And In Follow Up Article, Reveals A Report Defying Propaganda About Hospital Collapse, Showing NO INCREASE In Number Of Patients Admitted To Hospitals In December
You (MSM) fed, cared for and used the monster in your garden… your admission confirms what we already knew. No apology from me for never ever trusting your publications again. Trust betrayed means no more trust.
I can see this position. I am just so thrilled any mainstream media has exited the Trance even if way too late. We need this. We need the domino effect. Please try to forgive them and let's hope they join the fight.
Very true, but I am becoming jaded with everyone finally coming around to logic and maybe even compassion after two years of very dangerous behavior. It’s like an apology from your addict family member after some really trust destroying moments. If it is really true, great, let’s move on or is it just what you are being forced to say. I remain optimistic, but skeptical.
Nothing to forgive. They have been bought to say the things they have parroted for two years. There will neither be forgiveness to the medical professionals that has taken and are still taking part in this genocide.
You always have a choice. Look to the ones that has walked away.Take the straight path or go bumpy.
I'm far from being impressed with the mea culpa. It's mealy-mouthed. There are NO covid patients because there's no covid 19. But there is a bundle of interrelated agendas riding in on the covid hoax. Let the penitents talk about those if they want to start to make up for the damage that they've done. We are watching as they CONTINUE to build concentration camps for the unjabbed, for example. We are about to lose our independence (as the WEF gleefully announced we would) with the widescale embrace of central bank digital currency and social credit. When you lose your independence and your life depends on whether your lord likes your opinions... Jeffrey A. Tucker calls it a new feudalism and it is. The global biosecurity police State is emerging and is establishing itself. It's no longer just on paper. Let the penitents talk about, and resist, that!
This is a pretty myopic and paranoid position... All of humanity is part of the family.
On a personal level, I have had family manipulate and betray me, and while I keep my guard up around them, I don't extinguish the embers of love I have for them.
To do so would be to succumb to the inhumane and be overtaken by the grotesque diregard for life. All life is precious and part of the big picture... even the monsters.
Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting what's been done; rather it is the pathway for maintaining our humanity.
Note: I am editing this comment because I just realized you weren't referring to Celia when you commented you would no longer trust publications...Rather you were addressing the mainstream media. I read too quickly and inferred the wrong meaning.
However, perhaps you could consider granting some amnesty to those who raise the white flag? We need all the help we can get. That, and forgiveness heals.
I appreciate your follow up edit. I added “(MSM)” to my original post to avoid confusion. For me, ‘trust’ and ‘love’ are very different. I have great love for my fellow human beings even if I don’t agree with or even despise their behavior. I truly love the drug addicted family member I referenced, but my trust is based on experience. I work to grant amnesty, see the white flag, absolutely hope for a better outcome until it hurts, but then we see what happens. I love her no less regardless of the outcome. Nothing I would love more than to emerge from this or any mess with no pain, suffering, or lies and a true focus on actually helping people instead of what we have seen. Ready for forgiveness… always.
I regret the choice of the words "myopic and paranoid".
I don't comment much online but got defensive when I thought you were saying something to the effect that you didn't trust Celia's coverage anymore.... I almost edited those words out later but thought it might get a bit ridiculous back-tracking. I don't do this very often so I wasn't sure the most gracious revision strategy 😅
The lesson is; read 2 or 3 times before commenting. Sorry for that.
I understand your sentiments... I have wondered at times if people can lose their humanity completely.... as in completely extinguish the spark of divine within. I have a very close family member who has scared me enough with his behavior that I wondered if he had gone full blown "demon"... so I understand where you are coming from. I spent lots of days feeling I could never forgive him.
But that wore me down and I could feel myself rotting because of my refusal to forgive. The only way out was to forgive him and hang onto the hope that he still has the spark buried deep inside.
Trying to apply that principal of forgiveness to Ralph Baric and Tony Fauci is much harder but we have to try... without letting them off the hook of course!
I was only willing to forgive that nice looking Danish man, not Baric and Fauci.
All joking aside, I'm no better at forgiveness than anybody else. (Now I've discovered the Danish man I want to forgive is no longer the Editor of that paper, even though the internet said he was.
That doesn't change the gist of the story.)
I can't forgive any of them, and do not have this in my heart right now.
And if course, it's not for me to forgive. It's between them and God.
