Mistakes were not made.

Let us all remember that.

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That's right, these were NOT mistakes, but calculated and willful abuse of power and control by individuals, institutions and governments. As recently as October, the US government and it's agents have been working on mandates and lockdowns again.

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Rather than a mere abuse of power, I would describe them as acts of war and crimes against humanity :(

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Indeed. I'm pretty sure you're aware of this wonderful dress rehearsal, but here it is again. >>> Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security - Event 201 >>> A high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019 >>> New York, NY.


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I'm making a tshirt and a bumper sticker.

"You made the mistake - THEY DIDN'T"

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I'm making a different bumpersticker:

You're not being "lied to",

you're being PLAYED.

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LOL..Hi Rog.

This is Dr. Drew Pinsky. He's a Wellness Company Visionary in an interview in 2021:

"What I normally say is, it's going to be intense, the second shot, but you are already in. You want to get the full benefit of what you are doing. Also, it just doesn't make sense, it's not like there is some added risk you're getting into with the second shot. So, I don't know, I would just ask them what their fears were. Getting only one shot (for two-dose vaccines) just doesn't make full sense—you're only getting part of the benefit and whatever risk you imagine, you have already accumulated that with one vaccine, and, as you see, you do quite well with it."


Errybody loves this Mistakes were not made crap up until you got a dude sitting there on the brand adorning Peter Mac and Kingston who is still pushing shots into olds I'm told.

"Mistakes were not made." 👍

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In her article on the UK Telegraph Allison Pearson also says:

“Millions of healthy people queued up for a jab they didn’t require…”

It’s incredible this happened!!! How did the medical ‘profession’ go along with what is the biggest example of gross over-servicing in history! Pure exploitation and abuse of power…

I've written this up from an Australian perspective, as Australia is likely one of the most covid-jabbed countries in the world, under mandates, see: ...Millions of healthy people were COERCED and MANDATED into having a jab they didn’t require: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/millions-of-healthy-people-queued

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"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it" (Upton Sinclair).

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this is It exactly!! I'm so disgusted by the lack of insincerely and integrity I have seen with all medical professionals. I went to war with individual professionals and it did get nasty, but I stood strong.

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"It is also difficult to get a man to understand something when he believes he knows it all already." (Geoff Sinclair).

You may quote me on that! ; )

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Just one of many sage Sinclair Sayings over the centuries!

Have you read "The Lost Templar Journals of Prince Henry Sinclair"? Fascinating!


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No, I have not read that but now I probably will!

Thanks, Tirion!

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I think you won't regret it. There are a couple of excellent interviews of the author on the Forum Borealis YouTube channel, too:


Fascinating stuff!

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David's main site got wiped out, no? His work is epic epic. Good for you.

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No one 'requires' a vaccine. How long before 'analysts' admit that 'vaccines' are weaponised. Pearson's position hasn't changed much in 3 years.

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Thank you. Too often there's a fall back position of "Children didn't need it. Nor the healthy." No one needed it. Of any age. Ever. Bank accounts needed it.

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I don't know if we have got the figures for how much they were paid in the UK, yet, but we know the additional money handed to the NHS (which we paid for). In the US, MDs got about $250k (each!) for the early rounds of vaccines. It's bound to be similar in the UK, only in £.

I believe they were also given the picture of how the new "Control Society" would be structured and were shown they would be right at the heart of it. They were only too pleased to go along with that as well, knowing what the rewards would be. They have no moral qualms whatsoever.

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Cowardice is more prevalent than courage. So far. I do have hopes that the ratio is changing.

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I think that's right and it reminds me of some comments I made on Twitter about how few doctors had come forward, let alone put their careers at risk. For this country (UK) it was around 1 in 10,000; around 20 or fewer coming forward vs, astonishingly, 220,000 registered doctors. I remember remarking that was true cowardice - and they even used as an excuse the fact they were being pressured by the GMC and their Trusts. Well, what is that if not cowardice ? They packed up their principles under the tiniest bit of pressure.

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Regarding the prevalence of cowardice,

I feel its origin lies in education that actively discourages curiosity and actively encourages comfortable, and admired, compliance. I shared a flat with a med student and heard from her of the unquestionable authority of The Specialist making the rounds of the wards with expected acolytes in tow. I read many a doctor and surgeon's autobiography detailing the sheer grind and abuse they were unquestioningly expected to endure.

And I remember the reaction of a maxillo-facial surgeon I dared to query regarding the invasive brutality of dental braces. That surely there could be other ways of achieving the objective? A blood pressure reading would have warned of incipient - er - cardiac event.. It was clear he had never questioned anything nor experienced being questioned. The golf days, the pharma sponsored conferences all massage the medical ego. Courageous exploration from this background is unlikely. That said, I hugely admire the courage of doctors in Gaza. But I also admire the courage of Doctors Mark and Sam Bailey and others who dare investigate the sacred cows of medicine and discover their hollow skeletons.

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NHS Scotland are pushing both the Booster and the Flu jab this winter to 'protect' the aged and the vulnerable. The NHS resembles a criminal enterprise at this point as there is no denying the excess deaths -including huge spikes in heart attacks, strokes, clots 'everywhere', 'rare' cancers, miscarriages and still births. They Live.

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The love of money is the root of all evil.

