"Why did Israel promote and fund them in their early years of organizing? How did they get that many weapons in their highly guarded and restricted territory without Israels surveillance and intelligence knowing? How were they able to paraglide/parachute into Israel when Gaza has no operating airport? How were they able practice this paragliding without being detected? How could they be so diabolically clever to bulldoze through the tightly guarded Gaza border, which had recently been fortified with even more security measured to the tune of $1 billion, completed in June of 2023. "(video and more at the link)
I've also heard Max Igan make the same point about the paragliders and parachutes. And Miles Mathis (hit or miss, but has a good eye, though I don't always agree with his conclusions) also thinks the paragliders were theater:
"But we knew this was theater without even studying the pictures, since we already know Hamas is fake. Just like the PLO and all the other Arab organizations, it is a front for the Israeli army and was created by Mossad just for times like this. As I say, Jews in turbans."
Thanks for the links Sandra! Miles Mathis is always a good read and I am in agreement with you regarding some of his conclusions, but he sure makes some good ones in his article!
Israel's military released footage showing hundreds of scorched and damaged cars moved from the Nova music festival, which it claims that Hamas attacked.
The cars have been apparently targeted with highly destructive weapons that Hamas does not reportedly own.
Yes, I heard about it, but forgot what it was so I looked it up again. IMO, it sounds like it could definitely be true and fits with the mentality we've been seeing.
Added to Peggy's question, I think it's kind of interesting that the leader of Hamas is not getting attacked by Israel- he's alive and well and doing interviews. Given Mossad's ability to pull off assassinations, I'm surprised and suspicious that they haven't gone after this guy, but are instead slaughtering innocent civilians. And I think it's kind of interesting that the Hamas has a Jewish lawyer (from the Miles Mathis link).
Vaccine Reaper's post today thinks it strange there is not one social media post anywhere taken from the music festival showing ambulances taking injured etc in contrast to scenes in Gaza or any other tragic event.
Everyone and there mother has a phone these days. Not one took out their phones to capture the chaos?? Maybe some injured people? I mean even the victims on 9/11 made calls from planes back in 2001...IN 2001!! Everyone can start streaming in seconds now...yet no one did. How people fall for the “news” is nothing short of baffling.
okay, fwiw, those cell phone calls were fake on 9/11- a number of telecom experts have spoken on this. But I agree with what you are saying about nobody taking out their phones to capture the chaos. Though I think I saw a photo of an Israeli woman fleeing, but she seemed to be smiling as she was trying to take a selfie.
And I picked this comment up somewhere:
"an eagle eyed observer pointed out that in all the photos and videos of the event not a single portaloo, generator or food truck was seen for 3,500 people."
I read a little story, too incredible for me: the landlord of a young woman who was kidnapped was demanding the full payment of the rent to the other woman who was sharing room in the apartment. The father of the kidnapped woman shared a text-message conversation with the landlord as proof.
But, Who does that?
A kidnapping is a major problem for everyone. Why add insult to injury? Was the landlord so desperate economically? That's so incredible!
Yes, that was really strange and hard to believe, especially since the tribe sticks together so much (I'm assuming the kidnapped woman was an Israeli living in Israel, so that the landlord was also Israeli?).
I keep wondering why the Hamas "terrorists" were wearing action cameras while they were conducting their mass killing, and how Israel managed to get the video so quickly to put out to the world.
There was one survivor of the music festival, Maya Alper, who made a video -- of herself only (apparently), as she hid in the bushes for 6 hours. Was her phone not working in the time before she went to go hide?
Then we have Yocheved Lifshitz, the 85 year old woman hostage rescued, whose testimony to reporters included this wonderful Zeno's Paradox (to paraphrase): "They were brutal, it was horrifying" + "They were nice people who treated us well".
Then, of course, we have the biggest red flag of all: The entire Mainstream supremely uninterested in asking questions about all these discrepancies.
"Then, of course, we have the biggest red flag of all: The entire Mainstream supremely uninterested in asking questions about all these discrepancies"--Yes, of course. Their job is to NOT notice any discrepancies and anomalies. I'm honestly highly suspicious of what exactly happened on 10/7- I'm watching Peggy Hall's latest right now and she's asking a lot of good questions.
So, now we know that the mass rapes, 40 beheaded babies, baby baked in the oven were all LIES. Ben Shapiro's burned baby was an AI creation. The IDF torched the cars at the festival (obviously a high tech weapon that Hamas does not have). Now it looks like IDF was killing civilians based on apache helicopter footage. We have a report from at least one kibutz survivor saying the IDF killed all the hostages in crossfire. And all of this was used as justification for slaughtering tens of thousands of Palestinians (who knows how many died a slow and painful death under the rubble).
