I wonder how many of these protestors are being paid and how many were getting a piece of the pie that is being taken away.

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Most if not all. They are on the receiving end of the giant DemonRat Grift Machine.

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I vote for "all."

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Here's one that openly admits it:


This is about causing astroturfed discord in order to bring about whatever "solutions" are wanted. It's NOT real. Celia, please recognize this.

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I know. But TriTorch, all of it is "real" AND synthetic/fake, at the same time. Matrix 1 and 2. The Simulation.

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I get it. Fake actions with real world effects.

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Sure, but it's a big jump from peacefully standing on a sidewalk and holding a sign, or even not so peacefully agitating to get attention, to property destruction that includes burning vehicles.

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Agent provocateurs are as easy (or easier) to buy than politician$ or, by gosh, even $scientists.

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Perhaps if they're career criminals or those with a record who make a deal to go as far as arson, but my main point is that it's easy to light the fire (pun not intended) thanks to mass brainwashing. My entire immediate family went full TDS who lost all reason, and largely remain that way as far as I know-- I hardly associate anymore-- and these are adults with kids and professions. Imagine the amount of 20-somethings who have grown up in a fully propagandized news environment and largely may have little direction or a sense of who they really are. . . Well, one hardly has to imagine since we already saw what happened in the summer of 2020 over a different manufactured reality. That's all we really have now is faux realities-- little need to even seed it with paid actors (except the overpaid propagandists).

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I recall BLM protestors standing with signs saying “George Soros where is our money”…

Payment promises not being kept occasionally.

RENT a CROWD is a real thing.

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muskrat is a deep state front. his empire wouldn't exist if not for DARPA.

doge's agenda is to erase the evidence, hoover up the govt data and privatize it in order to pave the way for govt by machine

oh yeah he wants to put a chip in your brain. evil to the core

i wish people wouldn't set teslas on fire because the pollution from those burning batteries is a small scale east palestine

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The batteries in the Teslas do a good enough job exploding and having horrendous consequences without any nefarious activity.

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Yep, NYMusicDaily - agree w/your comment points. > Related: Pls watch > Feb 20, 2025 - Is the Great Reset Happening Right Now? - Technocracy's grande finale... […or… Populist MAGAs have been “punked”.]


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I was going to make a snide, "Geldoff must not like Mondays" comment. But your SPIN story deserves better! I love that. It's great to know where you are coming from.

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Oh right, Boomtown Rats.

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We learned most protesters do get paid. Musk needs to find the source of the funding. Good chance that funding is from US taxpayers, funneled through various NGOs.

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Maybe Musk is the source of it.

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That's about as likely as these protestors actually caring two cents worth about starving children or gang rape victims. In fact they would happily starve children and gang rape women just so they would have some victims to blame on Trump & Musk.

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Look into Musk's monkey experiments.

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What monkey experiments? They were mostly using pigs for testing the Neuralink interface. Like it or not that's how ALL medical research and development of human medical devices from pacemakers, to heart valves, to eye implants or various brain devices is done. You want them to skip that step and go straight to humans first?

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Oohhh... I see, Musk's experiments are MEDICAL research. Noted.

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That's all that was done, that's not Musk, that's one company he started Neuralink. You don't know what you are talking about.

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Interesting perspective.

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What a circus performance! That's what I see. Nothin' but.

I don't like cyber terrorism if that's going on but I also loathe Elon Musk and wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him. The dude wants all our brains wired up for neurolink. No thanks. He also has a satanic mom.... apple doesn't fall far.

But really, in the big game of elites, he's just another one.

That anyone trusts these people is what is truly amazing to me.

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You could tell the "fix" was in when Pam Bondi went around giving mini interviews to Fox News saying the Epstein files were on her desk waiting to be reviewed instead of, oh, actually being in her office and reviewing the files.

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I think Elon is making himself a victim to get his anti-human AI Technocracy agenda in place while conservatives blindly rally around him. No thanks. Libs are crazy and easy to incite. Sure is convenient when people start waking up and questioning Musk’s agenda he suddenly ends up the victim. And when you are victim you get people to blindly support you. Everyone on both sides are being played IMO.

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Three cherries.

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EM's chaos theory is ingratiating .