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And mixed with narcissism and psycopathy evil blossoms uninhibited it seems.

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Yes. We must not let them establish a fallback position which will enable them to bring out a sequel to 'covid' (which is what Gates and co are promising and the WHO is busy preparing for).

Let's establish a baseline:

Every experiment conducted over the last 100 years to demonstrate contagion of colds and flus has consistently disproven the theory. Even during the Spanish Flu they tried to infect healthy volunteers with the snot and lung fluid of sick people. They rubbed it in their eyes and mouths and had them gargle and drink it. They had sick people cough directly into their faces. None of the volunteers got sick. Similar experiments over the decades have also failed to prove contagion.

With no evidence that contagion is a thing (outside of Hollywood movies and government propaganda), all pandemic measures (masks, social distancing, travel restrictions, lockdowns, elbow bumping, hand sanitiser and vaccines) are a complete fraud.

What made people sick during the Spanish Flu was the depravations fo WW1 (bad diet, the stresses of war, emotional trauma, handling toxic chemicals etc), radiation poisoning from new radio technology, and a ton of vaccinations (up to 25 shots per soldier!) which were then forced onto the general population too, along with lethal doses of aspirin.

The field of virology was NOT created because someone discovered a virus. It was created in order to explain why the germ theory of disease was failing. No particle which fulfils the definition of a virus (as defined by virologists themselves) has ever been shown to exist in nature. Viruses are contagious for a start, and yet contagion is a failed theory. On this basis ALONE viruses cannot be said to exist as defined.

The fuzzy blobs we see under electron microscopes are just cellular debris. Kidney specialists have published papers showing that the breakdown of kidney cells produces the same particles that are labelled 'coronaviruses'. Virologists use kidney cells in their cell cultures to 'find' viruses. It's all a scam.

Dr Stefan Lanka (ex virologist) has 'found' SARS COV2 using standard virology protocols and equipment WITHOUT ADDING A PATIENT SAMPLE, proving the experiments themselves will always 'find' a virus. Virology is non-falsifiable and therefore does not meet the basic criteria for science.

The model of contagion used to dictate government policy in 2020 was based on a BBC experiment conducted in 2017 involving 30,000 volunteers downloading an app to their smartphones so their phones could be tracked. Given that contagion between people doesn't work, it makes sense that they would create a 'pandemic model' using contagion of a 'digital pathogen' between smartphones instead. Problem solved! This experiment is openly celebrated as creating a 'new gold standard for pandemic modelling' and for being the basis for government policy (ie lockdowns).

This means the entire pandemic was no more real than a computer game .... a digital simulation with no connection to biology whatsoever (because viruses and contagion don't work in the biological realm). Big Pharma now boast that they are 'digitising biology' and using super duper software (instead of boring old fashioned petri dishes) to move virology and vaccine production into the 21st century.

By moving everything into the digital realm they are basically admitting it is all a scam. But because everyone is addicted to their phones and social media they can no longer distinguish between reality and digital. So the scam works.

Doctors have been injecting poison into people not for 3 years .... but for 100 years. Studies on regular vaccines show it's only the vaxxed who have the usual health problems (asthma, ADHD, allergies, autism, ear infections, respiratory issues etc) while the unvaxxed have robust health and none of these issues.

Sickly people make lifetime customers for Big Pharma drugs, and those profits pay for doctors' salaries too (doctors are just drug dealers). The huge bonuses for giving shots keeps them on side.

Vaccines, virology and contagion theory are the biggest fraud (and mass murdering crime) in recorded history.

Today I watched my first video of a man smashing the window of his doctor's car and presumably assaulting him (the video clip stopped at that point) screaming that the doctor had killed one of his relatives with a covid shot.

Doctors and nurses have been elevated to the status of gods in order to keep this scam going, and I think they are about to fall from grace extremely fast (much like the nurses and doctors of the 3rd Reich) as the public wakes up to the ugly truth. The mid level politicians are not going to want to take the rap, so they are going to want to throw the doctors and nurses under the bus too.

It gets worse.

The excess deaths, injuries and disabilities since 2021 are shocking enough.... but based on studies in rats (how the lipid nanoparticles migrate to the sexual organs and cause the body to attack them) we could be looking at mass sterility in the generation born to vaxxed mothers (only evident in 20 years time) as well as a failure to reach proper sexual maturity. Basically their sexual organs will have lost function.

I humbly propose THIS is the reason why there is such an urgency to normalise genderless passports, genderless language, non binary pronouns and 100 pseudo genders to replace 'male' and 'female'. It is as if they want to eradicate the very concept of male and female over the next 20 years in preparation for a de-gendered (and sterilised) population of post-vax 'global citizens'. Scientists say artificial wombs will be ready within a generation too.

I hate to say it - but it all fits.

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Perfect summation. Germ Theory is the Lie that the entire Lockdown operation -and indeed Big Pharma itself- was founded upon.

The other whopper they promoted in order to terrify the public; prolong their isolation and suffering; and allow the banks, hedge funds and insiders sufficient time to transfer enormous wealth and destroy SMEs was the fantasy assertion that people who appear healthy are in fact walking virus vectors - which is then 'confirmed' by a bogus PCR test.