Thanks for sharing. The Oct 7th narrative is unraveling faster than I anticipated. Mossad’s motto is "By deception thou shalt do war.” What more do we need to know? They’re telling us exactly who they are. It’s infuriatingly perplexing how otherwise smart people believe and parrot everything Israel tells us, without question. And its not like the cracks in their narrative are so tiny that we need Sherlock Holmes. These cracks could fit the Grand Canyon. What has the human being become?
Hey R Tony - "The camera never lies" well, this saying is a thing of the past. I read an article where it showed very, very convincing scenes, but were all produced by AI.
When I type in "israel channel i24 gaza music festival massacre" and look, I see a few reports by that Israel channel about the music festival -- but not footage at the time of the attack (only about the "aftermath" and about supposed eyewitnesses who survived). YT does give me a few other news venues that claim to show such footage, example ABC News. But guess what -- surprise, surprise! -- this 3 minute 22 second ABC News video supposed to be delivering video proof provides ZERO proof. Just a few seconds of chaotic camera-shaking footage of people at the festival seeming to be consternated and in disarray. Not one shred of video footage of even a mouse being killed, let alone any "slaughter". Most of that ABC News video is narration about how horrible it was, juxtaposed to various survirvors' testimonies.
Example, describing one survivor, the narrator says "He ran for his life as Hamas gunned people down" meanwhile showing the same lame 10 seconds of a music festival in seeming disarray, but nobody actually killing anyone.
Israel's military released footage showing hundreds of scorched and damaged cars moved from the Nova music festival, which it claims that Hamas attacked.
The cars have been apparently targeted with highly destructive weapons that Hamas does not reportedly own.
I posted somewhere on this thread (I think) a video of an Israeli teen talking about the attack and murder of his father and there's a sister who appears to start laughing (duper's delight?) And there's another video I've seen of a supposedly released hostage/victim in the hospital. When she "cries;' there are absolutely NO tears. And it looks like there might be some medical fakery going on--she was supposedly shot, yet the bandages she had on her legs kind of looked like large band-aids, which seems strange (shouldn't a gun shot do more damage?) I don't know, I'm not a gun expert. Also, she's not hooked up to anything in the hospital bed. I just looked highly suspicious to me and reminded me of some of the medical fakery I've seen with other psyops.
With problems or anomalies like these, I remind myself to apply skepticism from the opposite side -- depending on how sophisticated and powerful are the ones orchestrating the fakery. Call it Hesperado's Rule: The more sophisticated and powerful our conspiracy theory implies they are, the stranger it becomes that they would be so clunky about their fakery as you describe. A rhetorical question I ask about this issue is: "What are they, Keystone Konspirators?" (meaning, how could they be so inept and not think of more plausible deceptions?)
I just think these people know that the media covers for them, and most people are brainwashed and believe anything the media says and don't go beyond the headlines. I think those of us here who question narratives and use critical thinking are unfortunately a very small percentage of the population. The psychopaths ruling over us have absolute contempt for humanity and laugh at us for being so easy to dupe. There's an Aaron Russo interview where he talks about his "friendship" with Nick Rockefeller many years before 9/11 (Russo was going to run for Gov of Nevada and they were trying to recruit him). Aaron said that Rockefeller told him there was going to be a big event and eventually we were going to be seeing soldiers searching caves and Rockefeller was laughing as he was telling the story. I think they like to rub our faces in it and often leave their calling cards with their favorite numbers like here: https://news.sky.com/story/a-ii-ii-18-franz-ferdinands-prophetic-number-plate-11551176
Yes, I've heard that before, that's one explanation for that anomaly. I'm not sure it's plausible and it sort of has a ring of a stopgap explanation -- like no matter what anomaly comes up, there's always a way to explain it away.
Thanks for the links! Yes, on the bombing of the hospitals, I never believed the Israeli govt when they said Hamas was hiding in tunnels under the hospital. I just think that's the convenient cover story that gives them the pretext to slaughter hundreds of innocent civilians (which is really the goal).
Heck, just keep quoting freaks like RF to tell us how you really feel?:
“Israel is a bulwark for us... it’s almost like having an aircraft carrier in the Middle East. If Israel disappears, Russia and Chinawill control 90% of the oil in the world and that would be cataclysmic for US national security,” RFK Jr. said.
Trump or Biden or Desantis or Blinken or RFK or . . . Bye bye, American Pie Holes!
Yes, just about all of our politicians are captured by the Israeli lobby. We have a foreign government in control of the US govt and nobody is aware or cares. And I think the Christian Zionists, if they are aware, are completely fine with this, given their brainwashing.
Captured by Wall Street, K-Street, MIC, Anglo-American City of London fascists, and of course, Isra-Hell is a cog in that, with, duh, one Jew, Larry Fink, controlling tens of trillions with his Black-Heart-Rock?
