I would expect Jordan to say it exactly like that. That’s how he speaks. But also know plenty of people who were truly fooled and absolutely believed it was the right thing to do. (And a few of those people have come around.) The people I cannot deal with are the doctors who knew full well the jabs were bad (and were not taking them themselves), yet encouraged others to get them. That’s just evil.
Didn’t know that. Thanks for that fact. Was that early in convid? It’s my hope that the numbers willing to blindly trust the medical “industry” are dwindling.
I lost what little respect I had for him when he dodged the question, "Do you believe in God?" And, yes, his response to COVID just cemented that opinion.
Jordan is a great man who is grounded in principles that should knock down and overrun irrationality. The problem is that when the world is filled with irrational people, they will mow down principled people just because.... they can. And because they get joy out of showing that they can. Which, Jordan will say that they're psycopaths. And he'll be right, but still be squashed under an irrational system. Tilting at windmills. I, for one, applaud him, being principled myself. But having been mowed down a few times myself for standing on principle, seeing it from an outsider point of view, it's sad to watch someone else like me suffer. I still wonder what the hell has happened to this world? And why won't more people stand up against the obvious irrationality. I know why... everyone sees the suffering they themselves will endure, and they might even be right in having to suffer alone because nobody else has any courage to be associated with someone being ground up in the system, for fear of being ground up as well.
I admire his willingness to stand up against "the system". I wish more people would. It would bring normalcy and rationalism to all of our lives much sooner.
Late edit: "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - "The Man in the Arena" - Teddy Roosevelt, 1910 https://www.theodorerooseveltcenter.org/Learn-About-TR/TR-Encyclopedia/Culture-and-Society/Man-in-the-Arena.aspx
You know... I want to say something more positive here. There is SO much power in knowing WHO you are, and also in networking with others, and finding kindred souls. I attend a constitutional discussion group, and from the 1st meeting, I felt like I had finally found family. People who LOVE our country more than self, and are willing to share that love, and knowledge with others. I'm reading the preface of a book today called ""The 5000 Year Leap", in which there are quotes from our founding fathers about the miracle that IS the US Constitution! That men could come together (and these are VERY VERY smart men), who have studied what has happened over that last 2000 years, and more importantly the prior 3-400 years before (this isn't covered in the preface, it's just what I've learned in the last 2 years), and what they brought to the US Constitution isn't entirely new. It's a legacy of what hasn't worked in the last 400 years, and seeing how human nature has corrupted each of those prior attempts for a new form of government, primarily in the UK.
They were inspired and moved upon by God to GIVE POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
That power STILL exists today! We're being conditioned into believing we don't.
It's time to read the constitution, and recognize what power we have as people, so that leaders like those persecuting Jordan Peterson will not succeed in our country. The Constitution is a light to the world. This year has been exciting as country after country are finding their voices, and seeing they're not alone. Get past the mainstream media who have colluded with one another (Trusted News Initiative) and the government to censor the truth.
People are waking up, and overthrowing failed leaders who support a globalist agenda. The fight is not over, but we need more voices to speak out - nobly and boldly!
The government is trying to get everyone to say “founders“ to demean men. They don’t want one single person to ever remember this country was founded by brave Strong, intelligent, men, and they like to hide the fact that these men are still bringing us water 99.4% of water and sewer workers are men, houses, electricity, gas, plumbing, so many things that only men do like garbage men are pretty much all men can’t get hit by cars and get sick from garbage all the time, but let’s not be grateful for that. Let’s see how much we don’t need men.
Anyway, is this an online group that people can join?
My wife asks me why I continue to go after a year or two, and I tell her I keep learning so much! And honestly, it's like a family there... we all love our country so much. Some have served notices in several counties regarding efforts to use unconstitutional methods to restrict activities of people. A few of us are now going to study The 5000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen, which covers 28 principles of freedom.
For me, the class "Genealogy of the Constitution" was a very eye opening video, which shows the prior documents that shaped government prior to the constitution, and how they were subverted, and so the Constitution is a "descendent" with many lessons learned from prior failures and observations of human temptations and a desire for power, and putting in place a more robust system of checks and balances.
It's something that anybody can do, and while most of us are conservative, we make it a point to not bash liberals with a left vs right attitude, but with a right vs wrong view, and base many discussions on constitutional principles.
