Much respect to professor Miller, but I think there is a blind spot amongst many - one you don’t have and one that if we don’t shine a light on, it’s game over.


No cause, ever, in the history of all mankind, has produced more cold-blooded tyrants, more slaughtered innocents, and more orphans than socialism with power. It surpassed, exponentially, all other systems of production in turning out the dead. The bodies are all around us. And here is the problem: No one talks about them. No one honors them. No one does penance for them. No one has committed suicide for having been an apologist for those who did this to them. No one pays for them. No one is hunted down to account for them. It is exactly what Solzhenitsyn foresaw in The Gulag Archipelago: "No, no one would have to answer. No one would be looked into." Until that happens, there is no "after socialism."

The West accepts an epochal, monstrous, unforgivable double standard. We rehearse the crimes of Nazism almost daily, we teach them to our children as ultimate historical and moral lessons, and we bear witness to every victim. We are, with so few exceptions, almost silent on the crimes of Communism. So the bodies lie among us, unnoticed, everywhere. We insisted upon "de-Nazification," and we excoriate those who tempered it in the name of new or emerging political realities. There never has been and never will be a similar "de-Communization," although the slaughter of innocents was exponentially greater, and although those who signed the orders and ran the camps remain. In the case of Nazism, we hunt down ninety-year-old men because "the bones cry out" for justice. In the case of Communism, we insisted on "no witch hunts"—let the dead bury the living. But the dead can bury no one.

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Excellent points/comment. To your point about "all things 'Nazi,'" I must confess that I usually stop reading as soon as I see that. The crimes we're told the Third Reich committed are rehearsed almost daily; everybody knows them, yet no one can ask a question about them. Uh, that's a bit 𝒐𝒅𝒅, yes?

And now we're told the word "communism" sets the teeth of some on edge? Really? What shall we call it then? What shall we call the thing in place of that which Solzhenitsyn describes for us?

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war propaganda if useful never dies

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Tremendous comment Ooana.

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de=nazified the germans citizens, breaking them down and deracinating them (not ukrainians) then took all the useful 'nazis' to the USA for use in building up the american evil empire...

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It’s absolutely astounding how few people know about the left wing, Bolshevik political violence in Germany during the early 1900’s, such as the German (November) Revolution of 1918, the Spartacist uprising of 1918, and the general violence and political assassinations occurring on the streets of Germany from 1918-1933.

This, AFTER the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Monarchy and murdered the Romanov family, in 1918, and then the Holodomor starting in 1932.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was correct,

“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

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Brilliantly stated. I forgot about this Solzhenitsyn quote. It's a huge CLUE to what I am trying to get it.

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Yes, the only reason I know about any of that is because after I woke up to the truth about 9/11, I started questioning everything and stumbled into revisionist history--I was truly blown away by how much had been hidden from us. I used to listen to Deanna Spingola's radio show on Republic Broadcasting Network and she covered lots of this--it was truly shocking. But honestly, the more I looked into revisionist history, the more everything made sense.

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fwiw- in addition to learning about all of the info in "Malignant's" comment, Spingola also talked a lot about what the British (British Empire/British East India Company) did in India and all of the famines--I was truly shocked that I had never heard about any of this. Here's an overview of all of the deaths from the famines:


And there was also another massive famine in Persia:


It seems obvious to me that our history is controlled and it seems like there has been a deliberate effort to hide the crimes of the British Empire (which I think was actually the City of London Bankers Empire). More on that here: https://william3n4z2.substack.com/p/untaught-history-the-venetian-anglo

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And the multiple "holocausts" in Ireland courtesy of the British over seven centuries. Starvation featured prominently throughout these abuses with the more infamous one the one that "everybody knows." The Irish only knew how to grow potatoes, so when their crop failed, everybody died. The End.

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Some interesting points to make here.

1. The potato famine was not unique to Ireland. Scotland suffered similar problems. The difference however was that Scottish tribal leaders were still related (literally) to the lower classes through the clan structure. Therefore they spent their own money to alleviate the worst effects of the famine on their people. Ireland was ruled by the English who were foreigners, had no allegiance to the men who worked the land, and therefore did nothing to help them.

