What an absolute $(@*%&^ mess!

At this point, I have started to believe that this and stuff like the "reparations for descendants of slaves" topic are all being cooked up and pushed via corporate media to keep the populace at each other's throats. It's a magician's sleight of hand -- "hey! pay attention to this handkerchief I'm waving while I palm the coin and slip it into my pocket". At this point -- post-MAGA, post-Covid -- Americans are completely riled up and ready to tussle, with no one to turn against other than their neighbors.

Well, I would like to say that I really value your substack, and I pray that you will be able to resolve your health issues. Oh, and I hope that y'all will keep that rooster. : )

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This is ALL by DESIGN. These globalists are the biggest racists.

They always accuse others of what festers in their own souls and minds. (That’s a narcissist for you)

This is about DIVISION and chaos. It is domestic war by design. Sow discord - divide and conquer.

I wish we could get everyone to see this and we could hold the line together to face the real enemy.

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Labeling only prevents accurate thinking, at least in my opinion.

Of course, everything has been planned for at least a 120 years. And no, not domestically; worldwide. The game-masters haven't lived in this country for decades, if ever...

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Rothschild, Rockefeller’s, Soros - they live here in the USA - in my lifetime - and that’s just a few of the puppet masters, behind the curtain.

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I wouldn't hold my breath trying to find them. Even minor "celebrities" own several islands around New Zealand, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Why on Earth would they live in a country, where they are poisoning the air, the food, the water, weaponize the weather, and fill it with HAARP and 5G radiation?

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Soros is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Hungary. (And yet Hungary has banned him from coming there because they know he frequently interferes with toppling governments.He has a history of this). I believe China also banned him at one stage because of the same problem.

Yet our politicians give him citizenship …I guess his $8.6 billion fortune is highly influential.

As of 2019, he has owned SEVERAL homes in the U.S., including an estate in Southhampton, N.Y., a duplex on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue,

and a residential compound in Katonah, N.Y., reports Business Insider.

I wonder if he’s up for the Marxist plan he wants for us by Dividing his wealth among the worlds citizens…. Or reparations for his sins of confiscating the money and property he helped take away from terrorized Jews when Hitler took them off to camps to murder them in Hungary…

Watch his response when asked if he felt guilty…watch how he SMILES talking about it… not tears - a smile.

He has said he feels like a “god”….


He used to go WITH his “stand in” father to take the property away from the Jewish people.

“I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of self-importance —

to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god.”

So confessed George Soros (shown) in his 1987 book The Alchemy of Finance.

“It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of ….everything,

but I feel comfortable about it now

since I began to live it out,”

Soros told the British newspaper The Independent in 1993.

Soros once explained in a British television interview.

“In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid.

I have a lot of madness in my family.

So far I have escaped it.”

Has the delusional billionaire really escaped the madness?

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Soros left Hungary around the age of 14. It was his daddy who helped with the deportation of Jews that started in February, 1944 in Hungary, after the governor's son was assassinated by German agents and a German puppet became the governor, because the governor committed suicide instead of giving up his honor. Hungary had the highest number of Jews deported to the labor camps, 144,000 in total, and many of them survived the "death camps."

My impression is that Soros, Bill Gates, and the like are only enforcers. The real culprits will never show. Soros's bloodshot eyes always remind me of all the oligarchs living into their 90s and 100s, suggesting that the adrenochrome harvesting is not necessarily a myth. Even the genocidal, sadistic, alcoholic sodomite, Churchill, lived to be 92 or so, drinking his expensive French champagne sent to him by the Rotschields/Rockefellers (I forget which).

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Yes, everybody should see this. To me, it was obvious from the beginning that all three buildings collapsed due to controlled demolition; perhaps an allegory of what's happening to the whole country now...

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Agreed Ray, I can't verify this but a specialist in deep fakes said it was likely authentic given the date: https://www.truth11.com/building-7/?ref=Truth11.com-newsletter

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Yes, that's a good site that I've been reading for a while by now.

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All these "events" are about making sure people wouldn't feel safe, even though they never happened. :)

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MAGA has just begun. It has superseded the GOP agenda, no matter how hard they try to return to being the party of Jeb! Bush.

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This may already be posted in the comments but it should be near the top so adding it here. I find it appalling but not surprising to hear this from this woman's mouth and this administration after this tragic event (even though we see pictures of different shoes on the victim err shooter). No matter who was murdered by in this case TRANSGENDER to try and turn the narrative of who is the victim to support a narrative for your political ideologies is atrocious.