Our instructor gives books at the end of a series to those who have attended every session, and so I've increased my library. And have incorporated constitutional principles in my discussions with others who debate current political cultures and decisions, and there's a great appreciation for those principles!
So start something up! Keep to good principles. It's been a very fulfilling effort for me personally. I think it will be for you too!
He is a goddamn Nazi Zionist, so he deserves to go straight to hell and stay there. You cannot support Zionism and be anything but a mass murdering genocidal monster. Pure human evil. Fuck him and fuck you for calling him a “great man” .
There's another guy who has Israel on the brain. You would think Israel was the center of the World. Instead of being a little sliver of sand, just one hair on the armpit of the World, which the region really is.
Israel, Zionism is a psyop, that our Overlords bring out when they want to distract us from focusing on their Covid Plandemic and their Russia proxy war.
When one no longer idolizes anyone, then you can see them as the terribly flawed people they are (self included) and be able to separate the wheat from the chaff of what they have to offer.
Thanks Celia, IMHO we learn from everyone and everything, because essentially we are one consciousness. We are souls infinitely more than we exist in this illusory physical reality. Love and gratitude, Alan
Wow. I had no idea he was such a racist. So 50,000 years of stewardship doesn’t get you in the ring for ‘civility’ but Jerusalem making up cool stories wins. Sorry bro. You are a narrow minded dick it turns out
The story of mass rape by Hamas was pure, unadulterated atrocity propaganda unleashed to allow the genocide of Palestinians. Atrocity propagandists should be in prison like the ones convicted after the Rwandan genocide. The Grayzone and zei squirrel have done stellar investigations debunking the rape stories:
Well, Paula, you referenced 1 story citing 2 instances of fraud. I believe that there were more than 2-3 reports of rape to come out of October 7, 2023, correct? Are you going to claim that there were no rapes by Hamas that occurred on & after 10/7/23? I so, you are going to have to give me more receipts.
Are you going to assert next that the whole thing was faked? There were no Jews killed, no Jews kidnapped? That the IDF staged the whole thing? That doesn’t pass the smell test.
Even if the IDF knew of the plan & let their guard down (similar to what people say Roosevelt did with Pearl Harbor), that doesn’t absolve Hamas of the murder, kidnappings, hostage taking, and torture that have been widely documented
The fact is that Hamas started this particular fight, have been the aggressors for the whole time that they have been in power, and since 1948 or so Arabs &/or Palestinians have been fighting to eradicate the country of Israel, only stopping to reload, rearm and recruit more fighters, or more funds from other anti semitic countries.
You yourself are part of the psyop to divert attention from this basic fact. There is blood on your hands.
Trudeau must be imprisoned. Nobody likes him and probably, because of his Dominion voting system, - nobody actually voted for him. He assumed the role of Fuhrer by himself!
Unjkabbed mick (UK). We'll all live longer when Pfizer accepts LIABILITY for VAX DEATHS!
His election is fraudulent. He got barely 30% votes. He had a minority government. The NDP alliance helped the Liberals get majority. Canada is WEF controlled 😰
I find the entire "woke neo-Marxist" legal system of Canada disgusting, yes, not because I do not have empathy for those different from me who are suffering, but because "neo Marxist woke legalism" is a money-laundering feudalism-creating ruse for those who not have not have empathy for those different from them. But I also find it hard to not see Peterson as--intentionally deep-state motivated/created or not--some type of controlled opposition, like Carlson, Jones, Trump, Musk, et. al. I don't believe there is any real threat against them (in fact, I believe they are very much part of the system that oppresses us), as there would be against most of us if we engaged in 1/1000th of the things that they engage in. I don't understand any of these people's lives; they are too clean, too wealthy, too "fake oppressed" for me to believe them to be like me. What do these people's "real lives" consist of? Do any of them really work, or create anything of value? They fly around on airplanes every day, going wherever they want, never working, really, never paying real bills, never having to worry about living paycheck to paycheck, everything taken care of for them, their worst fear to arrive late to some narcissistic self-promoting interview, as they dictate Tweets to someone on their private airplane to get there. My sentiments are, sorry to be crude, "Fuck that and fuck them." Oh, to be oppressed such as this.