2. Oliver Cromwell was the man who conquered Ireland with a great deal of brutality. There were rumors that he was a freemason and established freemasonry in England. The truth of these rumors is disputed. See https://tlio.org.uk/thomas-cromwell-oliver-cromwell-and-the-founding-of-zionism/. Whether or not he was the father of English freemasonry, he certainly did readmit Jews to England after more than three hundred years.

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Stalin himself was not Russian, he was from Georgia.

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yes ethnic hatred of white people/christians, etc... same people who created hollywood and who knows what other undermining insitutions but they can't be named because they have so successfully covered their tracks or at least the ability for people to even pt it out... someone said you can know who rules over you by noting who you can't criticize.

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That was Voltaire- “To learn who rules over you simply look to those you cannot criticize.”

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I believe that was not Voltaire actually. It is a quote from a man named Kevin Alfred Strom who makes an interesting case study.

You can read the "official" position on Strom here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Alfred_Strom (neo-nazi pedophile etc.)

And his own defense here: https://www.kevinalfredstrom.com/2018/01/kevin-alfred-strom-fast-facts-you-need-to-know/ (not a pedophile)

I haven't done any independent research so can make no additional statement of my own.

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Don't forget all the communist uprisings in Europe in the middle of the nineteenth century too.

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Or the book, “Germany must perish!” Which called for the genocide and sterilization of all Germans.

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And since you mentioned Germany Must Perish, you might want to look into the books by James Bacque https://newamericangovernment.org/unpacking-the-lies-justifying-the-murder-of-9-million-germans-after-wwii/ And Thomas Goodrich's Hellstorm (I've never read that one--to horrific, but I've heard him interviewed on his book). And there's a good documentary "Hitlers War-What Historians Neglect to Mention" that I found fascinating when I first started looking into all of this. And Benjamin Freedmans 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel -gives inside info on the behind the scenes intrigues that got America into ww1, plus he touches on ww2.

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the atrocities we are not allowed to remember but only the death of one racial/ethnic group is allowed to matter

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Yes, that's the truth. I was shocked when I learned about the slaughter of tens of millions of Christians in the "Russian" Revolution. I think I initially heard 60 million, but I'm not sure of the number. And then there were tens of millions killed in the Chinese Communist Revolution--who was really behind that. I heard that Mao was "educated" in the West.

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gulag archipelago by alexander solzhenitsyn.... author claims 100 million russians were killed..... somewhere I remember hearing 200 million were killed by that ideology, communism, authored by Marx who I recall reading came from a long lineage of rabbis... in the 20th century.. I believe hate for christians was culitvated in that group for 100s of years.... Martin Luther after reading the Talmud and the great disrespect it showed to Jesus and Mary was furious...

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I’ll have to check those out.

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Onward Christian Soldiers by Donald Day clearly identifies who was behind communism. We do not know true history. We are taught victors history.

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its the elephant in the living room all have been fear-mongered into not being able to mention

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I’ll check that out! Thanks

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that was written by a jew if memory serves.... and as we learn Judea declared war on Germany first with boycotts which were very effective and they are a nation of merchants, bankers, capitalists with great clout

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yes the people are uninformed on purpose.... clearly the origins of communism and its evil deeds must be hidden behind the much much less so-called evils of nazism....

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I think someone has to address head on the problem of what is, and what isn't, anti-semitism, and what criticisms of Jews and Judaism must be explored in order for us to understand and address what has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen if unchecked.

The idea that every Jew on the planet is part of an evil plot seems to me to be absurd - beyond the bounds of possibility. However none of the following ideas seem to be to be impossible:

(1) Throughout history groups of criminals have conspired to achieve nefarious aims, and from time to time, some of those criminals or criminal groups have been Jewish, or largely Jewish.

(2) Religions can have bad ideas which lead to evil outcomes. Obvious examples are the Aztecs and the Thugees. It is a possibility that Islam, Christianity, Judaism, or any other religion has such a flaw, either innately or grafted on.

