Let There Be Light: Sunlight, Energy, Melanin And The Next Frontier Of SIMPLE Healing
Dr. Kelsey Dexter Healed Illness Just By Sitting In The Sun
I like this podcast. It’s very frontline, knowledgable, yet open minded and non dogmatic..
I’ve always kind of disliked people who don’t love the sun. My mother, being Swedish, was a sun worshipper. Never put sunscreen on us, even in Florida, which once ended with major blistering on our upper arms. and a run to the hospital. Oh well.
Dr. Dexter agrees with Jack Kruse that light environment trumps diet to move the needle on chronic illness.
Here’s a short Jack Kruse clip, about the sun.
I am suspect of sunscreens as they are full of chemicals… toxic carcinogens? I don’t know but I no longer use them even though I am fair skinned and have suffered a few blistering sun burns in my life. I no longer wear sunglasses as I read they disrupt the bodies protective response to sun. I have not had a burn since giving up my Ray-bans. I rely on white cotton T shirts, straw hats, hydration and no sunglasses. Sensible exposure time limits are also something I practice. This has resulted in my being burn free for many years in South Carolina and Florida.
Thank you for the gift of your recent post REVERIE. It released a torrent of thoughts and emotions I’ve been struggling with. I will be toasting along with you in spirit tonight. Sending you great love and deep appreciation.
About the sun and healing, Christ talked about the "Four Angels of Healing" as was written in "The Essene Gospel of Peace" (two ancient papyrus documents proven from the 1st C.E AD, still in existence - one found in 1923 in "The Secret Archives of the Vatican" (Hidden for 1700 years!?!). The 2nd was amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls (1947).
The Four Angels of Healing are: "Exposure to sunlight; Exposure to air (esp w trees); Immersion in (natural) water; Contact with our Earth Mother (grounding/earthing)."
Here's the readers free online copy - URL below. Read it and you may weep - from the simple beauty of Christ's words written by first person eye-witnesses in his Essene community. NOTE the historian Josephus wrote of Christ and the Essenes saying "The Essenes are long lived and nearly devoid of illness." Well over 100 years and "nearly devoid of illness."
Worship the sun and the words of wisdom of the Son of God. The Essene Gospel of Peace...
PS Note there is an account in the modern book "The Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) Deception" by the two authors. Where one of the DSS experts wrote to another saying (since his work was finishing) "I am considering taking a position with the Church." The other DSS expert still involved in his study and examinations of the DSS wrote back "I wouldn't worry about taking that theological position, if I were you. When I am finished the church will cease to exist." This was 1956. What did he know - the authors didn't say.
I say that when the 1.2 Billion Catholics learn widespread that the Vatican kept the 1st person words of Christ hidden for 1700 AND they had their copy since the 3rd C.E. AD (Council of Nicean), BUT REJECTED IT FROM INCLUSION FROM THE BIBLE, they will be angry and won't be going to Catholic Priest to confess a sin of anger. I could understand why this DSS expert would make that assessment. Especially since Christ's words were about health and the practitioners then "were nearly devoid of illness."
If Josephus knew and wrote that the Essenes had little illness, then everyone likely knew. How does a government control long lived people who are almost never ill. Right Dr. Fauci? Birx? ....
Is this why there are so many sunscreen products and fear-mongering of sunburn and skin cancer.