Talk about unhealed trauma! Justin Trudeau/Castro is a very sick man. Did you know he had a brother who died from a "fall" when the two were hiking alone in the mountains years ago. Hmmmm...... I wonder why his wife finally left him. Is he a closeted homosexual? Photos I've seen of him with Macron are somewhat suggestive. Sadly, it is unlikely that he can be helped. Narcissists are unable to admit their own flaws and wrongdoing. They tend to project them onto everyone else.
I'm glad you brought the Jordan Peterson interview to my attention. I will watch it a little later. I used to listen to him a lot, but when he returned from addiction treatment in Russia he was strangely different. So I stopped listening. Could his psyche have been covertly messed with while undergoing treatment? We will likely never know. Anyway, I wish him well. He's been through a lot.
We’ve had more than 25 years of Trudeau as PM in our country. Canada has fallen, we’re in danger, it’s a tyranny. Look at bill C-63 for exemple. I’m praying for my country to become the Great White North again 🙏
That clip of Justin and his mother is included in the post I wrote on the incident, a year and a half ago (link in my response to Annette). And to think I helped campaign for his "sexy" dad, Pierre, back in 1967. And the Beatles and Tavistock, and all. We were so duped.
And people talk about how unjust the Russian invasion of Ukraine was. Canada has been invaded and conquered by a foreign entity (International Bankster Mafia), with Klaus Schwab admitting publicly that they control more than half of Trudeau's cabinet. How is that OK, but Russia invading Ukraine ain't OK?
JFK Secret Societies speech, the speech that got him assassinated:
"...The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it..."
"... Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger, and yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired. If the press is awaiting a declaration of war, before it imposes the self discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed a greatest threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of clear and present danger, then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear, and it’s presence has never been more imminent..."
"...It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions by the government, by the people, by every businessman, or labor leader, and by every newspaper. But we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding it’s fear of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. It’s preparations are concealed, not published. It’s mistakes are buried, not headlined. It’s dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned. No rumor is printed. No secret is revealed..."
To be in the luciferian elite, someone has to be sacrified. Same with Anderson Cooper's brother, Kanye's mother, etc. Now apparently, they can opt to trans one kid. 'Nough said, look at how many hollywood demons are doing that to their kids.
Oh, he’s a homo all right although I should say bisexual because there are a lot of these sick psychopaths that are part of the WEF that just will do anyone!!!
I would be shocked if we found out he definitely didn’t kill his brother. It doesn’t look good for him.
He’s bisexual. Look at the story about the sexual abuse of a minor student at the college where he was teaching. He was “fired” and we heard they paid off the girl’s family.
According to his living brother (half brother?) the PTB have a lot of good stuff on Castreau. I am 99.99% sure it's pedo-related. Like with most of the sickos in high places.
Justin's brother Michel famously died on a skiing trip with friends. But that doesn't exempt him from suspicion. I did a post on it, going a bit deeper into the story...
Watched the first few minutes and that was enough. (Do I have Covid induced ADD?) Canada is in a bad way at the moment and getting rid of #TrudeauTheTyrant is paramount. Having lived most of my life in Toronto I know how awful it has become and it was truly a great city. Clean, safe and maybe a little boring but you weren’t afraid out in public. That’s all changed and if you live Downtown you are surrounded by some of the smuggest most intolerable “liberals” in the country. We escaped just over two years ago and while I am in town frequently I would never move back.
As far as professional colleges go he is correct. They are captured by the woke progressives, interested more in identity ideology than health care.
He may have named his daughter after Mikhail Bulgakov.
BTW, I do not believe Mikhaila has eaten only meat for 6 years and pushing that on people is probably irresponsible, as I do not believe humans are carnivores, but omnivores, and we need other nutrients besides meat alone. To me, it's the same level insanity as pushing 100% veganism. It does not work for the majority of people.
Jordan Peterson is a lone Anglo academic whose philosophy is Jungian based. That alone makes him a target of the establishment. Glad to get news in this video that his new university is bringing holistic western thought to higher learning.
I don't trust him but I am always open to discussion. Reading your blog and reading the comments is like attending a wonderful dinner party and we get to share ideas and nourish our hearts and our minds. Who wants a cappuccino with their creme brulee?
Lost my respect for him when he said, “take the damn shot”.
Also he’s a zionist, so he can burn in hell forever starting right now.