(3) Secret societies infiltrate, and on occasion assume control of, organizations and institutions including governments and religions. It is not impossible that Judaism has been so infiltrated.

(4) If it is not possible to even raise these possibilities for discussion, then that in and of itself increases the chance that they will be correct, because a criminal who knows he cannot even be accused is far more likely to commit greater and greater crimes.

A thing is not incorrect just because the nazis said it. If Hitler says "the train leaves at 9am" and you show up at 9.05am you will miss the train.

The problem with the nazis was not that they invented Germany's betrayal in WW1 by (largely Jewish) bankers, or the involvement of those bankers with communism. I think both of those things are likely true even though this view is even more unpopular than the idea that AIDS is not caused by HIV or that covid is a scam.

The problem with the Nazis was that their entire philosophy was morally bankrupt and therefore, instead of according every man his rights and establishing the guilt or otherwise of a handful of men by trial for treason, the nazi solution was to define millions of innocent people as sub-human and punish them without any trial at all. And the effect of this moral bankruptcy was felt not just by the Jewish community, but by the elderly and disabled, gypsies and dissidents - and in the end the whole world.

A moral society may question any man or group or religion without ill consequences, because the moral society will accord those it accuses a fair trial and punish only those found guilty by the best available process. In an immoral society, where accusation is tantamount to guilt, then no man is safe. Thus no-one should fear any question or accusation. Rather we should fear a society where some men are superior to others, where questioners are punished merely for asking forbidden questions, and guilt is established by accusation, association, or group identity.

FWIW my own belief is that groups of Satanists (for lack of a better word, but use pagans if you prefer) have infiltrated *all* the major religions, and there are deeply evil groups working towards nefarious ends. A significant number of these people (although far from all of them) claim to be Jewish and they further claim that any criticism of them must be forbidden because Hitler also criticized them.

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Rev 2:9

I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Rev 3:9

I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

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jews create anti-semitism.... which creates their own otherness.... dwelling a part from others... without this they would have been assimilated long ago.... those who are outcasts don't look at others as fully human so its easier to exploit them, if they can, ... it works both ways

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Fascinating. I feel like it's used in different ways. Those who believe the message who have never lived it, and those who either have lived it, or are aware of the horrors of those regimes. It's so divisive, even within the left. I talked to a lady about Iran at a Hands Off Iran protest for about 20 minutes, and she was so nice, and knowledgeable about Iran, then she left me with a handful of pamphlets about communism, saying "Cuba is the only country that ever got it right". In cases like that we are either forced to join together with a common goal, and ignore our differences, or stay divided. I find it interesting that no matter which way you turn, it's top-down corruption against the people with different messaging. Those on the "left" call it Fascism, and those on the "right" call it Communism. I'm having a harder time seeing the difference. It sometimes feels like anyone who stays true to their beliefs will end up politically homeless and isolated. I appreciate this discussion.

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Absolutely. The labelling seems divisive and, at this point, irrelevant. Let's look at the actions, not the promises, and see whether individuals or leaders or ideologies are promoting or suppressing freedom, prosperity, transparency, human dignity and so on. Call it or them whatever you want.

I personally believe in walking hand in hand with anyone, as far as I can and then parting ways where our beliefs diverge. I can stand with the Taliban as they fight for territorial integrity and freedom from foreign occupation while condemning unequivocally their brutality once in power. Same with many leftists, or right-wingers. One can align with the "Left" on "Hands off Iran" while also aligning with the "Right" in its condemnation of Castro Inc.'s version of the "People's Republic" in Cuba. But we don't have to accept Somoza any more than we do the Ortegas in Nicaragua: both are or were violent totalitarians who brutalized their people.

And yes, a sort of fidelity to one's core beliefs most definitely leads to isolation....it seems imperative to most that they have an "ism" to cling to, and are almost pathologically unwilling or unable to self-critique or admit that there is no perfect in this world.....

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Communism is Satanism. Always was - always will be!

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Mar 17, 2023
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Yes. Both were deep into the occult. Nobody wants to look at this.

