Let's At Least Go Back To 2014 To Begin To Understand The Russia/Ukraine Situation
One wishes, as an American, we would stop acting so virginal when we have invaded and put to rubble SO many countries with NO PRETEXT, but no, put your sanctimony ear plugs in everybody
Putin’s Feb 24 address, so we can try to understand the situation from Russia’s perspective.
I searched for the Western perspective and basically don’t have much except for this, (below) from a suddenly energized Barack Obama, rumored to have been governing the country from Martha’s Vineyard for some years now. One wonders why they don’t balk at phrases like “brazen attack” when this is ALL WE DO:
You can’t spend 20 years bombing Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Mali, building military bases across Africa, sending fleets to the South China Sea, overthrowing LatAm governments—all with complete impunity—and then act surprised when others do the same shit.
Julia Ioffe @juliaioffe
Former president #BarackObama had this to say… “Last night, Russia launched a brazen attack on the people of Ukraine, in violation of international law and basic principles of human decency. Here’s my statement on what it means, and what should happen next.” 👀 @BarackObama
i wonder why Putin views Ukraine as a puppet of NATO
Could it be that Biden publicly bragged about a threat to illegally withhold aid to the country in exchange firing the prosecutor that was investigation the energy company his son was a board member of?
Raheem J. Kassam @RaheemKassam
This guy is a friend of Edward Dowd:
Maybe @JoeBiden should have USED HIS EXPERT & VAST FOREIGN POLICY experience (not) to negotiate something #russia was comfortable with re USA and NATO putting nuclear missiles in its back yard https://t.co/wiYRjaStr3
Breaking News | FinancialJuice @Financialjuice1
Last word to Mike Moore: (Thank you Sharon)
Celia, you left out the most important part. The United States instigated the Ukraine coup of a legitimately elected government in 2014 to get western oil corporation-friendly puppets in place and leave Russia no one to sell oil to. This has been a despotic government ever since, with many calling the US friendly Ukraine puppets literal Nazis.
This entire joke of a propaganda war is over keeping them in power, while undoubtedly, Russia rightfully doesn't want that. The Ukraine government is not a legitimately elected government at all.
Of course Obama has lots of thoughts and feelings on this. He created this mess by overthrowing a legitimate government!
The Ukraine was the cash register for the scam of foreign kickbacks that the DC elite excel at. That and a few bioweapon labs, CIA listening posts and a US vassal state on Russia’s doorstep. Is it any wonder Putin’s had it up to here?