I am suspect of sunscreens as they are full of chemicals… toxic carcinogens? I don’t know but I no longer use them even though I am fair skinned and have suffered a few blistering sun burns in my life. I no longer wear sunglasses as I read they disrupt the bodies protective response to sun. I have not had a burn since giving up my Ray-bans. I rely on white cotton T shirts, straw hats, hydration and no sunglasses. Sensible exposure time limits are also something I practice. This has resulted in my being burn free for many years in South Carolina and Florida.

Thank you for the gift of your recent post REVERIE. It released a torrent of thoughts and emotions I’ve been struggling with. I will be toasting along with you in spirit tonight. Sending you great love and deep appreciation.

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Oh yeah, I would never use a sunscreen. Linen is also a lovely fabric for summer,

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Are you familiar with Earthing aka Grounding?

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Rick, read the post after yours by Older and Wiser about grounding/earthing

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Yes. I am a gardener!

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Fully agree!

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Are you familiar with Grounding aka Earthing??

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About the sun and healing, Christ talked about the "Four Angels of Healing" as was written in "The Essene Gospel of Peace" (two ancient papyrus documents proven from the 1st C.E AD, still in existence - one found in 1923 in "The Secret Archives of the Vatican" (Hidden for 1700 years!?!). The 2nd was amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls (1947).

The Four Angels of Healing are: "Exposure to sunlight; Exposure to air (esp w trees); Immersion in (natural) water; Contact with our Earth Mother (grounding/earthing)."

Here's the readers free online copy - URL below. Read it and you may weep - from the simple beauty of Christ's words written by first person eye-witnesses in his Essene community. NOTE the historian Josephus wrote of Christ and the Essenes saying "The Essenes are long lived and nearly devoid of illness." Well over 100 years and "nearly devoid of illness."

Worship the sun and the words of wisdom of the Son of God. The Essene Gospel of Peace...


PS Note there is an account in the modern book "The Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) Deception" by the two authors. Where one of the DSS experts wrote to another saying (since his work was finishing) "I am considering taking a position with the Church." The other DSS expert still involved in his study and examinations of the DSS wrote back "I wouldn't worry about taking that theological position, if I were you. When I am finished the church will cease to exist." This was 1956. What did he know - the authors didn't say.

I say that when the 1.2 Billion Catholics learn widespread that the Vatican kept the 1st person words of Christ hidden for 1700 AND they had their copy since the 3rd C.E. AD (Council of Nicean), BUT REJECTED IT FROM INCLUSION FROM THE BIBLE, they will be angry and won't be going to Catholic Priest to confess a sin of anger. I could understand why this DSS expert would make that assessment. Especially since Christ's words were about health and the practitioners then "were nearly devoid of illness."

If Josephus knew and wrote that the Essenes had little illness, then everyone likely knew. How does a government control long lived people who are almost never ill. Right Dr. Fauci? Birx? ....

Is this why there are so many sunscreen products and fear-mongering of sunburn and skin cancer.

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Blessings to you for these thoughts and information, that echo my (ancient Essene) beliefs totally.

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The "Holy" Roman Catholic Church has done some tremendous things but it's also substantially a continuation of the Roman Empire. It's fascinating that Edgar Cayce knew all about the Essenses before the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, and foresaw the rise of Atlantis in 1969 which was when the Bimini Wall was discovered because it had risen high enough to be seen just below the water's surface. Rudolf Steiner's information, also like Cayce's from the Akashic Record, about Jesus, and the Essenes is quite remarkable. I'm Catholic by birth, and I wonder what Catholics will think when they realize reincarnation is a reality, and that we ourselves create our own hell through our actions. It's called meeting yourself or karma.