"“Our Hearts Go Out to the Trans Community as They Are Under Attack Right Now” – Karine Jean-Pierre After Transgender Terrorist Murders Christians"


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There is NO LOVE in these peoples hearts. This administration is deliberately fanning derision and division. It’s a SICK clown show

Anyone taking the lives of INNOCENCE is an abomination.

God WILL judge them.

You think you are getting away with evil - but you won’t.

Jesus said “IT is FINISHED”>

God WINS - The End.

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I'm still poring over your writing, @Celia. Thank you for your thoroughness, as always, and for asking pertinent, incisive questions as well as sharing information. It's balanced, which is hard to find at the moment.

1) "First of all: They want to rile us up against trans people." Yes, they do. And of equal import (to me, as a 65yo women who happens to be lesbian) they also want to shift people's language from 'gay' and 'lesbian' to LGBTQ (etc) ... so that it's one big sinkhole where LGBTQ (etc) are all violent, child-baiting, child-hating, misogynist, unstable, leftist-lib-pro, anti-Christian, soul-less humans.

2) In my 50+ years of being part of the LGB community and as a lesbian who has had authentic trans friends since my teens, I must draw this distinction loud and clear:


I currently call them pseudo-trans people (and their pseudo-trans movement / agenda). I don't know who or what they are, entirely. What I can say is that they appear to be (by and large) straight men who hate women and purport to be trans. *I guarantee you none of the gents has cut off his genitals, nor has any intent to do so!*

They are violent, imbalanced people who may well be on someone's shady payroll as they wreak havoc and division. They draw to them leftist-lib-pro folks who wouldn't dream of mis-pronoun-ing anyone as well as lefty LGB folks who are completely on-board the 'we are so oppressed' bus - and they cannot come out of their slumber to see that these pseudo-trans folks are NOT their peers.

3) I have never known an authentic trans person (and I have known many) who had a sliver of interest in intruding on girls / women's locker rooms or girls / women's bathrooms, nor who had any burning desire to educate grammar school age kids about what it means to be trans, for heaven's sake!!! What these pseudo-trans (maybe Antifa? I don't know.) actors demand is unlike anything any truly trans person desires. Lumping them altogether is a phreakin' nightmare.

It breaks my heart and burns my ass that they have hijacked everything from the sanctity of the parents and loved ones of who died in the school shooting, to the LGB movement, to the safety of the actual trans community.

THIS is why I think it's simply all part of the NWO / government / corporate takeover - it sows division, and that's their primary tactic. They will fail, ultimately, but for now ... for the next few years ... they will do their best to divide and conquer and make our lives hell.

Thanks for letting me vent, before I return to reading your work. Thank you for your work.

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Kavita, your comment is very very important. After some sleep (long drive) I am going to post it, tomorrow.

I have read almost all the comments, but will have to return tomorrow to comment. I want to say that my writing of this does not presume anything, although it may sound as though I do. I accept that I have 0.00 idea what really happened.

Good night all, see you tomorrow and thanks for this incredible discussion.

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Hope you have deep rest, Celia. Thanks for offering this place of connection for us all.

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I have very good lesbian and gay male friends who are horrified at the aggressive tactics being done to children in the name of LBG community.

There is a well known gay group speaking out against this.

All gay people are not the enemy -

there is a militant group whose goal is to divide and enrage disorder and they are receiving funds from globalists like Open Society (Soros) groups.

Be aware of this, so you respond against the destructive agenda, not the innocent people not involved.

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Thank you, and Yes.

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Really appreciate what you say, and also Kavita's comment. This is not LGB, this is not LGB + sane, thoughtful Ts. This is a perversion of inclusion that's dangerously hypocritical and rageful. Gays Against Groomers and the LGB Alliance are doing great work to raise awareness of the trans cult, and show that the trans cult is a twisted form of conversion therapy - changing the body to match the mind, instead of actually affirming as one is. And many kids if not manipulated by the trans cult, would end up realizing they're gay or bi, and not go through dangerous medical hormones and mutilation.

https://twitter.com/againstgrmrs?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor - good thread, Gays Against Groomers

LGB Alliance - https://lgballiance.org.uk/facts/

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Yes, they are "trans" people.

Yes. Yes.

You know what? There are no "trans" people.

Not your besty best friends. Not your cherished community members.

Trans isn't real, except as the symptom of a mental disorder.

Attitudes like yours---protecting the indefensible no matter what---are what helped ruin *my* gay community, too.

