I’m going to take the opportunity to say something about this most explosive topic. Before going any further, just need express that there is much I don’t understand or comprehend. With that, here’s the way a Jewish kid who grew up in a Zionist supporting family in the Jim Crow South sees it. Whenever it’s proclaimed that Israel has the right to obliterate the homeland of the people who inhabit Palestine in “self defense”, the question always arises - What about those who were living there in 1948 who were at gunpoint forced out of their land, their homes and the heritage? Do they not have a right to defend themselves? And some will actually say that to ask such a question makes me an anti-Semite. What a bunch of hogwash!

Been praying a lot lately for sanity, for freedom, for truth, for justice and most importantly peace. Maybe the time is right. I sure hope so.

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Thamk you for saying this.

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I didn't know anyone who was Jewish growing up. I knew a lot of Muslims and Catholics and a few Prods but none of our schoolmates were Jewish. I was a young adult in the '80s when I came across the book "The Chosen" by Chaim Potok, a book for teens. It helped me understand the tension between the Zionists and the Hasid. I've made an effort to learn much more over the years.

I met a Catholic Convert from Judaism a couple years ago. She said she grew up in an "influential Zionist family from Chicago who raised a great deal of funds for Israel". When she went to the University of Michigan she learned about Jesus for the first time. She was stunned to learn about him. Also, grateful because finally there was some explanation about what happens when people die, which her rabbis could not satisfy. She had lost a brother in an auto accident, and they had no answers.

Anyway, I hope if you get an inkling that the Messiah came and your past missed it, you brave up and make yourself available to hear His side. He came in an act of mercy towards man, to destroy the wall of partition that was between men who believed in One God and those that believed in any thing else.

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He tore down the wall of partition between God and man; He gave us a way back to our Creator. This was symbolized when the curtain in the Temple tore from top to bottom when He died. The lintel over the inner and outer courtyards broke also. The dead rose and were seen walking in the holy city of Jerusalem, a foreshadow of our future life in the city of Heaven.

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Ezekiel 47:22......the strangers residing among you with children will have their inheritance in the land with the tribes they reside with

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It's about dismantling the globalist war machine. That includes the CIA and Mossad.

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The video excerpt that Trump shared of Jeffrey Sachs, apparently causing the implementation of a cease fire, comes from this speech given at Cambridge Students Union on 22nd October 2024.


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This gives me hope! Thanks for posting it!

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Having watched Jeffrey Sachs for over 3 decades, IMHO he speaks his own mind from his lifetime of experiences with a humanity rarely seen in pubic figures.

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Unfortunately what we all are witnessing is OFF THE CHARTS FRAUD...


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During the bailouts of the GFC, our central bank, bailed out foreign banks. Meaning US taxpayers bailed out foreign oligarchs.

I think Pres Trump intends to increase defense spending, when it should really be cut, and I have heard rumors about what he intends to privatize at DOD.

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