There is a trick in everything, and it always involves the emotions of people.

Why is it so strong the resistance to question the basic doctrines?

For example, many biologists often refuse to consider that the idea of life as a constant war between species may be another one of those crazy ideas from the crazy 19th century that reality refutes every minute of every day. There is a fatwa in science about questioning the basics of anything. The same happens among historians, who still live enslaved by Marxism. In both cases, people are not aware of their emotions being exploited against them.

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Actually we did have Sovereignty up until the end of the Mercenary conflict otherwise known as the Civil War. We gave the British Territorial government authority to operate in the District of Columbia as the first Incorporated form of government in 1789, who in turn gave authority to the then Holy Roman Empire, now defunct and operating under the control of the Vatican. There were 4 other Unincorporated forms of the American government operating up until the onset of the Civil War which dissolved the 3rd and 4th bodies that had actually given that authority to them.

Anna Von Reitz (who has taken these entities who've changed colors numerous times throughout history (Corporate name changes), and won in the ICC, so don't be fooled by the grandmotherly appearance. She knows her shit.

48 minute video on the History of the American government.


How they stole our sovereignty and plenty more, there is a youtube link but I like this one due to it having a transcript.


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The idea is to replace Trumps name(s) with one's own.


From page 2

They will mischaracterize and misaddress Trump as DONALD J. TRUMP, a Municipal

Corporation considered a citizen of the United States under the Diversity Clause of Federal Title 28. And that mischaracterization right there, together with the mistakes he has already made giving them jurisdiction, will sink him.

Donald John Trump the American born in New York many years ago, is owed all the

protections of The Constitution of the United States, but DONALD J. TRUMP has no such rights or protections. DONALD J. TRUMP is a 14th Amendment citizen, a slave owned by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, and that is the entity that is on trial.

From page 4 of 5

Next, Trump can ask the Court Clerk to see the Bid Bond filed by the Prosecutor. If the Clerk plays dumb, as they probably are, he can ask the Prosecutor directly to see a copy of his Bid Bond.

This puts the Prosecutor in a bind, because 99.9% of these cases are filed without a Bid Bond and the Prosecutors think this is smart because not filing a Bid Bond evades liability for their action, however, if someone calls the Prosecutor on it and he hasn't filed a Bid Bond, there is no case and the whole thing has to be thrown out with prejudice and the Prosecutor gets stuck paying a very hefty fee out of his own pocket to the Court for the Court's inconvenience and annoyance.

If, however, the Prosecutor can produce a Bid Bond, this is the time for Trump to take note of how much the Bid Bond is for, and then, declare his own claim of injury against DONALD J. TRUMP.

He raises his right hand and says, "To the best of my knowledge and belief, and before this Court and under penalty of perjury, I freely declare this private testimony to stand in lieu of an Affidavit by a Public Officer and declare that I have been misaddressed as a foreign and incorporated PERSON via abuse of my trademarks and copyrights, and that I have been injured and falsely subjected and accused by Officers of this Municipal Court in violation of Federal District Code Title 18 Section 241 and 242, Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law. I declare damages in the amount of (three times the Bid Bond times ten) plus court fees and costs against the DEFENDANT in this case, the Municipal PERSON impersonating me as DONALD J. TRUMP."

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Waking up in a Nation that is nothing like you imagined, not owned by the people you are surrounded by, and now allowing swarms of invaders in to have it.

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It all kind of explains part of why they can allow it, though not so many are aware of the why even though we know it encompasses many aspects.

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https://annavonreitz.com/oathsofofficefraud.pdf 5 pages

It is known and has been known and objected to for a period of twenty years that the officers of these private foreign incorporated Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia, and their franchise officers operating Territorial and Municipal state-of-state organizations, have made a mockery of the requirement that they provide their Public Oath in writing and record it in a place convenient for the cognizance of the Public, and by this failure have in fact not entered into any Public Office.

They have stubbornly and without remorse sought to avoid their personal and commercial liability by seeming to provide a Public Oath of Office, but not actually doing so.

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https://annavonreitz.com/securitizationfraud.pdf 6 pages

One of the primary means used to derive Unjust Enrichment from all the foregoing described fraud schemes has been securitization.

The property assets seized upon via the False Registration processes were "securitized" and used as collateral backing debts run up by the same criminal Municipal Corporations operating out of the District of Columbia and their Territorial franchises operating as Territorial States of States and Territorial Counties, all of which were incorporated under the British Crown apparatus.

Illegally and unlawfully, the bodies of the living Americans were mischaracterized as "cargo" of the phony British Territorial U.S. Citizen "vessels" created for them without their knowledge or consent.

This results in enslavement and coerced obedience under force and color of law. It also results in fraud upon the courts.

It is patently and absolutely unlawful and illegal to securitize the flesh of a living man as an asset in trade or commerce (slavery) and it has also been unlawful and illegal to force his labor (peonage) since 1926; the brigands responsible for the current situation have hoped to avoid and evade these facts by mischaracterizing the victims as corporations, not living men --- while at the same time enforcing court judgements against these corporations as if they applied to the living men that these corporations have been named after.

