Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Speaking of throttling, the inverse may be true in some cases as well, as in “artificial inflation of likes to create the illusion of support for an argument or idea.” Inexplicably, Alex Berenson continues to bash Ivermectin and other early treatments (despite his pretty good work on the vaccines) and his latest substack posts on the recent Malaysian Ivermectin JAMA paper (the one that has an abstract that undermines IVM in a way that doesn’t quite match the actual positive results of the study) shows an overwhelming number of likes relative to his usual totals, despite overwhelming disapproval in the comments. This, more than anything, has piqued my skepticism regarding substack and how it may not be the totally uncorrupted platform we think it is. Anyone else slightly skeptical of Berenson, even if he has done some good work exposing the lack of efficacy of the vaccines?

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am skeptical of everyone.

Diana West on Dr Malone.

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People like Malone keep the myth alive. I twisted my brain over that dude many times.

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his newsletter... ‘WHO is Dr Malone’... indeed.

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We also have high level grifters like Kory, pretending to treat a lethal disease with vitamins. Vitamins are probably good, I take some, but come on now.....

They promote the lie. The powers that be don't care WHY we believe there is a lethal pathogen, as long as we believe it. The most important thing is that we believe....

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The problem there is there is an auto-heart feature on Berenson's posts, simply for reading the comments, which doesn't seem to be the case for others' posts. Who knows in what abyss of branching menus Berenson found the toggle switch for that one.

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Ahh, thank you. I’ll look into that. It may be the reason 👍

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Feb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022

Here we go again. No offense to you, but it just continues to baffle me that people cannot see through the charade. You say he’s bashing “Ivermectin and other early treatments” and that his auto-likes are high but his comments are negative. So I have to ask the standard question, which by rhetorically asking it should reveal the fact that this is just more of the same Hegelian dialectic created to divide and ultimately conquer you and me and everyone else involved in this silly show called “Covid.” So here it is: early treatments for what?! There is NO disease uniquely called “Covid.” How do I know this? Because there’s no virus. No SARS-COV-2 virus has ever been identified, that is, isolated through the standard protocol of Koch’s Postulates that are supposed to be (but aren’t) conducted by virologists and researchers the world over (like Berenson) who are in turn, by this kind of distraction, promoting and perpetuating the lie. See https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Statement-of-Virus-Isolation-SOVI-by-Morell-Cowan-and-Kaufman.pdf and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ibaXq3iUA as two basic places to start.

It’s all fiction, a media-based lie, a media virus, and most commenters on Celia’s site here know this. So anytime you fall for a post like that or a researcher like Berenson (who you say has done “pretty good work on vaccines” ;) and the ensuing debate and then comment on it, you are, I must inform you, perpetuating the lie — the standard bs narrative of the mainstream that there’s a “disease” out there that we must “treat." You also mention that Berenson has exposed the “lack of efficacy of the vaccines.” Well, of course there’s a lack of efficacy. How can a vaccine be effective against a virus that doesn’t exist? This is more pulling-the-wool-over-your-eyes kind of distraction to make you think that there’s an actual disease to which we must find a cure. I really would urge you and anyone else still falling for this kind of nonsense (distraction warfare, if you will) to stop falling for it. Aren’t we past this by now?

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"It’s all fiction, a media-based lie, a media virus, and most commenters on Celia’s site here know this."

You right again. There never was and is not a damn virus. Its a huge smoke show of epic proportions. Might be the biggest hoax the world has ever seen.

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Feb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I got symptoms for something in June 2021 (along with others I had been with). I was very careful not to jump to conclusions. I observed carefully. My cough was bad - worst I've ever had, easily - but still, people get coughs. Nothing specific.

Then after several days I got the rash on my feet, which I then found out is relatively common among so-called COVID19 patients. Never had this before - and I have asthma, I've had more chest infections in my life than anyone I know.

So something is happening. I'm open to what that is. But you saying

"the standard bs narrative of the mainstream that there’s a “disease” out there"

is overly simplistic. Something happened to me, something is "out there". I agree the whole thing is a charade - but denying what seems to me to be a clear fact hardly seems helpful.

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Are you open to the possibility that they are poisoning us and calling it a virus?

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I have read, listened, and watched a lot on the "viruses don't exist". I have done the same the "the Earth is flat". My conclusion? People on both sides make compelling arguments. I can't see a virus, but there are a lot of virologists that say they have electron microscopy photos of them. There are a lot of virologists that say they have sequenced them. There are a lot of virologists that say SARS CoV-2 has HIV sequences, etc. which prove it was man-made. I was around a lot of people, in people's houses, around dead people that supposedly died of the coof, and in and out of hospitals a lot (not sick, for work) since the beginning. I didn't get sick at all until the third boosters rolled out in November 2021. Woke up feeling like a truck ran me over, backed up, ran me over again, for two days. Day 4 I had cold symptoms and couldn't taste or smell anything for about 10 days. I've had diminished smell and taste with colds before, but nothing like this. I agree that Covid is not all it's made out to be, but something with the same symptoms is happening. In short, I'm agnostic on it.