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I'm not sure which you're saying, Josh -

"Yes, they are "trans" people." or " There are no "trans" people."

If you believe there are no humans who experience gender dysphoria and choose to live their lives (in full recognition that they are not, and cannot be, biologically any sex other than the chromosomes they were born with) in society and at home as members of the opposite sex, then we disagree.

In my world, there are people who live this way. They don't pretend to be biologically different than they are.

I don't consider the way they live their lives as 'indefensible'.

I *do* consider the behavior of these actors to be indefensible.

I'm sorry you believe attitudes like mine are helping to ruin our gay community. I respect your opinion, and that's not my experience.

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This part of what you say is the key - "(in full recognition that they are not, and cannot be, biologically any sex other than the chromosomes they were born with) in society and at home as members of the opposite sex, then we disagree.

In my world, there are people who live this way. They don't pretend to be biologically different than they are."

They don't pretend to be biologically different than they are. They don't deny biological sex, they don't deny reality, they don't ragefully insist that they are gods and shout down anyone with different views.

I don't understand why someone would truly live as the other gender - but I am not in their body having their experience. If people come to that decision thoughtfully, I don't want to judge.

I do understand the feeling of being somewhat in the spaces between, but grounded in the reality that I am born in a female body, and the biology of being in a body that produces eggs is different than a biology of a body that produces sperm.

The danger is that children are being intentionally separated from reality, and indoctrinated into a cult. This is not the fault of trans people, it's the fault of organizations, powerful people (like who Jennifer Bilek researches), seeding things into culture and curriculums, and it becoming like a cult.

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Regardless of your own personal views, there still has to be a distinction between 'trans' (gender is meaningless, arbitrary and a matter of personal preference) and 'trans' (gender is fixed, meaningful and not a matter of personal preference).

The modern day (post-feminist) definition of 'trans' is at odds with the traditional concept, and it is also self contradictory. How can someone be 'misgendered', if gender is itself arbitrary and people can 'identify' as different genders throughout the day?

The problem (as I see it) is that feminism destroyed the notion of gender (by defining gender as a social construct).... then the feminist movement appropriated 'transexuals' and redefined them according to feminist theory. The original concept of the transexual (being born with a fixed gender which does not align with physical sexual characteristics) was a problem for feminist theory because it contradicts feminists theory. It defines gender as INNATE and FIXED.

Then the backlash (that's you) took the opposite stance to feminism's social construct theory.... that gender is exclusively a product of material biology (chemicals/ tissue). But this view of gender is just as ridiculous as feminism's gender 'free for all' stance. The idea that chemicals and body tissue somehow 'create' gender is absurd - not least because gender exists almost exclusively in the realm of consciousness, which inhabits a realm that is more fundamental than the materialistic / mechanistic realm that modern science has boxed itself into.

Neither 'gender is my imagination' or 'gender is my body tissue' are satisfactory definitions of gender. Just because feminism has it wrong does not mean that taking an equal but opposite stance makes you right.

Modern medicine/ science does not even attempt to explain or account for consciousness and what we might call the 'energetic realm' ie everything that exists outside of a mechanistic model of reality (a model which represents only a tiny fraction of reality). If gender resides anywhere it is in that greater realm.

Our physical bodies are just low vibrations of energy (energy condensed into a solid form). Our physical bodies are basically avatars for our consciousness to inhabit. It is not uncommon for our bodies to form with defects, oddities, missing limbs etc. Perhaps transexuals are something along those lines. An 'oopsie' in the production line, as it were. The wrong avatar.

As for what ruined your gay community.... I would humbly suggest that what ruined it was feminism appropriating it at the end of the last century and subverting it to suit feminism's destructive agenda ..... which is exactly what they have now done with transexuals also.

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While I agree with most of what you write here, the fact seems to be that "gender" was redefined recently -- probably beginning in the 90s or early 2000s. It used to mean simply "sex" when used biologically (using it for grammar of course is irrelevant to the issue). My 1983 Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary -- an ordinary mainstream medical textbook -- defines "gender" as "sex". Period. No deconstructionist rhetoric or twaddle added. Just "sex". Biologically. I.e., they used to be SYNONYMS -- until Leftists (and their Communist Handlers) started to burrow in on this field with their subversive project.

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I didn't know this! Thank you for your research and clarification. Most helpful.

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I would be happy to dispense with the term 'gender'. It makes no difference. We can talk about people's perceptions, reactions, thoughts, ambitions, behaviour or other traits as being fundamentally male or female in nature.

