Did you know over the weekend our U.S. Congress delegated another 17 Billion U.S. TAXPAYERS Dollars to Ukraine & Israel ? Yes they did and right in our faces!

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If Biden and Harris were songwriters they would do an Orwellian projection on those in the flyover regions, a song that might depict something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=953PkxFNiko&t=2s

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I didn't know any of this.

I'm so sorry for all you guys!

Celia, I also feel horrified at those faceless cartoons everywhere. Even "private" companies use them. It's one of those things that trigger me badly. And intense lights, some parfums, etc.

People don't understand PTSD until it happens to them.

Sometimes, when I'm too low, I take a little of DMAE, which is sold as a supplement on the internet. It's kind of exciting, milder than caffeine, but it reaches certains parts that caffein does not touch.

Years ago, I ordered aniracetam from Andorra. They don't sell that drug in Spain, I don't know why, maybe because it's safer and more effective than all SSRI's. I took it for a couple of months, and I was feeling better. Then they shut down the operation and can't be bouught without prescrption.

I think your emotions are normal and justified. Don't be ashamed or anything. And everyone who knows the freeze response understands you quite well.

I would recommend well cured cheese, Manchego variety. They say the aminoacid in aged cheese is a nootropic. Try cheese with grapes and bread. Everyone loves that. Also, allow me to recommend a good vintage Tempranillo wine. If you choose to try wine, go for a good red Somontano, that's the real stuff. Trust me on that.

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Roger I am open to all this more than ever. I keep thinking I will figure out GABA and whatever we are supposed to pair it with…Years ago I took some nootropics. One of them woke up my brain I think it was phenylanaline. Is that in cheese? So cured cheese is good? Hooray. I eat cheese with figs here and that to me is heaven. I can't not eat fresh figs in Granada in September. I walk like an addict to the market to get them even if I don't need anything else. They are perfect with any kind of cheese. Bread….do I dare? Maybe it if really IS the end? (Not funny?)

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Avoid supermarket bread if you want to try.

Go seek a small bakery, they may still be doing the real version of bread, properly baked.

I forgot to mention, the DMAE supplement does enhance (for about 20 minutes in my case) the processing of language, in both directions.

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DMAE.. What is that? Where to get it?? Thanks so much.

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Hi Celia: Tremendous tragedy strikes the eastern heartland and yet, the longshoremen strike. My tiny wife is shopping at this moment as all Alaska shipping essentially comes by boat from locked down Seattle port and thus there is a run on essentials and everything you might not think rational🫣 I am curious to watch this heartless selfish union action play out. There are many Men who understand the union gambit of these longshoremen. We are quite capable of both replacing them and quelling their violence when they lose.

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I have a niece and her husband who moved to Alaska. I will call my brother to see if he has any news. Thanks for the info!

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She is carnivore now. Best way to eat.

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Now, now, it's impossible to go to Granada and not eat granadas (pomegranate) and grapes and melons and strawberries and bananas and pineapples and cherimoyas and all varieties of peaches and plums and their hybrids.

Cheese is the one true anti-Soviet food.

Because cheese requires food for cows, industria, patience, faith, hope, love, and good overall administration of resources, none of which existed in Communist countries.

Good quality bread will reconcile the angriest hermit with the abstract concept of humanity. But good quality bread is hard to find these days, at least in cities.

Granted, all that sugar may send a sensitive person to the ER. But at least is natural. And fruit has flavonoids and vitamin c and other stuff to protect humans from sugar.

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Cheese requires farmers who own cows. And someone who owns a cow is a capitalist not a peasant. Stalin had these types shot. Thus, no cheese in Communist paradises.

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I am sad that parmesan cheese is made with milk from battery cows.

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What about the Italian Parmesan?

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It's a requirement for Parmigiano-Reggiano that the cows' diet is strictly regulated.

That's the excuse anyway for the cows not being in the fresh air on pasture.

Drive around Italy; tell me how many cows you see.

Don't ask me about Parma ham. The pigs don't get any daylight.

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Didn’t work for me. Lots of nutritional deficiencies, thinner bones and a trashed thyroid p,us wrecked my metabolism. Getting the fuel your body and brain uses preferentially as fuel (body does not use fats the way you think it does)requires the stress energy pathway to supply an energy using cortisol and adrenaline—a deficient way to run your body. This stress pathway requires taking from your tissues, bones and organs. Eventually it fails you. . I think you’ll find that this theory is starting to fall apart. You will do great for a long time until it cracks. Even famous carnivores are adding fruit. These gurus are not telling you everything. I’m a year healing myself from low carb, keto and carnivore. My metabolism tanked. Not done yet. Good luck.