The mask, the gloves, the tests, the signage, the adverts, the 'shields' and barriers on the streets and in the shops: all of this nonsensical paraphernalia allowed the insiders to collect billions of dollars/pounds/euros in public monies. Billionaires have had a hay day the past three years taking imaginary fiat and investing in real assets....The real Fire Sale has yet to begin.

The 'leaders' of the world are Pathological Liars and Sadists - and so are those who assisted them. I have never bought the argument that doctors and nurses didn't know what they were doing and should thus be excused. In some instances, whistleblowers inside clinics reported that none of the employees -and certainly not the doctors- submitted to the jabs but they all kept shtum and doled them out to the public. Some 'health freedom' NHS nurses on Twitter even joked about the stupidity of people lining up to get their experimental jabs. They watched people walking to an early death and found it 'amusing'. (They are allegedly on our team.)   

Three years on, most nurses and doctors are still silent and gainfully employed in a dangerous deadly system that is at the forefront of destroying humanity. As you said: the injections are sterilising us, when they not killing and maiming us outright. 

So I guess you could say I am not one of the Love Wins/Forgive Everyone and Embrace them into the Fold brigade...

Everyone should watch Nurses of the Third Reich.

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I am unjabbed. A little under two years ago, just after the jabs came out, I became very sick with symptoms from head to toe, literally.

The last time I had flu was 1995 and I haven’t had a cold since 2014. Tests for “Covid” were negative. However, I had driven my neighbour and myself to various trailheads right after he had the jabs. I am now just getting over most of those symptoms except for my throat and hearing. No prizes for guessing what my thoughts are about those disgusting jabs and the people who promoted them.

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Sorry, I don’t follow. Did you get the shot? I didn’t understand the “ trailheads.”

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I did not get the shots but my neighbour did. I drive us both to hike various trails and suspect he was shedding.

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Indeed it does, I look forward to reading Alison Pearson’s piece documenting this scandal in 2043, thank goodness for the speed of media.

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Speaking of AUstralia, I just found this out.

Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, who worked with the Aborigines — “well known worldwide as the doctor who spent much of his time fighting for the wellbeing of the Aboriginal inhabitants of Australia” — [1] came to understand the connection between vaccines and many deaths among the Aboriginal population.

…Now it was strange that I was the only doctor in the whole of … Australia that recognised this combination of events, and yet it was happening all over Australia. But this is fairly typical of my work really that other doctors for some reason seemed to go around with their heads in the sand.[5]

Kalokerinos found that he could prevent some vaccine-induced deaths by providing Vitamin C intramuscularly or intravenously in large quantities. Sadly — as is normally the case — he was vehemently opposed for wanting to end the vaccine holocaust:

One would have expected, of course, that the authorities would take an interest in these observations that resulted in a dramatic drop in the death rate of infants in the area under my control, a very dramatic drop. But instead of taking an interest their reaction was one of extreme hostility.[6]


Here’s a video of some of the obstructions he encountered.


(11) Archivides "Archie" Kalokerinos interview, Part 1 - YouTube

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That's a very interesting read. I wholeheartedly agree with "vaccines were a deliberate tool of genocide". They've been doing the same in Africa, when they are not killing them with the catch-all of AIDS, which quite literally makes them give up on life while keeping the corrupt money flowing in for what is mostly TB, which would otherwise attract no "aid" money. No one can tell me the doctors are so stupid as to not have worked this out. That makes them knowing executioners.

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Yes Africa, and the Philippines as well with the dengue vaccine program.

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Hi Goeff, children are exploited with so many vaccine products now.

And in Australia, Aboriginal children are subject to additional vaccines...

See the schedule here: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-11/national-immunisation-program-schedule_0.pdf

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Thanks, EH! I agree with your point and would add that here in the US the same applies to adults as well.

I never used to question vaccines until the "flu" vaccines were hyped but even then I accepted the idea that vaccines were probably useful for less trivial maladies such as polio and tetanus. After the obvious covid terror campaign I'm now a complete anti-vaxxer since I think that our immune systems, given sufficient support, are more than up to the task and believe that we in the US, both children and adults are way overvaxxec as well.

I may be totally in error here, but I understand that even newborns in the US are loaded with some hepatitis vaccine and probably others as well which makes no sense to me since their immune systems are probably not even developed enough to make use of the antigen stimulants.

It's clear to me that injections have the potential to be used for purposes other than protection and that potential is much too tempting for the psychopaths among us. Who knows what poisons could be and have been delivered through a needle under the pretext of protection? Is the obviously criminal medical industry to be trusted?

Something else that confuses me is that many people who are careful, even fastidious, about what they put into their mouths nevertheless unquestioningly rollup their sleeves on command.

Heaven help us.

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Because the Medical profession is made up of egomaniacal, status-driven psychopaths who don't give a toss about their patients and who love killing, especially when it pays well (as it did in this instance). They are a menace to society and a perpetual danger to their patients. There is never a question of whether it's right or wrong, just whether it pays well enough or is going to get them to that free "conference" in Barbados where they can have 10 days living in the manner they believe they deserve.

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Everyone always omits the "team of 5 million" /sarc, New Zealand, which sustained precisely the same draconian diktats expedited by the WEFFIE worshipping bureaucrats, politicians and their useful tools, the MSM and well-paid medical practitioners.

