedy Is The Truth…Who Knew That Miracles Were…Comedic?"
This is a teaching moment, a learning moment—this interview.
I believe we lose a lot by childishly and self-importantly declaring: “I don’t like that [person] anymore.] Instead of choosing to listen, and learn something. We’ve all done it.
“[Thus and such] has lost all credibility with me.”
As though we are rare French cheeses who can only grow right with exactly the correct oxygen conditions, issuing disapprovals and blessings to people who are on the public stage.
I mean to say: Let’s learn from people more and worry less if we “agree with them abut everything,” that dreaded post-Covid phrase.
That said, here’s my little issue:
One day Peterson will realize (because he has a great, Canadian sense of humor,) the comedy of naming his daughter after one of the biggest PSY OPs of the last century: Mikhail Gorbachev. (He has to read Vladimir Bukovsky!)
He’s always learning things dangerously late but he does learn them. He lived in…Toronto? Until recently?
Addiction to risk?
Well, let’s not take time off the subject at hand; Peterson is telling an important story, and is a phenomenal story teller and dramatist with classical training.
I agree that Dr. Peterson has massive unhealed trauma (seen in the suits) but this family has family values and Mikhaila saved countless lives with her healing journey away from crippling food. I like him best when he cries, and he cries a lot.
Who else can we say this about?
Yes, I understand he is a normie at heart. He is a Canadian academic. It’s fascinating to watch him discover how the world really works and when he does, he voices it like few others.
And they’re funny, these two.
I notice Dr. Peterson really seriously is not interested in Mikhaila’s offering that there’s a lot sunshine in Tennessee. He’s devoted to work. Getting things done.
He’s made great use of his unhealed trauma, unlike most psychiatrists and psychologists. Is that a fair statement?
Lost my respect for him when he said, “take the damn shot”.
Jordan is a great man who is grounded in principles that should knock down and overrun irrationality. The problem is that when the world is filled with irrational people, they will mow down principled people just because.... they can. And because they get joy out of showing that they can. Which, Jordan will say that they're psycopaths. And he'll be right, but still be squashed under an irrational system. Tilting at windmills. I, for one, applaud him, being principled myself. But having been mowed down a few times myself for standing on principle, seeing it from an outsider point of view, it's sad to watch someone else like me suffer. I still wonder what the hell has happened to this world? And why won't more people stand up against the obvious irrationality. I know why... everyone sees the suffering they themselves will endure, and they might even be right in having to suffer alone because nobody else has any courage to be associated with someone being ground up in the system, for fear of being ground up as well.
I admire his willingness to stand up against "the system". I wish more people would. It would bring normalcy and rationalism to all of our lives much sooner.
Late edit: "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - "The Man in the Arena" - Teddy Roosevelt, 1910