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Janet I kind of agree and will address this. I'm "dirty carnivore" now.

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I learned some lessons. I eat easy to digest carbs now. Simple and much less fat. Fruit has been wonderful!!!! Keep up the good work but pace yourself. We don’t need you sick and unhappy. I have linked your 2 last posts in other substacks. ❤️💕

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Thank you Janet!

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That faceless art is called Cal-tech and I haven’t met a single person that likes it. They’re everywhere.

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This is so disgusting. Probably used Haarp to do the most damage to Red States.

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There's no probably about it.

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RemovedSep 30
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Don't know what they are but I'm sure the Pentagon does.

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Dear Ceila, Thank you for this report. It has been really difficult to obtain information about the inland hurricane damage except for short...horrifying!....videos on X and on Instagram and TikTok. But the data has been fragmented. This morning Coffee and Covid Stack had more info than I had seen anywhere to date, and one uplifting piece of news was that Florida Governor DeSantis has been organizing relief for "sister states" in crisis from this storm damage. A piece of good news....


We are in the Finger Lakes region of New York State, and are fine here. Love, Ginger Breggin

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Words fail me. Just one observation from that 0:46 second Biden clip.

Joe Biden, when asked about the "hurricane's" path of destruction.

"It's stunning."

From Webster's:

stun·ning /ˈstəniNG/ adjective

extremely impressive or attractive.

A rather strange (or perhaps not, for perhaps that is really the way he feels) choice of a word to describe such a terrible situation.

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Regarding faceless, handless cartoon images:

I noticed recently that in the past two or three years I have developed an aversion to viewing ANY cartoon imagery. I am at the point where I will skip past any cartoon images that are offered as quick as possible. I paused for the ones you shared because of your warning. I think this aversion on my part is due to an increasing realization that highly indoctrinated people have been trained to overdevelop the half of the brain that can imagine things, and to not develop, at all, the other half of the brain that can do analysis, math and dot connecting.

I realize now that this brain patterning via indoctrination has a great fondness for using cartoon imagery. I now view folks who exhibit symptoms of not being able to engage in rational conversation as people who are literally brain damaged. The synapses that are required to do actual thinking were discouraged from developing and allowed to rot in a conscious and purposeful way by indoctrinating "educators".

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David: YES.

Thank you.

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I am noticing a very disturbing attribute in younger people that I (and my husband) work with: obsession with Disney. These people are in their late 20s and early 30s and all they want to watch is Disney animated movies. Many do be or care to read at all. They vacation at the Disney parks and post elated pictures in costumes there. It is truly and deeply disturbing. Arrested development

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I have noticed this too. Disturbing.

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Wow, you nailed it.

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Very wide spectrum is autism.👍🇦🇺

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*do not care to read

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The other half of their diabolical electorate modification plan? (the elimination of conservative independent and republican votes, to complement the introduction of replacement illegal immigrant democrat votes)

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People on the ground are much more resilient than the government thinks. Something like this brings them TOGETHER, not further apart. Sending prayers to all affected, and I do have family there as well.

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The psychopaths that think they own us ,have very limited creativity as they have no soul

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Also, I agree about the cartoon people, faceless NPCs, They Live.

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Yeah, and Helen can't even be the October Surprise, it was still September.

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The East coast will be starved with a Long Shoreman strike on October 1 , may last 3 months . The stores only have 3 days of supply

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It doesn't seem real but it is.

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Good thing a lot of food comes from US... but the roads in the SE are going to make things dicey. Still... when we put our minds to it, it's amazing how fast things get done... hand to hand, helping each other. Lots of prayers going that way.

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Except much of our farmlands have been scorched or drowned!

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Celia, you are like a port in a storm. Just wish that we can all gather in an actual room. Glad Ralph is okay, he is such a sweet man. The tweet from Financial Physics shows how money should be written and communicated. We are looking at sums that most of us can't even read. It is all incomprehensible. The storm is also personal and emblematic of the assault and fraud perpetrated on the American public every day. We are definitely in an abusive relationship with our prison guards.

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William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll.

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

Celia, much love for your intrepid caring, cp

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Superb write-up, Celia. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

I know someone who is a first responder in Ashville. This is what he texted us:

"its dystopian…people fighting, long lines for food, gas, atm machines, mountain mudslides closing roads. Police gave all our bucket trucks an escort to get to ashville."

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I am trying to get information about some old friends who moved to Asheville years ago and I lost contact with. I did get a message from a mutual friend who went there to celebrate her birthday. They have no power. It was a brief message, but at least it seems everyone is still alive.