For the record, the weekly excess deaths above the 2015 - 2019 mean in Australia and New Zealand are in nigh perfect concordance since 2020. They are both headed in the opposite direction to Sweden. Whatever is taking place or took place in Oceania is very different from Scandinavia.


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Now the next shoe to drop needs to be the massive EMF radiation we're exposing ourselves to - will the media touch this subject?

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Absolutely not. Because if everyone thinks that previous scandals- thalidomide, tobacco "science", SSRIs, big ags obfuscation of glysophate, fluoridation, asbestos, bioweapons gulf war syndrome, SIDS, vaccine schedules, geoengineering, etc

,were/are considered to be as bad as it gets re scandals, ALL of these put together and including covid (when the fallout settles in 2026), ALL of that pales in comparison to the telecommunications defence industrial complex and damage done from EMR via EMFs.😐😐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐

Which is why it's the lynch pin. Everything else in their dystopian technofacist transhumanistic vision ALL depend on maintaining and intensifying the telecommunications networks via satalites.🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Correct. If telecommunications/surveillance systems were boycotted or forcibly shut down, the entire "plan" would fail miserably.

Every propaganda ploy and false flag report of the last 60+ years, revolved around mass media control of radio, television, and the more recent cellular phone industries. Anyone that believes these "conveniences" are benign has made themselves willfully blind. The entire planet is being maimed and murdered so people can cheer for sports teams and order pizza in nano-seconds...

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it's also why they can 'handle' a scandal re jabs now, all of the above with war and atrocity thrown in, pharma stocks plummeting, but crazy mrna 'solutions' still being touted, clever finagling means there will be no accountability, people are overwhelmed, me included.

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Good list! With a curious common theme of killing us; or at least seriously degrading us. I wonder why that is?

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Well said.

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I agree. I hate to say it but the fact that EMF is destroying the ecosystem, might turn out to be the salvation of humanity.

Let's face it, most people don't seem to value their health, and don't seem to be able to spot a tyranny even when it locks them up and forces them to wear a gag... but everybody understands it's wrong to destroy all life on this planet.

The fact that wireless infrastructure and biological life are incompatible (we can enjoy one or the other but not both) also gives us the moral high ground (which is everything these days).

Already wifi is being pulled out of schools and nobody will insure it. The industry is already imploding, despite the hype. As soon as wireless gets portrayed as a dirty, nasty, toxic, polluting habit it's game over.

The concept of a wireless control grid does not really work if we start demanding wifi free zones in public spaces, venues and transport (like no smoking zones) and alternative solutions for those who don't (or can't) use smart gadgets.

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Great points there!

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I somewhat agree with your comments regarding harmful EMF, but you fail to understand that no-smoking zones have only served to alienate people who happen to enjoy smoking. The no smoking meme was the first established ploy toward divide and conquer strategy, and it obviously worked very well...

A complete BAN on all forms of electromagnetic broadcast is the only way out of the industrial quagmire...

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I somewhat agree with your somewhat agreement :)

For sure, smoke breaks and smoking culture (sharing cigarettes) created a kind of informal 'union' where workers could discuss all the gossip about the company (layoffs, expansions, relocations etc) and generally bond as a group.

Banning smoking and getting rid of the informal 5 minute smoke break every couple of hours helped to atomise employees. That was obviously one of the motives behind making smoking taboo (nothing to do with caring about our health).

A study on 'diversity' in the workplace also found diverse employees were much less likely to form unions or socialise generally, which is one of reasons why corporations also love diversity (nothing to do with 'fairness' and everything to do with disempowering your workforce).

(see also: 'social distancing')

But having said that, smoking is still a filthy habit and no smoking zones in public spaces still make sense.

"A complete BAN on all forms of electromagnetic broadcast is the only way out of the industrial quagmire..."

I agree. But that's too much of an ask. A much more reasonable ask is to demand 'no wifi zones' in public spaces and in your own home (as owner or tenant), and to make this demand in the same spirit as demanding no smoking zones in the 1990's.

As long as your toxic microwave pollution does not trespass into my home, or workplace, or public library, or park, or public transport everything is cool. That's a very reasonable position to take and it cannot be argued with.

The beauty of this perfectly reasonable demand is (1) making wireless coverage patchy makes wireless gadgets pointless and wireless surveillance impossible (2) to create 'wireless free zones' requires almost total elimination of wireless anyway, given that it passes through walls and travels such distances.

The whole point of 'EMF free zones' is that it DOES require the total elimination of wireless in practice. It's just that it's a much more reasonable way of making that same demand :)

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Heh, heh... Again, I somewhat agree with your comment... Persons who happen to enjoy smoking are treated as mongrel dogs, and are generally looked down upon, and often openly insulted by those who happen not to smoke. This is not a paranoid fantasy, and I've resented this public alienation and exclusion since the late 1980's. As you elude, it is propaganda technique...

If you think electromagnetic radiation is safer or more controllable than tobacco usage, you are simply not on the same page as myself. Thank you for your comment.

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Actually the next shoe is to drop needs to be the climate hoax. As this is pervading the whole world with the ESG and social credit score. We need to focus on disrupting their games on all fronts.

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Totally agree. We just received a letter stating our energy bills are going to increase substantially. Why? Because the extra money is needed to get to carbon zero, etc. I’m thinking if enough of us got together, we could file a class action suit against these thrives. How? By providing hundreds of scientists to declare that climate change is a scam! I know this would work and I know there’s more than enough scientists that would agree. Real science, not Fauci science.

