Sumthin' ain't right. I sense trauma here. Patty Hearst said she wuz "fine, too, daddy, now do whut they say." This sounds like a forced "tell the nize peepul yer okay laydee then drink this liquid now, we said NOW Miss Kingston or this cattle prod iz ready fer ya...." Sum'buddy got to 'er.
Let's see what "heppens"-- no more investy-gate'ive journalism 'er gettin' sherrifs ta confyskate the pfffizer vials, no no, just "peace with god" an' only nice stuff an' prayer. I ain't speakin' ill 'bout prayer but this iz either stockholm syndrome 'er higher forms of brain'warshin... not buyin' she is OK. Keep prayers goin' y'all. I do not think she's wuz fakin' or a "deep state op" per georgeDarkWebb but she may yet have ennemies in high places. Like I said, she ain't outta the woods...
Also why'd her kid read a script, did "they" git him too? I'll betcha they did..."
ps per george DarkWebb there "may" be a connection 'tween her and haute british intelligence--there's another gavyn davies possibly the daddy of her son, an' also her "security" guy worked fer killary so mebbe he's...'er... not there fer her "security?" IT ALL STINKS...
I think that's a cry fer help that seemed "safe" fer her ta make--hopin' folks that know scripture would reckon'ize she wuz NOT ok...
I also think the black hat is signalin'--we know "White Hats" are the good guys but the black hat may indicate she's bein' forced ta don a Black Hat (i.e. some Bad Hats are with 'er...).
Hello, I’m wondering if anyone here is also subscribed to Dr. Robert O. Young, a brilliant Dr. with similar capabilities as Ms. Karen Kingston and who’s News Letter stoped about the same time as hers. I still have no News Letters from him and seems to have also gone silent.
Something ain't right, all right. But not in the sense of what you're thinking.
There are SO MANY other people speaking "truth" that is actually much closer to the truth (and not pushing more germ theory fear-porn) who aren't being stalked and abducted by the powers that shouldn't be. So why would the CIA or whatever be going after Karen Kingston- of all people? 🙄 seems like drama & attention-seeking behavior to me.
1. she has a HUGE followin'--many others are not nearly as outspoken AN' as widely interviewed "everywhere" like she is...
2. her impeccable research goes far deeper inta pfffizer's patents an' "what they knew" than many other that "go there" but not nearly as "far"--seems she was MORE over a target then others callin' "foul"...
3. she was the only person demanding the sherrifs confy-skate all the jab-vials--cuz IF they do that--they'll see they've confy-skated bio-weapons (not just nice little "vaccines")... that alone wuz a threat... you know by DOD "mandate" it was illegal for ANYONE to have one'a them vials in yer possession (it's only "yours" when it's injected...)
So that's a few reasons--also the Mal-(one) wasn't out ta git ALL them soothsayers, just a few selected troublemakers.... Piss off the wrong person an'...fill in the blank. Usually those with the biggest mouths an' closest to revealin' something too "compromisin' " are those that end up with a big red target on their backs... jus' sayin'... I think she IS legit...
1) there ARE plenty of other people with a "huge" following, who ARE just as outspoken. You must not be paying attention or diversifying your sources of information, or thinking for yourself.
2) patents are meaningless. I encourage you to look up the requirements for a patent. NOWHERE does it state that you are required to prove a thing does what you say it does. This is well-known, and frankly, it makes the so-called truth community look bad every time people like you suggest "patents" are somehow evidence of anything.
I assume the "patents" youre referring to are the so-called "bioweapons" - and the so-called "viruses" - of which, have NEVER been proven to exist, have NEVER been proven to demonstrate contagion, have NEVER been found inside a human host - only in-silico (in other words, computer simulation - which is what most of "the sCiEnCe™️" consists of these days - utter nonsense), and have NEVER been seen replicating. Research the history of germ theory, terrain theory, and pleomorphism. Far more evidence exists for the latter 2, not to mention the over 200 FOIA's from scientific institutions & governments all over the world stating NO RECORDS FOUND for proof of isolation following the scientific method. There are several rewards for millions of dollars for anyone who CAN prove it - still no takers. READ THE PUBLICATIONS and it becomes so blatantly obvious that none of these things exist in real life. So-called "bioweapons" are just quackzines, which means there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of unless you're a sheep who willingly injects yourself with poison.