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Dennis, thanks SO VERY VERY MUCH for so much wisdom/information in a paragraph. I read about Cayce long ago but very little about Steiner. I too grew up Catholic (12 years of tops-in-the-area schooling but sadly I knew of pedophilia before I ever heard the word. I wasn't a victim but there was talk... Here are two "great revelations" about the Church. Leo Zagami is what I call a "Vatican Watcher/reporter" with 9 or more books with the main title "Confessions of an Illuminati". He grew up in Italy. I have read 5 or 6 of them. ON camera years ago (2019?) he told Alex Jones this: "The Vatican is at the center of child trafficking worldwide." WOW. Then around the same time, the former Nuncio (Rep to the USA) to the Vatican TWICE , Carlo Maria Vigano, wrote twice to POTUS DJT. I read those two letters. They were posted in a "convenient" place on the internet that I trusted 100%. He wrote this: "There is a great evil in the Church." Go to youtube and find actor Mel Gibson's recent brief videos. He agrees with Vigano!!

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A woman using the name Svali who was of some minor German royal descent exposed a child sacrifice that she, at the age of 14, was forced to watch underground at Vatican City. The investigative reporter who recorded her account had doubts about it until he encountered a woman named Maria who recounted she had been forced to witness a child sacrifice at Vatican City, and described the underground sacrificial room, and alter exactly as did Svali. Svali outlined in great detail the role of our CIA in vast mind control, child sacrifice, and other evil. I'm familiar with the people you mentioned, and I have listened to some of their interviews but have not read any of their works.

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What is the leaven of Herod in Mark 8 vs 15 ?

Specifically how it differs from the "yeast of the Pharisees" ?

Bonhoeffer reduces Christology to Essene or Arminian issues ,in his most profound little book on same .

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THanks VERY MUCH - powerful warning by Jesus. Will pursue this information. What is interesting is Christ was asked "Which Law should we follow, that of MOses and the Scriptures or that of which you preach?" In his answer He included "Those are dead words of dead men..... learn the laws of life by living life." [NO EXPERTS ALLOWED - as He warned of the Pharisees and Herod (no mention of Dr. Fauci :)

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When the first light comes back in February in northern Sweden, it always feels to me like a friend there outside the window....a good friend.

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And let this be a reminder that if you ignore and don't use the US deathcare system, but go to naturopaths or learn from them free on YouTube and elsewhere, and put these things into practice, which is all within anyone's ability (as long as you can function on your own), you'll be much better off. What we need is for Bobby to get rid of forced fines for NOT choosing to participate in the deathcare system. That's unconstitutional.

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I've never been fined for not having healthcare insurance or for only rarely using our health care system. I had an ER visit twice last year, claimed that I was self pay, and was charged around a total of $1,300 which I paid. It was then refunded. It was not for something an alternative healer could treat. I worked for GlaxoSmithKline, and a legacy company of Pfizer so I know how corrupt our system is but there are elements of it that are also outstanding too.

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Do you live in the US?

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What sun? Either it's always cloudy in the North during winter or the murder pilots are blocking the sun with deadly chemicals.

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I am Italian and spent all my summers as a kid in the sun ! In the 70s we were all using olive oil and lemon .. nobody ever got cancer or hot burnt… as soon as the sunscreen fashion was thrown at us with massive advertising campaigns kids started having all kind of skin rush .. I insisted with noting and to date at 57 I have never got burnt!

I am absolutely sure that skin cancer is caused by the chemicals in the suntan lotions

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When I was undergoing cancer radiation treatment and recovery 30 years ago, I felt the most effective treatment was sitting in the sun. I keep every shade or curtain in the house as open as much as I can when I can sneak it past the wife. She sits in the dark all the time despite my admonishment. She says growing up near a beach in Florida she already had her lifetime of sun. I think she gave too much credence to her doctors and women’s magazines.

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I live in a place that is very cloudy/ overcast/ rainy in the winter months. The former residents here ( Indians) called it ‘the valley of sickness’. It is the most depressing place to live of anywhere I have lived in my 70+ years. I crave the sun! It is very healthy and I am glad we are finding out more and more of the sun’s healing rays! ( after years of believing the lies of sunscreen 🤦‍♀️) thank you for having the latest cutting edge articles for us!