The Zionist Racist Christians outnumber by far even the total number of Jews of any stripe en el mundo.
"I am the only Palestinian American serving in Congress, and my perspective is needed here now more than ever. I will not be silenced and I will not let anyone distort my words.
I’m from Detroit, where I learned to speak truth to power, even if my voice shakes."
These people on both sides of the Manure Pile of Political Prostitutes, censuring, one principled woman (on this issue, not on UkroNaziLandia) this is how they roll.
Thank you for this stimulating collection of talks intellectuals whose analyses of Palestine inspire thought and conversation. I am struck by the student’s question about how they can express their views at a moment when they are not welcome. As a retired academic, I am filled with sorrow at the movements to stop the intellectual inquiry on subjects of urgent importance. And locally where I live in a small northern Canadian city, we have had a number of demonstrations in opposition to the bombing of Gaza - a few days ago more than 5000 people marched. This is encouraging. And I hope the Canadian government will reassess their views on this war. Canada was once a middle-power mediator and peace maker. No more.
Now that would be something, no, two women, P and VP!
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are running for President and Vice-President as the candidates of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Claudia De la Cruz is a mother, popular educator and theologian born in the South Bronx who has spent her life organizing for justice for working people at home and to end U.S. empire abroad. Karina Garcia is a Chicana organizer, popular educator and mother who has spent her entire adult life fighting for the rights of immigrant workers, women and the whole working class.
If this guy gets on the ballot (Libertarian party), then I'm voting for him. He has a plan to stop the Great Reset, and he wants to abolish the Federal Reserve, get rid of Covid mandates, get rid of the corrupt alphabet agencies, end the wars. But of course, he'll never win.
Well, many low level politicians are grifters, but their masters are, well, you know the jig is up -- Fortune 10,000, Wall Street, oh the presstitutes, oh the tap dancing of Edward Bernays and Citizens United and Forced Arbitration and, well, who writes the laws? Koch Brothers? Insurance? FIRE? Yeah, it is tough seeing how broke "demon-yak-corruptcy" is all about.
"The flood of images of dead Palestinian children and even the audio of Palestinian women screaming in between the sounds of bombs being dropped on buildings in the pitched black darkness of Gaza that house the 2.2 million displaced Palestinians sparked a moral outrage that politically is being expressed by the call for a ceasefire. It’s believed that a ceasefire would at least stop the carnage. And it probably would, but that is the problem. While a ceasefire would temporarily stop the mindless slaughter of innocent Palestinians, the ongoing agony of Palestinians forced to live under the inhumane conditions of occupation in the Gaza concentration camp and the rest of occupied Palestine would continue until the next escalation of resistance or attacks by the settlers.
Like all European settler projects since 1492 when Europeans spilled out of what became Europe first into the “Americas” where they grew fat and powerful off of the stolen land and most vicious form of slavery humanity has ever known and then through the industrial fueled global colonial/capitalist expansion, the Jewish European settlers have one objective - the expansion of Israeli colonial power and control over all of the lands currently occupied by the Indigenous Palestinians. Unlike other settler projects where the indigenous peoples were subjected to genocide, the Israeli bourgeoisie has the problem that they have not been able to murder and/or displace all of the Palestinian peoples. "
Celia, there’s only one thing I know for sure: whatever we are told is not the truth.
Aside from that, I agree wholeheartedly. None of us really know anything. (Well I’m pretty confident that 2+2 does indeed equal 4, and that gravity is a thing. But beyond that, pretty much everything I “know” is actually something I believe because I’ve been told by someone whom I trust that it is true.)
Yep, I'm finally at the point in my life where I do not trust anything told to me unless I see it for myself in person. Sad that it has gotten to that point, though it was probably always the case.
Yes, at this point, I immediately reject the official story- they lie about everything. Official story is usually what you can definitely rule out as NOT being the truth.
I hear your words repeated by so many and I too have chanted them. I’m trying to not repeat anything and instead convey myself with fresh words. Hope that makes sense.
Like all of you I have no idea what is actually going on but does any one else find it bizarre that they would show a photo of the father with his daughter doing the devil hand sign and sticking her tongue out? That jumped out at me right after he said he’d smiled as soon as he found out she was dead. In many false flag/mass murder events one can often find satanic symbology interspersed. I don’t know if the choice of photo was accidental and obviously if this story is real I hope she is alive. 🙏🏾
There are actually people who claim the whole Iron Dome is a massive hoax--Israelis too. I saw a comment on bitchute, where apparently even Israelis were suspicious and filed some kind of FOI request (maybe asking for evidence of the rockets it is claimed to have blocked) and the govt said national security secret.
"I can show you that the Iron Dome is a bluff, or to be more precise, an Isra-bluff. An Israeli comedy troupe coined the term “Isra-bluff” decades ago and it is frequently used by Israelis to describe situations where the Israeli government “tries to pull a fast one over on everybody.'"