3) good God, im having a hard time understanding what you're saying. Why are you writing like that? "Confy-skate" wtf? Idk why im arguing with someone who speaks like a child at this point but again - she is ABSOLUTELY NOT "the only person" doing any of these things you proclaim in your reasons..... and im not sure why having the sheriff CONFISCATE quackzines equates to bioweapon. I fail to see the logic in any of these arguments.
Please, respectively, take a step outside your echo-chamber, and you will notice literally millions of people worldwide have been discussing and researching all of these topics - all of the ones you mentioned are easily debunked. This is the problem with the so-called "truth community" - its turned into ideology & dogma, with people like Ms Kingston pushing the same kind of fear porn as the "other side". It isn't helpful or productive, or accurate for that matter.
Are the quackzines causing harm? Absolutely. Are they a bio-weapon? No, but I guess that depends on your definition of bio-weapon because apparently anything can mean anything in this bizarre alternate universe we're in.
Words are important. Definitions are important. Demonstrable evidence is important. Making wild claims is irrelevant. And so are patents.
Miss Kingston talks 'bout the harm in hydrogels an' graphene--hmmm... howz that all 'bout "viruses???" 'er "germs?"--Easy ta dismiss somebuddy if ya totally mis-state all they say (!) an' claim that everybuddy else is sayin' the same. But--by all means. Guess ya disagree with David Martin too 'bout patents--by all means too cuz everyone's gotta right ta their 2 cents plain an' a right ta dismiss an' "hurl a few" at others. Now when it comes ta me/myself/an' I-- all ya said here'bouts includin' yer false assumpt-shun that "I believe" in germ theory an' viruses etceteree etcetterah ain't so--but think what ya like, imagine whut I think too! if ya like, Sir, Ma'am or otherwayz--I'll politely agree ta disagree, which iz more courtesy 'n "some" folks opt ta do. I read a lot more'n some, less 'n others... spoke my piece--peace out!
Sorry but I cant understand half of what you're saying. Your grammar and spelling is atrocious and equivalent to that of a small child. it's difficult to take you seriously.... at this point,, im inclined to think you're a bot. or a troll.
Great—no room for people who are into unconditionally supporting anyone who educates, informs and stands up for us! Regardless of any flaws, rips or imperfections
You might criticize whatever you want. But have in mind this: she's 1 in 8 billion... the only one who found this:
Karen was the only one, in the whole world that discovered that the DoD contracted Pfizer to inject us with nano-routers emitting Bluetooth (which we discovered being picked by our phones and re-sent to a Human ID website):
Nano “technologies in the COVID-19 injections are classified as ELECTROMAGNETIC DEVICES per Pfizer’s Operation Warp Speed contract and Title 21 US Code 351(a)(2)(B), and the 2017 FDA Guidance on Drugs and Devices.” 1
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration, Office of Combination Products, Office of Special Medical Programs Office of the Commissioner “Classification of Products as Drugs and Devices & Additional Product Classification Issues: Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff” September 2017.
Will soon post more in my substack. In the meantime read this:
I know this sounds crazy, but every fiber of my being says she's sending a message in a manner reminiscent of the Vietnam POW who blinked "TORTURE" in a propaganda film.
She wore a light colored baseball cap in her last video Now she's wearing a LARGE FORMAL BLACK HAT that screams in the loudest cliche possible: VILLAIN.
For what it is worth, body language folks would suggest this is genuine expression of thoughts and feelings, not someone using code.
She is not reading; she is accessing memory. She is expressive with her hands and shoulders and her whole body is moving expansively with her words, suggesting little stress. Her mouth is not tight, but her jaw is. It is clear she is very tired, obviously not sleeping well.
I agree, this seemed very natural. I don't know Karen but I have attended events where she spoke, long before this, and she's just a little quirky. She's very poised on camera but when I saw her in person she looked like someone who marches to the beat of her own drum. She doesn't dress like everyone else - or for the event. I noticed that about her then.
YAY! What a relief. Thanks a mill for letting us know!
I'm telling you, folks, that St. Anthony prayer has NEVER yet failed me for finding lost items and people--not since I first learned it 61 years ago!