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And the chemtrails. My god. It was terrible today in San Diego.

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If you can, will you video some with your phone? The ones coming directly from the planes are the best to see this. I’ve been seeing drones, crisscrossing the chemtrails here in Wa. You can’t see them unless you take the video & slow it down, frame by frame. They either are measuring area or video recording? They move ultra- fast. I’m thinking of publishing a note about it. I’ve contacted FAA, Dep. of Ecology, & others. No response, of course. Plus, chemtrail planes never show up on my FlightAware or PlaneFinder App. ( even military typically shows on these) I would LOVE a video sent to me from your trails. 🤗 I just use my iPhone.

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I have loads from over London if you’d like!

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I just signed up to Mega. Might be perfect place to share videos?

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You have a MEGA Chat request waiting. Register an account on MEGA and get 20 GB free lifetime storage. https://mega.nz/C!o2sQAApT

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Thank you! I would! Ldsherwin@comcast.net

I’m not sure how large files can be. That’s my email.

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It was obvious yesterday. High flying planes criss-crossing the sky all day. By the afternoon, a bizarre gray haze with that chemical ring around the Sun most of the day. Today, nothing. Yesterday, planes all day from morning to night. Wish there was a photo sharing link on Substack. I’d post them. I was on the fence about this issue for sometime. But after “COVOD,” and all of the other psy-ops of the last four years, I can’t ignore this.

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Get on Mega.nz; upload files, post a link. Up to 50 GB, free of charge.

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Thanks again! Did it!

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You have a MEGA Chat request waiting. Register an account on MEGA and get 20 GB free lifetime storage. https://mega.nz/C!o2sQAApT

This might be a good place to share videos if you want? I believe you. Same in Seattle. Gray stripes & look nasty. Turn blue sky to filtered gray. Super obvious it’s manipulated. Then, the waves in the clouds are from EMF? They are too uniform & symmetrical. I’ve been watching the sky for over 50 years. It’s different.

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& the pollution is full of nanoparticles

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And all the shit that's being dropped from the sky.

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Regarding things being dropped from the sky, remember Dresden, Hiroshima, Ethiopia and Vietnam to mention just a few.

In Vietnam the US seeded the sky with lead iodide and silver iodide to cause rain in addition to poisoning the earth with agent orange as everyone knows.

Back in the 1930s...

"The deadly rain that fell from the aircraft made all those whom it touched fly shrieking with pain. All those who drank the poisoned water or ate the infected food also succumbed in dreadful suffering. In tens of thousands, the victims of the Italian mustard gas fell."

-- Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, Appeal to the League of Nations, June 1936


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There's no doubting we were the baddies, is there? Then we passed the baton for war and oppression to the USA, who have never taken even a year off since. Somehow, there are hordes of Americans who still believe they are spreading freedom and democracy to all the places they invade or whose regimes they decide are incompatible with their hegemony.

I'm not sure of your basis for including Hiroshima. I would included it as an example of inhuman firebombing and a war crime like Dresden, but I don't believe the nuclear element for a second. The capacity for fear that nuclear warfare embodies rules it out of reality in my book and I have Hiroshima down as hoax to make sure the nuclear story took hold. (Which is not to say that the cities weren't flattened.)

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I hear ya regarding whether nukes were used. Have you been reading Miles Matihs?

I included it because of the possibility that soemthing terrible/ abominable was used on blameless civilians.

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I've read a LOT of Miles Mathis and, yes, it may have been his Trinity paper that first convinced me nuclear weapons were a hoax. Not to do myself down, I had a few pieces in place, like a rank distrust of all the money that was going there and an upgrade to the B61 missile system that looked like something I could have knocked up in the metal workshop after school. And I was certainly getting familiar with the character of these elite coups - money disappearing being top of the list, the story being eye-poppingly fanciful as well as threadbare, having multiple facets (social, financial, testing...), being full of fear - and, in this instance, someone I didn't trust arguing FOR the bombings being necessary when the history says that Japan were already suing for peace. They were also a pre-requisite for the cold war, which alone is profoundly suspicious. But, yes, Miles's paper probably was the lodestone that convinced me. I haven't read much of his of late but I love some of his work, my favourites being Lincoln, which is fabulous and hilarious, Tate.pdf, which is long but very instructive, and the Dylan one, where the songs are written by Leonard Cohen. I must have another look, now that you mention him. I did have a hint of suspicion about his role at one point though he didn't fail my first test, which is that the intelligence plants NEVER reply to emails. The other notable thing about him is his terrible grasp of European culture, while thinking that he has it down pat and is something of an expert. His paper on David irving having a privileged background was so wrong on dozens of counts. No one privileged grows up in Brentford, which is a horrible suburb of London. His "grand" school was just one of thousands of schools built in the same style in Victorian times and the way he afforded to go to Oxford University was that there used to be a grant system and NO ONE, except foreigners, paid fees to go to University. I don't look into random conspiracies these days and try not to follow the news (don't watch TV at all) but Miles was a useful step on the path.