If they wish to be absolved of their sins, the way is the same for them as for all who came before them.
That said, I was willing to say "welcome aboard!" to any media people who are suddenly willing to get honest. And deal with their betrayal later. My hope was more of them TURN, and help us.
I'm feeling as shattered as we all are. My mind is all over the place.
You make a good point. For me, it really depends. It's not automatic. I observe, weigh and then judge. A lot of people started crying crocodile tears for nurses being fired for refusing the jab. How many of them happily - and I mean dancing level - jabbed others who were compelled by their employers to get jabbed and who got jabbed even though they didn't want to?
Point well taken. The tone of my comment lacked grace. Everyone has a story and only God knows the heart. But after two years of premeditated gaslighting and censorship, Its hard to not meet any media mea culpa with a healthy degree of skepticism.
The whole plandemic will end badly for the perpetrators, I have no doubt about it. They will not achieve their main goals, but a lot of damage has been already done. The public must know the history and realize who is ideologically behind those operations. so any potential, future crimes against humanity could not happen and be avoided. The whole world should see a reminder from history.
The Dark Winter exercise went for smallpox, and everyone should read the script. It is utterly nauseating not because of the disease itself but due to the clearly demonstrated, self-congratulatory incompetence of the ruling class. By the way, vaxing into the epidemic is there, too.
As for pandemics, there's two points to be made: 1. Bill Gates (representing the hoaxsters, namely the Global Public Private Partnership and all of Big Pharma) told us that pandemics are coming (are what they have planned) 2. WHO can call anything a pandemic now and will have to, as long as they've now invested zillions of dollars in their new vaccine tech that will allow them to make 'vaccines' in hours.
Don't forget, the WHO changed the definition of pandemic in 2009 in order to protect vaccine markets, and, by extension, help the gangster (UK/USA-dominated) Corporatocracy to thrive. Whereas before 2009, you needed widespread death and severe illness, now you don't. Kaching! Funny how that word sounds almost like kachoo (a sneeze).
Is it too ungenerous or un-Christian to hope that all these tyrant-enablers burn in hell? If there were even minimal justice in all this, this paper would be closed, crushed into oblivion, and its employees be left unemployed, forever. There is no excuse, and no forgiveness, for knowingly enabling a tyranny that has cost so many lives and so many livelihoods.
Apology NOT accepted. You had a responsibility to do it right from the start and be truthful. The damage has been done and people died due to your negligence, lies and propaganda.
I didn't keep track. But it's been reported on other sites that I visit. I thought I'd seen it a couple of times. I can't remember where, but I just had a quick look at some of the sites I visit and found this. I don't endorse Summit News. I sometimes find items there that I can use.
27% exaggeration of Covid hospital patients is a massive understatement very likely. Webb and Osburn 2021 found fully 86% of their pediatric "Covid patients" were not related or only minimally related to Covid at a large California pediatric hospital. And with only 1 comorbidity on average with these pediatric patients and an average of 4 for US Covid deaths we can be quite assured that the 86% incidental figure in pediatric patients is even higher for the total Covid patient population in the US, and probably in Denmark too. In general, a good rule of thumb is to discount all Covid states, from cases, to hospitalizations, to deaths, by about 90% and you'll get a much more accurate understanding of what's going on.
Hi Celia- I wanted to purchase a copy of your book, Serious Adverse Events, but could only find used copies being sold for 800+ dollars.
While I agree that it is a very valuable book I cannot justify paying that much at this time 😅... I did read the book on Internet Archives and was absolutely riveted. I believe it is an important example of great journalism and very much want a physical copy for my home library. Are you familiar with any source that might have less expensive copies available? If not, I will save up and get one in due time. Thanks for your commitment to fighting the good fight! ✊️
You (MSM) fed, cared for and used the monster in your garden… your admission confirms what we already knew. No apology from me for never ever trusting your publications again. Trust betrayed means no more trust.
I can see this position. I am just so thrilled any mainstream media has exited the Trance even if way too late. We need this. We need the domino effect. Please try to forgive them and let's hope they join the fight.
Very true, but I am becoming jaded with everyone finally coming around to logic and maybe even compassion after two years of very dangerous behavior. It’s like an apology from your addict family member after some really trust destroying moments. If it is really true, great, let’s move on or is it just what you are being forced to say. I remain optimistic, but skeptical.