Zionism on the brain. The center of the World for some low information types.
Normies gonna normie, sometimes.
I would expect Jordan to say it exactly like that. That’s how he speaks. But also know plenty of people who were truly fooled and absolutely believed it was the right thing to do. (And a few of those people have come around.) The people I cannot deal with are the doctors who knew full well the jabs were bad (and were not taking them themselves), yet encouraged others to get them. That’s just evil.
Didn’t know that. Thanks for that fact. Was that early in convid? It’s my hope that the numbers willing to blindly trust the medical “industry” are dwindling.
Oh! I did not know that. Do you have a source/link? And, could he have eventually recanted? This is very, very concerning nonetheless.
You can look it up. It was well known when it happened, and it was deep into the pandemic, not early on.
I lost what little respect I had for him when he dodged the question, "Do you believe in God?" And, yes, his response to COVID just cemented that opinion.
I admire his abilities as an entertainer.
he definitely has some interesting interviews...
I hadn't heard about the failure to affirm his belief in God which is strange given his focus on the bible.
Lesson to us all though should be Do Not Look For Heroes Outside Yourself
I believe he changed his mind. Give him that.
Jordan is a great man who is grounded in principles that should knock down and overrun irrationality. The problem is that when the world is filled with irrational people, they will mow down principled people just because.... they can. And because they get joy out of showing that they can. Which, Jordan will say that they're psycopaths. And he'll be right, but still be squashed under an irrational system. Tilting at windmills. I, for one, applaud him, being principled myself. But having been mowed down a few times myself for standing on principle, seeing it from an outsider point of view, it's sad to watch someone else like me suffer. I still wonder what the hell has happened to this world? And why won't more people stand up against the obvious irrationality. I know why... everyone sees the suffering they themselves will endure, and they might even be right in having to suffer alone because nobody else has any courage to be associated with someone being ground up in the system, for fear of being ground up as well.
I admire his willingness to stand up against "the system". I wish more people would. It would bring normalcy and rationalism to all of our lives much sooner.
Late edit: "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - "The Man in the Arena" - Teddy Roosevelt, 1910 https://www.theodorerooseveltcenter.org/Learn-About-TR/TR-Encyclopedia/Culture-and-Society/Man-in-the-Arena.aspx
You know... I want to say something more positive here. There is SO much power in knowing WHO you are, and also in networking with others, and finding kindred souls. I attend a constitutional discussion group, and from the 1st meeting, I felt like I had finally found family. People who LOVE our country more than self, and are willing to share that love, and knowledge with others. I'm reading the preface of a book today called ""The 5000 Year Leap", in which there are quotes from our founding fathers about the miracle that IS the US Constitution! That men could come together (and these are VERY VERY smart men), who have studied what has happened over that last 2000 years, and more importantly the prior 3-400 years before (this isn't covered in the preface, it's just what I've learned in the last 2 years), and what they brought to the US Constitution isn't entirely new. It's a legacy of what hasn't worked in the last 400 years, and seeing how human nature has corrupted each of those prior attempts for a new form of government, primarily in the UK.
They were inspired and moved upon by God to GIVE POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
That power STILL exists today! We're being conditioned into believing we don't.
It's time to read the constitution, and recognize what power we have as people, so that leaders like those persecuting Jordan Peterson will not succeed in our country. The Constitution is a light to the world. This year has been exciting as country after country are finding their voices, and seeing they're not alone. Get past the mainstream media who have colluded with one another (Trusted News Initiative) and the government to censor the truth.
People are waking up, and overthrowing failed leaders who support a globalist agenda. The fight is not over, but we need more voices to speak out - nobly and boldly!
Courage is contagious!
Thank you so much for using “founding fathers”
The government is trying to get everyone to say “founders“ to demean men. They don’t want one single person to ever remember this country was founded by brave Strong, intelligent, men, and they like to hide the fact that these men are still bringing us water 99.4% of water and sewer workers are men, houses, electricity, gas, plumbing, so many things that only men do like garbage men are pretty much all men can’t get hit by cars and get sick from garbage all the time, but let’s not be grateful for that. Let’s see how much we don’t need men.
Anyway, is this an online group that people can join?
