I am so excited to know this is finally out. I had the joy of speaking with Vera a couple weeks ago, and she was telling me about this project. Andrew Bridgen needs to schedule a screening for the UK parliament and make them sit through all 5-1/2 hours without a break.

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and no food or drink allowed (like in immigration centers)

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or toilet breaks

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I thought about that too, but that might end up in a nasty stink

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I hope you're kidding.

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Now is not the time to kid. Follow the money and do your own research

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Stunning Parallels Between COVID Measures and Nazi Germany

"Murderous medicine: Nazi doctors, human experimentation, and Typhus" by Naomi Baumslag. CDC's "Shielding Approach” - Modern Ghettoization


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Funny how people generally will bring this up without ever asking themselves what u.s. president's reputation has been destroyed because of Tuskegee or other such horrible things which happened in the u.s. But Hitler's going to take the blame for Mengele? Probably Mengele was on a level with Dr. Fauci. Not answerable to Hitler, Hitler couldn't tell him anything. They would have both been being run by the people whose names we don't know, and Hitler would have had nothing to say about it and could have known nothing about it.

Will Trump and Biden go down in history as the bigger assassins than Hitler, Stalin, Mao?

They will have presided over the most murderous acts in the known history of the world.

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The fascism is global genocide.

The Harmacide is fascist.

I was forced to wear masks last year in two of the jobs I had.

Lost the first one after a few days of not wearing mine, although for apparently unrelated issue.

I lived in one of the ten foster homes in my childhood, with two holacaust survivors,Larry and Lotte Pick

These two were damaged goods, both of them, and they kicked me out of their foster home within a few weeks, after I disobeyed their command to stay inside their house early on one Sunday evening.

They managed to have their own biological child Elaine Pick.

New Milford NJ.

The Harmacide scamdemic is global terror and needs to end, the jail needs to be torn down today .

End of comment.

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The race thing in Nazi Germany had its roots in eugenics, and the state sanctioned legalized euthanasiac murder by the medical profession of any persons considered unfit to live, like the disabled, retarded and mental patients in hospitals. The death camps did not just spring up overnight like poisonous mushrooms........from there it moved on to those considered social undesirables, like various ethnic groups, and Aryans who hated Hitler's murderous regime.

After the war, many prominent Nazis were not executed but were relocated to the US. See OPERATION PAPERCLIP. Check out and trace the postwar murderous corporate metamorphosis of chemical conglomerate IG FARBEN which manufactured Zyklon B poisonous gas used in the death camp gas chambers. Check the history of Bayer pharmaceuticals.

Note the role of IBM during the war. Connect the dots. If you still think Nazi medicine is a thing of the past, guess again

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Paper clip was the working class. What about the owners of I. G. Farben? During the Nuremberg trials these guys who gave all of the orders and never saw the inside or the face of a judge simply rented themselves 5 star hotel rooms near the tribunal, getting the best meals and prostitutes delivered to their suites and surely had zero fear that anybody would ask them to explain themselves. I'd like to know more about what these people were doing during the Nuremberg sham. If you know of a good place to read about that specifically, please share.

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The nazis had a fascist dictatorship based on race. The Soviets built a fascist dictatorship based on class. In the US we are building a fascist dictatorship based on hygiene

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Thanks. I subscribed to the Kennedy website and will certainly watch this important document. History repeats itself. Why don't people remember ?

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This is exactly why history repeats itself. Because people prefer to forget. Hearts get numbed and then hardened........then blinded and discernment gets lost when people turn away from God the Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer. They lose their way and follow after malevolent ideologies that lead to destruction of self and others. This is the history of Mankind

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people don't forget. They never knew what really happened. The people who installed and ran Hitler are still here among us and still invisible and unknown to us. Hitler's grandmother worked cleaning the castle of a man called Rothschild at the moment when his wife left in the night preferring to be free of him and a pauper rather than suffering his presence. This would likely be the moment that Hitler's father was conceived.

These families have often used their illegitimate offspring as their high powered pawns.

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“The Holocaust was only possible because of mass obedience to authority.”