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For what its worth...

I was around some vaxtinated peeps. Then I broke out in a rash. My skin started burning and itching. If you read the Phizer docs, its a self spreading vax. Seriously...

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Amandha Vollmer (naturopath) posits that they are radioactive. So that would explain a lot.

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For almost 2 years I had no Flu like symptoms just a URI with sinus. Tested negative. Then 1 month ago came down with Flu like symptoms took Ivermectin got over it in 1 week and tested positive with the Antigen test even 2 weeks later. I know its not a gold study but there is something out there that makes people sick.

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"There is NO disease uniquely called “Covid.” How do I know this? Because there’s no virus. No SARS-COV-2 virus has ever been identified, that is, isolated through the standard protocol of Koch’s Postulates that are supposed to be (but aren’t) conducted by virologists and researchers the world over (like Berenson) who are in turn, by this kind of distraction, promoting and perpetuating the lie."

Bingo. You won the cupid doll. Very few people have figured that out. The whole thing was a hoax from the beginning.

I think some prominent people are scared to say it, for fear, they will get canceled. But its true. The virus does not exist, and thats a fact jack.....

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Good thought! In this digital war on reality world I can see that being done.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Got both, great read. Dichter means poet but also fabulist in German, for what it’s worth.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I think all of us are targeted by the intentional mind bending propaganda techniques used on humans during this Plandemic. I found Meredith Miller’s presentation compelling and it may be balm to our Split Souls (book by Dr. Franz Ruppert). She spoke on Day 4 of Grand-jury.net/


Psychological trauma coach Meredith Miller speaks from 4:13 to 4:38. She gives an insightful description of the spelling binding/crazy making/brain fog effect of “narcissistic abuse”.

The French doctor following Meredith reviews abuse in the setting of tyranny.

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Yes I got it. In fact several today. Thanks!

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

as of 5:41pm:

Justin Trudeau is Wonderful - 3:19pm

Our Man in Ottawa: Who is Benjamin Dicter - 2:51pm

Clarity: A Post-Mortem On the Planted Actors In... - 2:31pm

Live Press Conference With Trudeau and Freeman... - 11:52am

"Did Someone Tell You The Convoy Was Over?" T... - 11:51am

To Friends Behind A Frontier - 2:03am

The Catastrophe of Canada - 12:15am

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I received 3 emails today. This investigation doesn't go deep enough imo, but grateful for the post. What's with greed overtaking human beings over last few decades? Unbelievable/disgust...

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Looks like Yahoo blocked and held all my emails for about 12 hours starting yesterday (Monday) early morning.... then I started receiving them again, but just now received a dump of all the missing ones from early yesterday.....not sure whats going on as entries in my email trash and my yahoo inbox are moving around right now as I look at the screen....spooky.

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Getting them so far here. New video from Dr. David Martin exposes Trudeau being financially involved in a illegal monopoly: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dr-david-martin-canada-trudeaus-illegal-monopoly-acuitas-crispr-nwo-and-australia/

Keep up the great work Celia!

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

ISP's can throttle via SMTP mail servers. Message received here in Canada.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I got both part 1 and part 2...thank you!

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I think you are a credible source. But that Kay person whose Tweet you included is a Trudeau Loyalist. Just sayin'. Her facts may be true about Tamara Lich, but she's the opposite side to Western separatists (a globalist).

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Olivia, I know that. I cited the fact that she is on the Trudeau side. But still, her info seems important. Thank you. If you read the text, it's in there.

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Thanks. As an outsider, I've been stunned to learn how compromised the "Liberal" (what a misnomer!) Party is w globalist & neoliberal idpols, and how Trudeau's own father was a technocrat (Matthew Ehret).

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Hi Celia! Here's what I received on Monday 21st Feb:

Clarity: A Post-Mortem On The Planted Actors In The Freedom Convoy, Part 1


Our Man In Ottawa: Who Is Benjamin Dichter?

Congrats and Thank you for your hard work! I read and shared Part 2, very interesting interview with Paul Bell.

It would be great to gather a whole combined file on each of these "Convoy leaders". That Tamara LICH seems dodgy as f... too ;) .

Looks to me like they've been paid by the WEF to make the Convoy derail. Trudeau should know, shouldn't he? He's a WEF "Young Global Leader", we could always ask him, see what he says, LOL.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I received your email with the Ottawa post yesterday at 2:52.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I received part one, although I have not had time to read it yet.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Got Both.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Respectfully… it’s well past the time we should have started looking beyond the metrics of Klout as a gauge for factfullness and/ or integrity of what’s presented to us through what media we choose to consume. Since we live in a post modernist media world, where everything is sensationalized and there is no touchstone for objectivity to speak of, It’s best to treat every article as fiction until applied critical thinking reveals otherwise when viewed through a skeptical lens. The issue with klout metrics is f@&kery can easily be applied to both sides of any and every politicized subject to create hype or just to mess with our heads.

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