No it's not. An older woman, a passionate student of the Constitution, decided to host a study group, and it grew over 2 years into 4 groups where facilitated discussion happens. We'll begin with a prayer (and we have a wide variety of religious people there), we'll recite the preamble to the Constitution which shows the intent of the Constitution. We will watch some extended video clips and then discuss it. We've had meetings twice a month, and have covered classes such as "Duty of the Jury" (materials found here: https://theamericanview.com/products/duty-of-the-jury-take-action-host-kit?pr_prod_strat=e5_desc&pr_rec_id=4ddc02600&pr_rec_pid=4405296037932&pr_ref_pid=4409804390444&pr_seq=uniform ), which was eye opening to me. We've also watched classes by KrisAnne Hall ( https://libertyfirstsociety.com/4003-2/ ) This is what we've just finished: https://constitution-discussion-group-ictssm.mailerpage.io/
My wife asks me why I continue to go after a year or two, and I tell her I keep learning so much! And honestly, it's like a family there... we all love our country so much. Some have served notices in several counties regarding efforts to use unconstitutional methods to restrict activities of people. A few of us are now going to study The 5000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen, which covers 28 principles of freedom.
For me, the class "Genealogy of the Constitution" was a very eye opening video, which shows the prior documents that shaped government prior to the constitution, and how they were subverted, and so the Constitution is a "descendent" with many lessons learned from prior failures and observations of human temptations and a desire for power, and putting in place a more robust system of checks and balances.
It's something that anybody can do, and while most of us are conservative, we make it a point to not bash liberals with a left vs right attitude, but with a right vs wrong view, and base many discussions on constitutional principles.
Our instructor gives books at the end of a series to those who have attended every session, and so I've increased my library. And have incorporated constitutional principles in my discussions with others who debate current political cultures and decisions, and there's a great appreciation for those principles!
So start something up! Keep to good principles. It's been a very fulfilling effort for me personally. I think it will be for you too!
He is a goddamn Nazi Zionist, so he deserves to go straight to hell and stay there. You cannot support Zionism and be anything but a mass murdering genocidal monster. Pure human evil. Fuck him and fuck you for calling him a “great man” .
There's another guy who has Israel on the brain. You would think Israel was the center of the World. Instead of being a little sliver of sand, just one hair on the armpit of the World, which the region really is.
Israel, Zionism is a psyop, that our Overlords bring out when they want to distract us from focusing on their Covid Plandemic and their Russia proxy war.
Exactly. I don't think principled people can be zionists.
I totally agree, some mental sickness is blanketing the world, except maybe India which still seems to hold out. Just a tip in case!
When one no longer idolizes anyone, then you can see them as the terribly flawed people they are (self included) and be able to separate the wheat from the chaff of what they have to offer.
Thanks Celia, IMHO we learn from everyone and everything, because essentially we are one consciousness. We are souls infinitely more than we exist in this illusory physical reality. Love and gratitude, Alan
I used to like Peterson until I discovered he was a complete supporter of Israel. He disgusts me. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/360906
I didn't realize this. Horrific.
Wow. I had no idea he was such a racist. So 50,000 years of stewardship doesn’t get you in the ring for ‘civility’ but Jerusalem making up cool stories wins. Sorry bro. You are a narrow minded dick it turns out
Me, too. Fuck him to hell forever.
Ah yes, the old 'a land without people for a people without a land' fantasy. If that were true there would be no need for the massacres.
A women’s libber for Hamas? What Ivy League school did you disrupt in defense of the rapists of Hamas?
Now I know not to trust 90% of what I posted here.
Freudian slip, perhaps?
The story of mass rape by Hamas was pure, unadulterated atrocity propaganda unleashed to allow the genocide of Palestinians. Atrocity propagandists should be in prison like the ones convicted after the Rwandan genocide. The Grayzone and zei squirrel have done stellar investigations debunking the rape stories:
Well, Paula, you referenced 1 story citing 2 instances of fraud. I believe that there were more than 2-3 reports of rape to come out of October 7, 2023, correct? Are you going to claim that there were no rapes by Hamas that occurred on & after 10/7/23? I so, you are going to have to give me more receipts.
Are you going to assert next that the whole thing was faked? There were no Jews killed, no Jews kidnapped? That the IDF staged the whole thing? That doesn’t pass the smell test.