EXACTLY. People, blind obedience to authority is NOT a virtue, no matter how much our would-be rulers try to brainwash us into thinking it is so. The image of my boyhood self, hand over heart, pledging allegiance to a government symbol, comes to mind. The propaganda begins when we’re children.

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You seem to be missing the part where disobedience was an immediate death sentence. What we've seen these last 3 years is quite similar if a little bit more subtle. Refusing to wear that mask or get that jab is a ticket to extreme poverty if you are someone who has counted on having a job and have never created your own business and haven't put money aside to be able to try it even if you had never wanted to.

The gestapo weren't there to write parking tickets. You make it sound like the germans were bad people rather than that they'd been horribly abused since the treaty of Versailles in 1918 in which the chief negociators of each team were one of the warburg brothers! Doesn't that seem a bit strange to you that two brothers would be "captains" of the opposing "teams"?

The fix was in. To blame germany after this generations long manipulation is just ignorance.

I don't know how long this sort of total control has been going on, but it's been a long time. If you have imagined that the roman empire just disappeared because germanic tribes started pillaging the suddenly unprotected empire, you are mistaken. They did there what they'll do here. They made off with all of the ill gotten gains of centuries of world wide mafia theft using that roman empire. It was a ponzi scheme, and a small group got away with all of the goods. They didn't disappear but they hide well. Some of this power is that non-country behind those nice walls inside of Italy and guarded by swiss doofuses. All that gold in Switzerland? And they just happen to be militarily neutral? That's a lot of horse-shit that needs to be taken at face value.

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I am not missing anything. If it is a death sentence, then it comes down to: do evil if demanded by your overlords or otherwise die. Ok. So make a choice. “Give me freedom or give me death,” as the saying goes. I hope that were I to find myself in such a situation (and that may come up sooner than later the way things are going), I would make the right choice. But I’ve been lucky so far, true. Based on your comment I can guess the choice you’d make. But it’s just a guess. I don’t know you.

I don’t blame anyone for anything other than this: take responsibility for your actions and decisions. If someone in “authority” over you orders you to do evil, you can obey and then the morality violation IS ON YOU. Or, do the right thing, stand up and disobey, and take what comes. If it is loss of life, so be it. Loss of job? So be it. Loss of…fill in the blank. Morality is not subjective, and you can’t outsource it. That’s called cowardice and laziness. Don’t do something evil just because you’ve been ordered to. Because if you do, THAT’S ON YOU.

Sorry, but “I was just following orders” is bullshit. There’s always a choice and the choice is yours. All of the most horrible evils inflicted throughout the 20th century…ALL of them….have been due to this one simple superstition people have: the belief in authority and that one group of human beings has the right to order other human beings to do anything, let alone commit the kind of atrocities that we’ve done to each other, fellow conscious beings. Until we collectively get rid of this falsehood that we are indoctrinated with as early as children, we will not evolve as a species and likely will eradicate ourselves in short order.

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The levels of denial amongst the Covidians are pretty high. At a party, recently, I encountered both stiff resistance - and the "how dare you" gambit - for raising these points to a jabbed woman from Nuremberg.

It started by my pointing out the violations of Nuremberg principles, and at some point, I raised the fact that more than 6 million, had likely been killed, so far.

But apparently, the lack of gas chambers, made the comparison impossible to digest, for this woman. I pointed out that Vera Sharav would know best - but that didn't seem to matter. I raised the issue of statistics and VAERS data, etc. - all to no avail.

One of the party's hosts felt compelled to intervene like a UFC ref, in the face of a TKO - but then declared it some kind of a draw. I never even got to point out the Concentration Camps in Australia and Austria - or that most of the 1940's genocide victims weren't killed using gas - but instead by bullets, and starvation, diseases, medical experimentation and medical neglect, etc..

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but the world almanacs of 1933 and 1948 would indicate that they didn't even die. The dead bodies we have all seen in the famous films, being bulldozed into trenches, nobody saw any i.d. papers on those poor folks. And those films weren't available in 1945. They could just as easily have been from 1946 spring when the last of the imprisoned german army soldiers were dying of starvation in Eisenhower's death camps.

