This sure blew the Epstein stuff right off the front page (again) didn't it?

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Epstein reveal was a subplot to meetings with Starmer, Marcron and the "Churchill of the east". They all have pedo skeletons in upper echelon closets. Trump was the director who got the performances according to his script.

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I did think that those released nothingburgers were a staged thing, whoever pointed out that it was to give Starmer a heart attack was the smart one. I think they are correct!

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Starmer is in David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, and Macron is in Klaus Schwab's Young Global Leaders. This is why they have become the leaders of their counties.

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Good that you know that or knew that.

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Starmer is evil, and the sooner he goes, the better for everyone.

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I read on X that the King was with Starmer today, meeting Zelenskyy. And that there will be an official meeting with KCiii and Zelenskyy tomorrow. (I do not have source confirmation.) So much for the monarch staying out of politics.

I used to think the monarchy was kind of cool. My UK friends used to laugh at me and say they wanted nothing to do with those privileged pricks. They were soooo right. I was wrong and naive.

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Charles has long been a globalist misanthropic stooge. Club-Of-Rome all the way.

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Yes, as a Scot I quite liked him when all the attention was on Diana's latest frock and his musings on the environment and architecture were mocked by our philistine media. But by now I'm not at all sure he's a good person, and the myriad ways the Royals hoover up our money says it all about the family itself. Most Brits, of course, accept all of it. It seems the more people are shafted by the British Blob the more they like it - or at least those who still watch the Royals' propaganda arm the BBC (which we are expected to pay for).

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That's right so much for the monarch staying out of politics. See this:

On 27 November 2022 at 00:49 Steven Sandiego <stevensandiego@ wrote:

Exposed! The ONLY Man Alive Who Could Be the Antichrist [With Proof]

Called by God in 1987 to be “him who has understanding” (Rev 13:18)—while a USAF Academy cadet—Timothy Cohen is today an internationally known Christian author, speaker, and teacher. He has researched and written what many are now coming to view as Christendom’s foremost prophetic and ¬theological works (Rev 19:10), to ¬include “The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea”; “Israel, ‘Peace’ and the Coming World War: The Great Tribulation is Near”; and the “Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period” multi-volume series, as well as others.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJul0igzPtQ [With Proof]

 Duration: 1:46:09

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he's actually too boring to be evil

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Hard to believe but a lot of Canadians are ready to vote for Starmer's buddy, Mark Carney. Talk about gluttons for punishment, a Starmer/Carney Canada will be like the Trudeau Canada except even worse. Get rid of one Davos puppet and install another. Real morons.

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I live in Canukistan and the thought of Carney replacing the current psychopath sickens my soul! Time to leave if I could! 😣

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Hey! You’re talking about all my (moron) friends!

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The more I watch Starmer, the harder it is to believe he is human. He seems to be textbook MKUltra. Devoid of human spirit and unable to utter a word without a script.

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He was cloned off a Rothschild Puppet Politician Production Line™️.

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so the UK hardly has a pot to piss in, they're taxing their pensioners to death and turning off their heat, killing their farms, ruining their beautiful countryside, letting illegal migrants rape their daughters and arresting their citizens for tweets while promising to support ukraine for 100 years. they barely have an army. wait until starmer starts drafting young men and the population rebels!

this is great- europe is going to poke the bear (just as we finally have competent leadership in the USA to get this insanity settled) and russia will be forced to invade europe to defend itself. then they'll all say "see, we told you he was evil and wanted to take europe."

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And destroying their energy supply with failed wind & solar pipe dreams. Like Davos puppet state, Germany. Deindustrialization & Totalitarianism. These psychos figure an impoverished, hungry, cold, suffering people will be easier to subjugate. And in their sick little minds justify that by their claim "we are saving the planet".

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unbelievable, yes. germany was the economic driver of the EU, carrying all the fey nations on it's back, until it decided to go green. and they tolerated the US destroying the nordstream pipeline, an act of war against a NATO ally without so much as a whimper! it's gonna take a lot of wind towers and solar farms to make up for the blowing up of nordstream, which i've read was the largest environmental disaster in history!

when i said "killing their farms, ruining their beautiful countryside," i was referring to replacement of gorgeous farmland with ugly solar "farms" that won't produce shit in foggy old england! i could have been clearer.

but the hypocrisy!! war is the most environmentally wasteful event there is. those mid wit hall monitors want to tell us what kind of lightbulbs to use, how many straws and no gas ovens. meanwhile, one explosion in ukraine negates all that sacrifice!

saving the planet indeed- for who?

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There is no evidence this world is a "planet" or that such a thing exists.

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thank you. i always thought the EU was a bad idea

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IDK what to think about Ukraine. I doubt the fight is over minerals but hopefully to end the biolabs and human trafficking since it is rampant and probably easy to get away with it there.

All wars could be avoided. People are not cattle or cannon fodder for the soulless evil rulers behind all so-called rulers to establish their evil plans.

Ukraine has been taken advantage of for many years like the Russian Holomodor 1932. It wasn't Russians starving them but it WAS democide. Some reports say 60 million died which dwarfs the Jewish 6 million holocaust about 10 yrs later.

We need to know history.

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There are real genocides and fake ones. Know the difference before parading ignorance.