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Sounds like Missoula.

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Northern Alabama

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Sunscreen is Bad for you..just be sensible about your sun exposure. Dermatologists have been lying to you so as to make $$$

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Had no idea that an Arkensaw accent could be so helluva informative .

Last 8 years , (personally) went mad on 2nd hand 150W-250W old phillips E27 IR lamps (4.5 dollars each) , after setting up a bungee (Bellicom) medical trampoline . Cloned it by removing springs on other mini trampolines and putting sailing trapeze elastic , in imitation .Surrounded by IR x10-15 lamps ,background LEDs are are good . Aroma therapy change of atmosphere being ,per room - lots of siberian ginseng

My favorite is brain hack green (very) bright LED strips around the mini trampoline - as green activates mitrochondia - simultaneously,synchronised with 15 red IR blasting foundationally to 'gracefully 'getting older- when living over, or in a swamp

As one does .

Admittedly after being kicked in the back so often (on the tandem ,not from team mate(s) ,just violent passers by ) that it became my definition of highest expression of dutch culture ,for decades .

It's ' why Johnny van Doorn is mildly accurate ,for anywhere in europe .

So any 'year of vengence of our Lord' needs trained warriors - ie deaf to Fauci ,stupidity ,mediocricy ...

But to negate Rockerfellers Gates ,and the detritus of truth and beauty OUTSIDE of relationship takes a huge set of stratergies .

IE light photo bio modulation .

And good old fashioned informed stubborness . (in the face of pain)

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I love your cloning of Bellicon! I miss mine every day. I had the biggest size and it was impossible for me to take along to where I live now. I just ordered a bungee mini trampoline which should arrive in three week. Hopefully it will do the job just as good. The light idea is great too. I've been into light therapy for at least 25 years. Had many such gadgets over the years. I don't think anything can really heal as well as light.

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Sharie Fox. I have had one of the smaller Bellicon's for 3 years now. Do it every AM and PM. I learned of its benefits at a health retreat in Alabama where the principle speaker, for 10 days, was the nurse/naturopath Ms Barbara O'Neil (see her youtubes)

Having said that, THE most important health wisdom of my entire 73 years was found in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-R-eqJDQ2nU I NEVER EAT AFTER 4PM - it causes terrible inflammation ALL NIGHT almost no matter what you eat. I also NEVER eat meat within 6 hours of sunset - takes 6 hours to digest and causes excess circulating glucose which IS the cause of that inflammation ALL THRU THE NIGHT. This one thing, I have proven on myself (PhD statistician) trumps everything else. Rebounding will not cure inflammation if one keeps eating too late. Dr. Satchin Panda (Salk Inst) proved that, as he said, "WHEN you eat is more important than WHAT YOU EAT." Because Inflammation is at the root of all illness. To your health.

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Thanks for the link, appreciate your effort.It was really difficult to listen to. His accent was too thick for me, what I did hear was talking about things I already know, and how its the light which stimulates the processes. Well, guess what. Way up here its light 20 to 24hours May to Sept. Ever hear of "Land of the midnight sun? and the last 5 years it has rained july aug september. So, "daylight" Sept to April is down to 4 hours a day diffused light, otherwise dark, we use a lot of headlamps. if I didnt use red lights of various spectrums, I would prob be obese like so many. The fact that I eat that one meal of deep coldwater salmon or clean mooseburger, or local beef is why I can, despite 4crushed&collapsed cervical discs from 2story fall bldg my house, crushed away left ulna, 2rebuilt wrists,2 bilateral knee surgeries, collapsed retina, still maintain my lifestyle and sleep like a rock. I split and haul 3 cords of wood every year, shovel snow and keep a big house with 2dogs and a cat, regular power outages and 360degree awareness in the heart of black bear brown bear, wolf and moose country. I take zero medications, have a fabulous library, and am a good shot with multiple caliber weapons. My water is free, glacial meltwater from a well, air and land is pristine except for a chemtrail 2x a month. No migrants, no gangs, no traffic, no smog.