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100% Lucy

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so many possible tools of those who are devils... to kill, steal, harm others

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Thanks for this. I think that there is a lot of merit to what Miller is saying here.

But I think that there's another dimension here that needs to be considered. The whole time that the U.S. (and the whole "West") was (supposedly) fighting Communism, it was steadily and significantly becoming increasingly socialistic.

So there was a tremendous amount of hypocrisy among (most) politicians denouncing Communism and telling everyone how evil it was, while at the same time, building the foundation for it at home.

And that is very off-putting to anyone trying to get behind the "Cold War".

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The anti-communist hate carried around by a dwindling fear-loving, weak as wokeass has turned an old friend of mine into anti-Putin rhetoric so ridiculous it reeks.

“ .. that was decades ago! “I attempt to explain. Deaf ears. Shame. But he’s in a fringe minority( lotsa that going around, try ottawa Chinada). Lol.

Recognizing the basic unity of Russian people despite such large regions should b easy for canadians. We too share a love for what is right, good and decent, despite wide regional differences. Love knows no boundaries geographically, racially or otherwise.

At Ottawa feb ‘22 the Sikhs hugged the Hindus. The English hugged the French. Etc etc. We were just People. A people. With a common love for each other. Man, you had to b there! The hair on my neck stirs with the emotion we displayed spontaneously. So that the bought-off MSM could ignore at their peril. We Helped each other. Melted blocks of frozen water for the dedicated coffee makers. Got notes of thanks written by kids from coast to coast on cookie bags. Threw $ at the fellas moving diesel. Shovelled streets perfect. Not one gum wrapper on the ground. Hockey games. Me, a referee! First time ever. An honour.

Look, anyone with disbelief in the Human Spirit, please. Know that your countrymen, women, thought not of themselves, but, in this war for Civilization, thought if You. Our compatriots. Constantly. It motivated us. I was there. Best place to be on all if Turtle Island. And the feds tried to take it. But couldn’t. And can never. 🚚🚚🚚🚜🚜🚜🇨🇦🇺🇸🌎🙏🏽

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What intrigues me is that Americans, regardless of their views on fascism, communism, or socialism, Ignore our own governments’ and industrialists’ complicity and profiteering. It is unAmerican to even call it out. I took a picture of some graffiti on the wall of a bombed out area in HaNoi, translated from Viet it said, “Nixon, your blood debt will be paid.” I sent it to my cousin’s son (without the translation) as he is traveling in VN now, a break from one of the more prestigious colleges in the US. . I also sent a closeup picture of a tree growing out of an old French architectural building, greenish with moss. He texted back, “pretty pictures.” And it was not with irony.

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Yes, indeed.

Question. We are attacked from all sides: our freedom, our food . . . even our right to inhale fresh air. How do we stop these monsters?


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While I understand Mr. Miller's point, the time for lending it any reverence is long past. Totalitarianism is here, the boot in our faces, and in its centralized planning bears a significant enough resemblance to the form all of his "villains" warned about for all members of the Labor Left, the Civil Liberties Lett, and every other brand of left wing critic to look in the mirror, search their souls, and say "Damnit, I got some very important things wrong!"

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I feel the same as you do Mark. It's high time everybody just call a spade a spade.

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Speak the truth. Speak it loudly. Keep speaking it. Full steam ahead and damn the torpedoes!

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The Red Thread by Diana West, and of course, the also groundbreaking “McCarthy, Marshall and the Other International: Roosevelt, Trotsky, Stalin and America's Progressive Deep State”. by Oxford Scholar Joseph P Farrell.

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Vilified as a kook, Sen. McCarthy was actually on to a huge problem at the time.

From Accuracy in Media by Reed Irvine and Cliff Kincaid on February 22, 2000 https://www.aim.org/media-monitor/joe-mccarthy-was-right/

"Evans, the director of the National Journalism Center who is writing his own book on Senator Joseph McCarthy, said "one of the most notorious myths is that the Wisconsin Senator never named any names of suspected communists in government. Holding up a file of material, Evans said, “Here are the names. Right here. Anybody who wants to can look at them.” He produced a letter that McCarthy sent to Senator Millard Tydings in 1950 in which he listed the names."