The Israeli army has been asked to supply evidence that the rockets work in the
form of infrared imaging of actual rockets being intercepted, but have failed to
supply any. “Trust us! Would we lie to you?” is their response. Mordechai (Moti) Shefer has been very vocal about the lies and deceptions of the latest kerfuffle on his Fakebook page
Oh, yes, I totally agree on that. In 2000/2001 former Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced a "Space Preservation" bill, which was all about banning their exotic space based weapons- it's worth pulling up the bill and reading about all of the weapons Kucinich believed they had (it even mentions climate and tectonic weapons).
TG is 4chan's /pol/ writ large. It's a battle front of the Meme Wars; amusing, but I tire of Pepe. The culture bleeds out into almost every chat platform rendering it to a grungy gas station restroom where there's a turd in the urinal and dicks and swastikas carved into the peeling paint of the stall dividers.
I've written a post trying to connect all the dots, drawn from many sources both mainstream and independent, which might help answer why they don't care about the hostages and are using them as an excuse and a delay while they clear Gaza of its inhabitants -- https://ezprine.substack.com/p/making-sense-of-the-gaza-war
They have a deadline of January to start oil and gas drilling on Gazan land on and off shore -- that is what this is all about.
They did plan to push the Gazans into the Sinai to get them out of the way, but Egypt nixed that, so then they started talking about dispersing Palestinians around the world "since they're already displaced." With demonstrations kicking off around the world and spoiling their plans, now the Israelis are talking about North Gaza and South Gaza (Biden's two-state solution), and are avidly clearing North Gaza. This is where their long-desired Ben Gurion Canal, an energy corridor to rival the Suez Canal, is supposed to be built, which will deliver oil and gas to Asia and other markets.
You can bet the Israeli citizens won't be happy when they find themselves displaced for a canal, or blamed for a genocide.
I think you care but you've tuned it out because all there is is static. Everything we hear and see is a magic trick. The question now is, where do we go from here? The crafty devils have us gnawing our own limbs off as we punch the keyboard like prize fighters ready to take a fall when the bell rings. We are so predictable... We allow ourselves to be used and moved into position every time they shoot their poison darts.
The corporate Media is showing only what they want us to see, and omitting what they don’t want us to see. This is War Propaganda / entertainment, to boost ratings for the Media...
I like to call it entertRainment... //entrainment: Entrainment is when a fluid picks up and drags another fluid or a solid// The TV is a toilet and every time we give it our attention it flushes us down into the sewer to live in its filth and decay.
“I am starting to think they designed it for us never to be able to truly perceive things “as they are.”
BINGO! The fog is thick with this one, thicker than the Rus/Ukr theater.
Peggy Hall has a good post here--she's very good at analyzing these orchestrated events. Lots of critical thinking and good questions:
"Why did Israel promote and fund them in their early years of organizing? How did they get that many weapons in their highly guarded and restricted territory without Israels surveillance and intelligence knowing? How were they able to paraglide/parachute into Israel when Gaza has no operating airport? How were they able practice this paragliding without being detected? How could they be so diabolically clever to bulldoze through the tightly guarded Gaza border, which had recently been fortified with even more security measured to the tune of $1 billion, completed in June of 2023. "(video and more at the link)
I've also heard Max Igan make the same point about the paragliders and parachutes. And Miles Mathis (hit or miss, but has a good eye, though I don't always agree with his conclusions) also thinks the paragliders were theater:
"But we knew this was theater without even studying the pictures, since we already know Hamas is fake. Just like the PLO and all the other Arab organizations, it is a front for the Israeli army and was created by Mossad just for times like this. As I say, Jews in turbans."
Thanks for the links Sandra! Miles Mathis is always a good read and I am in agreement with you regarding some of his conclusions, but he sure makes some good ones in his article!
Yes, I always like to read him because he's very perceptive and has lots of thought provoking insights.
Also, fwiw, I thought this was very interesting:
Israel's military released footage showing hundreds of scorched and damaged cars moved from the Nova music festival, which it claims that Hamas attacked.
The cars have been apparently targeted with highly destructive weapons that Hamas does not reportedly own.
Interesting indeed. The stories are morphing instantaneously. Thank goodness for Max and Miles and Peggy and you!
Sandra, have you read the Netanyahu 1990 Fink's Bar speech? I just heard about it today. Look it up and let me know what you think.
Yes, I heard about it, but forgot what it was so I looked it up again. IMO, it sounds like it could definitely be true and fits with the mentality we've been seeing.
Yes, the pieces are coming together.
