Musk Hatred Escalates: Attacks On Tesla Cars, Cyber Attacks On X, And The Formation Of MDS, Musk Derangement Syndrome
Bob Geldof Claims DOGE Takes Food From Starving Children's Mouths, and "...Bandages Off The Gang Raped Woman..Quite Literally." Where Will It End?
Link here.
Bob Geldof remains insane.
Honestly, listen to him. He’s saying DOGE is “literally” taking food out of starving children’s mouths, bandages (?) off the gang raped, and (as usual) causing AIDS deaths from lack of “things.” AIDS piety earned them so much money, it’s trans-calculational.
By the way, Geldof’s Live Aid made things much worse for the Ethiopians, as Robert Keating, my editor, exposed in SPIN in 1985.
This Keating story, (Live Aid fraud, complicity with murderous dictator) exposed in SPIN, maybe 1985, was what made me want to learn investigative journalism. So I called SPIN up and asked if they needed interns. If they’d said “no,” my whole life would have been different.
Bob Keating, became my first editor and mentor, and he even wore the white Woodward n Bernstein shirt rolled up to the elbows.
Lots of coffee, brutal training, pages cut up in slivers and tacked to bulletin boards, edit meetings at diners, with fresh drafts, at 4 am, or 5 am, and no excuses. Lots of yelling but also attention. Like childhood!
We believed it to be a sacred craft and any tiny mistake would cause you to plunge to your death in a canyon below, as there was no such thing as making a correction before the internet.
But I did learn. One of the things Keating taught me was that you have to call, call, call, until your sources start to say the same thing, and once you hear it about three times, you have a bankable beginning.
We’re entering new hard times.
I think Musk hatred will eclipse even Trump hatred, maybe already has.
The revolution never ends, only morphs. Like children in an abusive home, all we know is that whatever we think or feel, or lose, means nothing. Rage is a one way street, and there is only one princess. It’s the progressive revolutionary left cult and media. Their feelings matter. And they can burn down the world and be praised, even win peace awards for it.
As Bob Geldof would say: “Literally.”
Link here.
Clip here.
Nothing new under the sun.
I wonder how many of these protestors are being paid and how many were getting a piece of the pie that is being taken away.
muskrat is a deep state front. his empire wouldn't exist if not for DARPA.
doge's agenda is to erase the evidence, hoover up the govt data and privatize it in order to pave the way for govt by machine
oh yeah he wants to put a chip in your brain. evil to the core
i wish people wouldn't set teslas on fire because the pollution from those burning batteries is a small scale east palestine