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So who do we think did this? Was it the British, or their Ukrainian asset Zelensky, and his people? Could it have been Anne Applebaum's Vile NeoCon lunatic of a husband, lashing out because of a remark about his height?

And yes...Bob Geldof is a talentless clown, and some kind of awful asset of British Intelligence... "Sir Bob" OBE, I think.


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And now - so is my "note"... All evidence has been removed.

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My question is, who appointed Elon Musk as Trump's personal lap puppet???

And who are the pink-pilled blaming for the Musk debacle, Fauci?

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Nobody appointed him. He paid for the privilege. According to Business Insider, $277 million in campaign contributions in 2024.

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"My question is, who appointed Elon Musk as Trump's personal lap puppet???"

Democrats did, when they attacked Musk for not being a braindead automaton like the rest of the liberal pond life.

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"And who are the pink-pilled blaming for the Musk debacle?"

"Democrats" - Evil Harry

Best LOL of the bunch!

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For whatever you think of Trump, he was elected. And for whatever you think of Musk, he was not.

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Ron Paul could have easily done his "job"; and better. Then again, he didn't hand Trump $200 mil, did he.

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Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari Report and economist Dr Mark Skidmore of MSU and a number of his graduate students already showed in 2017 that 21 trillion dollars was unaccounted over a 17 year period—and they just audited the DOD and the Department of HUD. It originally was on the government website in plain site. At the point it was revealed in a way that more than few folks became aware of this, the government took it down; turned the books dark. Catherine announced at that time, we were no longer functioning in any semblance of a Constitutional Republic. It amazes me how we had to reinvent the wheel on finding the missing money.

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No, I don't think so. Paul would have been measured and slow. This needed ripping the bandage off all at once. If you go slow the enemy quickly works around you.

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That is an interesting perspective. I originally thought the whole exercise might have been done with a greater precision instead of a “fast and furious” operation. There are were many civil

servants that might have been embroiled in the cubicles of this bureaucratic maze that were hardworking, moral and upright people that just had their lives upended. I guess it is a sign of the times. “Operation Warp Speed” probably affected close to a billion.

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I’m always on the fence regarding how to feel about the “hardworking, moral and upright people”. I know they are there, faithfully doing their job and being the gear that keeps everything running even if jerkily. But there is a part of me that says - how can they work there and tolerate this garbage if they are upright? Isn’t part of being moral and upright not tolerating wrongdoing when we see it? I’m not talking about everyone, of course. Many clerks probably have no idea what they’re filing away. But those in higher positions surely knew some of what was going on.

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Trump was Selected.

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Trump was selected by the world's owners and Musk is there for the same reason.

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Haha! Maybe. There is also the ultimate script that it is All God’s imagination, His will! So in that respect, we have to give the devil’s their due…

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Yeah. It's all very strange.

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Yes. That goes a long way explaining the Musk "derangement" syndrome if one wants to call it that.

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given the unconstitutional manner in which DOGE has operated, a coordinated backlash was utterly predictable. but resorting to hate speech, cyberattacks and hands-on vandalism sacrifices the moral high ground. sure, AIDS interventionism in Africa has been a catastrophe for decades and counting, but since most people, including the very bureaucrats who run the show, subscribe unyieldingly to this hydra-headed myth, only an incremental approach had any chance of succeeding. and the same holds true for the other abominable USAID programs that deserve to be shit-canned. in summation: careful pruning was essential, rife with Congressional cooperation, but Trump/Musk opted sloppily for unilateral imposed wholesale demolition instead.

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Well said Harris.

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Well, too late now.

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Some people do not like or trust Musk for a long list of reasons. I considered him a grifter before he bought his way into the Trump reign. Musk made billions grifting off the taxpayers via many, many pennies of taxpayer paid subsidies. Funny how the “doge” sham has avoided subsidies and how Musk went after USAID that was investigating Musk’s enterprises. Musk’s technocrat grandfather was kicked out of Canada, ending up in So Africa. Musk’s mother is a satan worshipping witch and Musk was proud to wear a baphomet costume and use the photo as his twttr/x photo for an extended time. Musk wants to chip people’s brains and turn x into a controlling everything app like one China uses. Maybe considered musk hatred, musk derangement syndrome or anything else. Pre musk’s Trump spot purchase my opinion of musk was barely noticed.

