Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

How's this for a link? A book claiming to offer comprehensive analysis of the Maui atrocity published on August 10th, even before all the fires had been extinguished. How does that happen?


(EDIT 19Aug23: The Amazon page appears to have been taken down. The Barnes & Noble page is still up: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1143915254)

"Fire and Fury: The Story of the Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change is a gripping and eye-opening account of one of the most devastating wildfires in Hawaii's history, and how it reveals the urgent need to address the global climate crisis. The book chronicles the events of August 8-11, 2023, when a massive fire swept across the island of Maui, fueled by drought, heat, and hurricane winds. The book describes the harrowing experiences of the people who lived through the fire, as well as the heroic efforts of the firefighters and rescuers who battled the flames. The book also examines the causes and consequences of the fire, both locally and globally, and how it exposes the vulnerability of our society and our planet to the impacts of climate change. The book draws on scientific research, eyewitness accounts, official reports, and media coverage to provide a comprehensive and compelling narrative of the Maui fire and its implications for climate change. The book also offers practical solutions and recommendations on how we can prevent and prepare for future wildfires, and how we can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. Fire and Fury: The Story of the Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change is a must-read for anyone who cares about the environment, the future of humanity, and the fate of our beautiful planet."

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

This incorporates some of the videos and info here. This woman was vice mayor of Nevada City, CA, and saw Paradise when it "caught on fire." Was also actively involved (and educated) during the aftermath of Katrina.


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They gonna burn us all out so they can enslave those of us who survive, silenced, inconsolable.

I am already a slave, long ago...

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Major questions - scary answers.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

The United States should absolutely return Hawaii to Hawaiians. Their land was literally stolen from them.

That will fix everything.


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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

The Biden admin. said it would be a culturally responsible response? Are there cultures that don't need food, water and shelter? This shows a clear difference in how decent people would respond versus whatever it is we have running our country.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

A report I read - it's obviously at reader's discretion - states that FEMA was up to some criminal practices during Hurricane Ian in Florida - and that the "White Hats" side of the military since then made an ultimatum to FEMA as to what they can and cannot do.....FEMA is apparently loyal to the fake (US Corporate) Biden regime. What happened in Maui was apparently a black hat (read death cult) action. Responsible for lives lost etc. There is a real war of sorts going on behind the scenes. I just wonder how much more of this we will have to bear. It's clear the "Biden" bunch are acting consistently against the general rule of law and will of the people.

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Thank you, Celia. Really helpful.

I will send this to anyone who offers (anticipated) eye-rolls when I mention the obvious anomalies.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

That's the word in the grapevine. If you don't agree or allow them to move forward with their agenda they will burn you alive, take you land, and do it regardless.

Boats in the ocean burning, circle of fire around Lahania?





Pelletier and Lombardo, were key along with all the spooks in the 3 letter agencies in the LV coverup and then the administrator who Killed the journalist Jeff German who was putting the screws to them.

Great documentary on LV shooting for anyone who hasn't seen it. Hard to believe Lombardo could be elected Gov now, and sadly (waking up to facts), Trump supported him, when there was a Patriot running against him. Trump tends to back those he feel can win, or I used believe more so.



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CAN YOU SAY CORRUPT TREASONOUS governmentally ill demonicrats

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

This would seem unprecedented to anyone who hasn't studied history. Even though they now have DEW and other technologically-advanced warfare tools at their disposal, this is just good ol' re-colonization. Catherine Austin Fitts has described what they are doing very well. I would consider gentrification on steroids a form of colonization, no? They are doing it for the "New Global Community" - at least that's their outward plan. Maui is to be the host of the first model Smart City, from what I read. Colonization. Again.

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Good links. I found this on Twitter - Maui police department now issuing orange permission slips to residents to allow them to travel around the island, to enter and leave their homes...


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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Hearing stories of school cancelled, so kids were home, probably alone. No siren warning residents. Police blockading the exits after the fire department was told to leave, even knowing 70mph winds were coming, and water pressure had been reduced and so, water turned off. An oval flame encircling the town, and flames jumped into boats anchored offshore, destroying them. Everything burned to ash at a temperature unlike any wood fire - melting metal and turning everything in it's path into white dust. Not your typical fire. Then there are stories of big money real estate investors who've been pursuing owners in the landmark native town for years. It just wasn't working, they didn't want the money, and it didn't look favorable. So, maybe. "Speed it up a little!" The elites are waiting.

This is yet one more unbelievable, heartbreaking tragedy dealt the American psyche by the current managers.

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Thank you.

Maybe we'll live long enough with access to communications that serve actual info. sharing...long enough to peel apart the onion on this and the related issues. It's a HUGE onion. Many have yet to start peeling.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

It sure looks like the fire was deliberate.

It is also true that fire has a will of its own. We think it “should” do certain things, but that is hubris.

And how will the insurance companies survive? Reinsurance may not be enough.

How does one prove ownership if your records were in the fire? You would have to keep electronic copies in the “cloud”, which hopefully is free of fire.

The stone walls and buildings survived the fire, wood and metal did not.

Climate change is, not unexpectedly, being blamed for the fire. That is complete BS. Even Wikipedia claims climate change is causing the islands to be hotter and drier. As if there are records going back 500 years.

What a horror! People are right to fear the onslaught of foreign developers. It is clear that the town and county had emergency handling plans that were completely useless. The officers, including the mayor, police chief, and guy in charge of water are also useless, and possibly the governor. We will soon, I am sure, be treated to yet another instance of the worthlessness of FEMA. The responsibility to recover and continue will fall exclusively on the residents. May they succeed and prosper.

Thank you Celia for your reporting.

Pray for Lahaina.

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