Hmm. I think I'll try this version for myself: "Good St. Anthony, come around. My financial fortune's lost and MUST be found." I'll check back in when a bag of money get's dropped in the backyard.
I always thought it was "Dear St Anthony, please look around, something is lost that can't be found." (I offered my Holy Communion for Karen for the past two Sundays. I had a good feeling about this yesterday morning at mass.) We defeat the Enemy only through Jesus Christ, who is Truth incarnate.
Maybe I should not mention this , however , I was looking at Stew Peters site , and I see no mention of Karen there . I may be missing something , however , Karen is very prominent on his shows ( and movie ) , I see no mention of her. Thoughts ?
Well, that may be true, However, Stew presents himself as this tough “Guns, Germs and Steel” kinda guy. He has no choice but to do everything possible to protect Karen, otherwise all of his words will turn into vapor , be meaningless .
On Good Morning America this morning while watching the weather- they had on their bottom ticker “American woman missing in Playa Del Carmen”- just today
She's 1 in 8 billion: Karen was the only one, in the whole world that discovered that the DoD contracted Pfizer to inject us with nano-routers emitting Bluetooth (which we discovered being picked by our phones and re-sent to a Human ID website):
Nano “technologies in the COVID-19 injections are classified as ELECTROMAGNETIC DEVICES per Pfizer’s Operation Warp Speed contract and Title 21 US Code 351(a)(2)(B), and the 2017 FDA Guidance on Drugs and Devices.” 1
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration, Office of Combination Products, Office of Special Medical Programs Office of the Commissioner “Classification of Products as Drugs and Devices & Additional Product Classification Issues: Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff” September 2017.
Will soon post more in my substack. In the meantime read this:
I’m sitting with this—the profuse apology, the cryptic nature of her message, claiming the hat is to cover grey hairs, the scripture she quotes at the bottom that doesn’t imply she is ok. I think she may be saying that she is still being haunted or hunted. The CIA and powerful folks have a million weapons and mk ultra tools they can employ at any moment including tormenting people to make them feel like they are going crazy.
Rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me.
Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name.
Then the righteous will gather about me, because of your goodness to me."
And this is what I see.
Someone who barely manages to open her mouth, who apologizes to noone else than family / friends / supporters, with an unusual hat. I wonder who gave it to her. It's not typically mexican unless she travelled with several suitcases.
Makes me want to go back and see what she's been writing about.
Her story might tie in with the theme of my recent column - the Powers that Be use carrots and STICKS to send a message to those who they consider the greatest threats to their continued rule.
Sumthin' ain't right. I sense trauma here. Patty Hearst said she wuz "fine, too, daddy, now do whut they say." This sounds like a forced "tell the nize peepul yer okay laydee then drink this liquid now, we said NOW Miss Kingston or this cattle prod iz ready fer ya...." Sum'buddy got to 'er.
Let's see what "heppens"-- no more investy-gate'ive journalism 'er gettin' sherrifs ta confyskate the pfffizer vials, no no, just "peace with god" an' only nice stuff an' prayer. I ain't speakin' ill 'bout prayer but this iz either stockholm syndrome 'er higher forms of brain'warshin... not buyin' she is OK. Keep prayers goin' y'all. I do not think she's wuz fakin' or a "deep state op" per georgeDarkWebb but she may yet have ennemies in high places. Like I said, she ain't outta the woods...
Also why'd her kid read a script, did "they" git him too? I'll betcha they did..."
ps per george DarkWebb there "may" be a connection 'tween her and haute british intelligence--there's another gavyn davies possibly the daddy of her son, an' also her "security" guy worked fer killary so mebbe he's...'er... not there fer her "security?" IT ALL STINKS...
agreed, sumthin' ain't right. not even sure what i think of KK, despite the Breggins vouching for. oy vey, such a mess.
She wore a baseball cap last time. She's wearing a BLACK HAT now.
She said she keeps reciting Psalm 141
Psalm 141: 1-4
I call to you, Lord, COME QUICKLY TO ME;
May my prayer be set before you like incense;
may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.
Yet she doesn't end substack article with Psalm 141,
but Psalm 142: 6-7
Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need;
Rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me.
Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name.
Then the righteous will gather about me, because of your goodness to me.