The violence is not good at all, and may be part of the whole global division and unrest to help push the global governance goals.

Uneasy times we are in.

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I know. I'm not a fan. But this was not the focus of the piece, which was new plague incoming. Musk hysteria.

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A comment Curtis Yarvin made during a 2021/2022 talk with Michael Anton was about ways to basically gather groups of peps who use a particular app and send out messages for things like protests, doing this or that and I wondered if that was what happened during BLM protests. Maybe this could be one of those situations. I don’t think it is just single minded reactions.

Seems the Amish keep showing their wisdom staying away from tech.

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Not the focus but an inextricable part of the reality.

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Yes, true. Absolutely everything is ambivalent and or horrific. Always trauma and mind rape. How do we get off this thing?

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Look how big the universe is-- that we are PART of.

"They" are so small, so puny, in the big, big picture of things-- yet they've "convinced" us they are gods. They are afraid and they are small.

We are loving and we are free. We must remember. Every day.

In the end, they will be nothing. We will be everything.

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We endure it just like those before us until our bodies expire, but it is not the end.

Evil people will reap what they sowed.

God prepares something better for us but not for them...

Galatians 6:8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up..

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IMO, times have always been uneasy as the controllers of money/world/elite make it so.

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Point well stated.

Maybe to rephrase these days may be more uneasy and challenging than some periods of time.

For those who can see maybe better to have these days where a watchful eye open in lieu of smoother days when eyes may close and not see what is going on while the “players” scheme their evil. I think of a year or two pre-2020. Overall things going fairly smooth on the surface anyway, easy to plug along, napping while in reality the planning was increasing for a major attack and boom, lockdowns, masks, “social distancing” etc. For some the slumber was over and even fewer never went back to napping.

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That Seattle is a ground zero in this or any other nonsense dosen't surprise me in the least.

The entire west coast needs a very thorough cleansing starting with seattle.

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It is really in a band going down the entire West coast. The more eastern one goes in Washington State and Oregon the political demographic changes. Probably true with CA too. Curious that.

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Look at a county map red vs blue. In states the population of large urban areas controll the entire state despite most of the state itself is red. I can only state that this is true in Washington however.

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How do we know if these attacks (or anything) is really happening or staged

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Likely unpopular, but honestly, who GAS what Bob Geldof has to say...

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Democrats and leftist grifters hate that their joy ride through the DC Swamp is being derailed. Who cares? They are showing their true colors and hopefully crying all the way to the bread lines where they will no doubt be snatching the shopping cart lady's hoard.

Strange though that it is mostly liberals that buy Musk's stupid EVs and love his nano-humans.

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Let’s not forget the attack on humanity: The perpetrators must not get away with it.

recall Event 201 - practice “simulation” run in NY OCTOBER 2019, just a few months short of “deployment” of plandemic, hosted by Gates and friends, also INCLUDED Johns Hopkins, Chinese CDC, MSM, and other operatives. Watch it on Rumble.com. I don’t trust anyone in those organizations any longer. https://rumble.com/v3zlo40--catastrophic-contagion.html Watch Dr Martin succinctly explains (on rumble.com) the timeline of the patents involved too… https://rumble.com/v2ncp8w-dr-david-e.-martin-phd-covid-summit-european-union-parliament-may-2023.html. RFK has also spoke out against Event 201’s timing and DARK WINTER simulation…and monkey pox…

The actual footage of EVENT 201 - watch actual rehearsal including how to address censorship in media and addressing all the potential pushbacks from the public - THINK TANK tactics…


and DARK WINTER simulation rehearsals…and monkey pox was rehearsed prior to deployment too https://rumble.com/v2dmp6q-exclusive-interview-robert-f.-kennedy-jr-from-event-201-to-dark-winter-part.html.


Guide on How to synchronize deployment of lockdowns. (Rockefeller OPERATION LOCKSTEP)

We took 2 days to design the covid vaccine…MODERNA CEO says… https://rumble.com/v63qrm7-moderna-secretly-allowed-china-to-insert-depopulation-drugs-into-covid-jabs.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

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