Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Great points, Celia. What ARE we looking at? Well, I knew it was a false flag from the get-go. Not bragging - listened to Pompeo who said it on live TV! In March 2020 or thereabouts, he stood next to Trump and said, "We're in a live exercise." ANd Trump responded under his breath, "you should have told us that." Look up what a 'live exercise' is in military/agency terms. I also early on made the connection of so-called mass formation to MKUltra mind control. I had studied it for years because of so many false flags committed by or in part by people who were discovered to have been subjects of the MKUltra mind control experiments. The tactics used were used this time starting in 2020, on the entire population of the western world. Those of us who recognized the tactics were not duped. And that is millions of us. For whatever reason, we were clear-minded enough to recognize the touchless torture tactics, the gaslighting, the Orwellian double-think and double-speak, the squeeze and release technique, the military terminology, etc. etc. etc.

It was never about our health. I don't know if covid19 is a bioweapon but it's quite apparent that the 'vaccine' is.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

"Implicit in the narrative is that God did this."

In a way, that's kind of how I've known this to be a scam from the get go. While this is God's creation, He certainly did not accidentally, mistakenly, or even purposefully do anything that resulted in these governments making these decisions about something *they* created.

Neither did the virus itself -- again a part of God's creation -- do this. It is incapable of making decisions, drafting mandates, constructing camps, or using police powers to enforce tyranny.

Humans and not just any humans, did this on their own volition. Clearly those humans that have elected to enhance viruses to make them more deadly, and that are unconcerned about the misery they're inflicting, are not doing this out of love. Except perhaps love of power and money.

In any case, these actions are not taken on behalf of God but are clearly something that serves the purpose of that which exists on the "other side" of the spectrum.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Good find, Celia. I think it proves what we all knew from the start of the whole charade, that the VACCINE is the cause of illness, where faking a “virus” – in that document, they’re admitting, as you say, that the two are effectively the same thing – is/was first necessary to get to the “final solution” we’ve been witnessing since December 2020, when the vaccines were first rolled out. Crisis-reaction-solution (thesis-antithesis-synthesis), the classic Hegelian-dialectic playbook of these “people,” but the crisis is almost always manufactured. Fake a virus. Have everyone freak out and act like complete fools (wearing masks inside and out, 24/7). Demand and receive vaccines. Game over.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Nature - the extracted and 'purified' but no isolated matters presumed to contain pathogenic virus are added to a PREPARED* cell culture. Cytopathic effect is presumed proof of 'infection'. The culture is then used as the basis for traditional vaccines and sold as such after passaging through animals etc. See Janine Roberts "Fear of the Invisible" for a reasoned readable thorough search for understanding that is also willing to self-question - ie not just a confirmation bias.

Enders and recently Lanka both observe that a control without the addition of 'presumed virus' had the same cytopathic effect.

Gene tech enables disregard of empirical isolation by using software to model Humpty Dumpty from the millions of short code fragments 'found from samples' of indeterminate matters (as above) so as to fit the virus to the development of injected proteins™ (David Martin's patent document trail relates).

Dark tech or research under National Security runs different levels of clearnace on a need to know basis. How many working the Manhattan Project knew what the 'Gimmick was' ?

Secrets and lies are the very nature of such projects and become protected by layers of defences just as any other lies accepted as a basis from which to build order upon.

I wrote on GoF v True Function today already:


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David Martin on vaccine and virus being created simultaneously - https://www.bitchute.com/video/AkNgSbkEWRKL/ - if you know the genome sequence, an mRNA vax is trivially easy to make, they just aimed at the most mutable target, the S1 subunit of the spike protein, thus guaranteeing the need for a long chain of boosters. The trouble with the "boosters" being given out - shots 1 to 4 - is that they are targeted for the original wild type virus and alpha and beta variants, which means they will have little if any effectiveness against later variants with more mutations, such as omicron. And they will expose recipients to chronic levels of cytotoxic spike protein in blood plasma, which will increase resultant pathologies downstream - including oncogenesis. The result is an increased rate of death in the vaccinated population, spread enough apart in time to make it very difficult to tie the deaths back to the spike proteins from the vaccine - if autopsies are even done. What this is beginning to look like is a depopulation/population control program, as has been advocated by the Club of Rome in its studies on Limits to Growth.

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So is this where the drama ends? Can we all take off our masks now and leave the theatre?

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The virus is the hacksxxxine

Once they shot folks with it, they got sick with the virus

So. Shooting Covidope makes one ill.

Not really news except the evidence...

Was hard not to infer this months ago I'd been writing the same

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Here is the PV page -- with their press release, video report expose, and, at the very bottom of it, the links to four Federal Government/DoD/DARPA documents


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So just another American False Flag™ brought to us by the wonderful folk who gave us The Gulf of Tonkin. Surprise, surprise.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Very early on in the `crisis´, Dr Luc Montegneir (I probably misspelled his name) the Nobel prize winner for discovering the HIV virus, was on French TV, live. He and his team of experts had analyzed the whole genome. He said, it was definitely altered in a lab, and it looks like they were trying to make a vaccine. He said there were bits of HIV and other things that were not naturally evolved. The TV guys got sooo alarmed. They ended the show abruptly, and I never saw him on TV again.

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I wrote something saying as much as this because what other sense is there to make of it?

Duh of course they produced hacksxxxine first , how else couldn't hey pretend they had a dangerous virus?

The viruganda required a good hacksxxxine so the big Harma can get a big benefit with....no liability, full immunity...ha ha


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Trippy indeed,

YEP! that's what I've been saying from the start, they weren't making viruses in gain of function but vaccines, aka poison drugs....

And now we know why pre vaccine avg age of covid death is at or a bit above life expectancy....

hahah https://drsambailey.com/2022/01/05/why-nobody-can-find-a-virus/

And oh yeah, the spanish flu ummm shots anyone? LOL


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It probably has something to do with Michael Callahan. This article from July 31, 2020 explains it:

Whitney Webb: DARPA’s Man in Wuhan

Michael Callahan’s career began in USAID and in the bioweapons labs of the former Soviet Union, advancing the agenda of the global bioweapons and pharmaceutical cartels. He would take what he learned there to execute a massive expansion of DARPA’s biodefense portfolio and today finds himself squarely in the center of the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.

Two programs in particular developed by Callahan while at DARPA would later play a critical role in his future involvement in the broader story of the SARS-CoV-2, a.k.a. COVID-19 and the vilification of China, IP and the advancement of a global vaccine regime.

The Accelerated Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals (AMP) program was created by Michael Callahan in 2006, barely a year after he first came on board as DARPA’s portfolio manager. Its purpose was to find technologies that could “radically accelerate the manufacturing of protein vaccines and protein-based therapeutics”, with the goal of “revolutionizing protein therapeutics and vaccine manufacture” through the private sector.

The program’s mandate dovetailed with concurrent efforts to fundamentally transform the U.S. government’s approach to vaccine manufacture and (Medical Countermeasures) MCMs.


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