Added to Peggy's question, I think it's kind of interesting that the leader of Hamas is not getting attacked by Israel- he's alive and well and doing interviews. Given Mossad's ability to pull off assassinations, I'm surprised and suspicious that they haven't gone after this guy, but are instead slaughtering innocent civilians. And I think it's kind of interesting that the Hamas has a Jewish lawyer (from the Miles Mathis link).
Yes, masters of deception.
I am reminded of The Never Ending Story where the Nothing blanks out what was once there.
Absolutely! You beat me to it. Your BINGO! reaction to that crux-of-the-matter sentence was precisely mine as well.
Vaccine Reaper's post today thinks it strange there is not one social media post anywhere taken from the music festival showing ambulances taking injured etc in contrast to scenes in Gaza or any other tragic event.
Everyone and there mother has a phone these days. Not one took out their phones to capture the chaos?? Maybe some injured people? I mean even the victims on 9/11 made calls from planes back in 2001...IN 2001!! Everyone can start streaming in seconds now...yet no one did. How people fall for the “news” is nothing short of baffling.
okay, fwiw, those cell phone calls were fake on 9/11- a number of telecom experts have spoken on this. But I agree with what you are saying about nobody taking out their phones to capture the chaos. Though I think I saw a photo of an Israeli woman fleeing, but she seemed to be smiling as she was trying to take a selfie.
And I picked this comment up somewhere:
"an eagle eyed observer pointed out that in all the photos and videos of the event not a single portaloo, generator or food truck was seen for 3,500 people."
I read a little story, too incredible for me: the landlord of a young woman who was kidnapped was demanding the full payment of the rent to the other woman who was sharing room in the apartment. The father of the kidnapped woman shared a text-message conversation with the landlord as proof.
But, Who does that?
A kidnapping is a major problem for everyone. Why add insult to injury? Was the landlord so desperate economically? That's so incredible!
Yes, that was really strange and hard to believe, especially since the tribe sticks together so much (I'm assuming the kidnapped woman was an Israeli living in Israel, so that the landlord was also Israeli?).
I keep wondering why the Hamas "terrorists" were wearing action cameras while they were conducting their mass killing, and how Israel managed to get the video so quickly to put out to the world.
Exactly! IMO, that only makes sense if Hamas is working for Israel, which is what I believe.
There was one survivor of the music festival, Maya Alper, who made a video -- of herself only (apparently), as she hid in the bushes for 6 hours. Was her phone not working in the time before she went to go hide?
Then we have Yocheved Lifshitz, the 85 year old woman hostage rescued, whose testimony to reporters included this wonderful Zeno's Paradox (to paraphrase): "They were brutal, it was horrifying" + "They were nice people who treated us well".
Then, of course, we have the biggest red flag of all: The entire Mainstream supremely uninterested in asking questions about all these discrepancies.
Very interesting info. Thanks.
"Then, of course, we have the biggest red flag of all: The entire Mainstream supremely uninterested in asking questions about all these discrepancies"--Yes, of course. Their job is to NOT notice any discrepancies and anomalies. I'm honestly highly suspicious of what exactly happened on 10/7- I'm watching Peggy Hall's latest right now and she's asking a lot of good questions.
Thought you might appreciate this:
Hamas 'Mass Rape' Hoax Falls Apart: Israeli Paper Admits 'Evidence' of Alleged Rapes Has 'Slipped Away'
So, now we know that the mass rapes, 40 beheaded babies, baby baked in the oven were all LIES. Ben Shapiro's burned baby was an AI creation. The IDF torched the cars at the festival (obviously a high tech weapon that Hamas does not have). Now it looks like IDF was killing civilians based on apache helicopter footage. We have a report from at least one kibutz survivor saying the IDF killed all the hostages in crossfire. And all of this was used as justification for slaughtering tens of thousands of Palestinians (who knows how many died a slow and painful death under the rubble).
Thanks for sharing. The Oct 7th narrative is unraveling faster than I anticipated. Mossad’s motto is "By deception thou shalt do war.” What more do we need to know? They’re telling us exactly who they are. It’s infuriatingly perplexing how otherwise smart people believe and parrot everything Israel tells us, without question. And its not like the cracks in their narrative are so tiny that we need Sherlock Holmes. These cracks could fit the Grand Canyon. What has the human being become?
Watch Israel channel i24 on YouTube. Lots of film of the carnage at the festival as well as kibbutzim.
Hey R Tony - "The camera never lies" well, this saying is a thing of the past. I read an article where it showed very, very convincing scenes, but were all produced by AI.
Yo, Sam. I won’t disregard AI if you won’t disregard willful blindness. 😜
Yes, these days, with all the technological advances (CGI) and media fakery, we can't trust anything from the corporate media.
is the rubble in gaza also ai?