Healthy attitude these days.
Nothing to forgive. They have been bought to say the things they have parroted for two years. There will neither be forgiveness to the medical professionals that has taken and are still taking part in this genocide.
You always have a choice. Look to the ones that has walked away.Take the straight path or go bumpy.
Just like you.
I'm far from being impressed with the mea culpa. It's mealy-mouthed. There are NO covid patients because there's no covid 19. But there is a bundle of interrelated agendas riding in on the covid hoax. Let the penitents talk about those if they want to start to make up for the damage that they've done. We are watching as they CONTINUE to build concentration camps for the unjabbed, for example. We are about to lose our independence (as the WEF gleefully announced we would) with the widescale embrace of central bank digital currency and social credit. When you lose your independence and your life depends on whether your lord likes your opinions... Jeffrey A. Tucker calls it a new feudalism and it is. The global biosecurity police State is emerging and is establishing itself. It's no longer just on paper. Let the penitents talk about, and resist, that!
This is a pretty myopic and paranoid position... All of humanity is part of the family.
On a personal level, I have had family manipulate and betray me, and while I keep my guard up around them, I don't extinguish the embers of love I have for them.
To do so would be to succumb to the inhumane and be overtaken by the grotesque diregard for life. All life is precious and part of the big picture... even the monsters.
Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting what's been done; rather it is the pathway for maintaining our humanity.
Note: I am editing this comment because I just realized you weren't referring to Celia when you commented you would no longer trust publications...Rather you were addressing the mainstream media. I read too quickly and inferred the wrong meaning.
However, perhaps you could consider granting some amnesty to those who raise the white flag? We need all the help we can get. That, and forgiveness heals.
I appreciate your follow up edit. I added “(MSM)” to my original post to avoid confusion. For me, ‘trust’ and ‘love’ are very different. I have great love for my fellow human beings even if I don’t agree with or even despise their behavior. I truly love the drug addicted family member I referenced, but my trust is based on experience. I work to grant amnesty, see the white flag, absolutely hope for a better outcome until it hurts, but then we see what happens. I love her no less regardless of the outcome. Nothing I would love more than to emerge from this or any mess with no pain, suffering, or lies and a true focus on actually helping people instead of what we have seen. Ready for forgiveness… always.
I regret the choice of the words "myopic and paranoid".
I don't comment much online but got defensive when I thought you were saying something to the effect that you didn't trust Celia's coverage anymore.... I almost edited those words out later but thought it might get a bit ridiculous back-tracking. I don't do this very often so I wasn't sure the most gracious revision strategy 😅
The lesson is; read 2 or 3 times before commenting. Sorry for that.
I understand your sentiments... I have wondered at times if people can lose their humanity completely.... as in completely extinguish the spark of divine within. I have a very close family member who has scared me enough with his behavior that I wondered if he had gone full blown "demon"... so I understand where you are coming from. I spent lots of days feeling I could never forgive him.
But that wore me down and I could feel myself rotting because of my refusal to forgive. The only way out was to forgive him and hang onto the hope that he still has the spark buried deep inside.
Trying to apply that principal of forgiveness to Ralph Baric and Tony Fauci is much harder but we have to try... without letting them off the hook of course!
I was only willing to forgive that nice looking Danish man, not Baric and Fauci.
All joking aside, I'm no better at forgiveness than anybody else. (Now I've discovered the Danish man I want to forgive is no longer the Editor of that paper, even though the internet said he was.
That doesn't change the gist of the story.)
I can't forgive any of them, and do not have this in my heart right now.
And if course, it's not for me to forgive. It's between them and God.
If they wish to be absolved of their sins, the way is the same for them as for all who came before them.
That said, I was willing to say "welcome aboard!" to any media people who are suddenly willing to get honest. And deal with their betrayal later. My hope was more of them TURN, and help us.
I'm feeling as shattered as we all are. My mind is all over the place.
And I'm angry. But I can't feel it.
I never salute rats jumping from a burning ship about to roll over and plunge into the depths.
You make a good point. For me, it really depends. It's not automatic. I observe, weigh and then judge. A lot of people started crying crocodile tears for nurses being fired for refusing the jab. How many of them happily - and I mean dancing level - jabbed others who were compelled by their employers to get jabbed and who got jabbed even though they didn't want to?