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if you watched the first 48 minute video you may wonder who this crazy old woman is. Here are some of her communications with the Vatican concerning case(s) won in the ICC which explains much more in depth. They are all PDF's rather than links to the articles at Paul Stamer or her website, but she gives her mailing address in Alaska in some of them. Here's her website but you have to know what you're looking for but can use the search feature in the over 4000 articles within. https://www.annavonreitz.com/

David E. Robinson who has written many books on the subject as well (on Amazon), puts them in PDF form, and is part of the research team uncovering these things, along with many others across the world and some in Canada.


Opening of 12 pages

The British Monarch continues to act as the Overseer of the Pope's Territorial, that is, Commonwealth, interests, to this day, and administers those positions as a "Prince" with the Pope being the "King" over him. This position has grown since the days of King John from simply administering Commonwealth lands in England to administering Territorial lands worldwide and sitting on the Chair of the Estates --- that is, all the Dead Baby Estates -- created worldwide by the dual public and private interests being unconscionably created by private contracts which present themselves as registrations obtained under conditions of fraud and nondisclosure.

This results in a situation where the Pope is the majority Principal in the District of Columbia Corporation and majority interest holder in the District of Columbia Municipal Corporations --and under Ecclesiastical Law, he is also the owner and operator of all corporations, not limited to the Municipal Corporations in question. Thus, the British King acts as Administrator and Middleman -- and gets a healthy 40% cut for his services overseeing the Church's Commonwealth (also known as Territorial) property, with 60% of receipts going to the Holy See and the same general arrangement has long pertained to profit shares from the City of Rome administrators of the Empire of the Cities.

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The pay day loan is the most egregious and apparent form of this. From a parasitic perspective it is idiocy... they start by destroying the productive element of society... the ones who actually do the real work, in feeding, clothing and caring for society. The rogue actors, who coordinate these schemes, can certainly be seen as a cancer in terms of the conventional view of cancer. However, there are those who believe that tumours are the body's response to an underlying parasite, a disfiguring attempt by the body to destroy the strangle hold of an infection... the body distorts and contorts to free itself from the colonisation of an agent which would steal all that is life-sustaining from the body, and is analogous to society ripping itself apart in order to try and deal with the trauma being inflicted upon it. The alternate view of cancer can be seen here: https://rachelwild.substack.com/p/cancer-causes-and-cures

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I just read that Kucinich is RFK jr's current campaign manager......

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Yeah, I’m sure that will appeal to Republicans and Independents/sarc.

The appointment of Kucinich is a very clear signal to the Democrat establishment that he is no danger to them.

Not that I ever thought he would be.......

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The Democratic party never really liked Kucinich. And once the NeoCons became ascendant, they redistricted him out of Congress.

They're panicking pretty hard about Bobby Jr., currently.

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Your post inspired me to go back and refresh my knowledge of Dennis Kucinich and his career.

I’ll keep this short.

Not only did he vote for Obamacare, but he was considered one of the most ‘liberal’ congressmen during his 16 years in the House.

From my perspective, that makes him bat shit crazy (which is what I remembered).

And, instead of picking someone sane, Bobby decided to pick him.

Birds of a feather......

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I will try to get the true story, as well.

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100% correct Mark.

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"Most Liberal" - means most Anti-War.

How could anyone support that, when a suicidal attempt at Global Monopolar Hegemonic Empire, and nuclear war, are so much more profitable?

Obama is Dick Cheney's cousin. His mom is CIA - and he "interned" at a CIA-Front, in college. His healthcare plan was the Heritage Foundation's healthcare plan - and Kucinich voted for it, not because it was good, or the ideal plan - but because that was all there was to support or reject - and it was marginally better than medical costs bankrupting everyone who had any, and people stuck in bad jobs, because they couldn't lose their insurance.

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So I guess that makes Donald Trump a liberal?

He proved himself to be more anti-war than any democrat president in American history.......

I, like most people, have a much wider definition of ‘liberal’ (in common American usage) than just anti-war.

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You're overstating Donald Trump's "anti-war" credentials. He comes in, behind Carter. Hybrid warfare, is also war. Don't forget his war on Venezuela and Cuba, Palestine and Syria. "We,'re keeping the oil." - is the public announcement of a Warcrime. Which is why he's the least favorite, of the Empire's options for completely controlled figurehead/rulers. He all too often goes 'off-script'. He says the quiet parts, outloud. Obama did the same things, but at least pretended that he was fighting AGAINST our ISIS secret regime-change army.

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I suspect that we aren’t going to agree on much of anything.

I vividly remember Jimmy Carter’s time in office, and although you may consider him to be an anti-war champion, I remember him as a weak, incompetent, and pathetic president..... who has only been surpassed by Joseph Biden. At least Carter wasn’t openly corrupt.

I will give Carter credit for his one accomplishment, the Camp David peace treaty.

Of course, Trump also deserves credit for the Abraham Accords, which the Biden ‘administration’ and the press have done their best to bury.