I think that's a cry fer help that seemed "safe" fer her ta make--hopin' folks that know scripture would reckon'ize she wuz NOT ok...
I also think the black hat is signalin'--we know "White Hats" are the good guys but the black hat may indicate she's bein' forced ta don a Black Hat (i.e. some Bad Hats are with 'er...).
All of it-putrid.
Hello, I’m wondering if anyone here is also subscribed to Dr. Robert O. Young, a brilliant Dr. with similar capabilities as Ms. Karen Kingston and who’s News Letter stoped about the same time as hers. I still have no News Letters from him and seems to have also gone silent.
Young is still posting - available on his website. He has been focusing on Maui fires
JJ Couey (Gigaohm) feels that Dr. Young isn't totally "legit"--link here:
I ain't a stem-brain... I think J is "the beans'--legit... fwiw
Something ain't right, all right. But not in the sense of what you're thinking.
There are SO MANY other people speaking "truth" that is actually much closer to the truth (and not pushing more germ theory fear-porn) who aren't being stalked and abducted by the powers that shouldn't be. So why would the CIA or whatever be going after Karen Kingston- of all people? 🙄 seems like drama & attention-seeking behavior to me.
1. she has a HUGE followin'--many others are not nearly as outspoken AN' as widely interviewed "everywhere" like she is...
2. her impeccable research goes far deeper inta pfffizer's patents an' "what they knew" than many other that "go there" but not nearly as "far"--seems she was MORE over a target then others callin' "foul"...
3. she was the only person demanding the sherrifs confy-skate all the jab-vials--cuz IF they do that--they'll see they've confy-skated bio-weapons (not just nice little "vaccines")... that alone wuz a threat... you know by DOD "mandate" it was illegal for ANYONE to have one'a them vials in yer possession (it's only "yours" when it's injected...)
So that's a few reasons--also the Mal-(one) wasn't out ta git ALL them soothsayers, just a few selected troublemakers.... Piss off the wrong person an'...fill in the blank. Usually those with the biggest mouths an' closest to revealin' something too "compromisin' " are those that end up with a big red target on their backs... jus' sayin'... I think she IS legit...
AND....I don't think she's OK / safe... at all.
1) there ARE plenty of other people with a "huge" following, who ARE just as outspoken. You must not be paying attention or diversifying your sources of information, or thinking for yourself.
2) patents are meaningless. I encourage you to look up the requirements for a patent. NOWHERE does it state that you are required to prove a thing does what you say it does. This is well-known, and frankly, it makes the so-called truth community look bad every time people like you suggest "patents" are somehow evidence of anything.
I assume the "patents" youre referring to are the so-called "bioweapons" - and the so-called "viruses" - of which, have NEVER been proven to exist, have NEVER been proven to demonstrate contagion, have NEVER been found inside a human host - only in-silico (in other words, computer simulation - which is what most of "the sCiEnCe™️" consists of these days - utter nonsense), and have NEVER been seen replicating. Research the history of germ theory, terrain theory, and pleomorphism. Far more evidence exists for the latter 2, not to mention the over 200 FOIA's from scientific institutions & governments all over the world stating NO RECORDS FOUND for proof of isolation following the scientific method. There are several rewards for millions of dollars for anyone who CAN prove it - still no takers. READ THE PUBLICATIONS and it becomes so blatantly obvious that none of these things exist in real life. So-called "bioweapons" are just quackzines, which means there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of unless you're a sheep who willingly injects yourself with poison.
3) good God, im having a hard time understanding what you're saying. Why are you writing like that? "Confy-skate" wtf? Idk why im arguing with someone who speaks like a child at this point but again - she is ABSOLUTELY NOT "the only person" doing any of these things you proclaim in your reasons..... and im not sure why having the sheriff CONFISCATE quackzines equates to bioweapon. I fail to see the logic in any of these arguments.
Please, respectively, take a step outside your echo-chamber, and you will notice literally millions of people worldwide have been discussing and researching all of these topics - all of the ones you mentioned are easily debunked. This is the problem with the so-called "truth community" - its turned into ideology & dogma, with people like Ms Kingston pushing the same kind of fear porn as the "other side". It isn't helpful or productive, or accurate for that matter.
Are the quackzines causing harm? Absolutely. Are they a bio-weapon? No, but I guess that depends on your definition of bio-weapon because apparently anything can mean anything in this bizarre alternate universe we're in.