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I feel I'm in good company here. Have you read the recent Miles Mathis "Turning 60" article? It's probably the third one from the top on his main page. LOTS of funny tidbits about his life there, why he looks so young, why he thinks the way he does, etc.. Quite the read, even comparing against the rest of his voluminous work.

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Thanks for such an informative response. I must say that I can relate to all you say there.

Regarding Japan, of course any bombings were not needed and that's because the Japanese (our WW1 allies), were beaten from the start and it's hard to imagine that anyone there wanted war. The Japanese were afraid of Communism and like our Monroe Doctrine, they formed the East Asian co-Prosperity sphere, and why not, since the West had been meddling in Asia, (e.g., running the heroin trade) and the US had even had a naval squadron patrolling the Yangtze River since the 1830s "protecting" American interests. Incidentally, Wuhan is a port city on the Yangtze. The Japanese never were any more of a threat to Amerika than the Vietnamese or any other people that "we" have bombed into submission as well as destruction. Despite being forced into war by the US (closing the Panama canal to Japanese shipping and cutting off their oil supply etc., etc.) only a relative handful of militarists (probably paid off by the international banksters) managed to terrorize the leadership into attacking PH.

"I don't look into random conspiracies these days and try not to follow the news (don't watch TV at all) but Miles was a useful step on the path."

Yup., he certainly was for me as well. I have never owned a TV nor have I subscribed to any corporate media for at least 4 decades now, and as for the propaganda posing as "news," I have no time for it or much else put out by the global cartels, monopolies, and mafiosi.

…for I knew nothing of the facts. I read no newspaper now but Ritchie's, and in that chiefly the advertisements, for they contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper. [ ed comment: we all know how much truth is in those! 😉]

- Thomas Jefferson, letter to To Nathaniel Macon, Monticello, January 12, 1819

I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors.

-Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, 14 June 1807


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Nov 11, 2023
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That's superb! Thank you for that. It's the best confirmation I have had that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were as I suspected them to be. Until now I only had my belief that nuclear weapons/explosions didn't exist and that they then had to be made up because they were too valuable as a tool of fear. A few other things fed into to this belief, like the Physics being all over the place and seemingly not to have advanced one centimetre since the '30s, and that what we had back then was constantly being rehashed to keep it in the public eye (even writing plays about it like Copenhagen). Films and promotions of the "official narrative", eg. Titanic, are almost always a sign that this was an elite event and they want to re-write history without all the pesky giveaway clues. Or re-embed it in the collective mind.

I actually use the mention of nuclear weapons as a debunker of misinformation and if they are mentioned frequently (usually attached to some technologically advanced civilisation) then I will often dismiss the information entirely. A good example is Roswell, which almost always comes with a side-order of the "aliens" being concerned that we had developed nuclear weapons and so decided to pitch up to find out what was going on.

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Nov 11, 2023
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Nov 11, 2023
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Wow! Thanks for that. I have no doubt that you are stating facts and that your admonition is spot on.

I often tell myself and others to question everything, especially "authority." As you say, listening to them is a vulnerability and a very signifcant one, but on the other hand I can resist anything except temptation and confess to often succumbing to the temptation to use their own lies against them.

Again, thanks.

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Nov 11, 2023
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Thanks for sharing that tidbit of history - lest we truly forget to remember how conspiracies like this have always been with us. Even back in the 30s?! wow. How did you come across this? Have you been researching this topic for a while?

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I have been interested in reading about war crimes committed by my "wonderful"country of birth for some time now and I came across that around a quarter of a century ago so unfortunately I do not remember exactly how I got interested in the subject but I was probably reading a lot about Churchill's advocating for the use of "poison gas" on the Iraqis a century ago and of his goofy, hideous "adventures' in East Africa. (What a pathetic fool and clown he was!)

Long after I read that more than a few Somali and Ethiopian and other East African refugees moved to the area and I found them to be fantastic people. They impress me as having been raised by nurturing, respectful parents and their general manner makes them a pleasure to encounter.

What those people and many others have suffered for no reason makes me sick to the stomach.

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Heading to my beloved partner's memorial tomorrow. Stage 4 Cancer at 56 just 5 months after the Pfizer shots. His were there extra f'd batches.

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No words are sufficient. (Condolences. )

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True. And thank you

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Heartbreaking, I am so sorry.

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So sorry 🙏

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Keep speaking out, keep exposing the truth. Use your sadness as fuel to fight this. We will all be together soon.

God is in control. HE loves us more than imaginable & will be the ultimate

"revenge" against these evil ones.

Romans, in the Bible, proves it.

Read " Mere Christianity" by C.S.

Lewis & find Jesus, if you haven't.

God is so good. That's the only reason 1 keep going through this crazy world.

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People are dropping like flies….. it’s so , so sad. And yet Still people refuse to see what’s in front of their faces.

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Thanks for mentioning the AMPS Blitz on Canberra.

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Gobsmacking. Well, with this, it seems a whole lotta peeps just got thrown under a whole lotta buses. And deservedly so.