Sexed behaviour and gendered behaviour means the same thing. The only difference I would say is that gender typically refers to traits that are more abstract and nuanced.

The problem with modern 'gender ideology' is that there are no objective criteria for gender, and yet gender is enforced by law. Thus a person can change their gender 'identities' several times during the day, but someone else can be arrested for mis-gendering them in conversation if they fail to keep pace with their ever-changing identity.

However, a person can be diagnosed by a doctor as 'trans' and given hormones and surgery, but if they later realise it was a mistake and de-transition that doctor is not arrested for misgendering the patient.

As an extension of feminism, the whole thing is simultaneously an attack on gender, but also about using gender as a shield to exert power and control over society. It is essentially a giant act of trolling/ gaslighting, which is what psychopaths do to assert dominance.

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Even more recently my 1994 Random House dictionary defines gender only as 1) linguistic category 2) sex. For the vast majority of people "gender" is still a synonym for "sex".

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Thanks for your generous sharing.

Some of what you've observed is more than I can grok. I easily and often miss the finer points of theory and philosophy and culture, as I tend to be more instinct / hands-on in life.

One thing I can note is that I do not perceive gender as the same as sex. Gender seems more of a theoretical construct, and I tend not to go there because it doesn't much interest me.

It's not my intention to say that biology is destiny, though it's my observation and my experience that there are 2 sexes, and a small subset of people who are intersex, and each sex has certain characteristics that the other does not. That matters in tangible things like, sports and childbearing - for two.

I concur that bodies are matter = low vibrations of energy, and yet vastly miraculous as well, in my view ... oddities included.

We don't see eye-to-eye about a number of things you mentioned, from feminism to gay community to trans as 'oopsie' in the production line. So be it!

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In case it wasn't clear, I was replying to (and arguing with) your detractor. I am largely in agreement with what you wrote (this new breed of gender ideologue aren't trans people etc).

As for trans people being an 'oopsie' on the production line ..... I was being over simplistic to make a point.

It's a biological fact that women have less variance than men in terms of traits and abilities (women bunch in the middle of the bell curve, whereas men are more spread out and their curve extends wider at each end). Men's greater variation means there's more likely to be men that suit a particular environment (desert, ice age, famine, meteor strike, jungle, modern city etc), and it gives women a wide variety of potential mates to choose from which also improves our chances of surviving different environments.

The point being.... nature likes to mix it up a bit to enhance our chances of survival and promote adaptation. Perhaps trans people are another example of nature mixing things up to create more variance among the population. A lot of history's movers and shakers were outliers in some form or another.

Today's 'gender activism' movement offers nothing in the way of insights, art, reflection or even provocation with respect to the human condition or the nature of reality. They have somehow managed to turn suffering (which is part of life and is supposed to bear fruit of some kind) into a fruitless, barren tree of hate and victimhood.

My original point (to your detractor) was that neither a 'gender free for all' or 'gender materialism' can lead to anything of value. IMHO both represent a dumbing down of gender, for everyone (trans or otherwise). When you remove the mystery and awe from the human condition (which seems to be one of the main aims of the technocrat class) all that's left is misery and hatred.

As Yuri Bessmenov said, it's all about subjugating society though demoralisation ......and that's all I see with the modern 'gender activist' movement.

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I was not clear to whom you were speaking, so thanks for clarifying. And thanks, too, for expanding further on all the above points. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and insight. I'm re-reading and sitting with your points, some of which are new to me. It takes me a few reads of anything to imbibe it.

Your last two sentences have stayed with me since last night when I first read this:

"When you remove the mystery and awe from the human condition (which seems to be one of the main aims of the technocrat class) all that's left is misery and hatred."

"As Yuri Bessmenov said, it's all about subjugating society though demoralisation ......and that's all I see with the modern 'gender activist' movement."

I can find so much of what we are experiencing today reflected in your observations - 'gender activism' and beyond. Thanks for sharing your perspectives. I appreciate it.

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Most of your observations and analysis are cogent and seem accurate -- which only makes it stranger why the Mainstream of the entire West is promoting this so relentlessly and *industriously*. I'm not sure I'd agree that sowing division is the only end game involved; more broadly, they are subverting the traditional fabric of Western infrastructures -- not physical infrastructures so much as cultural & moral -- in order to deconstruct the West and *transition* it to a totalitarian globalist order.

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I appreciate your comment, thanks.