Even if the IDF knew of the plan & let their guard down (similar to what people say Roosevelt did with Pearl Harbor), that doesn’t absolve Hamas of the murder, kidnappings, hostage taking, and torture that have been widely documented
The fact is that Hamas started this particular fight, have been the aggressors for the whole time that they have been in power, and since 1948 or so Arabs &/or Palestinians have been fighting to eradicate the country of Israel, only stopping to reload, rearm and recruit more fighters, or more funds from other anti semitic countries.
You yourself are part of the psyop to divert attention from this basic fact. There is blood on your hands.
Trudeau must be imprisoned. Nobody likes him and probably, because of his Dominion voting system, - nobody actually voted for him. He assumed the role of Fuhrer by himself!
Unjkabbed mick (UK). We'll all live longer when Pfizer accepts LIABILITY for VAX DEATHS!
His election is fraudulent. He got barely 30% votes. He had a minority government. The NDP alliance helped the Liberals get majority. Canada is WEF controlled 😰
Many of us, around the world, know these facts. The votes were probably 'adjusted' to enable him to appear to get 30% of them.
Exactly 🎯 In order to get minority 😠
I find the entire "woke neo-Marxist" legal system of Canada disgusting, yes, not because I do not have empathy for those different from me who are suffering, but because "neo Marxist woke legalism" is a money-laundering feudalism-creating ruse for those who not have not have empathy for those different from them. But I also find it hard to not see Peterson as--intentionally deep-state motivated/created or not--some type of controlled opposition, like Carlson, Jones, Trump, Musk, et. al. I don't believe there is any real threat against them (in fact, I believe they are very much part of the system that oppresses us), as there would be against most of us if we engaged in 1/1000th of the things that they engage in. I don't understand any of these people's lives; they are too clean, too wealthy, too "fake oppressed" for me to believe them to be like me. What do these people's "real lives" consist of? Do any of them really work, or create anything of value? They fly around on airplanes every day, going wherever they want, never working, really, never paying real bills, never having to worry about living paycheck to paycheck, everything taken care of for them, their worst fear to arrive late to some narcissistic self-promoting interview, as they dictate Tweets to someone on their private airplane to get there. My sentiments are, sorry to be crude, "Fuck that and fuck them." Oh, to be oppressed such as this.
Exaggeration for the sake of emphasis! You are a lucky man. But your hard work and dedication has created the luck! keep on trucking
Talk about unhealed trauma! Justin Trudeau/Castro is a very sick man. Did you know he had a brother who died from a "fall" when the two were hiking alone in the mountains years ago. Hmmmm...... I wonder why his wife finally left him. Is he a closeted homosexual? Photos I've seen of him with Macron are somewhat suggestive. Sadly, it is unlikely that he can be helped. Narcissists are unable to admit their own flaws and wrongdoing. They tend to project them onto everyone else.
I'm glad you brought the Jordan Peterson interview to my attention. I will watch it a little later. I used to listen to him a lot, but when he returned from addiction treatment in Russia he was strangely different. So I stopped listening. Could his psyche have been covertly messed with while undergoing treatment? We will likely never know. Anyway, I wish him well. He's been through a lot.
Here’s the video of Justin’s reaction to his brother suspicious death. It happened at a time of year where there’s little snow and avalanches are rare. There’s a dreadful theory behind this 👿 Look at his mother laughing. https://x.com/deplatre/status/1864756796696547586?s=46&t=rOJuiIKP6FlIkEqI2RUaRg
Also, yes, the pictures with Macron speak for themselves.
Here’s Patrick Bet-David’s Podcast where he interviews Anneke Lucas, who discusses how she was trained as a sex slave and spy for David Rockefeller.
At 10 years old, she was allegedly trafficked to and abused by former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. It’s beyond disgusting 🤮
We’ve had more than 25 years of Trudeau as PM in our country. Canada has fallen, we’re in danger, it’s a tyranny. Look at bill C-63 for exemple. I’m praying for my country to become the Great White North again 🙏
Yes, exactly. Thank you Marie-Claude. Anneke Lucas interview—super crucial.
There is a horrific reality just beneath the surface of our everyday lived experience that is terrifying to contemplate.
