Morgan is MI5 and Kayne CIA. Why on earth would anyone waste their time listening to this nonsense?

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I keep finding great interest in what Kanye says. I think he's addressing a phenomenon of communication that is imposed on black people and women, actually. We're always supposed to bow down. Display awareness that THEY decide who can think, who can speak, who is sane, who is insane. Kanye flips the script. I find it fascinating. Sorry you don't. I can't please everybody. Pierce what's it is only interested as a foil. Kanye CIA? Where's the evidence?

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Simply put, Kanye is just asking, if Black Lives Matter, then change the systems (act-ualize them) to make it so. Buying your Ecar while at the same time ignoring who mined the lithium to power it means black lives do NOT actually matter. There are thousands of other examples.

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As we say Over Here, I'm an old git, and Piers Morgan is a pain. I don't do Facebook, but I know lots of people who do, so it's going out to them...

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Kanye is controlled opposition and was probably ordered by the cabal to cause a distraction. He's one of them- there are numerous videos of him making all of the standard Illuminati hand signals (666, delta triangle, etc.)

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Calls himself a God follower when at the same time he spouts off about his supposed big dong in another interview with Lex Fridman a few days ago.Lol Controlled Op distraction clown!

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Whether what you say is true or not, they are using this to push an agenda. PayPal just reinstated their $2,500 fine, but this time for “intolerance” whatever that means. We’re sure it won’t count against “intolerance” for white people.

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Thank you Celia.

Piers Morgan is an absolute parasite on humanity

Regarding those moaning about the link being on facebook.

After continually getting banned, I now have an account with fake details.

I never post a thing, so they have no information on me.

I only ever go there for the threads on vaccine injured (when the BBC hasn't shut them down), or information on sporting events I'm signed up for.

That said, the interview is also on YT, which is no better than FB.

Just make sure to use an ad blocker (UBLOCK ORIGIN) to ensure that the odious Piers gets no revenue from us.

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I only exalt kind people who are passionately trying to help us, in the manner of Celia Farber's exquisite quest to discover the truth about the tragic AIDS morass as recently depicted in Gary Null;s documentary.

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Aunt Rose's Kitchen

1 second ago

I was almost ready to give Ke a chance. But wow what a narcissist. Rude, egomaniacal… my respect for Piers as an interviewer has skyrocketed. Not normally a fan but he was good. Could not watch the whole thing because… why?

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Bailed at 20 minutes. Just so sad to watch. Yes, a narcissist. A brilliant narcissist?? I don't know. But this is the Hollywood / Professional Athlete effect: It takes impressionable young people, showers them with fame, adoration and wealth, and they do not have the skills and ability to cope. In one sense it is abuse - taking advantage of young talent. As for Piers, that is one of the few times I have seen him permit his guest to express himself. It seems many interviews are about what Piers thinks. Why invite someone and then yammer on about your own opinions?

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Farcebook is a data harvesting, and social manipulation, and control tool so I don't use it.

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Kanye is a member... he has been activated to distract and sound like a reasonable human. Which... as you all know....

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Thank you for the link

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I can see the video but the comments section says “link broken”

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What a loathsome, immature, narcissistic person. Piers has a lot of self-control.

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I don't like Kanye, but truthfully, Piers is worse.

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Fair enough. I couldn't tell if Piers was sucking up out of genuine admiration or if he was told to do that. K. is his own worst enemy. He had a platform to make it all go away, and he doubled down because he has the social awareness of a two-year-old. Of course Piers is a hack, but I was impressed anyway. I wouldn't be able to talk to that entitled moron for five minutes.

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Babe remember this - https://youtu.be/4LQ1xY2G2GQ

Alison McDowell pointing out how all the Jewish corporations are behind this social engineering- such a clever tactic to always call everything anti-semitism or anti whatever!!!

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Thanks for sharing the video Celia. Much appreciated and God bless you.

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Thank you Celia. I like Ye although I find him hard to understand at times. Maybe my intelligence is just not up to his level because I think he is highly intelligent. Anyway, thanks again for posting.

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Watched it, thanks! You have to admit, everything else aside, “instead of Bernie, you guys got Weekend at Bernie’s” was funny.

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Hey Celia, Wouter here (former FB friend, I am no longer on that platform). I have this place attached to my RSS feed so we're still very much in touch, though I usually refrain from commenting.

Please be aware of Mr. West's past. I urge you to do some research on him and the people he runs with. Also pay attention to the symbols he wears and gesticulates in his works as well as in the capacity as a celebrity in the public's eye.

West is someone you could compare to Mr Musk as well as Mr Brand. Do your research on those two as well. Also, if the research itself isn't convincing to you, simply consider the following: Mr West is a billionaire, obsessed with money, power and attention. He also compares himself to Moses. These are qualities we shouldn't be lauding in people, in my humble view. But besides, I'd suggest to do the research and see for yourself.

As to the message itself? Keep in mind that someone managed to plant the same seed into Hitler's mind. And it wasn't hard because yes, Jews do occupy high places of power. But also consider why? Why would a true ruler expose himself to the public? Why would, if the jew truly ran the world, expose themselves like this? Maybe because they don't? And maybe because they were intentionally placed there? And to have many of those people indoctrinated into Zionist beliefs, make them an even easier and more attractive target of public scrutinty, whenever the time comes 'round to create once more a silly drama to divide and... conquer?

I hope my writing doesn't offend, it comes from a well intended place. Hopefully it could be of use to you. Have a wonderful day Dear Celia!

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