At this moment, it appears to me that "the entire West is promoting this so relentlessly and *industriously*" so as to "subvert the traditional fabric of Western infrastructures -- not physical infrastructures so much as cultural & moral -- in order to deconstruct the West and *transition* it to a totalitarian globalist order".

From my vantage point, sowing division - pitting humans against one another, fomenting distrust of one another, hard-selling and driving deep these various identities we can attach-to and die on a hill for - is all in service to the above.

So indeed, 'sowing division' is not an end game per se.

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Marxism - destroy the family, destroy religion , strip you of all representation and rights - Constant surveillance.

- state becomes your MOTHER and your controllers Your God.

Total control and no individuality.

This is why we MUST RESIST now -

before we become like China and Mao /Stalin is killing millions of innocents again.

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THANK YOU, Kavita!!!

I have felt since the beginning of this transgender assault that this is just a new "BLM" movement to vilify yet another group and keep us hating and fighting each other.

I am your age. I have had gay friends and family members, both sexes, all my life.

I personally know a transgender person and his family. He wrote a book about his experience, which although I did not need to read, as I have no issue with how people choose to live their lives, I found moving nonetheless.

Perhaps because I have experienced feeling different most of my life, of dealing with an addiction and the secrecy and struggle with that for 10 years of my life, I have an understanding of the pain that comes from trying to be "normal" to fit societys expectations.

I do not argue with people's opinions about the transgender issue. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

But the vilification I have read on these comment sites (this and many others) is beyond sad.

It is worse to me than the name-calling many of us have experienced during the past 3 years.

I guess I would have expected a higher level of discernment from this side of the fence.

Thank you for speaking up. It burns my ass and breaks my heart also.

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Thanks so much, Judith. Everything you share rings true for me too, at least my own version(s) of that which you spoke.

I'm a lousy arguer / debater (I find it exhausting above all else), probably because I too see through the lens of "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion." I also like to understand where people are coming from (if I am able to), and conversation works better for me than argument.

I'd like to say more to your observations, but don't have more moments right now. Thanks again for writing.

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Look no further than Soros and the WEF cabal. Nothing happens by accident - it is always planned:

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Celia, I was interviewed by Jennifer Bilek about a year ago. I work in the pharmaceutical industry. I'm the father going through a divorce whose son is transitioning. Yes, follow the money. I am investigating the linkages between health & pharmaceutical insurance plans, Medicaid/Medicare and the transgender funding apparatus.

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The next one will be by a white Christian and target some tranny bar. So predictable. The media rage on that one will go to eleven. Remote controlled human psyop weapons. Digitally profiled from data collection and then narrowed down by intel pigs to the most mentally unstable with a history of saying batshit stuff online, prepare the manifesto, already with a nice cache of guns et voila, a van pulls up to the block, helicopters overhead, weapons activated.


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You’re awake! Welcome.

This has been going on a longggg time. FOIA CIA doc’s revealed this as far back as 1950’s even though they shredded a lot of the doc’s a few were missed.

The hippie LSD drug movement CIA involvement (MK Ultra programming), the singers whose parents were high up military and CIA operatives (Jim Morrison, Frank Zappa)


It still goes on today within movie and music industry. (The mental programming and conditioning to accept more and more depravity)

If you watch the ritualistic concerts of Beyoncé, Katy perry, madonna and feel discomfort in your spirit - that’ s a good thing. If you don’t start praying!

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I really hope Christians don't take the bait.

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None has to. We’ll just be told it was a Christian. Then the stage actors will guide the crowd.

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Mar 30, 2023
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Yes, that's what I don't understand--the media lies about covid, 9/11, Iraq WMD, Jan 6 and people realize this, but when they roll out the next psyop, people just automatically believe the narrative and never question or ask for evidence.

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We know that the sled is sliding down the hill. The writing is on the wall. Why even bother watching...ANY... corporate news? Ever? Why? Instead of calling it 'the news' we should call it 'let's make everyone mad at each other over pretty much nothing'

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Yes, it's not news--more like propaganda and psychological warfare.

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You're in charge of media psyops and CIA mind control operations? How's the pay?

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Mar 31, 2023
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Would you even believe it then though? You have every right not to.

It's time to drop out of the 'news' and just live your life. Destroy all cell phones. That's the first step back to sanity and you know this. We all do.

It's the black mirror in your pocket that's destroying the world.

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I meant MILLION. Am in transit, will fix it in about an hour.