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Uh.... Yeah. That's complete BS. The Galician and Waffen SS killed hundreds of thousands - just in Ukraine. There's places where there's a layer of human fat, in the soil. This sort of revisionism, that you're attempting here - is truly despicable.

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show me your proof. All I have here is your story. I don't think I"m doing anything despicable. I may be misinformed, but you'll need to do more than just say so.

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Volhynia 1943. Babi Yar.

Wake the fuck up.

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 'Volyn tragedy'), were carried out in German-occupied Poland by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, or the UPA, with the support of parts of the local Ukrainian population against the Polish minority in Volhynia,

sounds to me like the germans weren't paying attention to that.

and babi yar, as described in wikipedia? Maybe it happened like they say. They seem to get everything wrong that's of any importance.

Do these possible incidents justify Eisenhower's murder of millions of german soldiers?

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The UPA was operating as an element of the Third Reich. Their leaders all wore German uniforms. Nice try.

What's your source for "Eisenhower's murder of millions of german soldiers"? In fact the German and Eastern European Nazi soldiers were better treated than the survivors of the concentration and death camps.

Babi Yar as described by survivors and eyewitnesses. Do you deny that massacre took place?

Again, this is despicable Nazi revisionism.

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I have a strange feeling that this mandate for the jab that is currently going on by our wonderful government is only going to get worse for those of us that refuse to get it....I will never take this jab period, but as it is, my wife had a minor procedure done lately and they wouldn't even let me go into the hospital to comfort her.....I dread the day that if I ever do get sick then what will they do? Give me no treatment?

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Again, Naziism was only defeated militarily and temporarily. These globalist sociopathic mofos are their heir apparents with a vengeance.

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I used to support the Holocaust Museum, until I realised that THEY were complicit in the rewriting of the holocaust. Follow the money!

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How did they rewrite it........and why?

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It would take longer than the average attention span to explain - but NOBODY is allowed to question whatever is stated as fact by the Holocaust Museum. As I said, follow the money - and do your own research. Who is funding the Holocaust Museum, and what do its donors gain by presenting disinformation as truth?

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and who would know if the Saudi royal family was jewish?

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The real hero here is Liam Scheff who made explicit reference to Sherav's organization in his "House that AIDS built." Vera ran with Scheff's reporting, which is why the NY Post took the story seriously. Had Sherav not run with the story, RFK Jr would not have discovered Sherav, and she would not have appeared in the Real Anthony Fauci .... and it was Christine Maggiore who put Scheff in touch with Mimi Pasquel and Celia Farber ....

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Another good book on this is Lifton's, "The Nazi Doctors." It was a biomedical program to purge disease elements from society.

This side of things coming out might be the real turning point. Thank you.

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I live in the UK and in summer 2020 I pointed out the chilling parallels with mass obedience re. masking and the WW2 Holocaust. Like many others at that point, I sensed the nightmare we were headed into but the majority just scoffed at such 'outrageous' comparisons or feigned indignance at the supposed 'insult' to the victims of the Holocaust such comparisons were. I was hounded relentlessly from that point on. As they virtue-signalled their present day blind obedience to authority for the 'greater good', which is the fertile soil needed by all tyrannies, they furiously virtue-signalled their 'outrage' on behalf of the victims of a notorious historical tyranny at those who had the temerity to point out the chilling comparisons with the past. By censuring discomfiting debate back then, these people played their part in allowing the tyranny to rip through our society in the coming months and years and must bear some responsibility for the nightmare now and what is to come.

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Thanks again Celia for your insight. The covid hoax and wef agenda appears to mimic Nazi ideology of “useless eaters” and unclean (not jabbed, unmasked) people. Are we being exterminated like the jews and gypsies in nazi Germany? It definitely looks that way thru the frosted glass obscuring truth.

Will we be sent to the fema camps for not partaking in their cocktail of jabs (I can’t call them vaccines)? I’ve not complied with many government obedience guidelines in my life and too old to start now.

The only way the mother WEFers win is if we all comply.

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Everybody needs to watch "Europa" - the last battle. It will change everything

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will do.

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Yeah... That's a Eurocentric, white supremacist screed, directing hatred against immigrants, just so you know.

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