When I type in "israel channel i24 gaza music festival massacre" and look, I see a few reports by that Israel channel about the music festival -- but not footage at the time of the attack (only about the "aftermath" and about supposed eyewitnesses who survived). YT does give me a few other news venues that claim to show such footage, example ABC News. But guess what -- surprise, surprise! -- this 3 minute 22 second ABC News video supposed to be delivering video proof provides ZERO proof. Just a few seconds of chaotic camera-shaking footage of people at the festival seeming to be consternated and in disarray. Not one shred of video footage of even a mouse being killed, let alone any "slaughter". Most of that ABC News video is narration about how horrible it was, juxtaposed to various survirvors' testimonies.
Example, describing one survivor, the narrator says "He ran for his life as Hamas gunned people down" meanwhile showing the same lame 10 seconds of a music festival in seeming disarray, but nobody actually killing anyone.
For fuck sake, people's ability to discern actual adequate verification of important claims has really gone down the toilet.
thought you might be interested:
Israel's military released footage showing hundreds of scorched and damaged cars moved from the Nova music festival, which it claims that Hamas attacked.
The cars have been apparently targeted with highly destructive weapons that Hamas does not reportedly own.
I posted somewhere on this thread (I think) a video of an Israeli teen talking about the attack and murder of his father and there's a sister who appears to start laughing (duper's delight?) And there's another video I've seen of a supposedly released hostage/victim in the hospital. When she "cries;' there are absolutely NO tears. And it looks like there might be some medical fakery going on--she was supposedly shot, yet the bandages she had on her legs kind of looked like large band-aids, which seems strange (shouldn't a gun shot do more damage?) I don't know, I'm not a gun expert. Also, she's not hooked up to anything in the hospital bed. I just looked highly suspicious to me and reminded me of some of the medical fakery I've seen with other psyops.
With problems or anomalies like these, I remind myself to apply skepticism from the opposite side -- depending on how sophisticated and powerful are the ones orchestrating the fakery. Call it Hesperado's Rule: The more sophisticated and powerful our conspiracy theory implies they are, the stranger it becomes that they would be so clunky about their fakery as you describe. A rhetorical question I ask about this issue is: "What are they, Keystone Konspirators?" (meaning, how could they be so inept and not think of more plausible deceptions?)
I just think these people know that the media covers for them, and most people are brainwashed and believe anything the media says and don't go beyond the headlines. I think those of us here who question narratives and use critical thinking are unfortunately a very small percentage of the population. The psychopaths ruling over us have absolute contempt for humanity and laugh at us for being so easy to dupe. There's an Aaron Russo interview where he talks about his "friendship" with Nick Rockefeller many years before 9/11 (Russo was going to run for Gov of Nevada and they were trying to recruit him). Aaron said that Rockefeller told him there was going to be a big event and eventually we were going to be seeing soldiers searching caves and Rockefeller was laughing as he was telling the story. I think they like to rub our faces in it and often leave their calling cards with their favorite numbers like here: https://news.sky.com/story/a-ii-ii-18-franz-ferdinands-prophetic-number-plate-11551176
Yes, I've heard that before, that's one explanation for that anomaly. I'm not sure it's plausible and it sort of has a ring of a stopgap explanation -- like no matter what anomaly comes up, there's always a way to explain it away.
So true; nothing about any of this seems... well, it all has a feel of... Uncertainty, I guess is the right word.
Yes, it feels like a massive psychological warfare operation with endless layers of deception.
2022: "I still have my Covid decorations up, now you're asking me to put up Ukraine decorations...!"
2023: "I still have my Ukraine decorations up, now you're asking me to put up the Star of David...!"
I get the inference and am with you 100%!
Investigation disproves Israel claim of Hamas tunnel under Gaza hospital
The hatch Israel claimed was a Hamas tunnel is only a water reservoir for the hospital.
More than 2,800 people remain under rubble in Gaza
‘Weeks’ left to destroy Hamas – former Israeli PM
Western support for military action in Gaza will evaporate as public opinion turns against it, Ehud Barak told Politico
Thanks for the links! Yes, on the bombing of the hospitals, I never believed the Israeli govt when they said Hamas was hiding in tunnels under the hospital. I just think that's the convenient cover story that gives them the pretext to slaughter hundreds of innocent civilians (which is really the goal).
Hostages? They are prisoners.
How about? Journalist Calls Out Double Standard: 10,000 Palestinians Held Hostage by Israel
Heck, just keep quoting freaks like RF to tell us how you really feel?:
“Israel is a bulwark for us... it’s almost like having an aircraft carrier in the Middle East. If Israel disappears, Russia and Chinawill control 90% of the oil in the world and that would be cataclysmic for US national security,” RFK Jr. said.
Trump or Biden or Desantis or Blinken or RFK or . . . Bye bye, American Pie Holes!