Point well taken. The tone of my comment lacked grace. Everyone has a story and only God knows the heart. But after two years of premeditated gaslighting and censorship, Its hard to not meet any media mea culpa with a healthy degree of skepticism.
Oh for sure.
The whole plandemic will end badly for the perpetrators, I have no doubt about it. They will not achieve their main goals, but a lot of damage has been already done. The public must know the history and realize who is ideologically behind those operations. so any potential, future crimes against humanity could not happen and be avoided. The whole world should see a reminder from history.
Meanwhile: Get Ready For The Next One. The Next Plandemic: Smallpox, Marburg, or both?
The Dark Winter exercise went for smallpox, and everyone should read the script. It is utterly nauseating not because of the disease itself but due to the clearly demonstrated, self-congratulatory incompetence of the ruling class. By the way, vaxing into the epidemic is there, too.
Well, They are trying hard to tell us that Ebola is making the rounds. See Jon Rapport's report: "Ebola: shattering the lies and the fakery" /
As for pandemics, there's two points to be made: 1. Bill Gates (representing the hoaxsters, namely the Global Public Private Partnership and all of Big Pharma) told us that pandemics are coming (are what they have planned) 2. WHO can call anything a pandemic now and will have to, as long as they've now invested zillions of dollars in their new vaccine tech that will allow them to make 'vaccines' in hours.
Don't forget, the WHO changed the definition of pandemic in 2009 in order to protect vaccine markets, and, by extension, help the gangster (UK/USA-dominated) Corporatocracy to thrive. Whereas before 2009, you needed widespread death and severe illness, now you don't. Kaching! Funny how that word sounds almost like kachoo (a sneeze).
A newspaper with a conscience? Wonder what the temperature in hell was today and if we can lay odds on The NY Times?
Never happen.
How long before it relapses? People get excited over an apology and one trivial article?
They're all gonna apologize and get away with it. That is NOT acceptable.
In 'their' world they will get away with it. Their world isn't the end of the story.
Is it too ungenerous or un-Christian to hope that all these tyrant-enablers burn in hell? If there were even minimal justice in all this, this paper would be closed, crushed into oblivion, and its employees be left unemployed, forever. There is no excuse, and no forgiveness, for knowingly enabling a tyranny that has cost so many lives and so many livelihoods.
Unforgivable LIES, you need to all loose your jobs like the countless masses have....
Apology NOT accepted. You had a responsibility to do it right from the start and be truthful. The damage has been done and people died due to your negligence, lies and propaganda.
Great news--even if it's far far away and news no one in America (except us) will hear. Still wonderful to read.
The story is spreading, and is being told in the US (which means Canada too) and will excite some and not excite others (like myself).
It is? That's good news. Do you have links?
I didn't keep track. But it's been reported on other sites that I visit. I thought I'd seen it a couple of times. I can't remember where, but I just had a quick look at some of the sites I visit and found this. I don't endorse Summit News. I sometimes find items there that I can use.
There's Summit News:
27% exaggeration of Covid hospital patients is a massive understatement very likely. Webb and Osburn 2021 found fully 86% of their pediatric "Covid patients" were not related or only minimally related to Covid at a large California pediatric hospital. And with only 1 comorbidity on average with these pediatric patients and an average of 4 for US Covid deaths we can be quite assured that the 86% incidental figure in pediatric patients is even higher for the total Covid patient population in the US, and probably in Denmark too. In general, a good rule of thumb is to discount all Covid states, from cases, to hospitalizations, to deaths, by about 90% and you'll get a much more accurate understanding of what's going on.
But, after watching a couple of very recent Lee Merritt interviews this evening, the question that still remains unanswered is:
I will forward this hopeful piece to a Danish friend. Thank you.
Hi Celia- I wanted to purchase a copy of your book, Serious Adverse Events, but could only find used copies being sold for 800+ dollars.
While I agree that it is a very valuable book I cannot justify paying that much at this time 😅... I did read the book on Internet Archives and was absolutely riveted. I believe it is an important example of great journalism and very much want a physical copy for my home library. Are you familiar with any source that might have less expensive copies available? If not, I will save up and get one in due time. Thanks for your commitment to fighting the good fight! ✊️
The Trusted News Initiative organizers and prime movers all belong to the gallows.