You and I are not going to agree on much because we simply see the world differently.

I don’t see the US as some sort of evil monster, but as a net good for the world.

My problem is with the corrupt criminals currently in power......

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By design! They have dumbed down the population and made them fiscally illiterate. They stoke the masses with constant fear and division while providing them with side show carnival barkers to keep them focused (sports, social media, hollyweird, etc.) It's a massive system created by the ruling elites who use their wealth to keep everyone out.

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While we celebrate the independence of July 4, 1776, 160 years ago today the rank stench of death covered Gettysburg Pennsylvania. If the Constitution had been adhered to, Gettysburg, and the rest of that bloody conflict would never have happened.

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I believe it’s up to each of us to uphold The Declaration of Independence. Afterall, that is what a “We the People” government is.

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Do you read: www.theconservativetreehouse.com? Please check out the website.

The man who writes the articles name is Sundance. He wrote an article about

Newsom and the Delegates. You have to read it. Let me know what you think?

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That's what were our experiencing now. Who knows what is to happen?

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Mr. Kotlarz would receive a magnitude of concurrence from Douglas & Tyla Gabriel and Michael Kibbens on this particular issue. The Gabriels website has done quite a few videos regarding the UK's stranglehold (The Pilgrim Society) on the US. aim4truth.org

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Absolutely. My good friend Doug Reed, who knew Richard very very well and worked with him for many years, has spoken of the Gabriels—I know they are right about it all and look forward to listening more. The Pilgrim Society. Jet black.

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Deeeeep diggers. Love AIM

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I love that Dennis K is RFK Jr’s campaign manager!🔥

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Maybe Dennis kuccinich can be vice president for RFKjr

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Thanks, Celia. Good to hear Rich's voice again...physically and substantively...

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Dear Doug, I recorded him a lot. I can bring recordings to Mystic some day. <3

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Thanks Celia, you could consider uploading them to free platforms such as Rumble, Odysee, Bitchute, and maybe also archive.org?

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Ron Paul tried to bring the financial and monetary system out into the open as part of his campaign. Those who "got" Ron Paul got this, but it seems over the head or outside the small box of "issues" of interest to Americans. Yet, it is 𝒇𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 to our circumstances -- and always has been.

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"Yes, it is fundamental to our circumstances—and always has been." (How do you manage to italicize on Substack?")

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Thanks, Celia. I use Yaytext: https://yaytext.com/bold-italic/ The site offers many different style options for text.

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Yes, as JL Galbraith said, “The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity, often a device for claiming sophistication, is used to disguise or to evade truth, not to reveal it. " “The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled.” It simply a matter of changing the law, which I believe Richard mentions, along with the NEED Act which Kucinich introduced in 2011, also the Greens are the only political party to put it in their platform along with parity pricing of raw materials. monetaryallince.org

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That Galbraith quote is so true! Thank you!

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This is an excellent point--loss of sovereignty through the Federal Reserve money system--Celia, did your friend Richard have a theory as to why the Fed was created so close to the first world war? Was it connected or were they trying to bring in the Federal Reserve from the beginning?

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Eileen, he was always speaking of wars and the monetary system. I think you have answered your question. I think you may enjoy his writings at www.richardkotlarz.com. I appreciate that you understood what the important point was. As I say, "little detail!" But I meant to explain the role of Hamilton and spent hours today studying it. I didn't manage to get it done in time. Maybe tomorrow.

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Thanks, Celia. I will definitely read his website. You are a most reliable source and a truly depth-analyst of many areas. I do enjoy reading your work. Your friend Richard reminds me of Kucinich--the wonderful open face and his deep-timbered Midwestern voice. Requiem et pacem.

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My two favorite politicians for a period of time were Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. This is what woke me up to the fact that there is no significant difference between the major parties. On most issues, they could not be further apart. But they always stood together against corruption and represented people instead of corporations.

Bernie Sanders sometimes joined them, but didn't/doesn't seem as sincere (like when he needlessly gutted the Audit the Federal Reserve bill that finally passed and would have passed without gutting it and also not being nearly enough anti-war).

There were many bills where the three of them were the only politicians voting against bills that were basically all corporate sell-outs, written by corporate lobbyists.

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Remarkable, I was just reading Richard's book NEW ECONOMIC ORDER -The Global Economic Matrix (GEM). Happy to hear you were a friend of his. I am a member of AMI, founded by Stephen Zarlenga whom he mentions, my mentor until his death in 2017 and a group of us started an new sister org the Alliance For Just Money. If Richard were alive I would invite him to join or at least come speak to our group at one of our online coffeehouses. Sorry I missed meeting him, we are of like mind. As Richard C. Cook commented, on monetary reform: "This is the core reform that in a single stroke will restore people's government as envisaged by our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. All other reforms are partial measures, if they are of any use at all. The entire world is at the mercy of US military power to service the debt created by the American financial system. It's a tragedy on a planetary scale." Richard was one of who recognized this. https://www.monetaryalliance.org/

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Quite a catalogue he has!

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