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No one deserves what's been done to them without their consent. And reality is, it's been done to all of us- the shedding is real. It's affecting everyone and there is no separation from this irreversible damage to humanities DNA.😐 You can wait another 12-18mths for more people to confirm this, or like the shot damage stories now emerging 3yrs later, but it's real. It's happened. And everybody needs catchup because the legal and infrastructure framework for one world government and digital id, is all still very much on schedule.😐🤔🤨🤐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Just to be clear, when I say a lot of peeps just got thrown under the bus, I refer to the perpetrators-- now that the mainstream press seems to be revealing a glimpse of the damage done. I wholly agree with you, that no one deserves what's been done to them without their consent-- and no one who got a jab had informed consent, since the information wasn't there (no package inserts, etc.) and, of course, in many cases the shots were mandated.

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🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ sorry TranB. I interpreted it differently. There is so much almost smug vitriol being aimed at those who took the shot now all the garbage in them is being confirmed, that the commentary has been nauseatingly uncompassionate. I've read your work so I was surprised at the comment, but realise it was my mistake in interpretation. Thank you for clarifying🙏🙏🤗

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Thanks for your comment, much appreciated.

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Things you won't see in Canada. A Federal Appeals Court dismissed a major lawsuit challenging the travel ban mandates. The 'enjoined' case was filed by former Premier of Newfoundland Brian Peckford who is one of the last surviving writers of the Charter and PPC Leader Maxime Bernier among others. It is filled with bombshell expert testimonies - including from Health Canada- that obliterate the government's position and claim they 'followed the science'.

Nonetheless, the three-judge panel said it was 'moot' since rights were restored. Even though the government said they only 'suspended' them. Canadian courts are abdicating their duty to listen to the evidence denying the people's right to be heard. They're allowing for the government to govern on despotic terms. It's outrageous the moral cowardice on display.

One of the judges speciously claimed there was no public interest in the case despite the fact six million Canadians were impacted and harmed in different ways by the mandates. The Toronto Star - who once published an article where the author declared he wanted the unvaccinated to die - recently criticized leader of the Conservative Pierre Poilivere for attempting to table legislation banning travel mandates and coerced vaccination as a condition of employment. In other words, looking to reinforce laws and ethical codes already on the books. Cruel Canadians reacted as if he clubbed baby seals. The Star made the shocking claim that mandates are 'vital'.

So that's what's happening here. If the world is going to get at the truth, they'll have to do it without Canada. It's a COVID gulag having become a world leader in junk science. and kangaroo courts.


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Maybe a few hundred thousand Canadians could line up in front of these "judges" homes and honk their horns for a few days...

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I like how your mind works.

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I like how your mind works also... It wasn't easy to turn out the way I did...

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Like the "justice" in the USA that simply declined to hear the election theft cases...

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Speaking of election theft and other such misbehavior, many things of that nature were in fact employed to induce people to vote for ratification of the US constitution, so it's been going on for a while.

Murray Rothbard's "Conceived in Liberty" and this book are chock full of evidence to support the claim.

The antifederalists; critics of the Constitution, 1781-1788


Main, Jackson Turner

The antifederalists; critics of the Constitution, 1781-1788 : Main, Jackson Turner : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

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I guess they should've made sure the "media personalities" got nothing but saline;-)

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Considering the way some of them acted, I’ll be glad if they did NOT get saline.

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I agree. Seems like many of them did get the death jabs, just like so many of the famous sports personalities got them.

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I follow Allison Pearson on Twitter and have read her forever, back to when I had the Telegraph delivered (not something I would waste money on now, even if I could still afford it). She's a fab writer - though there was a significant dip when she had her children - and I suspect she's unerringly brave. I say "suspect" because, while she's not an out-and-out truthteller, I think the limitation is in what she's prepared to believe, rather than toeing a party line or self-editing.

She has said several times on Twitter that people are pretty much allowed to write what they want at The Telegraph, without interference, which I have to say is something I rather raised an eybrow to initially. It seems my cynicism was misplaced and I'm thrilled that's the case. I'm looking forward to how this develops as The Telegraph really is a powerful and influential voice in England and Wales. It's notable that this should be breaking in a Right-wing paper and it stands as proof - as if proof were needed - of how much more tolerant the Right is of views that may differ from their own. Allison is far too clever to be a Leftist but, if she were, she'd be looking at full-on ostracisation right now.

I'm thrilled that it's she who is essentially breaking this story - into the mainstream at least - and if I were still on Twitter (I'm currently suspended though haven't really fought back yet) I would doing my best to encourage her in her redpill path.

Incidentally, we should all be taking great delight in how the murderous criminals behind Covid and the vaccine - Gates, Klaus, Fauci, Hancock and that Irish bricklayer at the WHO - will be puce with rage when this comes to their attention. It's not the full story, yet, but it's a significant crack in their fortifications.

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@Christian Thomas - Who owns the Telegraph?

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It was Howard and Aidan Barclay - but now for sale

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Thank you. Of course it was! I did know the story after all - and I never did get to find out how that court case finished (because I don't read newspapers or watch the TV nowadays).

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I'm not actually sure who owns it now. I lost interest after the coup on Conrad Black, which was truly disgusting. I thought it still stayed with Hollinger, but just with different people in charge. I've no idea how that has morphed since. What is the point you want to make, though? That it's now owned by a consortium of anarchists?

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Or just controlled opposition, like Fox News.