Beyond horrific!!! Dear God help us 🙏
That clip of Justin and his mother is included in the post I wrote on the incident, a year and a half ago (link in my response to Annette). And to think I helped campaign for his "sexy" dad, Pierre, back in 1967. And the Beatles and Tavistock, and all. We were so duped.
I just read your article of a year ago. It’s 🎯
Ah yes, the Fuddle Duddle Daze...
And people talk about how unjust the Russian invasion of Ukraine was. Canada has been invaded and conquered by a foreign entity (International Bankster Mafia), with Klaus Schwab admitting publicly that they control more than half of Trudeau's cabinet. How is that OK, but Russia invading Ukraine ain't OK?
JFK Secret Societies speech, the speech that got him assassinated:
"...The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it..."
"... Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger, and yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired. If the press is awaiting a declaration of war, before it imposes the self discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed a greatest threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of clear and present danger, then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear, and it’s presence has never been more imminent..."
"...It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions by the government, by the people, by every businessman, or labor leader, and by every newspaper. But we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding it’s fear of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. It’s preparations are concealed, not published. It’s mistakes are buried, not headlined. It’s dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned. No rumor is printed. No secret is revealed..."
To be in the luciferian elite, someone has to be sacrified. Same with Anderson Cooper's brother, Kanye's mother, etc. Now apparently, they can opt to trans one kid. 'Nough said, look at how many hollywood demons are doing that to their kids.
Why do they want to be luciferian elites? It’s incomprehensible to me 🤦♀️ Dear God help us 🙏
They are lost people who succumbed to demonic temptations. They all have the opportunity to switch it around although I doubt many will.
Oh, he’s a homo all right although I should say bisexual because there are a lot of these sick psychopaths that are part of the WEF that just will do anyone!!!
I would be shocked if we found out he definitely didn’t kill his brother. It doesn’t look good for him.
He’s bisexual. Look at the story about the sexual abuse of a minor student at the college where he was teaching. He was “fired” and we heard they paid off the girl’s family.
According to his living brother (half brother?) the PTB have a lot of good stuff on Castreau. I am 99.99% sure it's pedo-related. Like with most of the sickos in high places.
It’s definitely pedo related. He’s a WEF puppet and we know why!
Justin's brother Michel famously died on a skiing trip with friends. But that doesn't exempt him from suspicion. I did a post on it, going a bit deeper into the story...
Watched the first few minutes and that was enough. (Do I have Covid induced ADD?) Canada is in a bad way at the moment and getting rid of #TrudeauTheTyrant is paramount. Having lived most of my life in Toronto I know how awful it has become and it was truly a great city. Clean, safe and maybe a little boring but you weren’t afraid out in public. That’s all changed and if you live Downtown you are surrounded by some of the smuggest most intolerable “liberals” in the country. We escaped just over two years ago and while I am in town frequently I would never move back.
As far as professional colleges go he is correct. They are captured by the woke progressives, interested more in identity ideology than health care.
He may have named his daughter after Mikhail Bulgakov.
BTW, I do not believe Mikhaila has eaten only meat for 6 years and pushing that on people is probably irresponsible, as I do not believe humans are carnivores, but omnivores, and we need other nutrients besides meat alone. To me, it's the same level insanity as pushing 100% veganism. It does not work for the majority of people.
Jordan Peterson is a lone Anglo academic whose philosophy is Jungian based. That alone makes him a target of the establishment. Glad to get news in this video that his new university is bringing holistic western thought to higher learning.
He’s a Zionist. Because if this, he has no redeeming qualities as a human being.
If he renounces Zionism, perhaps he can start over.
I am shocked and horrified that we are even having this conversation here.
He is a pariah. He is evil. He is a fascist who supports genocide.
End of story.
Speaking of western humanity caught in a binary!
Really well said, and framed. I so agree, Celia. It's become too easy to box people out - I've done it. We miss so much that way. Thank you for this.
No more Jewish ideas for the normal world. Jews are have incited Bolshevism genocides worldwide that have killed 100’s of millions of non-Jews.
He promoted the Covid Bioweapon , he's a fraud
I don't trust him but I am always open to discussion. Reading your blog and reading the comments is like attending a wonderful dinner party and we get to share ideas and nourish our hearts and our minds. Who wants a cappuccino with their creme brulee?
The need for the “Jordan Petersons” of the world are indicative of the ignorance and stupidity of our culture…sad.