Life is good.

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At 70 yrs old, I know my body will stay awake ALL NIGHT LONG tossing and turning if there is not my one meal a day at 8 or 9pm.

I do not eat anything until 2pm next day just a small amount like half an avocado and handful of nuts. But eat fish or eggs, meat or cheese, kefir or yogurt with Alaska blueberries or raspberries. No way I can fall asleep if hungry.

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Per Dr. Satchin Panda's research - his specialty is circadian rhythms - we are never actually hungry from nutrient deficiency. We DO experience "feelings of hunger" due to patterns of eating. Specifically Panda proved that if one eats a meal at a specific time every day then after about 3 days, our "inner intelligence" recognizes the pattern and in effect concludes "There is food ABUNDANT at these times." So it sets a "circadian alarm" for about an hour before that regular time(s). IN subsequent days, the circadian alarm goes off and triggers the pancreas to release insulin WHICH IS a hunger promoting hormone. THAT is why we "feel" hunger. A similar thing happens if our body detects that we are low in water OR in sodium (salt) - the pancreas is signaled to release insulin to force us to "feel" hungry - with the objective to consume liquids and foods with salt and water. God's design discovered by science.

Feel free not to respond or to respond especially if you have any questions. I've been not eating after 4PM since Jan 2018. For the most part I'm virtually never "hungry" and since 2018 was never sick and never went to a doctor. THAT is the real benefit of avoiding inflammation. Take care. To your health.

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Emoillents are the hybrid phase - having watched a slightly drunk 53 azeri iranian( retired)

spring,without warning , up at a winter barbecue ,outside.

The higher than 2metres jump vertically 180 degree facing splits ,pivoted sideways ,still at 180 degrees leg angle- sailing gently down to garden tiles - no warm up - slight toe and heel 'articulation ' at impact .

Zero injury .Took 2 months to discover he had had the hottest chili - (hundreds) baths 2X per week from 10 to 18 years old while training as revolutionary guard .He was a bard ,singing in Pashto -unforgettable PTSD . - but I made (thanks to him) emoillent with horses milk balsam + 1/3rd of boiled thoroughly mixed in mdme jeanettes ,maybe 10 per litre ,per hour simmering lightly (open windows) - then one drop oregano essential oil ,one drop Tee tree ,-stays pristine .

So that blocks TRPV1 heat pain channel 5% nerve pain reduction per application - IR + (tumeric) helps grow more bypassing injured (static) nerves with IR and movement . (Over years)

Sodium and calcium channel (TRPM8) (cold pain recepttor ) can be blocked with replacing capsaicin in horses milk with essential peppermint oil .

Brain hack . Especially IR and alternating between first and second .

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Praise The Lord 🙏🙏🙏

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That's interesting. I am certain that the sun, in its God-created state, is one of the healthiest things we can experience. I wonder, though, about the sun today. Over the past decade, I have noticed an immense change in the sun. It feels much hotter to me, often burning my skin, even in the middle of winter, which increasingly does not exist in San Diego, where I have lived my whole life. Some people I follow attribute this to an incoming binary star, some to a pole shift, some to the endless geo-engineering, some to other causes. I don't know. I do know that the sun now burns my skin, almost every day, even when I am sitting in my car. Anyone else experiencing this?

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Self education is important to then be able to think and intuit to get a sense of how something works for us individually; we’re all a bit different. Western medicine has so dumbed us down and taken those abilities by telling us we know nothing and we need to trust the manipulated science. WM developed to make huge profits. The basics and simplicity is always best. What makes sense and what is simple has kept the human race going for thousands of years.

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Sunshine and Grounding, aka Earthing...2 Mega Healthy things you can do to Measurably improve your health...They are FREE and enjoyable :)

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