I just unsubscribed from Matt Taibbi‘s sub stack after the fourth communication I sent him was met with no response. He’s repeating FDA and CDC talking points affirming that ivermectin has no effect against COVID-19. I sent him links to the FLCCC, The Bird Group in England and NIH documents confirming its efficacy. So, I’ve got an extra $5 for your Substack. Subscribed!

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I also dumped him. He's a fence sitter or controlled op, IMHO.

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I subscribe to Taibbi too, my subscription ends in December; I don’t intend to continue. I like Matt, but he’s conflicted. He knows his bread is buttered from the political left, yet he realizes something is rotten in Denmark. So to address the rot he cites a troubling issue that has origins from the left but he quickly equates it to something, no matter if it actually equates, that appears to come from the evil right.

He seems like the type of guy who stepped in dog poop, sees it’s on his shoe, complains about the stench, but doesn’t scrape it off his shoe for fear of angering the dog.

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PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower [Registered Nurse at HHS Indian Reservation Hospital] Goes Public With Secret Recordings "Vaccine is Full of Sh*t"



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