Yes, just about all of our politicians are captured by the Israeli lobby. We have a foreign government in control of the US govt and nobody is aware or cares. And I think the Christian Zionists, if they are aware, are completely fine with this, given their brainwashing.
Captured by Wall Street, K-Street, MIC, Anglo-American City of London fascists, and of course, Isra-Hell is a cog in that, with, duh, one Jew, Larry Fink, controlling tens of trillions with his Black-Heart-Rock?
The Zionist Racist Christians outnumber by far even the total number of Jews of any stripe en el mundo.
"I am the only Palestinian American serving in Congress, and my perspective is needed here now more than ever. I will not be silenced and I will not let anyone distort my words.
I’m from Detroit, where I learned to speak truth to power, even if my voice shakes."
These people on both sides of the Manure Pile of Political Prostitutes, censuring, one principled woman (on this issue, not on UkroNaziLandia) this is how they roll.
Yes, Congress is full of psychopaths.
Choices . . . Good talk here:
Thank you for this stimulating collection of talks intellectuals whose analyses of Palestine inspire thought and conversation. I am struck by the student’s question about how they can express their views at a moment when they are not welcome. As a retired academic, I am filled with sorrow at the movements to stop the intellectual inquiry on subjects of urgent importance. And locally where I live in a small northern Canadian city, we have had a number of demonstrations in opposition to the bombing of Gaza - a few days ago more than 5000 people marched. This is encouraging. And I hope the Canadian government will reassess their views on this war. Canada was once a middle-power mediator and peace maker. No more.
These women are running.
Now that would be something, no, two women, P and VP!
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are running for President and Vice-President as the candidates of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Claudia De la Cruz is a mother, popular educator and theologian born in the South Bronx who has spent her life organizing for justice for working people at home and to end U.S. empire abroad. Karina Garcia is a Chicana organizer, popular educator and mother who has spent her entire adult life fighting for the rights of immigrant workers, women and the whole working class.
If this guy gets on the ballot (Libertarian party), then I'm voting for him. He has a plan to stop the Great Reset, and he wants to abolish the Federal Reserve, get rid of Covid mandates, get rid of the corrupt alphabet agencies, end the wars. But of course, he'll never win.
Well, many low level politicians are grifters, but their masters are, well, you know the jig is up -- Fortune 10,000, Wall Street, oh the presstitutes, oh the tap dancing of Edward Bernays and Citizens United and Forced Arbitration and, well, who writes the laws? Koch Brothers? Insurance? FIRE? Yeah, it is tough seeing how broke "demon-yak-corruptcy" is all about.
"The flood of images of dead Palestinian children and even the audio of Palestinian women screaming in between the sounds of bombs being dropped on buildings in the pitched black darkness of Gaza that house the 2.2 million displaced Palestinians sparked a moral outrage that politically is being expressed by the call for a ceasefire. It’s believed that a ceasefire would at least stop the carnage. And it probably would, but that is the problem. While a ceasefire would temporarily stop the mindless slaughter of innocent Palestinians, the ongoing agony of Palestinians forced to live under the inhumane conditions of occupation in the Gaza concentration camp and the rest of occupied Palestine would continue until the next escalation of resistance or attacks by the settlers.
Like all European settler projects since 1492 when Europeans spilled out of what became Europe first into the “Americas” where they grew fat and powerful off of the stolen land and most vicious form of slavery humanity has ever known and then through the industrial fueled global colonial/capitalist expansion, the Jewish European settlers have one objective - the expansion of Israeli colonial power and control over all of the lands currently occupied by the Indigenous Palestinians. Unlike other settler projects where the indigenous peoples were subjected to genocide, the Israeli bourgeoisie has the problem that they have not been able to murder and/or displace all of the Palestinian peoples. "
"most vicious form of slavery humanity has ever known"
Nah. As abhorrent as it was, you cannot sit there and proclaim as fact that *the very worst instance of slavery* was ours. I'm not buying that.
Celia, there’s only one thing I know for sure: whatever we are told is not the truth.
Aside from that, I agree wholeheartedly. None of us really know anything. (Well I’m pretty confident that 2+2 does indeed equal 4, and that gravity is a thing. But beyond that, pretty much everything I “know” is actually something I believe because I’ve been told by someone whom I trust that it is true.)
Yep, I'm finally at the point in my life where I do not trust anything told to me unless I see it for myself in person. Sad that it has gotten to that point, though it was probably always the case.
Yes, at this point, I immediately reject the official story- they lie about everything. Official story is usually what you can definitely rule out as NOT being the truth.
I hear your words repeated by so many and I too have chanted them. I’m trying to not repeat anything and instead convey myself with fresh words. Hope that makes sense.
“I am starting to think they designed it for us never to be able to truly perceive things ‘as they are.’”