Words are important. Definitions are important. Demonstrable evidence is important. Making wild claims is irrelevant. And so are patents.
Miss Kingston talks 'bout the harm in hydrogels an' graphene--hmmm... howz that all 'bout "viruses???" 'er "germs?"--Easy ta dismiss somebuddy if ya totally mis-state all they say (!) an' claim that everybuddy else is sayin' the same. But--by all means. Guess ya disagree with David Martin too 'bout patents--by all means too cuz everyone's gotta right ta their 2 cents plain an' a right ta dismiss an' "hurl a few" at others. Now when it comes ta me/myself/an' I-- all ya said here'bouts includin' yer false assumpt-shun that "I believe" in germ theory an' viruses etceteree etcetterah ain't so--but think what ya like, imagine whut I think too! if ya like, Sir, Ma'am or otherwayz--I'll politely agree ta disagree, which iz more courtesy 'n "some" folks opt ta do. I read a lot more'n some, less 'n others... spoke my piece--peace out!
Sorry but I cant understand half of what you're saying. Your grammar and spelling is atrocious and equivalent to that of a small child. it's difficult to take you seriously.... at this point,, im inclined to think you're a bot. or a troll.
I unsubscribed. I am not interested to support a drama queen who is exhibiting narcissistic tendencies.
You’ve never been gangstalked , I see. Bye .
I have been. It's designed to make you commit suicide.
I know & been through some myself. I was addressing yela.
Have you heard of a company called: Metaphysic? Also, two days ago Jordon Peterson just put out a big warning YT vid.
Relates to:
Karen 'returned'
Karen resigned.
Seeking your input.
Thank you.
Great—no room for people who are into unconditionally supporting anyone who educates, informs and stands up for us! Regardless of any flaws, rips or imperfections
You might criticize whatever you want. But have in mind this: she's 1 in 8 billion... the only one who found this:
Karen was the only one, in the whole world that discovered that the DoD contracted Pfizer to inject us with nano-routers emitting Bluetooth (which we discovered being picked by our phones and re-sent to a Human ID website):
Nano “technologies in the COVID-19 injections are classified as ELECTROMAGNETIC DEVICES per Pfizer’s Operation Warp Speed contract and Title 21 US Code 351(a)(2)(B), and the 2017 FDA Guidance on Drugs and Devices.” 1
21 U.S. Code § 351a2B - Adulterated drugs and devices, Chapter 9, Subchapter V, Part A,the%20manufacturing%20of%20drugs%2C%20and
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration, Office of Combination Products, Office of Special Medical Programs Office of the Commissioner “Classification of Products as Drugs and Devices & Additional Product Classification Issues: Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff” September 2017.
Will soon post more in my substack. In the meantime read this:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
The following story came out when Karen Kingston went silent.
Interesting info about "voice to skull" technologies that can be used against "targeted individuals" (first-hand knowledge):
"(Karen Kingston, Brian Ardis, et al.) A Message to All Whistleblowers Who Are Being Targeted for Telling the Truth"
I know this sounds crazy, but every fiber of my being says she's sending a message in a manner reminiscent of the Vietnam POW who blinked "TORTURE" in a propaganda film.
She wore a light colored baseball cap in her last video Now she's wearing a LARGE FORMAL BLACK HAT that screams in the loudest cliche possible: VILLAIN.
She said she keeps reciting Psalm 141
Psalm 141: 1-4
I call to you, Lord, COME QUICKLY TO ME;
May my prayer be set before you like incense;
may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.
And yet, she doesn't end substack article with Psalm 141,
but Psalm 142: 6-7
SET ME FREE FROM MY PRISON, that I may praise your name.
Then the righteous will gather about me, because of your goodness to me.
She's in trouble.
I didn't think of that. except I always react badly to almost all hats and caps, definitely baseball caps, not sure if it's worse on men or women.
For what it is worth, body language folks would suggest this is genuine expression of thoughts and feelings, not someone using code.
She is not reading; she is accessing memory. She is expressive with her hands and shoulders and her whole body is moving expansively with her words, suggesting little stress. Her mouth is not tight, but her jaw is. It is clear she is very tired, obviously not sleeping well.