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All these shooters are MK ULTRA slaves programmed to kill when triggered. This transsexual programmed slave was nothing but a victim of ritual abuse and torture to carry out a traumatic event, to traumatize the population and then push for "gun control" or whatever other rights they want to take away, and that's if this shooting actually happened, because frankly I don't believe anything I hear anymore. If people don't realize that all these shootings are created by the satanic NWO masterminds then there is no hope for humanity.

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Programmed to kill or programed to appear to kill, as (for example) Sirhan Bishara Sirhan and Mark David Chapman.

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This is what happens when the world is doused with hormone disruptive toxins and drugs.

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No, this is what happens, when the world is drenched with deepfakes, starting with a lot of old false flag shootings and culminating in the NZ BS.

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I going to have to disagree with you Ray. There are thousands of studies showing hormone disruptive toxins and drugs are real.

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Not sure what you are talking about. Of course, they are real. Are you trying to turn me into a straw man? :)

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Dead kids aren’t deepfakes.

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That's your opinion, Sir! :)

Have you ever looked into the details about Sandy Hook?

In this case, pre-recorded video, as usual... In one shot, she is wearing different sneakers from the other shot.

Also, her wristwatch disappears in the next shot.

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Yes, if people took the time to study Sandy Hook, it would be easy to see through these operations. I'd recommend looking into Jim Fetzer's work on Sandy Hook (he has a book that he and other PhDs put together). I actually wrote an article with him about Sandy Hook being a decommissioned school used as a stage for the psyop (I'm a clinical psychologist, have experience working with kids with Aspergers and have experience working in a school setting, so I immediately saw problems with the narrative and spent countless hours researching it, including going through the actual evidence from the CT police). Nobody wants to openly question these events now, given what happened with the lawsuit against Alex Jones. And they also destroyed the career of Professor James Tracey, a professor of media studies who questioned the narrative.

I highly recommend people take the time to study these events. Once you study events like 9/11, SH, or the Boston Marathon bombing, you are able to see through these operations (just like once you know about the HIV/AIDS scam, it's easy to see through Covid). The best presentation on Boston was Dave McGowan on Caravan to Midnight with John B Welles (after that video presentation, Dave got fast acting cancer and died). Dave's website is still up and it has his info on Boston, as well as the Moon Hoax, Laurel Canyon and the Lincoln Assassination (centerforanimformedamerica.com). Russ Winter, who operates the winterwatch.net site has a great eye for psyops and has covered lots of these. He has good info on Batman/Aurora, and Las Vegas, though the best videos I've seen on Las Vegas were from Sane Progressive (a nurse who could spot the medical fakery)- a couple of her videos are still up on bitchute.

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Sandra, is that McGowan interview still up at Caravan website? I know his work but this interview I did not know about. I hadn't heard of James Tracey. Sandy Hook is what I call an "impossible" subject.

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Download the Sandy Hook eBOOK here https://tinyurl.com/3325s665

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The Greg Reese report is accurate including Sandy Hook and Parkland - I've bee investigating the PsyOps since the 9/11/2001 False Flag - https://tinyurl.com/2p9ebb8a

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I posted it somewhere on this thread, but here it is: https://www.bitchute.com/video/AXTcdtfFUG71/

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Why do you call it an impossible subject? The PsyOp was executed with so many errors and proofs of foreknowledge that an 8 year old can see it.

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SH is definitely not a topic for those, who still want to keep their readerships informed about other topics. :)

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James Tracy was a professor of media studies at Florida Atlantic University and he had a private blog memoryhole where he posted on these events (Sandy Hook and Boston--the were both fairly close in time I think). I don't think he ever outright called it a hoax, but he asked enough questions to demonstrated that to be the case. Same for Boston. But they went after him for SH--sent CIA Anderson Cooper to do a hit job on him and then he ended up losing his tenured position (and I think he has 5 young kids, including a child with Down Syndrome). There were a couple of other professors who worked on SH, but they used fake names and kept a lower profile.

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most cannot understand how evil the entire system is...they are just getting used to covid.

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Yes, I know. I figured that some commenters are here simply because they woke up to the covid lies, but may not have realized all the other lies.

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The details speak for themselves and anyone can question the official narrative, who has no career to be destroyed. :)

The BM "bombing" is another critical example. The morons in Boston allowed the "police" onto their property and even applauded for the "heroes" that were no more heroes than the Hired Killers during the plandemic:


The HIV scam was revealed by Jon Rappoport in 1981 or thereabouts, but nobody took notice, although the game master was the same evil dwarf as during the "covid" scam... Fuxxi was financially involved in the AZT "cure" that killed people just as much as the Remdesivir/ventilator protocol.