"The original list, which included numbers of cases and not names, was obtained by McCarthy after it was put together by congressional staffers. It was drawn from the files of the State Department itself. But McCarthy provided the cases to Tydings with the names attached. Critics have said over the years that the list was either outdated, blown out of proportion, that the individuals named were cleared by congressional committees, or that they were just mildly leftist. But none of that was true. Evans quoted from some of them: “…he furnished material to a known Soviet espionage agent…” and “…He is a known Communist Party member.”

"Evans said the biggest piece of disinformation was that these cases had been cleared by congressional hearings. This was false. The chairman of one committee said the information showed “a large number of communists on the rolls of the State Department.” He added, “It makes me wonder if there is any representation of the United States in the State Department.”

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No. The problem was that Red Scare was cut short by the defeat of Joe McCarthy and purge never completed! The Establishment lead by the New York Times supported the Communists in the interest of Big Government, just as now.

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I find Peterson, paling around with Netanyahu who offered up Israelis as lab-rats for Pfizer, uncompelling and too showmanship.

Also, always consider the source: A psychologist (a psuedo-science if there ever was one). If you should ever be seated in front of a psychologist or therapist or whatever they call themselves, know that they are putting on a whitecoat sham show that you pay for.

Don't bother with him. Don't let him summarize things for you dear reader. Instead, spend time with Cicero, Locke, Hobbs, Schopenhauer, et. al.; you'll be better for it.

Sidenote: As to the audience in that video, unable to hold their laughter when Peterson banaly says, "It takes about 150 pages to get going" referring to a book, what was so funny? Can't they sit, STFU, and seriously synthesize for a moment. This infantilized follower zeitgeist has me so sick.

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I think he's very good on many subjects. he is teaching several young generations the truth about communism.

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I agree albeit Mr “get the damn vaccine” dropped the ball so badly with convid that I can’t listen to him now. That clip is quite an old one, I’d guess 2017 or 18 & it’s very powerful. I was such a huge fanboy of his back then & he taught me so much but 2020 onwards unveiled with those with eyes to see that he (& pretty much everyone else I respected at the time) was a limited hangout. Convid has been the greatest education imaginable & despite the horror of it all I am very glad that it happened because who would you rather be the Truman who is living like a brainwashed zombie in a totally fabricated reality or the Truman who sees through the lies?

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💚 Indeed. This Peterson fraud quickly became clear when his celebrity meteorically rose, then suddenly had many major venues over which to speak. Yeah right.

His garbage "12 Rules" book (I thumbed through one at a NYC Barnes & Noble for a laugh) is pablum that _exploits_ the hapless, lost, non-critical thinking millennial male cohort, the kind that Charlotte Iserbyt warned would emerge from government schools. Exploits, you ask? Yes, to bait a cult following, then switch them to accepting NWO frauds. See how it works.

It's so obvious once you understand the Bernaysian tactics involved. The mainstream media went all in and discrited themselves beyond repair, so the puppet masters needed to quickly raise replacements. The new celebrity doctors, researchers, philanthropists, psychologists etc, Substack dwellers are those whitecoat replacements. That's what happened and is still quickly evolving. Mock JPB. Expose what he's really about to others, like @Castigator does above by sharing the links that he did. Thank you for sharing them.

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I am curious: those are your opinions or are you repeating Vox Day opinion's?

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I have no clue who or what Vox Day is.

Everything I author emerges from my own thoughts and opinions; I stand behind them; and reserve the right to emend them.

Should I leverage someone else's material, I credit and cite it directly, as I just did with @Castigator

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Congratulations on having your own thoughts and opinions.

Very similar to those of Vox Day. Look here: https://voxday.net/?s=jordan+peterson

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Amazing Polly is always a good listen. She's not always correct. But she's genuine, and does original research.

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Amazing Polly also has ideas, and in the context of this very thread, here is one that is both striking and very timely: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yzqADjGwk1Qc/

Yes, it is high time to Free the Jews!

