Learn The Basics Of Home Remedies: A Barbara O'Neill Classic Video
In An Age Of Weaponized Hospitals: And even before 2020, Most of The Time You Don't Need To Go
Onion, Potato, Cayenne, Castor Oil, Garlic, and more. I promise you, this video is soul-restoring as well as informative.
If we could just learn to trust the body, and give it time.
”Potato is a drawer.”
May I recommend this wonderful blog by homeopath Joette Calabrese:
She posts homeopathic remedies for pretty much every condition. It's invaluable. Over the years I have learnt enough never to have to trouble the doctor.
In all cases, the body heals itself or it doesn't heal at all. All we can do is help to guide it by giving it the tools it needs to heal.
The body has two systems in constant opposition and flux to each other. Your blood needs to clot but it also needs to flow unimpeded. You need to get excited when a lion is chasing you and you need to calm down when you get away. Your muscles need periods of rest and periods of exertion. Breathe in, breathe out. Call it ying and yang, sympathetic/ parasympathetic, whatever, it doesn't matter. The point is both opposing systems need to be fully operational and in equilibrium.
Modern medicine sees one side hobbled and reaches equilibrium by hobbling the other side! "You're too anxious? Here, take this pill that shuts down your ability to get excited." Heartburn? Take this pill that shuts down your ability to make stomach acid. It's not the way to health.