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Not really. My first responder friend said that his crew was called to clear a mountain road for body recoveries.

"They found 9 yesterday and are still missing 14 cuz they couldn’t get in so they had us go in and cut down wire and clear poles out of the road. What was left of it.

But they briefed us beforehand and they were like be prepared to see dead bodies at any distance"

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Author

Cat this is all so unbelievable. It feels to me like nobody as warned and nothing was done to help anybody get to safety before, never mind after.

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Days before, Duke energy was sending emails and texts telling people there would be extreme flooding and to prepare. It had been raining a lot the days before and water was already building. It floods in Asheville on a good day, so I don’t think it was enough to get a real urgent message across.

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As if we needed more confirmation that the lunatic luciferian fascist puppets of the new world order want us Dead...

I have been warning folks in my comments and in my posts on"This is God's World ' by Frederick Burton about some of their nefarious actions, their wickedness against all HUMANS including ( actually.especially) little children.!!! The demons who control these less than humans (like Biden and Harris and Trump and Soros and Obama, Hillary, the Bush Crime Family, Bill and Melinda, Elon,.Bezos, the Fake British Royal Family, PLEASE SEE ZEPHANIAH.EU WEBSITE for much more and much better exposition of the NWO by an actual expert and God-fearing man, my brother in Christ Jeremy James!!)

I will continue writing, God Willingl, but this substack is a wind tunnel, Biblical Truth gets lost in the left/right paradigms they feed the populace, and they do it because it works.

..The LORD Shall ROAR On HIGH, He really IS COMING,.and He nor His FATHER will be mocked!. Now is the acceptable time to be saved, bend the knee in Faith to Jesus Christ and enter the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. It is that simple, yet so few will place their belief, hope, fear and love in Him.


Frederick Burton

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"But we have not lost hope."

Hope is waiting for things to happen. Courage is doing it.

Too many people still think they can vote their way out of this.

As if a people targeted for destruction can save themselves by voting.

Orwell once wrote about "the power of facing unpleasant facts."

And it is a power. A power one would do well to acquire as soon as possible.

Because the unpleasant fact is that there is nothing to hope for, only something to fight for.

And for that one needs courage, not hope.

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"Let Them Eat Mud" — Biden and Harris Don't Even Feign Concern For Parts Of Southeast Where Entire Towns Have Vanished Off The Map Since "Helene."

Brilliant, Celia Farber -- HEADLINE OF THE YEAR!!


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Cat, I am so pleased over this because of your exacting and creative ways with words and because I am "obsessed" with headlines and want to get to a point where I can even teach it. I want to teach a seminar sort of thing on the alchemy of words. I get so mad at Covid heroes who have so much money and write abysmal headlines. I want to be hired for this kind of thing. But who even cares? (About headlines.) So thank you for caring and noticing!

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Oh, Celia, beyond your headlines, your articles are always filled with a wondrous "alchemy of words." In this post I had to re-read choice paragraphs in your Shellshocked section that, in spite of the crushing subject matter, left me elevated by your sheer ability to totally nail it!

It's like you dole out these microdose immersions in advanced creative communications -- your enticing headlines being merely the semiotic hook of the depth to come. Keep up your great work. Your thoughts and the way you deliver them provide our community a much-needed mooring.

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Cat, thank you for these words, themselves alchemical, changing me in the direction I want to go, not of confidence, but more a determination to keep doing this, and try to map what it is we all feel is the "alchemy of words."

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The Matt Wallace post included is less hyperbole and more truth, although only believable by those willing to let go of the myth of government as caring replacement parents. Relentlessly promoted to infuse and take over individual mind and soul, ultimately allowing tragic cognisant dissonance refusing seen reality. Refusing reality appears linked to arrested development - America as a young country has not matured, instead allowed its great potential to become fouled by arrogance and presumed invincibility just as a teenager is susceptible to do.

The image of a blindfolded Lady Liberty comes to mind. More poignant is to see the torch broken, its shining flame lying on the ground shattered. Symbolic of America today - broken, shattered and worst of all denied its state of dysfunction by "salt of the earth Americans" complicit in America's death by denial, stubbornly locked into an earlier version of American values RFK Jr. is reminding us of - Ironic how MSM demonises him. This alone tells us what is happening in America, its soul has been plundered.

Revealing this is a battle of evil vs good - a concept itself vilified as ignorant superstition by an historical war against innate natural wisdom, propagated by institutional education, a drive initiated by an early American master of deception, Rockefeller. We are witnesses of the culmination of this long battle to capture the heart and soul of America by capturing the individual.

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