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Do you know what The Telegraph is? Probably not if you're citing Fox. It's a very patrician paper and is not really for the masses. I mean it's publicly available but it's not a mass media publication. It wouldn't get involved in that sort of thing. Of course it spreads the same horseshit as everyone else and usually toes the party line (the party in this case being the Consevative Party) but it's not there to either degrade the people or tell them what they should like or directly influence them. That's left to the Daily Mail and the Red Top papers. The Telegraph wouldn't want to get its hands dirty with something as grubby as hosting controlled opposition. Besides there is almost no "opposition" inside the paper and they almost never touch on conspiracy (though how I still know that is anyone's guess as I haven't even picked a copy up in the last couple of years and it must be 8 or 10 years since I last read one through. I do get pointed to various articles once in a while, though, and it doesn't seem to have changed. Nah, completelythe wrong candidate.

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Control narratives are breaking openly.

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“We will know our program is complete, when everything the American public believes is false.”

——William J. Casey, CIA director 1981.

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It takes a few years of being fully red-pilled to understand quite how deep that goes. (Hint to those who don't yet know, it covers EVERYTHING; but everything!) It's actually an incredible bit of truth (hidden under what looks like a trite quip). It's not even a half-truth.

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More optics from the PTB. It is the U.K. government, those in the Civil Service and the unseen hands behind the establishment of this narrative - including the 77th Brigade and the social media censors who need to be on trial. Plus every UK politician who sided with those coercing from the ‘shadows’.

The MRNA gene therapy - which became labelled as a vaccine is far more damaging than the Astra shots. While Astra was widely banned in some 15 countries by March 2021 for its side effects - the roll out of the Pfizer gene therapy continued unabated. The fact the it’s been contaminated with the SV40 protein sequence - leaves all its recipients with the potential for what has become know by oncologists as ‘turbo cancer’. See Makis for this work. As Mary Anne Alice correctly states, MISTAKES WERE NOT MADE.

In 2021 The Daily Telegraph was flag waving for the vaccine - like every other MSM source. They’ve only just done a strategic U-turn - and while they await a sale.

Baric, Fauci, NIH, CDC, MHRA, MI5, CIA, Wellcome Trust - participated in what is going to be seen as the biggest medical fraud ever seen. But in fact it’s not that. It’s a genocide. And while the latest geopolitical optics distract, our athletes, children, young people in the prime of their life are ‘dying suddenly : cause unknown’. The actuaries know this. The life insurance companies know this. The relatives of those struggling now without a partner, or a child - they know too.

The Daily Telegraph were also participants to this mass deception - under instructions by the UK government to tow the political ‘safe and effective’ narrative. As were our MP’s. As was our Prime Minster. This is a collective stain on humanity. May we pray for truth, justice and love to prevail.

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Last year, I came across and started using the term "Democide": Killing of the entire population w/no regard for age, sex, etc, which - in my mind - is a far greater crime than targeting a particular ethnicity or race, as in genocide. Although genocide may also be the case, in which ethnically-targeted shots are used.

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It's horribly sad and heartbreaking. This reporter (the writer, but probably also the victim) seems very intelligent. She doesn't seem an example of any "mass formation." She doesn't seem "brainwashed." How can she, and others like her, NOT have seen this even just a year earlier, just by simply looking at public, NOT suppressed information? I can't understand it.

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She is very bright - I've read her pieces, on and off, for about 30 years - but is still very attached to "rationality". That means that there can be no actual conspiracies where people gather in smoke-filled rooms to plot the next stage of the depopulation agenda or how to fleece the taxpaying public of another £30 billion and paper it over by reducing the benefits to the poor and disabled. I think she's getting there, though. And, being bright, she'll end up a pretty full picture of what's really going on. I'm very pleased to have her on our side - 'cos I'm sure she will be.

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This is why they are rushing like hell to get us in this pandemic treaty. They think they will get away with murder once the treaty is locked in. WE MUST NOT DO IT PERIOD. Contact your representatives and hold them accountable! Fight like hell! Let them know they will be responsible for aiding and abetting Genocidal Murder!

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I can't imagine why they would call it a treaty when it's more like a mandate. It's not even an unequal treaty.

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Imho, the plandemic was a malicious attempt by the WHO to destroy people's faith in their governments. Governments were encouraged to implement in lockstep measures which the WHO knew ahead of time were counter-productive and could only fail. It was designed to hasten the demise of the current political system and herald in the New World Order.

While we must hold our governments to account we must also require them to exit the WHO and the UN. Globalism needs to die.

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@Dave Espin - THIS!! ☝️☝️ I remember seeing Obama making a speech about using propaganda and "misinformation" to make people lose all faith in their government institutions. Of course, there's another video of him literally saying that "men and women are too stupid to govern themselves". Possibly the same vid. I can't find either one now.

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That's a very interesting perspective. I wouldn't be in the least surprised if it were true, or at least one facet of the plandemic. Another is destruction of the Western economies, which also will undermine confidence in governments.

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True, but here in the US it often has the opposite effect, i.e., it causes many to seek shelter under the "protection" of what's been oppressing them already. So they had better hurry and "prove" that a one world government is the way forward.

I hope our aspiiriing masters are undermining their own rotten projects.

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Here in the US similar motives, strategies, and tactics were obvious in the push to destroy state sovereignity and impse the constitution on the "hoi polloi."

Now that the nationalism has outlived its usefulness to the hoi oligoi, the next stage is further consolidation of wealth and political power in their hands.

Oh Lord, deliver us!

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