Oh, dear, don't even get me started on Vegas...

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Well, since you mentioned the Boston Marathon event, for those with inquiring minds:


And on Las Vegas:


Plus, winterwatch has lots on Vegas in his archives. He also has a number of posts on Aurora/Batman, including one with a photo of the theater cushions that had no blood on them---pretty amazing for a mass shooting.

They get away with these because people just believe instead of question and ask for evidence.

What sickens me still is that to get their war on terror, they just declared Bin Laden did 9/11 without presenting any evidence and that was fine with the public. Apparently, people have been socially engineered to not ask questions and not ask for actual evidence. Media and govt are simply allowed to declare. Just like with covid, declare it out of thin air, no evidence, no isolation, no Koch''s postulates required.

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Well said. It's hard to believe people don't understand there's usually an ulterior motive. Perhaps the marketing committee knows how to manipulate our psychology?

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Oh, I definitely think they know how to manipulate our psychology. As a clinical psychologist, I'd say they have psychologists working in their psychological warfare offices. .They know to do these events with children because it gets people to react emotionally rather than with critical thinking. Honestly, what really woke me up to these operations was Alex Jones' documentary Terrorstorm, which covered a variety of false flags, including over in Europe when they did Operation Gladio--those were real events, and he noted that the often targeted children because it would traumatize the people.

Back when Professor James Tracy was still online (before they destroyed his career) he noted that most people do not realize that after 9/11, there was a lot of govt funding that went into mass casualty drills all over the country and for these drills they would use crisis actors. When this first started you could actually find such sites online.

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Also, on manipulating our psychology, forget to add that they can give you a verbal narrative and an image and people's minds just fill in the blanks. Like with SH, they constantly showed photos with a white building in the background and people assumed that that was the school when in fact it was the fire house. And if you got on google maps, you would have seen that the firehouse was slightly less than 1/4 a mile down the road from the school (you cannot check now because the school has been torn down). That was the first give away to me--in a real emergency, ambulances would have pulled up as close as possible, there' s no way they would ever park 1/4 a mile down the road and have their EMTs run 1/4 a mile with gurneys. There were so many problems, but the controllers of these psyops know that most people just go by the headlines and don't think critically and analyze the evidence. Plus, when you control the media, it's okay that you are sloppy because the media covers for you. I should also mention that SH truthers got a huge boost when school safety expert Wolfgang Halbig called BS on the official story.

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Actually, when the globalists do something, a single event usually serves multiple purposes:


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BTW, the NYC subway "shooting" was also a bad joke with all the clueless crisis actors and the same were running in the wrong direction and back and forth outside the SF gay club after the "shooting."

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She’s wearing the same sneakers, and her wristwatch is still on her arm.

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Did you go back to the footage and look?

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If you say so...

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Something didn't smell right about this 'trans attack' right from the word go.


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Celia Farber so far is the only person I've seen (other than myself) use the term "the LBGTQ Industrial Complex" (I also use "Trans-Industrial Complex") -- even though I've tweeted the phrase about 300 times in 300 different Twitter comments threads over the past year.

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Yes, it's important that we call things by their right name.

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How About "Crisis Actor Industrial Complex"? Download the eBOOK "NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK" edited by Jim Fetzer with chapter contributions from 5 authors with PhD credentials. - https://tinyurl.com/3325s665

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Well, there are several "Complexes" out there: Anti-Trump, Covid, Climate, Ukraine, CRT, Trans. Each one needs to be appropriately labeled, and the larger mosaic they each fit into as a whole needs to be recognized as a reasonably plausible theory.

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Shellenberger recently published on the Censorship Industrial Complex - "How a former CIA fellow came to lead US government efforts to stamp out disfavored speech on the Internet"


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I first heard the term on Timcast IRL, from the very surprising source of Ian Crossland, who is idiosyncratic hippy 20 years late to the party. But, yeah, it is a term that needs to be popularized in the same way military industrial complex was.

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Some are stirring the pot for sure! The moment I read “the shooter was under doctors care for an emotional disorder” was the moment I KNEW it was another SSRI antidepressant related killing!! I will bet you $50 that this “disturbed” trans person’s blood was teeming with chemicals prescribed by the Psychiatrist quack she/he/ they were seeing.. and didnt know up from down or right from wrong! Also ironically the very first such killing at Columbine and just about every other mass murder since has involved these dangerous antidepressant medications!