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💚. Speaking of books, I'll soon have yours to read, also (March 24th ish they tell me). 💚

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I agree with many of your concerns about JBP. However, he is a gateway to much of the sources to which you refer. Millions are being exposed to information that counters the mainstream narrative. And that is significant, as far as i can tell.

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Agree. One of my favourite truth channels Quantum of Conscience coined a term for people / organisations like Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro etc etc. he calls them pens on the graduated animal farm. The idea is that people that have discerned that CNN is lying to them will gravitate to the Fox News pen & the system tries to contain them there for as long as possible with this new slightly expanded information but eventually some of the audience will realise they are not getting the whole story & will graduate to the Rush Limbaugh pen where again the system aims to keep them there satisfied for as long as possible but a few will eventually grow disenchanted & graduate to Alex Jones. I think he totally nailed it with this theory & the problem is that far too few people graduate & if they do they stay on their new limited hangout pen for far too long / forever https://youtu.be/vfGuDi5ztzk

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Thank you for the explanation. I like it, a tiered effect with people self selecting how far they can go. Thank you for the link and channel. 💚💚💚

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I keep falling down rabbit holes.

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Yes it is! 💚

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I'm not a JP fan. He has problems but reaches some people. It is a good thing to look in the past, to see that there have always been thinkers and difference of opinion. Your list is wanting Plutarch and Berkeley.

There are thinkers who want to be obscure, and others that want to be read, so they write in a more popular style.

If Peterson is famous, because the elites promote him, no critic of Peterson will be listened to by the fans of Peterson. If you speak kindly about him, and gently point out the difficulties in his opinions and teachings, then it is more likely that some fans of Peterson will adventure to expand to other readings, other authors, other views.

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Communism and Fascism are both words that have become politicized in part to hide their true origins, which were the Global Elite, one time known as the Illuminati which was a real organization in the 18th and 19th century, but they organized into various factions in the 20th century before their unification at Rio in 1992z

The political nature of the words take the form of attacks on any idea the right or left does not like.

In any event, the Elite trialed Communism in Russia and China and Fascism in Germany and Italy and decided that Fascism was more to their tasted since it allowed them to have more wealth. But since Fascism was discredited the hid behind Anti-Communism and rebuilt the Third Reich. Most of the Nazis and those in the West who supported them never went to trial or if convicted were released early. Many ended up in US, Canada and Uk.

Fascism may be thought of as the synthesis of authoritarian Communism and Global Monopoly Capitalism. China, Russia and the West are all Fascist, both left and right (politically and economically) are united in their faith in public private partnerships which is the key ingredient of Fascism .

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I totally agree.

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"You'll own nothing and be happy" is a distinctly communist sentiment.

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Before Communism we had Feudalism. The Serfs owned nothing, the Nobles everything. In Communism nobody owns anything, even Klaus and the 1% leadership. What Klaus is talking about is Feudalism with Capitalism. Looked at another way, the Authoritarianism of Communism synthesized with Monopolistic Capitalism is just another form of Mussolinis Fascism (Corporatism) built on Public Private Partnerships. Even China despite its name is more Fascist than Communist. Sure, it maintains the name and party and authoritarianism, but it has as many billionaires as the West and just as much wealth inequality

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Watermelon communism. Green on the outside, red on the inside.

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Gotta remember that one! Merci! Green outside, red inside. Red, as in “ better red than dead” i prefer it backward. Cuz its true.

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the green new deal is communism rebranded

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All documented by Bukovsky. They would use race and environmentalism. Very few get it.

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🙌 By a disciple of Castro.

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Not to mention a certain biological son of Castro.

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BTW, I meant AOC.

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No one with blue eyes can be the son of someone with brown eyes, unless there was a blue eyed person in the heritage of an Hispanic from Cuba.

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Interesting plot twist. Noted.

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It pays to have taken genetics.

NOTE: I am NOT standing up for Turdo. Merely, that if you really look at his parents, especially his mother, he looks like them. His looking like Castro is a coincidence, an anomaly, UNLESS someone can prove a blue eyed, white person in Castro's heritage.

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