Like all of you I have no idea what is actually going on but does any one else find it bizarre that they would show a photo of the father with his daughter doing the devil hand sign and sticking her tongue out? That jumped out at me right after he said he’d smiled as soon as he found out she was dead. In many false flag/mass murder events one can often find satanic symbology interspersed. I don’t know if the choice of photo was accidental and obviously if this story is real I hope she is alive. 🙏🏾
Yes, I find it bizarre. And yes, I've seen that before with some of the false flags/psyops/hoaxes. I think that happened with Sandy Hook.
Yep, there’s compelling evidence with SH.
Yes, I spent a ton of time on SH -it's worth studying these operations because you learn their tricks.
Unless I'm mistaken Sandy Hoax was pitched soon after the repeal of the Smith-Mundt Act. Well, technically it wasn't repealed - it was "modernized."
And so were the old-fashioned vaccines.
Excellent article.
One big satanic simulation.
They are all in it to-get-her. No exclusions in Psalm Chapter 2, no matter if OBiden nor Trump.
The only real truth we have is the Bible.
See my comment.
never get the truth from the Government and their propoganda media outlets. any explanation on the great iron dome not working for 7 hours?
There are actually people who claim the whole Iron Dome is a massive hoax--Israelis too. I saw a comment on bitchute, where apparently even Israelis were suspicious and filed some kind of FOI request (maybe asking for evidence of the rockets it is claimed to have blocked) and the govt said national security secret.
http://mileswmathis.com/israbluff2.pdf (written by Israeli, Josh G.)
"I can show you that the Iron Dome is a bluff, or to be more precise, an Isra-bluff. An Israeli comedy troupe coined the term “Isra-bluff” decades ago and it is frequently used by Israelis to describe situations where the Israeli government “tries to pull a fast one over on everybody.'"
The Israeli army has been asked to supply evidence that the rockets work in the
form of infrared imaging of actual rockets being intercepted, but have failed to
supply any. “Trust us! Would we lie to you?” is their response. Mordechai (Moti) Shefer has been very vocal about the lies and deceptions of the latest kerfuffle on his Fakebook page
Directed energy weapons are definitely in use. They don't want us to know about them.
Oh, yes, I totally agree on that. In 2000/2001 former Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced a "Space Preservation" bill, which was all about banning their exotic space based weapons- it's worth pulling up the bill and reading about all of the weapons Kucinich believed they had (it even mentions climate and tectonic weapons).
Beware of agitprop.
TG is 4chan's /pol/ writ large. It's a battle front of the Meme Wars; amusing, but I tire of Pepe. The culture bleeds out into almost every chat platform rendering it to a grungy gas station restroom where there's a turd in the urinal and dicks and swastikas carved into the peeling paint of the stall dividers.
Thank you!! I don’t watch the news! And yet, when I do get ‘the news’ it all seems incredulous.
You are not alone. Tragically, many people are addicted to the national news. Strung out on sensationalism and intoxicating crisis and despair.
I've written a post trying to connect all the dots, drawn from many sources both mainstream and independent, which might help answer why they don't care about the hostages and are using them as an excuse and a delay while they clear Gaza of its inhabitants -- https://ezprine.substack.com/p/making-sense-of-the-gaza-war
They have a deadline of January to start oil and gas drilling on Gazan land on and off shore -- that is what this is all about.
They did plan to push the Gazans into the Sinai to get them out of the way, but Egypt nixed that, so then they started talking about dispersing Palestinians around the world "since they're already displaced." With demonstrations kicking off around the world and spoiling their plans, now the Israelis are talking about North Gaza and South Gaza (Biden's two-state solution), and are avidly clearing North Gaza. This is where their long-desired Ben Gurion Canal, an energy corridor to rival the Suez Canal, is supposed to be built, which will deliver oil and gas to Asia and other markets.
You can bet the Israeli citizens won't be happy when they find themselves displaced for a canal, or blamed for a genocide.
I've given up even trying to know the truth; other than this is the 'next' horrible wargame played by some of the world's most nefarious "leaders."
Does it make me a bad person that I've tuned out both Ukraine and Israel? Either in immune to that mind virus or I just don't care.
I think you care but you've tuned it out because all there is is static. Everything we hear and see is a magic trick. The question now is, where do we go from here? The crafty devils have us gnawing our own limbs off as we punch the keyboard like prize fighters ready to take a fall when the bell rings. We are so predictable... We allow ourselves to be used and moved into position every time they shoot their poison darts.
The corporate Media is showing only what they want us to see, and omitting what they don’t want us to see. This is War Propaganda / entertainment, to boost ratings for the Media...
I like to call it entertRainment... //entrainment: Entrainment is when a fluid picks up and drags another fluid or a solid// The TV is a toilet and every time we give it our attention it flushes us down into the sewer to live in its filth and decay.