This does not change the fact that Russiagate was a hoax, as we’ve known since Mueller’s day.
And everything is documented now.
And those who said we were fools to think justice might be served were right.
I openly admit: I’m a fool. I never seem to learn.
Reminder that the jury in Michael Sussman's case included three Hillary Clinton donors, an AOC donor, and a woman whose daughter was on the same sports team with Sussmann’s daughter.
Roger Stone received a 40 month prison sentence for making false statements to Congress
Michael Sussman tried manipulating an FBI investigation at the behest of Hillary Clinton and walks away free
Got it
Michael Flynn was dragged through legal hell for years on charges he lied to the FBI even though it was clear they entrapped him. Hillary's former campaign manager literally testified she gave the green light to spread the fake Alfa Bank story. Sussman was acquitted anyway.
We were right about Durham again.
EVERYONE else in right-wing Media got it wrong. AGAIN. EVERY. ONE.
Maybe it's time to move away from paid liars and posers and join us over here on ...
More coverage here.
Durham should have moved for change of venue at the beginning. The District of Colombia [sic] is a third world city and the people residing there are the reason why.