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I purposely said democide because the Bolshevik communists purposely starved millions mostly in Ukraine which is a bread basket, and did not allow reporting about it. Wikipedia lies about it to this day.

Read The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956.

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I never said anything about genocide. It appears in your ignorance you claim there was real and fake genocides.

Enlighten me with an example, rather than insult me because liars and fools insult.

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I know two fake ones.

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What 2 were fake? Curious

History is not black and white but is subjective. I like to see facts from several angles and make informed beliefs about events. I doubt we will ever get truth but we know if it isn't.

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The King can go crown himself. The American President should turn down the invitation. As for Zelensky, he is about to be Diemd.

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The lies, deception and arrogance of Starmer is beyond reproach. The whole country is behind Ukraine comment is laughable and arrogant. This man got into power with 17% of the eligible voters. On that basis alone he speaks for a tiny minority. As the UK population becomes aware of the broken promises of the west in 1989, regarding the encroachment of the Russian border with NATO, the CIA/MI6 instigated coupe of 2014 and the 20,000 ethnic Russians killed in east Ukraine from 2014 until Putin sent in troops, I can only hope the British public will demand an end to the globalists and their agenda, have a political paradigm shift and re-establish Britain as a sovereign state. But I'm not holding my breath.

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Monarch action incoming?

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Well, they said Starmer delivered an invitation to Trump to visit the "king".

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I saw that, and he was so oily about it... kept playing it up as such a high honour to have the invitation. Ridiculous.

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So ironic considering the US was born from throwing off that same monarchy.

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That was just another piece of freemasonic theater.

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Keir Starmer is a member of David Rockefeeller's Trilateral Commission. That's what got him into Number 10 Downing Street, just like it got Jimmy Carter into the White House in 1977.

And it doesn't matter which party it is, as this nefarious organization has co-opted all of them. Want proof? See the last of the 3 sections of http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/3.html And if you're an American who reads all three sections, you'll learn a piece of history that you have been denied.

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Every single president is a puppet of the Rockefellers. Including the current one.

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Not JFK. Indeed, JFK signed NSAM 263 which would have, prevented the Vietnam War which was Rockefeller's war, because JFK learned that many of the advisors over there had died, and he was incensed. Then, Jew Lyndon Baines Johnson overturned JFK's NSAM263 with NSAM 273, and then lied to the American people that we had been attacked to get that war started leading to 58,000 American military dying, and double that number committing suicide after they came back from that war, because they couldn't stand the pain that was caused them because of it. It's known as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

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I guess we agree on some things...

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In my opinion, Zelensky fell into the trap without a thought that the Donald and Vance set for him. If he had played his role as a grateful and obsequious sycophant, he may have emerged unscathed, and the Donald would have come off as a bore when he lit into him. But no, the penis piano playing comedian had to come on aggressively. He also should have used a translator as his English was not up to the job, and it would have given him more time to think before opening his mouth.

Alex Krainer, who is usually one of the smartest guys in the room, said that his best chance to increase his lifespan beyond a couple of months would be to defect to Russia, as he knows who buried all the bodies. In this I disagree with Alex, as Putin intends to charge him with various war crime and crimes against humanity if he should get him alive. As Russians killed in action are about one-tenth of Ukraine's, that is still 100,000 young men. He is now more valuable to even the moronic current WEF dominated "leadership" of Europe as better off dead. Hasta la vista, Baby.

But Señor Z is just a puppet. The real war war criminals are Mr. Depends, Sullivan, and "I am here as a Jew," Blinken and Nod, and Bojo the Clown, but in reality their anonymous banking Cabal handlers, starting with Larry Fink. Be nice if Putin would put in for extradition. I wonder if Putin would honor Biden's pardons?

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it sure would be nice to get the goods on sullivan and blinken. surely their "acting" as unelected presidents would count as treason and a public double hanging might actually be a healing experience

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I wonder if Trump will turn Fauci over to Putin.

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Unfortunately, despite a slow start, Putin was as on board with the convid scamdemic as the morons who pass themselves off as the leaders of Europe and North America (which also unfortunately includes Mexico where I live). His Sputnik V was a DNA gene "therapy" toxin which is even more deleterious than the mRNA type, as it makes it far easier for the alien DNA fragments to be inserted into ones existing genome, which is very carcinogenic. Furthermore, Russia has been totally opaque when it comes to jab adverse events. Despite the fact that Russia's SMO was quite justified by the west's use of Ukraine as a battering ram to dismantle Russia, the study of Russia's reaction to the scamdemic convinced me that on the highest level of the global power pyramid, Russia was as on board as the miscreants of the West.

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I was thinking about those bio-labs Fauci helped set up in Ukraine, presumably to design biological weapons specific to the ethnic Russian genome.

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Elinsky is a joke. He's a clown in his circus. With a 4% approval in his own country, this clown better have a disappearing act.

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Oh he does. It's called a multimillion dollar villa on the Italian Riviera with a private butler.

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City of London money keeps the charade going a little longer…

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Stan to Ollie -- "Here's another fine mess you've gotten me into. . . ."

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zelensky is the new greta.

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Can you read the whole post

Zelensky, Trump, Vance; STAGED?


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Not another 5D chess guy.

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