I agree, this seemed very natural. I don't know Karen but I have attended events where she spoke, long before this, and she's just a little quirky. She's very poised on camera but when I saw her in person she looked like someone who marches to the beat of her own drum. She doesn't dress like everyone else - or for the event. I noticed that about her then.
So much drama and so little explanation
YAY! What a relief. Thanks a mill for letting us know!
I'm telling you, folks, that St. Anthony prayer has NEVER yet failed me for finding lost items and people--not since I first learned it 61 years ago!
Hmm. I think I'll try this version for myself: "Good St. Anthony, come around. My financial fortune's lost and MUST be found." I'll check back in when a bag of money get's dropped in the backyard.
I agree.
I always thought it was "Dear St Anthony, please look around, something is lost that can't be found." (I offered my Holy Communion for Karen for the past two Sundays. I had a good feeling about this yesterday morning at mass.) We defeat the Enemy only through Jesus Christ, who is Truth incarnate.
I'm just reciting it the way I learned it at Our Lady of Mount Virgin School in the early 1960s in Garfield, New Jersey.
Maybe I should not mention this , however , I was looking at Stew Peters site , and I see no mention of Karen there . I may be missing something , however , Karen is very prominent on his shows ( and movie ) , I see no mention of her. Thoughts ?
I heard him speak of it a few days ago. No idea.
Ok thank you Celia. I would hope Stew would be involved in her safety and well being, on some level
Nobody cares about the safety or survival of so called whistleblowers. I don't mean to be cynical, but it's not a thing.
Well, that may be true, However, Stew presents himself as this tough “Guns, Germs and Steel” kinda guy. He has no choice but to do everything possible to protect Karen, otherwise all of his words will turn into vapor , be meaningless .
On Good Morning America this morning while watching the weather- they had on their bottom ticker “American woman missing in Playa Del Carmen”- just today
Thank God. Jesus, hide her in Your Wounds.
She's 1 in 8 billion: Karen was the only one, in the whole world that discovered that the DoD contracted Pfizer to inject us with nano-routers emitting Bluetooth (which we discovered being picked by our phones and re-sent to a Human ID website):
Nano “technologies in the COVID-19 injections are classified as ELECTROMAGNETIC DEVICES per Pfizer’s Operation Warp Speed contract and Title 21 US Code 351(a)(2)(B), and the 2017 FDA Guidance on Drugs and Devices.” 1
21 U.S. Code § 351a2B - Adulterated drugs and devices, Chapter 9, Subchapter V, Part A,the%20manufacturing%20of%20drugs%2C%20and
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration, Office of Combination Products, Office of Special Medical Programs Office of the Commissioner “Classification of Products as Drugs and Devices & Additional Product Classification Issues: Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff” September 2017.
Will soon post more in my substack. In the meantime read this:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Where is Karen Kingston?
I’m sitting with this—the profuse apology, the cryptic nature of her message, claiming the hat is to cover grey hairs, the scripture she quotes at the bottom that doesn’t imply she is ok. I think she may be saying that she is still being haunted or hunted. The CIA and powerful folks have a million weapons and mk ultra tools they can employ at any moment including tormenting people to make them feel like they are going crazy.
I agree... somethings doesn't seem right.
Maybe he is helping her behind the scenes , however , if he is not , “no response, is a response “ I think Stew should speak on it .
I guess this is some kind of inside story. Who is this and why do we care
This is what I hear:.
"Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need;
Rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me.
Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name.
Then the righteous will gather about me, because of your goodness to me."
And this is what I see.
Someone who barely manages to open her mouth, who apologizes to noone else than family / friends / supporters, with an unusual hat. I wonder who gave it to her. It's not typically mexican unless she travelled with several suitcases.
All seems code to me
Karen is hugely hugely smart
I pray for her
Thank GOD you are safe and sound!! You are an angel of truth for humanity and we need you!!! Thank you Holy Mother Holy Father!!!
Gratitude prayers she’s safe
Makes me want to go back and see what she's been writing about.
Her story might tie in with the theme of my recent column - the Powers that Be use carrots and STICKS to send a message to those who they consider the greatest threats to their continued rule.
Bait and Switch(craft) is what is At play here...
Thanks for the link, I missed that one.
See Karen Kingston dot net for her work.