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It's not too difficult to see what's driving this, when you follow the money. Gender dysphoria has become a multi billion dollar business. Public schools and social media are leading children to believe that their feelings trump biology. Also, many of the gender confused are autistic, thanks to the same drug companies that are now providing the hormones and the psychotropic drugs (AKA murder/suicide drugs) to completely ruin them. I suspect that this combination of "treatments" is what led to the Nashville shooting. I agree with you that the transgenders are unwitting victims, and that we should concentrate our efforts on eliminating the causes of this problem.

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They need to remove your guns before they remove your bank accounts.

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That might not end well for them.

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Pre-recorded video... In one shot, she is wearing different sneakers from the other shot.

Also, her wristwatch disappears in the next shot.

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I listened to a Jim Fetzer video earlier today, and either he or his guest mentioned that Ole Dammegard, who has done extensive investigations into false flag events, has talked about the predominance of 'shoes' in these events. It's all so weird and so much symbolism, such as the predominance of the number '33'. 3 children, 3 adults, and I believe even the alleged address of the location.

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Yes, I forgot about Ole Dammergard--he's excellent!! I actually listened to that audio today too and caught that part about the shoes. I think Russ Winter has also noted that on his site when he covers these psyops. I think the shoes might be a calling card just like the 33s. And I think a couple of people noted that with 3 nine year olds, you have 3 upside down sixes (and they do like to put 666 on things--even their build back better looks like 666, and I think on the tracking and tracing bill for covid it was HR 6666, and even a patent for crypto currency hooked up to physiological processes it's patent WO060606). And yes, the address was also a 33.

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Exactly, these are all staged deceptions. They started doing this with Sandy Hook. Since they passed the Smith Mundt Modernization Act in 2012, which makes domestic propaganda legal (though we have always been getting it), we've getting lots of mass shootings psyops (staged deceptions). Instead of believing the corporate propaganda media narrative, I wish people would really step back and critically examine (with a critical eye and mind) the actual evidence and what they are being shown. Does this story really make sense to you??

I didn't do a deep dive on this one, but collected links and posted them at winterwatch.net on the article "Nashville and Thousand Oaks." I've seen others comment on the lack of blood and blood splatter, changed sneakers, and all the 33s (the Freemasonic calling card, marking it as their event--IMO, the freemasons and members of other secret societies are foot soldiers of the banking cartel). And there was a video with two shooting hoax survivors, with their obviously scripted remarks (crisis actors). They also added a SH like twist in the narrative with a Hollywood actress claiming to have helped wandering kindergartners (kind of reminiscent of Gene Rosen from SH).

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Download the eBOOK here - https://tinyurl.com/3325s665

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Not that it’s a big deal in the present context, but that weapon Adam Denkler is brandishing in his warped little video there isn’t a shotgun. It’s a .223 or 5.56 rifle. A irrelevant trivial distinction to most civilians in peacetime, but if insane douchewads like this start shooting at us, these each have significantly different characteristics, and if someone’s firing one at you, you’ll want to understand the difference. Shotguns fire a cone like swarm of pellets or big far slugs with an effective range of c.100 m, the rifle fires a single bullet with much more precision with effective range over 500 meters or more with optics..

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This is so good Celia, I will re-read this and take notes. We are headed to a strange tipping point, not only in this country but worldwide. Ironically, I just finished watching this documentary https://youtu.be/tLXdoqXbC6k with illuminating info from Jennifer Bilek.

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Goodness. Your country is in a very poor state isn’t it. How to heal a country? All those sad lost souls from all walks of life who think society has no use for them. How to heal your country before it infects others. Huge task.

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I think you're spot on with your observations Celia. Given the level of verbal and physical hate spewing from those mostly male crowds that try to shut down any and all public rallies where women's rights are discussed - I wouldn't be terribly surprised if the "trans-activist" crowd doesn't now also include plenty of the INCELS who might see attending such protests as a way to openly publicly harass and threaten women who they see as the cause of their misery in life. In the end it all feels like a highly orchestrated "divide and conquer" tactic by oligarchy. Anytime you have All of Academia, All of MSM, All of the big NGO's, All of the Fortune 500 corporations, All of Western governments, the military and intelligence services, and local governments, and organizations right down to my local YMCA - all singing the same delusional, irrational and unscientific "song" - you can damn well bet you're being gaslighted by the entire power structure - not by a small group of people who feel like outcasts.

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